Thursday, April 30, 2015

Do It Right The First Time

Jonah 3:1(NIV) – “When the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time: “Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you.”
It took a storm; being thrown overboard; time inside the belly of a fish and finally being vomited out on shore for Jonah to get the picture that when God has a job for you it is best to do it right the first time.  Jonah was given a specific assignment and instead of doing as God requested; he took it upon himself to change God’s mind.  Needless to say, as the scripture for today proves, he finally came to his senses and when the instructions came to him a second time, he obeyed.
When God gives you a task to complete; a person to interact with; a destination to visit or even a simple phone call to make – DO IT!.  When given a directive from the Creator it is not a chore – it is a privilege.  God created everything from nothing and surely can make any task that he requires complete itself without our help; but he trusts us enough to get us involved for our own best interest.  Reevaluate something that you know is on your must-do agenda and find a way to prioritize it back to the top of your list.  Keep God’s business on the forefront.  Is it time to offer an apology? Do you need to return something that you have kept too long?  Need to talk with someone on the behalf of another?  Do you need to request more time to settle an issue?  Don’t procrastinate another day.  Don’t get swallowed up in the moment and end up in the dark.  Let’s not let God have to tell us twice.  Any of you faithful readers who are parents know how frustrating it is to have to tell your children more than once to follow your instructions. Let’s strive to do it right the first time. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Be blessed!.   Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wizard Warning!!

The people will say, “Go to the fortunetellers and wizards who mumble and chirp like birds. Ask them what to do.” But I say, “Shouldn’t people go to their God for help? Why go to the dead to get help for the living?”

With all of the chaos and uncertainty that is prevailing in society today, many are seeking answers and solutions from sources outside of God’s wisdom.  Driving down many city streets there are dozens of marquees touting the services of Fortune Tellers and Tarot Card Readers; all promising to be able to deliver inspired, ‘spiritual’ insight into any problem presented.  Whether the inquiry is about love, prosperity, career choice, or seeking lottery numbers, the gullible are taken in and cheated because of their desperation to find ways to cope with the uncertainty of life.
Do not be fooled; tarot cards, tea leaf reading; horoscopes and fortune telling are all sides of the same coin – Not Trusting  God.  One of the most poignant lessons found in scripture is the fact the God only moves by his timing; not by our whines, complaints, pleads or bargaining; and surely not through the use of agents who operate against his will. Some may believe that it is harmless to pursue such practices; but God is very straight forward in his edits of whom we should seek when we are in need of answers.  Why go to the dead (Confucius, Mohammed, Bubbha) when we serve a living Lord?  Ask the Holy Spirit to direct you to the right sources…then patiently wait on the Lord and be of good courage.  Do not be anxious and run ahead of God… be patient and all that you need to know shall be revealed to you.  

Every day is a good day`; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed. Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Silent Support

Mark 14:61 – “But Jesus remained silent and gave no answer. Again the high priest asked him, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?”

       In keeping with the testing theme we started yesterday, today’s scripture illustrates that ‘silence can often be golden’.  God’s handling of some of our best lessons reflects the role that teachers, instructors and exam proctors play while the test is underway.  When I distribute the examination papers to my students, they are on their own.  As they progress through their test I remain vigilant yet silent.  As we traverse through this life, we will come upon events, people or circumstances that will put us to the test.  During these testing times it is not difficult to see why we might feel a bit isolated or alone. 
       Just like in a typical classroom, the entire atmosphere changes while we are in test mode.  The students enter the room with a sense of urgency and awe.  They keep movement and talking to a minimum; turn off or mute their cell phones and listen carefully to the instructions. When we become astute to the ways of life’s tests; we too will change the atmosphere.  We should talk less about our problems; shut off communication with distractions and listen to the instructions that the Holy Spirit provides.  Like a good teacher, while the students are undergoing testing, God remains ever-present; watchful and silent.
      Don’t be troubled when you are in the midst of a test and you feel a bit isolated or ignored.  God is not daydreaming or forgetful.  He knows all about our issues; motivations and especially our outcomes.  God gives us the opportunity to challenge the ‘status quo” and show him what we have learned.  Make him proud.  Don’t lose your focus; his quietness is just him silently rooting for you.     

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Testing, testing, 1,2,3

Mark 13:11 – “Even when you are arrested and put on trial, don’t worry about what you will say. Say whatever God tells you at the time. It will not really be you speaking. It will be the Holy Spirit”.
       This week started the beginning of the ‘end’ for my students.  They have traversed long and hard throughout the semester and now it is time for the proverbial rubber to hit the road; it is finals week.  I have prepped them of proper studying and recall techniques and prepared them for the rigors of comprehensive test taking; now it is up to them to show me the fruits of their labor.  One of the key elements that I share with them is to rely on and have confidence in what they have already mastered.  When it is time to recall past data, if they have properly studied, it will flow effortlessly if they relax and trust their preparation.
       Each day we are tested and often we might think we are not prepared; but all of our previous lessons that God has guided us through are all that we need for success.  It is for us to rely upon the Holy Spirit to bring to the surface all that we need to triumphantly pass any trial.  Our scripture tells us to not worry but put our trust in God who gives us wisdom for all occasions.  The key for us, just like for my students, is to be prepared and rely upon what God gives as inspiration.  So look forward this week to whatever trials might come your way.  Each one is a proving ground of lessons that God knows you are prepared for as he wants to move you to a higher level.  Have confidence that you have what it takes to make the grade and call upon the Holy Spirit to guide your recall.  You can make high marks every time.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Totally Connected

Romans 8:38-39 (KJV) – “38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

      This has been an emotionally charged week.  A childhood friend passed away, several news reports told about bizarre and tragic train and automobile fatal accidents; recalls of usually reliable food items and even wild animals roaming the streets of major metropolitan cities.  What is going on? Well whatever the cause or the effect, we can rest assured that no matter what - we are in the loving care of our God.  Nothing new or old; foreign or domestic; seen or unseen can separate us from the love of God.  Nothing we can do or fail to do will disconnect us from the powerful arms of our Creator.  God is all love and every motive he portrays is steeped in love. 
      As we approach the weekend I charge each of us to look around and see the beauty of God’s love for us in the very simple things in life.  God is an awesome provider; a wonderful comfort in the time of sorrow; a protective hand when dangers abound and a Father who lavishes his love through mercy and grace.  Life is full of ups and downs but know that God in his loving nature has our best in mind at all times. Enjoy all that life has to offer; no matter how things appear on the surface; know that God is in control and we are never out of his loving grasp.

      Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Have a gratitude-filled weekend.  See you on Monday.  Be blessed!.   Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Divine Provision

Psalm 23:5a (NKJV) – “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.”

It is a reassuring thought and a certifiable truth that God provides for us in ways that are indisputable and immeasurable.  When we have conflicts of interest or challenges that present more stress than we feel we can bear, God shows up and instead of changing the circumstances; alleviating the pressure or even rescuing us from the calamity; he will simply provide for us. In a trial, with enemies all around, God prepares a table. In this divine provision we find peace in the midst of turmoil. We might scoff at the solution that God provides; we want the suffering to end; the pain to dissipate; the conflict to cease; but God allows us to remain where we are to build our character; increase our faith; or grow our resolve. 

Look around the next time you feel painted into a corner; or that life has thrown you a curve ball and see that while in the midst of your fiery furnace God has a table prepared just for you.  Take your eyes off of your problem and look around for the spread that God has made available for you during this season.  Don’t focus on the problem, but on God’s provision.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Go On Up Higher!

Exodus 19:20 - (ESV) – “ The Lord came down on Mount Sinai, to the top of the mountain. And the Lord called Moses to the top of the mountain, and Moses went up.”

        Wednesdays have been marked as “Hump Day” among the Monday through Friday work group who mark the day as the mid-point of the struggle to get to the fun and relaxation of the weekend.  “Hump Day” has many images from friendly talking camels to mountaineers scampering up the side of a tortuously steep hill.  Whatever image pops into mind one thing we must never overlook is that while the mountain may have its challenges; guess who dwells in the midst of the mountain.  God is ubiquitous and is everywhere at the same time; but as the scripture reveals God ‘goes’ and ‘comes’ in his spirit to places where we can interact with him on a personal level.  Jesus wrapped himself in human flesh and dwelt among us on Earth; the Holy Spirit encapsulates himself into our being to dwell within us. 
      So the next time you struggle with having to do ‘hard’ things or ‘frustrating’ tasks that seem to just be like pushing a boulder uphill; keep in mind who is waiting for you at the summit; cheering for you all along the way; giving you strength to endure; guiding and encouraging your every step and keeping the predators at bay.  Keep focused on the uphill climb for you are elevating yourself above the mush and mire below to Go On Up Higher.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


John 10:28 (ESV)- “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.”
      It is a familiar sight – seeing a parent firmly grasping the hand of a child as the child tries to worm their way loose.  Either the child is fascinated by something they see and want to run ahead; or they believe they are ‘too big’ to have their hand held and want to walk independently.  Regardless of the motive, the parent is not dissuaded.  The more the child wrestles for freedom, the tighter the grasp the parent places on their grip.  The child may not be aware of what lies ahead; but the knowledgeable parent can see dangers, snares, traps, obstacles and things that the child is too distracted to observe.  With a love that shelters concern, the parent is unrelenting in making sure that child does not wiggle free and get into trouble. 
     Life will present distractions that may draw our attention and blur our focus of what is best for us and we may wiggle into danger.  God keeps us in the palm of his hand and holds on to us when we often want to wiggle free or when enticements want to snatch us from his parental care. Our faithful Father never lets go of his grasp and never lets anything snatch us out of his protection. Stop fighting and wiggling.  Rest in the protection of God; whatever is pulling you or enticing you away is not for your greater good; stay in the loving grasp of God.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

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Monday, April 20, 2015

Absent from the Body

I Corinthians 15:55-57 (RSV) - “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
     Yesterday a long time, childhood friend transitioned to be with the Lord.  While we might say that she  lost an heroic battle against cancer, we might also say she won a great battle for Christ.  Throughout the course of her illness, she was the voice of faith, hope and confidence.  Her smile never waned nor did her desire to live to the fullest each and every day.   We prayed together, laughed together, dreamed together and all the while never lost sight of the reality of the diagnosis nor the hope of glory. 
     Regardless of the battle you struggle to conquer each day, remember to keep  the promises of Jesus before you; the praise of his glory in your mouth; the vision of your victory in the brightest corner of your mind and the joy of living in your heart. 
     She is at peace now and the legacy of her life is framed around how she loved God, lived to serve him and always kept the faith.  The greatest loss in the whole situation is that her life on earth is gone so soon that more people did not get a chance to know her and the power of her faith.  But that is our job…to tell about Jesus through the testimony of her life and love.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Friday, April 17, 2015

La la la la la la

Genesis 39:10 (ESV)- ” And as she spoke to Joseph day after day, he would not listen to her, to lie beside her or to be with her.

      I remember as a child when we did not want to hear what someone was trying to say to us we would clasp our hands over both of our ears and then we would start singing “la la la la la”.  Our hands served as fleshy ear muffs and our voices would make sure that we drowned out whatever it was we did not want to hear.   The more they tried to make us listen, the louder we would sing.

      Today many of us need to adopt this same strategy when the devil is trying to whisper sweet nothings in our ears.  They drip with sweetness but they are full of nothing.  Like the scripture today reminds us, often the devil will come to us with enticing propositions; often using those closest to us to design our downfall, What might appear as harmless flirtation can mask dangerous and crippling consequences.

     Listen only to God; cover yourself with his promises and walk in his grace.  When you hear the murmuring of potential gossip about you, ignore it.  When you sense that something is too good or too easy to be believed; don’t believe it.  When you know that the words being said to you will change the relationship you have with your spouse, children, boss, colleagues and most importantly your relationship with God – clasp both of your hands over your hears and start singing – Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

     Every day is a good day: it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!.  Have a wonderful weekend.  See you on Monday.  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn



Thursday, April 16, 2015

Take Your Medicine

Job 5:17-18 (ERV) - “You are fortunate when God corrects you.  So don’t complain when God All-Powerful punishes you.  God might injure you, but he will bandage those wounds.
 He might hurt you, but his hands also heal.

          So you goofed up; said something inappropriate; did something close to insane; found yourself in a predicament that you opened the door and proceeded into without good judgment – now what?  Don’t fret about it; don’t try to lie about your involvement or even try to undermine those who uncovered your indiscretion – simply take your medicine.    Life is full of lessons that need to be learned and some that must be repeated until we pass.  We may not always make the best choices but we can rest assured that God will help us through all situations.
        We should be thankful for God’s correction and his chastening.  Today’s scripture reminds us that even when our actions cause us to have to take a ‘licking’, God’s correction is always tempered with healing and support. When we are wrong, God’s desire is not for us to just stop the improper behavior but for us to get right and get blessed. God’s lessons are great in the long run even if we don’t understand the initial pain of discovery. Roll with it and watch God bring the best out of you and what looks and feels like a bad situation. Take your medicine.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Sticks and Stones

Job 5:21(ERV) - 21 People might say bad things about you with their sharp tongues. But God will protect you.  You will not be afraid when bad things happen!”

       In elementary school we used a line that seemed to protect our self image and self esteem whenever bullies or hurtful children would speak unkind words to us:  “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  We were taught that taunting words from nasty people should not cause us to rise up in anger but to dismiss them as foolishness.  On occasion merely saying those quick words would give us enough courage to walk away from our assailant and go on about our business without any further recourse.
     God tells us in our scripture today that there will always be people along our life’s path whose whole ambition is to taunt, discourage, disagree and distract us from our purpose by their words.  Some of these words may be hinged in fact, but distorted to cause pain and other words are just plain lies fabricated to destroy our character and confidence.  Don’t listen to foolishness; and even if what they say is true who are they to judge or to broadcast? Those who want to help will bring correction in loving and caring ways; those whose hearts are filled with venom will seek to break you down. 
     God reminds us that he is constantly protecting us and that the sharpness of their tongues is no match for his terrible swift sword which is steeped in truth and love.  He will protect you – let him.  Don’t fight unnecessary battles with loud mouths.  There are chatterboxes all around us.  Their only mission is to use hurtful words to throw us off course – not gonna happen!!!!  

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, April 13, 2015

Extended Blessings

Deuteronomy 29:14-15 (ESV)  “It is not with you alone that I am making this sworn covenant, 15 but with whoever is standing here with us today before the Lord our God, and with whoever is not here with us today.

     We have all experienced a situation where we happen to be in the right place at just the right time and we reap the benefits of things we often know nothing about.  It was not expected or planned but it seems a favor or blessing just dropped into our laps.  We are of course happy about the windfall and often we do not take the time to question what we might have done to deserve the grace.  One of the benefits of being a child of the King is that he loves to lavish us with unexpected gifts.  These gifts can range from great parking spaces; specials on just the item you needed to buy at the store and even the disappearance of a headache.  Regardless of what the situation, the outcome is in our favor and we love it.
       Today’s scripture tells us that the covenant promises of God are not just for the few, but that they benefit the many.  Even those who were not around at the time of the initial announcement still get to enjoy the benefit of the fallout.  As we venture through this life we will all see opportunities to rejoice about the goodness of living in the overflow of God’s blessings.  God is so gracious that when he blesses someone else, his bounty is so great that others will also gain from the blessing that was distributed.  Oprah’s, Bill Gates’ and J. Paul Getty’s blessings all spilled over to those who had nothing to do with their initial or prolonged success.  God used them as a catalyst to spread his goodness.  So it shall be with you also.  God is so giving and loving that he cannot help but share his love with his children and in doing so that love permeates everything around. Bask in the glow of being under the covenant.
    Take a moment to reflect and think of how God’s blessings have come to you when  you least expected it and give him thanks and praise.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Please consider supporting the Blog Ministry through your charitable donation.  Visit our website:     Thank You!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Love Banishes Fear

1 John 4:18 – “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.”

       Once again we have come upon yet another end of the traditional work week.  Just one week ago we were recalling the triumph of Christ as he fulfilled his earthly mission on the cross at Calvary.  As we are embraced in the season of Pentecost, I remind you faithful readers of the total perfect love that God has for you.  All that we are, have, will be or will have is steeped in the love that God has planted deep within us.  It is no wonder that we speak of joy that passes all understanding; and love that has no bounds. 
         When the work gets tough; the people unreasonable; the traffic unbearable, the resources insufficient -  focus on the love that God has for you.  It is now that we must look upon the events following Christ’s resurrection to draw inspiration to live more fully and powerfully.  This can only be done when we embrace each situation from the standpoint of ‘what would Jesus do’ and approach it from a foundation of love.  Love conquers fear.  It tramples on the fear we have inside that stifles us from moving ahead and it blocks the fear that others try to put upon us when they themselves are afraid.  Let love lead you.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Enjoy the weekend; see you on Monday. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Please consider supporting the Blog Ministry through your charitable donation.  Visit our website:     Thank You!

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Isaiah 12:6 – “Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion: for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee.”

In golf, it is customary for a golfer to give a loud warning shout when a ball may hit other players or spectators.  It is not unusual to hear the word ‘fore’ being shouted by players or others in the group when the ball is in the air if there is any chance of it striking someone.  When these shouts are heard, everyone knows to look up and be aware.  Our scripture today tells of the prophet’s dictate to the faithful to shout out about the goodness of God in their midst and to be aware.  Just like the potential for the ball of a golfer to land in the midst of those in the area; the power of the Most High God lingers around those of us who believe and this power has the ability to strike us with its authority and grace. 
Shout out and let others know that Jesus is a risen and living Savior.  His power is evident in the atmosphere that surrounds us.  The very air around us is permeated with his love; electrified with his joy; infused with his mercy and saturated with his peace. 
Fore!  Look up and watch as God’s favor streaks through the air all around you,
Fore!  Look up and watch as God’s plans soars above your circumstances.
Fore!  Look up and watch as God’s word changes things on your behalf.
Fore!  Look up and get ready to be hit; for the Holy One is in the midst.  

God is right in your presence. You are in the very palm of his care. You might not feel the essence of his presence; you might even be feeling a little abandoned or neglected.  Don’t let the evil one’s oppression have you looking down and miss the glory sailing all around you. Look up. Hear the shouts.  Fore!  Fore!  Please hear me that God is so near; his very breath keeps you alive.  His thoughts for you keep you sane and his care for you admonishes the devourer from your life.  Look up and know that God cares for you and he is an ever-present help. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Timing is Everything

Mark 9:9(KJV) – “ And as they came down from the mountain, he charged them that they should tell no man what things they had seen, till the Son of man were risen from the dead.”

Jesus commanded his disciples to keep to themselves the things he had allowed them to witness until an appropriate time.  God resolves many issues for us; opens opportunity doors; shuts distraction windows and places the right people and resources in our paths and in many instances it is best for us to keep quiet until the timing is right.  When the angel informed Mary that she would be the mother of our Savior, she pondered all that she was told in her heart.  When Abram was instructed about his new future role as father of many nations he did not take out an ad in the local newspaper or post it immediately on FaceBook. 
When God provides new insights for us it is important to consider not only the advances that await but also we must be aware that every listening ear does not have a supportive heart.  Everyone who claims to be in your corner may not even be in the same room.  It is often said that we must not share our big ideas with small minds.  Everyone who wants to hear the ‘whole’ story really might only want to hear enough to distort or disclaim what God is bestowing upon you.  Be careful and know that timing is everything. Do not be in a great rush to share all that God promises.    In the right timing all things will be revealed. One of my favorite quotes comes from Shakespeare who says-“have more than we show and speak less than we know.”

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Set Christ Free

Galatians 2:20 (KJV) - I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”

 Today’s scripture reminds us that as true believers of God, we now operate as new creations with Christ living in us.  It is the bold spirit of God within us that allows us to walk in power, authority, dignity and truth.  When we operate in any other fashion, we are keeping Christ in bondage within.  We must set Christ free to move and live through us.  It is through our faith that we can operate in wholeness, joy, peace, and temperance.  It is through our faith that Christ beams from inside of us to bathe all around us with his love through our actions.  Christ will gently knock and quietly speak; we must respond in like manner.  Christ does not coerce, bride, cajole or puppeteer us into action.  He speaks soothingly to our spirit and we must respond in a fashion that is pleasing to God. Christ gave of himself and only asks that we do the same; give of ourselves.  Submit our lives to God wholly and give to our fellowman unselfishly.  We must set Christ free to be the best that we can be.  I charge us today to find ways to set Christ free… do a random act of kindness today. Give your best without expecting a return and watch Christ live freer in you. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, April 6, 2015

How Dare You!

Matthew 20:19 – “And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock, and to scourge, and to crucify him: and the third day he shall rise again.”

        A few days ago I viewed the movie “Invictus” which stars Morgan Freeman, portraying the role of South African President Nelson Mandela.  The plot was of Mandela’s push to resolve political and social issues through his support of South Africa’s lagging rugby team.  One scene in particular struck a chord with me and pushed a reactionary button.  In order to motivate the players, Mandela had them visit his old prison cell at Robben Island where he spent the majority of his 27 year incarceration.  The captain of the team stood in his small cell and with arms extended measured the width and girth of the narrow confinement.  He reflected on the enormous measure of a man that was imprisoned in this shallow tomb-like enclosure. 
       With the strength of a tidal wave, the spirit of the Lord overcame me; I could see Jesus with his arms stretched out wide, standing in the gap between me and God; bringing us back into union.  I felt my eyes well-up with tears as my soul shouted to my total existence…’how dare you?’  How dare you complain about anything?   How dare you wallow in the shallowness of what you believe you lost?   How dare you not trust the God of all creation?  How dare you be impatient with God’s timing?  
        I challenge you today…. look at your circumstances – stretch out your arms and measure the breadth and depth of what God has you in to help you trust him more…..  How dare you not go, when he is the way?  How dare you lie to yourself and others, when he is the truth?  How dare you not see, when he is the light?  How dare you!!!
       Jesus died, was buried and resurrected all in harmony with the salvation plan that God put into place before the foundations of the world were even established.  If God had a rescue plan in place for mankind before he even created us; then surely God has a plan for us in the simple circumstances that we face day to day.  How dare we?  How dare we sit down and become null and void.  How dare we waste precious time being afraid, jealous, petty, insecure, anxious . . .?  Jesus took care of all of that at the cross. Get up and get about God’s business.  Don’t waste another moment.  We are new creations in Christ.  Get up and make your mark - be about your purpose!

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!   Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Friday, April 3, 2015

Why Worry?

Luke 12:25-26(NET) – “And which of you by worrying can add an hour to his life? So if you cannot do such a very little thing as this, why do you worry about the rest?


Well it is Good Friday and for most of us it is the end of a long work week.  For some it might be the beginning of an even longer weekend with household and yard chores; but regardless of our plans one thing is certain we should not worry about any of it.  Whatever was not completed during the first part of this week; don’t’ worry about it.  Whatever crept up on you and tried to distract or occupy your precious time; don’t worry about it.  Whatever new items have been added to an already packed weekend agenda; don’t’ worry about it.  Worrying will not do one positive thing toward the outcome.
Collecting data; weighing the issues; contemplating solutions; all of these are taking viable steps toward handling situations; but fretting, rehearsing over and over again the same old scenarios and doubting your every move…that is counterproductive and not the actions of God-fearing people.
Our faith is exercised during times of trial and transition.  Anyone can say they are faithful when things are running smoothly and all of the ducks are in a row; but where is your faith when the sea gets a little choppy and the going gets rough?  More than two thousand years ago our Savior started off ‘Passion Week’ with the crowd yelling “Hosanna, Hosanna”, but by week’s end, they were shouting “Crucify him.”  Our week can turn in just the same fashion and just like Jesus we must be prepared to ask God to forgive those who wrong us and to trust him with our very existence. 
Give thanks for the salvation that Christ died to give us and enjoy the abundant life that his resurrection guarantees us.  Have a beautiful weekend.  Happy Resurrection Sunday.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Prayer Agenda

Prayer Agenda
Romans 8:26 - (ESV) – “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”

       Life’s ups and downs, twists and turns can often place us in positions where we don’t know which way to turn.  Once we get out of the initial spin of the situations, our heads can be clouded and our outlook distorted; in these circumstances we know prayer works but often we can be uncertain about what to pray.  When we see a storm coming, we pray that it will be averted; when we are in the midst of the storm, we pray for it to cease; when the storm persists, we pray to get through it; when the storm is over, we give thanks for survival.  Our prayers are many and varied, but all in all our prayers are communications with our God.  Our prayers do not inform God of our needs, desires or petitions; he is fully aware of everything at all times.  Our prayers are methods for drawing us closer into union, fellowship and relationship with him
      When we feel the yearning to be close to God, his spirit is drawing us near; like a caring parent cradling a child; his love is soothing and in these times we want that closeness but may not know how to approach God, the Holy Spirit does.  With petitions that permeate deep into the heart of our concerns, the Holy Spirit goes before God and intercedes on our behalf.  Isn’t it wonderful, marvelous and even stupendous that we serve a God who cares about us so much and wants to be in relationship with us so deeply that when we don’t even know how to approach him, he provides an avenue.
So don’t worry if your own prayers seem jagged, rough around the edges, not seeming to express what you really want to say…the Holy Spirit dwells deep within; knows your heart and says …”Don’t’ worry  - I got you and I got this!”

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Heads Up - Shoulders Back!!

Psalm 34:19 (TLB) – “The good man does not escape all troubles—he has them too. But the Lord helps him in each and every one.”

        Today’s message is short, sweet and to the point….good people sometimes fail.  Do not beat up on yourself when things do not go exactly as you had planned it out in your mind.  It’s not a punishment or an unusual case of Karma; it is what it is.  No one can escape all of their troubles and avoid conflicts forever.  At some point in time we all will fall short and need divine intervention and re-instatement.  It is not hard to think back over our lives and delineate areas we thought were ‘sealed with a kiss’; only to discover that at best the event, circumstance or activity was just the precursor to a lesson learned.  The scripture for today reminds us that no matter how well we seem to be making it; life might throw us a curve ball. As the lyrics from the old Main Ingredient song state- "Everybody Plays the Fool Sometimes- there's no exception to the rule!"
       The best means for countering an attack is to ward it off in the first place, avoid all activities that can be used to set us up to fail.  But what about our daily routines that we must do? Ask God to guide you into which areas; what people; which circumstances are best suited for the course he has laid out for you to complete.  Go about it diligently and if things do go in a different direction, remember that God is always here to assist in any way possible. Keep your head up and your shoulders back.  

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Be blessed!.  Dr. JoAnn