Thursday, November 27, 2014

Sharing the Welcome!

     Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving!  God’s blessings and grace to you and yours as family and friends gather today to share special memories and create new ones.  As caring people we don’t really need a special day set aside to give thanks or to remember our God and those who have been good to us; but it is always a great occasion to eat some great food.   Many people are out working today in soup kitchens and in homeless shelters to cook and deliver meals to those who otherwise might be not have a balanced meal or be in the company of people who wish them well.  Many die hard shoppers are  getting geared up to prepare for Gray Thursday and Black Friday and all the other colorful days leading up to Christmas as they shop for special gifts for orphaned children, elderly shut-ins and poor families that are struggling to stay on the radar.  This time of year puts many of us in the giving spirit and we are willing to donate blankets and coats to help warm chilled bodies and dolls and bikes to children who can only dream of what it is like to have new toys.  Today I want to share with you my thoughts about something many of us might take for granted – Sharing the Welcome!
     There are some of us who have a really hard time allowing others to help them.  We have no problem extending ourselves to go the extra mile to make sure that needs we see unfulfilled get taken care of and often without any fanfare or need for acknowledgement.  We have no problem being a blessing to others; but when the shoe is on the other foot we block the blessings that others could gain from helping us by not allowing them to be able to say “you are welcome!”

     It is a good feeling to know that someone’s life has been made better because of something we have done; but when we cause them to forfeit their opportunity to have that same good feeling it borders on even being a bit selfish.  There could be many reasons why many of us shy away from allowing others to help us when we enjoy so much the benefits of giving.  What are your reasons?   Is it pride?  Could it be that we just never really thought about the hurt we could cause when we turn down the big or little things that others try to give.  This is especially true when the person is trying to give a service that comes from their heart.  You have been so nice to them and they cannot repay you but they can give service to you. Maybe a friend just wants to cook a special dinner for you.  Or a teen asks to clean your yard.  So what if you prefer only the meat from Publix and you know your friend will buy chicken from the farmer’s market with her food stamps, or you have a lawn care service that comes on a regular schedule to manicure your lawn.  Stop for a moment and think about it. To you it might be that you are saying - “Oh.. that is ok, you don’t have to do that… I appreciate it but no.” The words seem as if you are merely turning down a good gesture, but to the person who is offering themselves to you, it could come across as a personal rejection.  Allow them to be able to hear someone else say “Thank you” and then they can say- “You are welcome!”  So let down your guard, shallow your pride, try something new...whatever it takes to Share the Welcome!   Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT WELCOMING day.  Be blessed. Happy Thanksgiving!  I love and appreciate my blog family!  Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Stay On the Right Track!

Acts 16:19a- “19 When the men who owned the servant girl saw this, they realized that they could no longer use her to make money.”
Yesterday I wrote about the young woman who was possessed by a demon spirit which could tell of the future.  Paul rebuked this spirit and it left her.  Today’s message focuses on the aftermath of her freedom. This young girl was the possession of more than one man and they used her to make money.  They had no regard for any torment that she might have suffered because of her ‘gift’ nor did they value her as a person, but rather as a commodity to be used for their financial gain.
Are you in a situation where your boss makes unnecessary and unfair rules to govern over you with an iron fist? Does it seem that you have to almost give up of your entire self in order to keep your job or to maintain a certain relationship; or to fit into a particular crowd?  Do those who claim to have your best interests at heart seem to lull over the fact that you might be in a desperate or compromising situation and therefore must succumb to their governing in order to stay afloat?  God tell us from this passage that relief is near. The demon in her kept speaking “at the truth”. What did her masters have to gain from allowing her to speak about Paul and Silas’ ministry of salvation?  Why did they allow her to continue to follow this upstart group of radicals?  God used them in an ultimate plan to demonstrate the power of prayer and the personal relationship he has with his believers.  The young girl followed them daily. She knew there was salvation in what they taught and although the spirit operating within her was not subject to her will; it was indeed subject to the will of God as demonstrated through the faith Paul had in Jesus. 

     It is amazing how the devil will try to throw you off balance.  In my own prayer time I have focused recently on my immediate future and seeking guidance for patience as God does what God does best – work miracles. Well it is uncanny how for the past week I have been inundated with emails from unknown and unsolicited sources telling me about horoscope sites and links to modern day prophets who can tell me all that I need to know about my future job, relocation and love life. They claim to even help me identify false friends and deceivers. I don’t malign those who rely on horoscope readings to plan their lives – it seems fruitless to me but I will tell you that to delve into the arena of the occult can be unfulfilling and dangerous.  The young girl might have been looking for answers and she found it in the faith Paul had to deliver her. When you are looking for answers don’t’ relay on horoscopes, tarot cards, psychic readings and fortune tellers.  There are true prophets in the land, but there are many more false prophets and those that use demonic means to appear righteous.  Guard your soul and protect yourself by just trusting and waiting on God.  His word is sure and he never charges you $5.99 per minute to get his advice.   Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Recognize the True Source

Acts 16:17-18– “17 She started following Paul and the rest of us around. She kept shouting, “These men are servants of the Most High God! They are telling you how you can be saved!” 18 She continued doing this for many days. This bothered Paul, so he turned and said to the spirit, “By the power of Jesus Christ, I command you to come out of her!” Immediately, the spirit came out.”
        This passage comes from a very familiar bible text recalling the interaction between Paul, Silas and a young girl possessed with the ability to tell the future. The ability to see and announce the future is relegated to those who are gifted with prophesy from God; the unrighteous use these gifts to fool the masses and set them up for destruction. She was possessed by an evil spirit who caused her to appear to be helpful and doing the ‘right thing’.  This young girl was the servant (possession) of men who used her abilities to make money.  For days the young girl followed Paul and Silas making proclamations; that although they were true; they were not coming from a righteous source.  When Paul had enough, he turned and rebuked the spirit in the name of Jesus and it had no choice but to leave her.
       When the devil sees that you are on point about your walk with God and doing his work, he will send wolves disguised in sheep’s clothing to be in your midst.  They may appear to be harmless and even helpful, but their ultimate goal is your destruction.  Some of the smiling faces and helpful agents around you who seem to possess good news for you may not have the true GOOD NEWS (the gospel) in them at all. They know the right words to use; they get close enough to you to learn of your needs and challenges and then they stroke you with enough icing to make you believe that their cake is good; but it is poison. 
      Paul and Silas heard this young girl, under the influence of an evil spirit, say all matter of factual things about their ministry; but they did not fall for the flattery.  Be aware of how the devil will use those closest to you to do his dirty work and even they might believe that what they are doing is good.  If you read the text carefully you find that Paul did not speak against the young girl; nor did he chastise her; but he forcibly spoke directly to the evil that was attached to her.  When God gives insight about the true actions of people around you; don’t get mad at them; they are only being used to try to sway your journey. Many of them; just like the young girl; may not have control of their own lives; they may be under the rule of past frustrations, hurts and disappointments. They become willing candidates to hurt others because they have been hurt. Recognize the true source and call it out. When you speak up and protect God’s calling on your life he will honor you by dismissing evil from your presence. Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, November 24, 2014

Key to the Road Map

John 16:13(ISV)  “ Yet when the Spirit of Truth comes, he’ll guide you into all truth. He won’t speak on his own accord, but he’ll speak whatever he hears and will declare to you the things that are to come.”

     In these days of global access and GPS, we often do not have a need to actually look at and try to decipher a printed map.  One of the main objectives of studying a map is to find locations, estimate distances and to chart routes from point A to point B.  The map itself is usually a bird’s eye view to the terrain with different signs and symbols of varying shapes and sizes.  Some objects are outlined with BOLD lines; while others have dashes and wavy lines.  Some places have stars or triangles over different locations; while others simply have a series of numbers. To one who has studied maps for a while, these symbols are second nature, but to a newcomer to map reading, it can be quite confusing and of little use. Somewhere on every map, usually tucked away in a corner is what is known as the ‘key’.  These are the instructions which help us decipher the map and discover its hidden secrets.  Solid lines will give us hints about land borders and distances and dashes let us know that boundaries might be waterways. Stars might represent capitals of cities; while triangles can tell how high the terrain is above sea level. The maps hold the true data but without the ‘key’ we might not be able to easily unlock the treasures that it holds. 

      Many of the lessons that Jesus teaches us have hidden meanings that the world can never figure out no matter how hard they try. But Jesus provides assistance to his followers by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus tells us that he is the Way, the Truth and the Life and that through our association with him we are able to have access to the Father.  Through the glorification of Jesus by his death, burial and resurrection, we have been granted the presence of the Holy Spirit which lives within us as our present help and comfort. When you are feeling uncertain and not sure of what your journey will entail; do not stay in confusion- that is not what God wants.  Use the resource that is as close as a whisper, a thought or a bent knee.  Ask the Holy Spirit to direct you to all truth about your concerns and he will be sure to speak that which comes directly from God on your behalf.  He will show you Jesus in all of his glory in whatever situation you are facing.  The Holy Spirit is your ‘key’ to using the roadmap (lessons of the life of Jesus) to have victory in moving from point A to point B.  Unlike GPS units which can malfunction in certain ‘dead zones’ or weather conditions; the map that Jesus provides and the keys that the Holy Spirit gives are sure each and every time.  Ask for the guidance you need and faithfully follow the clues you are given to reach your ultimate goal in Jesus.  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed. Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Make Me Clap My Hands!

Psalm 95:1-2 “O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation! Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise!”( AMP)
 Ever drive down the street and pull up next to someone who is really enjoying the beat of whatever is playing on their radio or MP3?  Their head is bobbing , hands drumming on the steering wheel and if they are really into it, they may throw a shoulder or two into a ‘bounce’ move that would make M.C. Hammer stop and take notice.  Most of us have no problem singing some popular songs to the top of our lungs while we are in the isolation of our cars or our showers; and I invite you to break loose today and sing some praise songs a little louder than usual.   Tell God that in the words of John Legend, you will surrender “ALL of Me” to his will and his way.  Kick the devil to the curb and let him know like BeyoncĂ© says, he and all the rest of the goats, can go “to the left, to the left”. Trey Songz admits that God “Knows what best for you” .  Although Nicki Minaj sings about “Touchin, Loving”  which may make you feel like a “Natural Woman” only the love of God is real and lasting.  So today, take a moment and lift your voice in praise.  God does not care about the quality of your tone or whether you remember all the lyrics or even have the rhythm just right.  He just loves to hear his children vocalize our joy through song.  So while you are “Riding down the freeway” or kicking it at home; stop for a few moments and tune out the world and turn up the volume of your voice and belt out a few numbers to God.  If you can’t remember all of the words to a popular gospel or spiritual or hymn…make up your own song.  Thank God for his love for you.  Thank and praise him for your life and the wonderful people who love and respect you.  Praise him for just being him and the Creator of all that is or ever will be.  Just sing…  Just sing.. Just sing!

Here are a few of my favorites:  "We've Come This Far By Faith"; “Awesome”; “Sovereign”; “Solid Rock”; “Beyond the Veil”;  and it is NEVER too early for Christmas songs!!!  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a great day.  Be blessed.  La, la, la, la, la, la  Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Blink, but keep focused!

Psalm 1:1-2  - "Oh, the joys of those who do not follow evil men’s advice, who do not hang around with sinners, scoffing at the things of God. But they delight in doing everything God wants them to, and day and night are always meditating on his laws and thinking about ways to follow him more closely."

Just when you think your actions have been in vain or that you might have wasted time pursuing something that has not yielded the harvest you expected; someone will try to pour into your spirit another (usually ungodly) way to get the results you want. Or they might malign your actions or even the fact that you are patiently waiting on God's timing. Don't be disturbed. Don't move. Don't lose focus! God will not be mocked and his word will not come back unaccomplished. 
Recently I had an eye exam where I had to focus on a point of light and then make some designations. Well if you have ever intensely focused on something soon the eyes will strain and the very object you are intently staring at will start to blur.  To make sure I kept my eye on the object of interest and closely follow the instructions I was given; I had to blink. That cleared away the particulate matter and moisture that was collecting on my eye surface and allowed me to once again clearly see what I needed to view.
As we intensely focus on what God has designed for us to do; when we have gotten into a committed  prayer ritual; when we have developed a healthier lifestyle; when we have done anything that furthers the work of the kingdom and we are intimately focused upon it -  the devil will try to throw particulate matter at us. Meddlesome, unprovoked, unnecessary and unwarranted "stuff" will just float your way and blur your gaze.  Don't look to the left or to the right. Don't stop doing what you know is the right thing to do -stay on point. Just blink! When dust gets in your eye you blink. Think of it as your eyelids quickly kneeling in prayer! You do the same- don't listen to the babble that you are a failure or follow some 'get-rich-quick-scheme, or believe that he/she didn't mean to hit you (again); trust God and look for ways to follow him even closer.  Do mini (quick) prayers (blinks) all day long and watch God work things out in a GREAT way for you. Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a great day! Be blessed Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Broken Vows

Judges 16:20 -
20 Then she cried, “Samson, the Philistines are here!”[j] When he awoke from his sleep, he said, “I will escape as I did before and shake myself free.” But he did not know that the Lord had left him.

After much needling and nagging Delilah had finally badgered Samson into revealing the secret of his strength to her.  In essence it was not just the cutting of his hair that caused him to lose out on the special anointing that he had received in his youth; the Nazirite vow involved a special commitment that rested on the sacred relationship between him and God.  Samson was not ignorant of his calling.  He had known all along that the secret of his strength was laid upon this relationship and that his hair was merely a sign of that relationship.  When he gave up the secret to his strength he stated that the relationship between him and this ungodly woman was of more importance than the promise he had made with God.  He interrupted the flow of faith and hope that ran through the lifeblood that was a special tie between him and his creator.  The shaving of his head was a disappointing stab in the heart of God.  In his lust for that which God had separated him from, he lost the virtue which kept him tied to God.  He was so oblivious that he did not even know that the tie had been severed.  He thought he could operate ‘as usual’ but he was sorely wrong. When he stood up without God, he got knocked down and blindsided.
When we accept Jesus as our personal Savior we make a commitment to him.  He has done all of the hard work (beatings, suffering, dying, resurrecting) and our part is simply to believe.  In that belief, our “old self” is done away with and we then embody the new creation. The symbol of our commitment to Christ starts with our public declaration of our faith, our baptism and of course most importantly our ‘walk’, which shows the ‘fruit’ we bear.  How disappointing it must be to our Savior when we toss our commitment to him aside by violating his trust.  He trusts us to treat each other with love. He trusts us to watch out for the helpless and infirmed.  He trusts us to be his eyes, ears, hands and feet to work on the behalf of the kingdom. He trusts us to be good soil so that great things can grow out of us. He trusts us to show the world that faith in him reveals the way, the truth and life eternal. Rethink your commitment to Christ today. Is there a Delilah (temptation) speaking in your ear trying to lull you to sleep? Is there a barber (some ungodly activity) in your midst waiting for the right opportunity to cut you off from your blessings?  Renew your vows and reinstate your promise to God. From the Broadway musical, Godspell, consider offering this prayer-  “Day by day, day by day, Oh, dear Lord, three things I pray, to see thee more clearly, love thee more dearly, follow thee more nearly, day by day”.   Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-filled great day.  Be blessed. Dr. JoAnn
Audio version available on Youtube =

Monday, November 17, 2014

Manufacturer Use Only

Psalm 51:9    Create in me a clean heart, O God,  and put a new and right spirit within me.
Whether it was a computer unit, high-end technical instrument or simple MP3 player, we have all owned or seen a piece of technology that had inscribed on the back - “Do Not Open – No Consumer Parts Inside”.  In essence the warning was telling us to not tamper with the merchandise and that if anything went wrong there were not parts that could be replaced by the consumer.  Only the manufacturer could handle any of the workings on the inside.  Well this is true with us also.  In a recent conversation with my pastor we discussed how we often see areas in our lives that need fixing and we strive to make the changes ourselves.  She reminded me of my own tendency to try to fix the ailments when in all honesty I had to re-evaluate and note that there are some things (and usually it is most things) that need mending or repair could only be addressed by the manufacturer, our creator God.  Even simple things like being kinder or less judgmental or more patient all require a rewiring by the God who knows us better on the inside than we think we know ourselves on the outside.  We may be able to make temporary fixes on some physical and emotional traits but to make lasting changes only God has the keys to unlock the old and instate the new.  Let me encourage you today to not worry about what is wrong or how it can be fixed, simply take your concerns to God in prayer.  Just like the high-tech equipment, don’t be surprised if God has to turn your life over or upside down in order to get to the area of need.  It might mean shutting you down for a while or even taking you out of the environment where the problems may exist; but rest assured you may be displaced or a little topsy-turvy, but you are never out of the Master’s hand. Be blessed. Dr. JoAnn

Friday, November 14, 2014

Leave Some!

Leviticus 19:10 -"It is the same with your grape crop—don’t strip every last piece of fruit from the vines, and don’t pick up the grapes that fall to the ground. Leave them for the poor and for those traveling through, for I am Jehovah your God."
The blessing of having enough, and even better than that,the blessing of having more than enough carries with it instructions to share with others. God blesses us in many ways and magnitudes. God tells us that when he blesses our bounty, we are not to collect and hoard what he has allowed to increase. Some of our lives overflow in areas that are rather easy to share. If you are blessed to be financially comfortable it might not be taxing to contribute money to charitable causes, If you have talents that can be shared- that is wonderful and many may benefit from your inspirational singing, dancing, speaking, sewing, and artistry, These can be great areas to express altruism; where the giver bestows upon the receiver. Many have and need to be blessed through these kind acts of sharing. But God tells us in this scripture that it is helpful to not bundle up all you have and then dole it out in increments to open hands; but to allow opportunities for those who are able and willing to "work" for the blessing of your overflow. In essence God is blessing them through you, not because of you. This system allows the gleaner to appreciate the harvest, have pride in their work, and stops the devil from twisting helpful acts into areas of scorn. It never fails that the devil can turn altruistic gestures into scenarios of "look what I did for you" if we are not careful. The scripture tells us that when we provide opportunities for others to gain, we may never know who they are, their state of being; whether they are passing through our lives or will be regular fixtures of our destinies.  The main point is that -no relevance is given to who you will help so there can be no prejudice. Help someone by giving them an opportunity to do a good work through you. Don't know what to do or how to proceed? Ask God- he is awesome in providing opportunities for us to be more like him. Be blessed. Have a great weekend...see you Monday. Dr. JoAnn 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Feast or Famine

 Feast or Famine
Philippians 4:12 -"I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need."

Some days it seems we have a little surplus; enough to share with others and a little left over to bank away.Then other times we are ordering from the dollar menu and not super-sizing a thing. Our journey is full of days of plenty and nights of insufficiency; but through it all the secret of enduring is to do as Paul prescribes.  There are three things he shared in his epistle to the church at Philippi.  1) He acknowledged that abasement is where we are "brought". Usually we do not venture to go to the minimum.  We are often brought into situations where we may be depleted or used up.  Whether it is our money, our time, our resources or our energy, we can be drained if we are taken out of our element and operate in unfamiliar dimensions. Therefore a remedy is to get back to the familiar and operate in your strong suit. 2) He tells that there is a 'know-how' associated with levels of existence so we must be cognizant of where we are, how we got there and then be open to shift between one and the other without it effecting who we are.  The old adage states that "clothes do not make the man". Character is what defines him. So whether your shoe bottoms are red or full of patchwork, carry yourself with dignity and keep your head and countenance up. 3) Paul stated that he learned to 'face' any situation. No matter what station you find yourself in life, do not be ashamed of where God has placed you.  Whether in the High Court or in the prison, Paul never lowered is standards or lost his inner self worth.  He knew and always proclaimed that it was not him but the Christ that lived within him that made all the difference in the world.  As long as we have the King of kings, the Lord of Lords and the purveyor of everything in us, why should we care whether we are being escorted to our private table at 'McCormick and Schmick's' or standing in a soup line.  Keep your head up. Nothing lasts forever but God!  So if you are 'up' right now, be kind to those who are not.  If your train has entered a dark tunnel, rest assured soon there will be the light of Jesus to illuminate your way and get you back on prosperity's track. Be blessed,  Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Keep Love First

Daniel 6:22 -"My God sent his angel and shut the lions' mouths, and they have not harmed me, because I was found blameless before him; and also before you, O king, I have done no harm.” 

Life can be vicious; people can set traps for us; rules can be unfair and even in innocence we can get caught up and thrown to the lions. Daniel was the victim of one of the most historically famous cases of haters orchestrating a set-up. Jealousy, envy, insecurity, ignorance, low self esteem and just being plain mean are all potential motivators for haters to stop handling their business and start messing in yours. Don't be surprised if you get hit from  out of "nowhere" with an attack that could throw you for a loop. But DON'T get thrown off your game! Keep love in your heart. Most haters will never attack you right out; they try to weaken your resolve and cause you to cave in, then throw you to the lions. They will gossip, hurt your feelings, stretch the truth to its outer limits, bring up old hash and anything to shake your resolve. Do like Daniel and keep focused on your Godly purpose. Keep your heart pure. No one is perfect; but your haters will not allow you to have faults. It is not written in the bible that Daniel protested or fought back or even put up a struggle when they escorted him to the lion's den. You can't fight organized evil in your own strength- so don't try... just stand with God and let him do the fighting. Keep love first and foremost in your actions. Resist the urge to 'give them a piece of your mind' or to show them they "messed with the wrong one". To your haters it will seem like they got the upper hand and that you are 'weak'.... But they just don't know God will shut the mouths of the destructive forces they thought would undermine you. The lions of isolation, gossip, divorce, debt, abuse, un-/under-employment, and anything that can devour us can be shut down and ineffective.  Instead of consuming us, God will use these very things to cushion us as he works out our escape plan and destroys our haters.  Stay loving. It is not easy; but each time you do the next trial gets easier until eventually you will do just like Daniel and not even get flustered when you see your haters coming,  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Take Your Medicine

Job 5:17- "Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty". 

As a child my cousin lived on the corner of a street that had a steep curvy hill. We loved to ride our bikes down his street and then turn that corner at full speed and cascade down that curvy hill with our feet and arms outstretched. My uncle used to warn us to be careful because a spill down that path would surely not only be embarrassing but hurtful because a fall would definitely be followed by a tumble and many rolls. my aunt cleaned the dirt from my wounds and applied the burning antiseptic she would say..."stop squirming and take this medicine, it will kill the germs and help it heal.". God gives us warnings- many we do not heed because of the thrill or because we are following others or maybe we just like living on the edge. He tells us in his word that our daily walk will involve lessons that might often end with bruises, scrapes and hurts, but his medicine heals not just the wounds but protects our souls from the infections (evils) of the world.  It might sting a little and we might shed a few more tears but God's medicine is soothing. Don't shun his application of the things which ultimately will heal your situation. You may see others doing the same activities and getting away without chastisement; but their journey is not your journey. You might get knocked off of your bike and skin your knee so that you avoid later being hit by a car and breaking many bones.  God knows your future, embrace his correction today! Stop squirming and take your medicine. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Do Not Grow Weary

Acts 9:17 "So Ananias departed and entered the house. And laying his hands on him he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” 

Today I want to encourage those among us who are caretakers. Your tasks are often overwhelming, tiring and in some cases thankless.  As I have watched my generation mature I've witnessed many of my friends care for elderly parents whose health has deteriorated; some provide financial assistance and emotional support as siblings battle cancer and various debilitating diseases; others stand strongly by their marital vows of "for better or for worse," Just like Ananias when told to care for the blinded Saul, I am sure many of you were apprehensive to take on the caretaker role; not because like Ananias you were afraid for your life, but because you might have feared you would not be adequate for the task.  For those who have been caring for an autistic or disabled child or young victims of accidents or abuse be assured that God's word tells of the blessing that comes from advocating for the innocent. For those who are standing strong with brothers and sisters and giving up of your time to care for their needs; remember that Christ said that your o'giving up your life' in time and sacrifice is the greatest gift.  For those who care for spouses-what a blessing it is to emulate the love that Christ, the bridegroom has for us, his bride. Your love and sacrifice sends arrows of joy straight to the heart of God.  Galatians 6:9 tells us to "not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." There is a quiet sense of fulfillment each night when you finally get to rest after a long day of serving others but it shall never compare to the harvest of joy that shall be yours when you are rewarded in Christ.  Maybe Alzheimer's has robbed mom or dad of remembering your  birthday or a stoke makes it hard to get a hug from your hubby; or maybe your child will never be able to live on their own, but rest assured your love and care are not going unnoticed.  Do not try to operate in your own strength or you will fatigue easily and frustration will cripple your efforts; but lavish in knowing that God honors your service and those you help appreciate it even if they can not or do not tell you. I praise God for your life.  You are a blessing! Dr. JoAnn