Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Stay In the Light!

John 3:20-21(NRSV) –“20 For all who do evil hate the light and do not come to the light, so that their deeds may not be exposed. 21 But those who do what is true come to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that their deeds have been done in God.”

     As a fan of old time Dracula movies I remember the drama that spanned the screen when the hero would come to rescue the damsel in distress by snatching down the tattered window curtains which allowed the sunlight to pour into the vampire’s dark chamber.  As the light pierced the room, Dracula would winch in pain, withdraw from this stance and flee in bat form to escape the light. 
     Evil likes to lurk in darkness and do its dirty deeds undercover.  When we invite Jesus into our lives his bright light illuminates and dispels the dark areas of our hearts.  As the “Light of the World” Jesus’ presence is all that is needed to expose the ungodly things that try to captivate us.  When in doubt or feeling down the best answer is Jesus.  Darkness tries to make it seem as if life is hopeless or pointless; don’t be fooled.  Jesus died and rose again in victory just for us and in doing so secured our place in the light.  Stay in the light!

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a peaceful GREAT day! Be blessed – Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Get to Steppin'

Habakkuk 2:2.  "Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. . . "
    In response to Habakkuk's inquiry God commands that he write the vision (plan) and make it plain so that it can be easily understood.  Soon we will enter the last quarter of 2015 and all of the prayers and petitions have been placed before God. We have cried, promised, bargained and pledged. We have thanked, praised and honored. Our petitions before God have been varied and many.  God does hear and answer prayer.  Are you listening? Many times his solution is a 'plan'.  Our God is capable of instant miracles but in his wisdom and for our greater good he may desire that we stop all of the petitioning and set the plan into action. No more talk – time to nail it down; pick up the tools and get going.
    Whatever you have been stirring and stirring on the stove, it is time to put it on a plate and serve it up.  No more ‘analysis paralysis’ where we study what we are going to do so long that we do nothing at all.  As Martin Lawrence’s character on his sitcom used to say – “get to stepping”.  The time is now.  Trust God... it shall come to fruition. 
    Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a peaceful GREAT day! Be blessed – Dr. JoAnn

Monday, September 28, 2015

Suffering for Sanctification

1 Peter 1:6-7 – “In this you rejoice,[a] even if now for a little while you have had to suffer various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith—being more precious than gold that, though perishable, is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

     In recent conversations with friends I noticed that many are in seasons of trial; some with associated suffering.  As citizens of this world we undergo periods of tribulation which we sum up to be ‘par for the course’ or more easily stated as ‘just life’.  But then again sometimes we enter a trial that brings with it a measure of suffering.  It is during this time that our resolve is truly tested and our faith is put to the fire.  
     Peter reminds us through today’s scripture to not focus on the issues that rise up and burden us; for they are there for a purpose.  We must always keep our gaze on the outcome which has already been routed in Jesus.  To test their worth, precious metals are proven by fire; so much more precious are we to God that our fiery trials come not to harm us, but to burn away impurities and draw us closer to him.  Just keep saying – “This too shall pass and God will be glorified!”

 Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a peaceful GREAT day! Be blessed – Dr. JoAnn

Friday, September 25, 2015

Suffer the Children - Preserve Our Future

Matthew 19:14(NCV) –“ but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people who are like these children.”

      How our children and grandchildren see themselves and dream of what they want to be is critical. Please let it be important on your ‘to-do’ list to help reinforce to our young ones just how special they are.  Children are steadily bombarded with negative talk, paparazzi newsflashes and hours of unbridled immorality on television.  They can experience school life that is tormented by bullies or be placed in local schools that are struggling to maintain the minimum of state requirements for accreditation. 

       Our children play too many videos games where life is restored by the push of a button; they believe friendships are contingent upon whether they have the right type of phone or popularity is determined by how destruction they can act. All of these things are distractive blockades preventing them from being in the presence of the Lord.  The closer they may want to get to Jesus, the more they are isolated by these trappings.  It is our responsibility to our children and to the ‘village’ we support to protect them as we guide them to move closer into the presence of Jesus. 
        Find a youngster you can help today – encourage them to stay focused and seed into their lives in a tangible way.  The seeds we plant today will provide for our future.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day!  Make it a great day for a child.  Have a fabulous weekend. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, September 24, 2015

If Unique Is What You Seek!

Psalm 139:14 (ESV) – “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”
Why do we try so hard to be like everyone else?  We strive to keep up with the Joneses; to wear the same labels on our clothes; drive cars that are known by numbers instead of names; walk alike; talk alike and even chew gum alike. We look at rail thin models and social misfits to try to decide how we should dress.  We listen to emaciated anorexics to decide how we should eat.  We listen to those beat down by life and holding diplomas from the school of hard knocks to tell us how to organize our lives and teach our children.
We come into this world as originals but we work so hard to be carbon copies. God made us in his image and placed within our mothers’ wombs the capacity incubate original individuals capable of thinking, learning and being the very best of what God designed within our DNA.  Don’t hurt God’s heart by denying the wonderful creation he made you to be.  So what if your ears are a bit large; your eyes too squinty; voice to scratchy or feet too wide!  So what if you don’t have legs like JLo or swagger like Denzel or President Obama; muscles like Serena Williams or a smile like Idris Elba!  We all have some physical flaws that we wish we could change, but those very things are what make us so special.  Early in her career it was suggested that vocalist Barbara Streisand correct the size and angle of her nose; but it was those very features that produced her unique sound.  Give God thanks for the special traits which you possess that stand you out in a crowd.  Do not be ashamed of your skin color, height, weight, hair texture or the lack of hair.  Be proud if you walk with a limp (make it your trademark gait) or have a slight lisp (purposefully use words with lots of c’s and s’s just to make your point).  Celebrate being you.  Celebrate being special.  Celebrate being unique.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Ask and Believe!

Matthew 21:22 – “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”
     Whether we are seeking information, advice or a favor; we have to –‘ask’.  The process may feel uncomfortable if we are not certain of the right approach or to whom we might inquire or the right timing; but regardless of the protocol, if we do not ask, we will never know.
     If you seeking the company of a new friend (a date), or trying to figure out the best way to pay off a debt; or unsure of how to tackle an important work assignment; fear or apprehension could stifle the entire process.  Ask the Holy Spirit to allay your fears or anxieties and to guide you to the right person, using the right approach and doing it at the right time.  Jesus says in today’s scripture that if we ask in prayer and believe, we shall receive.  If our Holy and Omniscient God, who already knows our questions before we ask, instructs us to inquire and believe; then surely we should be hopeful and invigorated in knowing that we can approach others without hesitation.
     I often have to muster up courage to ask; but I still push on even if I am a little intimidated because I know my intent is pure and God will align it of his purpose. Someone is anxiously waiting to hear from you and to help you.  God has already gone ahead of your situation and paved the way for your inquiry.  Do not let the uncertainty of the response stifle you from seeking and asking. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Just Get Through It!

Genesis 24:12 - Lord, God of my master Abraham,” he prayed, “give me success
today, and show kindness to my master Abraham.

Today is a great day to accomplish at least one thing that you have put on the back burner or set completely off of the stove.  It is time to get it fired up again and start it cooking.  Today is a great day to not worry about what resources you do not have; or the limitations of time; or even speculation about whether you can really do it or not.  Today is the day to just get through it.  Ask God for success for whatever venture you seek to complete and watch him outdo himself as he pushes the throttle to accelerate you - full steam ahead. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Work In Progress!

Today's power scripture comes from Philippians 1:6 NKJV: - “… being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ”
     I am sure you have seen bumper stickers or plaques that proclaim – “Be patient… God hasn’t finished with me yet!”.  This is true for all of us no matter how rooted in the Word or steeped in church activities we might be.  As they say, “God loves us just the way we are; but he loves us too much to leave us this way”. As followers of Christ we must constantly strive to follow his commandments and live according to his directives.  We must love, honor and cherish all that Jesus proclaimed as holy and in doing so we will be holy. God has a greater purpose for our lives than we most likely could every really fathom.  When we worship God is spirit and in truth, we open ourselves up to be bombarded by his best and in doing so God will fix the areas that need attention and change the areas that need total renewal. 
     As we maneuver this life it is wonderful and reassuring ot know that God is constantly monitoring our progress and lighting a path along our journey.  He wants us to succeed; to be in good health; to have peace that passes all understanding and to be an example to the world. 
     When you make mis-steps, mistakes and miscalculations; do not beat up on yourself too harshly.  God is fully aware of our shortcomings; what things tempt us; and the best way to handle disappointments. He knows how to soothe our anxieties; and help us to live through our inhibitions.   We are wonderfully and fearfully made and praise our Most High God that we are still a great work in progress.
      Every day is a good day, it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Friday, September 18, 2015

Satan: - Alive and Kicking

Good morning. Fabulous Friday - Today's power scripture comes from Job 1:7 – “The Lord said to Satan, “Where have you come from?” Satan answered the Lord, “From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it.”.”
Back in the 1970’s a popular television show featured the hilarious renditions of comedian Flip Wilson.  One of the characters that he would portray was a funny, saucy talking female named Geraldine.  Whenever caught in a certain predicament, Geraldine would loudly proclaim – “the devil made me do it”.   It was all a part of a comedy script but there is nothing funny about the fact that the devil is real and he is on a rampage. 
There are many ways in which the devil uses people to his advantage; but one of the most prolific is –misunderstanding.  All of us no doubt have witnessed how simple words or phrases can be distorted to the point that the entire meaning or context of what was originally meant to be expressed is totally misconstrued.  We have seen how cultural differences and misunderstandings can topple foreign relations; just as differences in religion can cause immoral treatment even amongst family members. 
The book of Job opens by recalling the actions of the angels as they presented themselves before God.  Satan was there and when asked where he had been, he confessed about his prowling nature.  We know from this scripture that Satan does canvass the earth with his presence; and we also learn in John that Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy.  It is not hard to imagine that the evil-one uses our emotions, fears, and misconceptions against us.  The closer you are to a breakthrough, new blessing or spiritual change, the more ‘stuff’ just seems to keep happening to you.
The devil knows a blessing is on its way and he throws every distraction in the book at you to make you block your own blessing or stand in your own way.  Don’t’ do it.  He wants you to react. As Christians we are called to not react, but to respond. The best response is to put on the whole armor of God and just stand. Be you and do not act outside of your own character.  Through the use of weak vessels (non-believers or shaky believers) Satan acts out his plots. Don’t be fooled – your mother, father, sister, brother, best friend or church member can be used or abused by the devil if they are not on guard.  Do not allow him to push your buttons. When you feel something is pushing you to be angry, fearful, depressed or overwhelmed about inconsequential, unnecessary things –realize it is the devil.  Satan is real and present sometimes in places we least expect. Stay prayed up and ask God to give you open spiritual eyes and discernment about areas where the devil will try to attack.  Be ready – because he is coming. The more you love the Lord, the more the devil wants to harass you.  Satan is using people all around us in ways that are unconscionable; that just lets us know a stupendously, awesome, mind-blowing, life-changing blessing must be just around the corner and we must not let anyone stop us from getting our promise.   The devil may have made them do it…but our God is seeing us through it. Now run and tell that!

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day!  Have a wonderful weekend.  See you on Monday! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hang Tough

Matthew 5:10 –  “Blessed [comforted by inner peace and God’s love] are those who are persecuted for [c]doing that which is morally right, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven [both now and forever].!”

Today’s Beatitude tells us that those who are persecuted for righteousness are blessed, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.  We all face injustice from time to time but there are some people who are constantly under the throws of mistreatment.  We are blessed in our country to have a justice system which (when operated correctly by lawful people) allows us to have freedom to express ourselves and to praise and worship our God openly. 

When we are under false assumptions or persecution because we want to help others who may not look like us, believe, act or worship like us; we must remember that God’s justice shall reign supreme.  When we are pushed or threatened to act in ways which contradict what our moral compass tells us is right; we must remember that God’s justice shall reign supreme.  The Kingdom of heaven has total jurisdiction over all of creation and no man-made laws can counter the judgement that God will dole out to those who stifle his children.  

A big controversy in our country concerns a woman who refuses to produce documents for same-sex couples.  Some say it is her responsibility to do the job that she was hired to perform.  Others say she is making a stand for righteousness.  Still others believe she should not only be fired but that criminal charges should be placed against her because her actions are akin to a hate crime against gays and lesbians. Wherever you stand on this issue one thing is certain no matter what laws man votes into place, God’s justice shall reign supreme.  If it is her heartfelt conviction to not fulfill the obligations of her assignment, which she believes were changed from her original acceptance of the job, she has a moral obligation to follow her convictions.  Should she be fired?  Should she resign?  What would the Old Testament midwives, commissioned by the Egyptian King, say about this case?  They were assigned to kill the newborn Hebrew male children by order of the Pharaoh; yet their conviction to follow the righteousness of God made them go against the law of the land.

Continue doing what is right, not in your own eyes, but follow the commandments of God and adhere to the teachings of Christ.  You can never go wrong, even if the world tries to malign or harass you. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Be blessed –  Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Death Where Is Thy Sting?

Matthew 5:4 – “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

     As inevitable as life itself, grief happens in our midst.  Whether we are grieved by the loss of a loved one; distraught by the loss of a job; relationship or opportunity; or saddened over lost potential, enthusiasm, hope, or courage; mourning will be comforted.  Today’s scripture tells us that mourning over our past sins, regrets, hesitations or disobedience will be comforted when the burden of sin is lifted.  We must focus on the renewing of our situation through the rejuvenation provided by the redeeming blood of Christ.  No matter what the obstacle, challenge, difficulty or loss, when we trust Jesus and believe on his word; we will find solace and peace. 
        God knows our beginning and our end and he places us in situations through which we glorify him by our actions.  If you are experiencing any type of loss concentrate on the comfort that shall come from the renewing of your spirit.  The joy that awaits is indescribable and the peace is unsearchable.  Cry now if you must; cleanse and let go – then put your energies into walking with God, following his commandments and watch as he uplifts your heart.

    Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Be blessed – Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

“. . . or Happy?”

Matthew 5:9 – “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.!”

     We have all been in situations where we have been falsely accused or misunderstood or just plain lied upon or about.  We have been under pressure to go along with the crowd or ignore the obvious and pushed to follow the mundane. What sets us apart is that spirit within us that teaches, guides and comforts us as we make the ‘right’ decisions.  As my wise 90 year old aunt, Gerri, says – “do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?”  There will be some occasions when we have to serve as the peacemaker; and in taking on this role, we might have to swallow bites that we did not even want to taste.
     As a peacemaker we are called upon to look beyond the obvious and see things through the eyes of Christ.  As a peacemaker we must not dwell on the egotism of proving a point; stating who has the facts right; or raising the flag of superiority. As a peacemaker we become more and more Christ-like as we strive to live agreeably with others and elevate their thinking to see the good in every situation.  Peacemakers may never get their thought across to prove a point; but the way we live our lives speaks volumes of our faith in God to handle our affairs.  We don’t need to always be proven ‘right’; we would rather be happy and know that God is pleased with our actions. 
     Today strive to serve as the peacemaker in your group, at your job, in your home or while riding in your car.  For example if you arrive at a stop sign at the same time as another driver… you might have the right of way but if they seem anxious to race ahead, allow them to go.  You might be in the right but a collision that could result is not worth the loss of your peace. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a peaceful GREAT day! Be blessed – Dr. JoAnn

Monday, September 14, 2015

Mercy Reigns

Matthew 5:7 – “Blessed (happy, [j]to be envied, and [k]spiritually prosperous—[l]with life-joy and satisfaction in God’s favor and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions) are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy!”

     Yesterday I attended two morning worship services and as things happen in the spirit, both pastors referenced the 5th chapter of Matthew and the teachings of Christ known as the Beatitudes.  This week we will focus on these special blessings of God.
     Today’s scripture tells us that spiritual prosperity and joyful satisfaction awaits us when we demonstrate mercy.  Our God is a merciful Father how withholds from us the rightful judging ‘end’ to many of the wrongful actions we have often committed.  He shows us mercy and grace like the two sides a blessed coin.  We must do the same in our dealings with others. 
     Think about a situation or circumstance where you hold the power to make the choice to show someone mercy.  Make a decision today to exercise your right to help them.  What will it take?  Will it really set you back or make life more difficult for you?  Chances are many of the simple acts of assisting someone else in actuality will not only aid them; but benefit us as well.  Forgive a debt.  Erase an error from your memory bank.  Extend a deadline.  Whatever it might take to show mercy – do that today and watch as God’s blessings flow back upon you.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Be blessed –  Dr. JoAnn

Friday, September 11, 2015

We are ONE!

Romans 12:4-5(NLV) – “Our bodies are made up of many parts. None of these parts have the same use. There are many people who belong to Christ. And yet, we are one body which is Christ’s. We are all different but we depend on each other.”

Thank you to all of my faithful readers who prayed for my father’s successful surgical procedure and recovery.  I am so blessed to report that he is now home and doing very well.  It is only our awesome God who could orchestrate the removal of a pituitary gland brain tumor and have a 93 year-young man back at home in 72 hours.  The morning after the surgery he was sitting up, eating and cracking jokes and later that afternoon he walked three laps around the ICU unit… Yes, you read it correctly - the Intensive Care Unit.  He stands as a true testimony to our God’s healing power and grace.  

Our entire family sends thanks and special love to the neuro-surgical team, support staff, nurses, technicians and anyone who had anything to do with our father’s care.  From the courteous intake administrator, Jasmine who welcomed us at 6:00am - to the security officer, Michael, who collected my visitor’s badge when I left the hospital to return home, everyone was vital and important to the comfort and care of our family and we needed you and you are appreciated.  Sure, the doctors and nurses were key, but there are many of you, thousands of miles away who have never even met my dad, whose prayers guided the hand of the surgeon and supported the anesthesiologist to give the right dosage.  Everyone is special and we thank you.

No matter what our role is in the Body of Christ, we all play a vital part in the successful progression of God’s kingdom.  Not everyone is selected to be a heart, or lung or brain or what we might consider to be a ‘vital’ part of the body; some of us might be designated to serve as pinkie toes or eyelashes.  But we are all extremely important in the body.  If you doubt that  - think about the last time you stubbed your toe or had an eyelash fall into your eye.  They will remind you that no matter how small they are, they are significant and the rest of the body will wait until you pay attention to them. (smiles).

Recently I attended a revival service where the preacher reminded us that no matter what your role…do it unto God.  He stated that if you can’t be the expensive fabric that makes up the suit or the delicate silk that makes up the lining…be the strong thread that holds it together…

Remember our fallen citizens and first responders who 14 years ago were struck by the terrorism of evil at the New York twin towers, the Pentagon and the field in Pennsylvania.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day!  Have a wonderful weekend. See you on Monday. Be blessed –  Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Perfect Imperfections

Today's power scripture comes from 2 Samuel 9: 7 &13:  “7 And David said to him, “Do not fear; for I will show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan, and I will restore to you all the land of Saul your father; and you shall eat at my table always. 13 So Mephib′osheth dwelt in Jerusalem; for he ate always at the king’s table. Now he was lame in both his feet.” (RSV)

         One ear a little larger than the other? Freckles and blotches scattered about on the skin?  An unruly birthmark?  A crooked smile or a hairline that starts so far back that you have a five-head instead of a forehead?  These are only minor imperfections but for some these imperfections have caused debilitating self-esteem issues.  If you believe that your physical traits are so offset from the norm that it makes you less then acceptable or desirable   - Stop that negative thinking.  Society paints pictures of perfection on the images that are portrayed in media and it is a fallacy.  Even high-priced fashion models utilize touched up and modified photos.  There are no perfect bodies.               Everyone has something about themselves they wish to change.  There are things about me that I cannot change any more than I can change the distance between the Earth and the sun.  I am tall, very dark skinned and one of my eyes is larger than the other.  I accept my looks and praise God for he made no mistakes in fashioning me in my mother’s womb.  God is a spirit and we must worship him in spirit and in truth and personally I don’t think he cares whether that worship comes in a thin body or one with a large nose or flat feet; just so it comes in truth and love.
        The very traits that we think can hinder us from making great strides along our life’s journey are the very things that if we are not ashamed of and use them to God’s glory, he will make provision for us in ways we could never imagine.  When David was established as King, he sought out any relative of his friend Jonathan to bless.  It happened that Jonathan’s son Mephibosheth, crippled as a child, was raised to a place of honor and dignity that was neither hindered nor contingent upon his disability.  The king honored him because of a deep abiding love.  God does not bestow his blessings upon us because of or in spite of our shortcomings; he does it because of his love for us.  
         So don’t worry what others might think about your bald spot, or the curves that arthritis has placed upon your limbs or the fact that one of your legs is longer than the other.  Moses had a speech impediment; Jacob walked with a limb; Sampson did some of his best work blind as a bat and you can do even greater things than you can imagine when you forget about your imperfections and know that you are perfectly and wonderfully made in the image of God.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day!  Be blessed –

Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Devilish Ways

Today's power scripture comes from John 6:70 (KJV) – “Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?”
            Claim all the victories now… walk in favor with your head up …don’t worry about the devilish people or situations you encounter each day.  Remember that in your daily walk if you don’t met the devil head on , then you might be walking in the same direction he is going. 
Jesus did not pick his disciples haphazardly nor did he just select the twelve first come –first serve.  After much prayer he started to assemble his team.  He knew beforehand that Judas Iscariot was a bad seed, yet he allowed him into the ranks.  Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.  Jesus was not naïve or foolish to have Judas in his inner circle.  There was purpose and plan and Judas played an important role in helping the other disciples and followers of Christ see the magnitude and depth of God’s grace and mercy. 
Use the harsh, unsavory, down-right abrasive people in your life just like fine sand paper.  The more they rub up against you and go against your grain the smoother and more polished and beautiful you become.  God knows and allows only the right amount of pressure to be applied to you to bring out your best.  So don’t focus on the devils in your life…they will always be there…keep an eye on them but let your concentration be placed on the wonders and awe of God.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Mom and Pop!

Matthew 15:4 “For God commanded, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and,‘Whoever reviles father or mother must surely die.’”
      Today God is watching over my father as he prepares for surgery.  At 93 years young he is a blessed example of grace for our family and so many others.  My sister, brothers and I are certain in our faith that God is not finished with him yet and like Hezekiah who turned his face to the wall; he will be granted more years to complete the work that God has ordained for him.  Thank you for your prayers and support as we praise God for the quick recovery he shall experience.
       If you are blessed enough to have one or both of your parents or guardians still living, be sure to honor their life through your adoration and attention.  If you have lost your parents; are estranged from them or have never known them, it is still worth the effort to give God praise and thanks for their existence.  Even if as a baby you were abandoned and left on the church front steps, it is easy to find a reason to rejoice. 
       Some children were destined to abortion clinics and abuses that terminated their young lives before they ever took a gasping breath in the delivery room. Others fell victim to neglect and shamefully were dismissed from this earthly realm with very little fanfare or remembrance. For whatever reason, your mom decided you were worth the nine months of weight gain, swollen limbs, aching muscles and joints, uncontrollable emotions and clothing that never quite fit right.  You were valuable enough to her to endure the pains and uncertainty of hours of labor and the pressure and pain of delivery. 

       If you were fortunate enough to have both parents in a loving home cherish the blessing that is surely yours.  Let’s take a moment today to honor our mothers and fathers.  If they are just a phone call or a short commute away…get in touch with them and remind them of how much you appreciate them just for the fact that you are here and alive.  If they have passed away honor their memory by doing a random act of kindness to another elder who might be all alone.  Remember Mom and Pop and watch your days fill with adoration and love.  
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Monday, September 7, 2015

The Greater Good

Genesis 50:20 (NIV) |”You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

Why me? Why now? Why like this?  We have all had these very questions and many more pre-pity party thoughts course through our consciousness when we are in uncomfortable situations. “Why am I the one who has to always experience the hard life?  Can’t anything ever come easily for me?  Just when I am about to make things happen, then this comes along.  Why now?  Why me?  Why? Why? Why?”  The answer is easy but the reality of the answer is as difficult as nuclear physics.  The answer is: because God ordained it to be so.  Now to wrap one’s head around that concept is where the tedious journey of trusting God comes into play.  To tell someone that their life is as it is because God willed it; takes a whole lot of faith.  But here is the process in a nutshell:
God is omniscient (all knowing)
God is omnipresent (everywhere at the same time)
God is omnipotent (all powerful)
God is sovereign – He will do what he wants to, how he wants to; with whom it wants to; where he wants to
God knows all about you, the hairs on your head, the breaths in your body, the tears you have shed and the desires of your heart
God has a plan for you; one of peace and not of evil
God orders your steps.
But most of all, God is pure love.

So lets’ review the facts.  If you take into consideration that God knows everything; he is everywhere; he is the ultimate power source and crown that with the fact that everything he does is to accomplish his holy and righteous will, then it only makes sense that in his loving wisdom even the ‘crazy’ stuff we endure is all a part of this plan.  If he gave it to you, then he knows you can go through it and come out on the other side not smelling like smoke.  He entrusted you to shoulder the hard stuff because you have what it takes to prove that you serve a loving God.  There are others around you who don’t have the ability to ‘save’ themselves or to better their situations without your influence, guidance or just your example.
         When evil is plotted against you, God is not asleep letting someone take advantage of his children.  No, to the contrary - God is fully aware and already assigning angels, intermediaries, supporters and cheerleaders to embrace you.   So no matter what your boss, non-support paying ex-spouse; argumentative neighbor or jealous friend may have lined up for you…don’t get angry and all bent out of shape.  Simply keep serving; keep praising; keep brining your “A” game and watch God turn it all around not just to rectify you…but to save many and to glorify himself.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Friday, September 4, 2015

Physical Healing

2 Kings 20:5 “Go back and speak to Hezekiah, the leader of my people.  Tell him, ‘This is what the Lord the God of your ancestor David, says: I heard your prayer and I saw your tears, so I will heal you.”

Hezekiah had been very ill – ill unto death.  He was not ready to die nor did he want to remain in his chronic condition; therefore he prayed and carried out to the Lord and reminded God of all that he had purposed to do.  In hearing the cries of his servant, God not only healed Hezekiah of his ailment but he granted him an additional 15 years of life. 
If your body or the physical frame of someone you love is under the siege of a disease, infection, or physical trauma; do as Hezekiah did.  Make your petition unto the Lord.  You might not be at death’s door; but anything that brings trauma to your physical body affects the mental state of being and leeches onto the soul.  When we are in pain and distress we cannot reason adequately or do our best performance.  It is imperative that we seek God’s favor and mercy as he is willing to manifest these healings for our relief.  In the time of Hezekiah the blood of Jesus had not been shed but now by his stripes (Jesus’s afflictions) we are healed.  NOT going to be healed or COULD be healed – but we ARE healed.  Claim your victory in Christ.  Turn your face to the wall and seek God’s favor for walking in divine health and well-being.  It’s yours… it has been paid for with a price.  Keep your body temple clean of impurities (infidelity, fornication, drug use); nourish your body temple with proper diet and daily feed it the Bread of Life and the Living Water of Jesus.

Every day is a good day, it is up to us to make it a power.  Have a wonderful weekend. Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Healing Our Souls from People Pleasing

Galatians 1:10 (NLT) – “Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.”

     Everyone likes to be appreciated and loved. It is not atypical for someone to desire to be in good standing with family, friends, co-workers and other people in general.  None of us can deny that at some point or another it felt good when we heard someone say complimentary things about us because of something we did or accomplished.  The warning comes when we do activities or acts of kindness just to get the applause and cheers of the crowd. 
    Healing needs to occur when we seek to get accolades from people and soon learn that those cheers are hollow and short-lived. When the hurt and disappointments of empty compliments ravage our souls, we must seek to abandon activities that pump up our emotions yet leave our souls deflated.   Even Jesus knew what it was like to be loved and adored with shouts of praise at the beginning of the week; only to be spat upon, hit and cursed by week’s end. How quickly cheers of ‘Hosanna’,’ Hosanna’ turned to ‘crucify him’,’ crucify him’.
     We were created to praise and glorify God and in doing so our actions may lead others to appreciate our efforts; however that should never be our primary motivation. God looks at our hearts and judges our incentives. Today focus on why  you do certain actions. Study your motivations and evaluate if you do things because you have genuine empathy for the situation or is it just routine, mundane and what others expect you to do as a people pleaser.
      If helping others is not deeply rooted in God’s grace and mercy the Holy Spirit will reveal this to you and will guide you in how to turn from being a people pleaser to a man or woman after God’s own heart.

      Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT power-filled day.  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

I Am Healed

Exodus 15:26:  “He said, ‘If you will carefully obey the LORD your God, do what is right in His eyes, pay attention to His commands, and keep all His statutes, I will not inflict any illnesses on you that I inflicted on the Egyptians. For I am Yahweh who heals you.’” (HCS)
      After the miraculous drowning of the pursuing Egyptian army in the Red Sea, the Israelites were taken into the desert and provided for by the hand of God. They were told that if they kept the statues and commandments that God instituted he would protect them from ailments, diseases, pestilences and similar afflictions that tormented their enemies. The covenant keeping God, Jehovah, promised his children health and well-being.  God wants us to experience this same existence of obedient living and bountiful health. God’s hedge of protection surrounds his children and when we stay gathered under his protective wings we can see problems all around us but they will not assail us.
     There are some simple things that God tells us to do that if we follow them our way of life is so much better. We are instructed to get adequate rest; to resist temptation; to avoid gossip and to love each other.  Avoiding tempting situations would surely lower our stress levels and we probably would be able to rest and sleep better and not be so grouchy; and that might help us treat each other better.  
     Healing begins with the proclamation of good health.  If you keep telling yourself that your head hurts and that you are tired; then you speak those things into your reality.  Speak power over the issues that concern you.  Proclaim victory over fear and nervousness and walk in the authority that Jesus’ blood grants to all of us.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Healing the Mind!

Psalm 16:7 (ERV) – “I praise the Lord because he taught me well. Even at night he put his instructions deep inside my mind.” 
        Can’t shake a reoccurring thought? No matter what you try to do, the same old musings keep bubbling to the surface.  It is as annoying as having a certain song stuck in your head that you keep humming no matter how much you try to ignore it. Our minds are the true battlefields of life’s struggles.  We fight not against flesh and blood, but against our own misguided thoughts; against negative stigmas; against principalities and rulers of darkness that keep dropping tidbits of negative seed into our minds.
    When our stress levels impinge against our abilities to ward off bad contemplation, we must trust God to lift the ramblings from our consciousness.  God delivers us from the snares of our enemies and frees our minds to give us peace.  When we keep troublesome thoughts circulating in our heads they can affect our sleeping, eating and socialization.  God who neither slumbers nor sleeps is our advocate for renewing our minds. 
      Seek God and although he knows our thoughts before we think them, tell him what is disturbing you.  Present to him the thoughts that are troubling you and watch as God’s mercy and grace give you a new look on life.  Cast your cares upon the Lord and be of good courage; be patient and every time a troubling thought seems to want to rear its ugly head, simply call on the name of Jesus and chase it as far as east is from the west. 

     Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT power-filled day.  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn