Friday, February 27, 2015

Spirit Satisfaction

Philemon 1:25 -"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen."

    This has indeed been a unique week.  The devastating storm never really reached us; so now we are trying to regroup and discover ways to use the stockpile of things we stored up just in case.  It was a real humdinger but we (Greater Metro-Atlanta) were over-prepared for this round of inclement weather.   God's grace shielded us from a repeat of the devastation we experienced about this same time a year ago.
      God's grace and mercy cradled us as the storm raged in the northeast and even tore up parts of sunny Florida.  The unmerited favor of God keeps reminding us of our frailty and God's loving sovereignty.  
     Enjoy today and think about all of the "grace" interventions you can recount where God protected your mind, your soul and your body by giving you a spiritual nod.  Just when you thought you might have been forgotten or passed over, God may not slam open great miracle doors but he might gently show you through a grace move that he has your back. "Count your many blessings... name them one by one. Count your many blessings and see what God has done". 
      Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Enjoy your weekend. See you. Monday! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Peeking -vs- Seeking

Peeking -vs- Seeking
Jeremiah 29:13 (CEV) – “When you search for me, yes, search for me with all your heart, you will find me.
“Stop using the refrigerator for an air conditioner”, I used to say to my oldest son, when as a teenager he stood in front of the open appliance trying to locate a snack.  He would never move any items but would simply open the door and stare into the contents as if he believed what he wanted would maneuver itself to the front and jump into his hands.  
In the scripture for today, God tells us that he is available, willing and ready to be found but our looking must be conscientiously done.  We must seek God with fervor, diligence and commitment.  We can’t just scrap along the surface with premeditated prayers, closed-mouthed praise and time-limited worship.  We cannot put God in a box and expect that every time we need him, he will pop-up like a Jack-in-the-box and respond methodically.  We must seek, hunt, pursue, search, inquire, and go after our relationship with God with gusto and enthusiasm. 

Even in our carnal thinking we place more value on things that we have to pursue.  Things that are ‘free’ or easy to acquire are often not as treasured or cherished.  We say that we get what we pay for.  Well if we think this about leather versus pleather; perfume versus cologne or prime rib versus hamburger; then it is not too far-fetched to see how the original God that we serve deserves our undivided and uncompromised attention. Give God your best; seek him with your whole heart; love him with your total being and watch him make himself more visible and tangible in your life. 
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Security Blanket

Security Blanket
Psalm 105:39 (ERV)-“The Lord spread out his cloud like a blanket.
    He used his column of fire to give his people light at night.”

         When there is a little nip in the air and the coolness puts a slight chill in the room; there is nothing quite as comforting as snuggling under the warmth of a blanket.  Not too heavy like a quilt or comforter; not too light like a throw or linen sheet; but just the right amount of weight and coverage to chase the chill away. 
         God’s love and mercy shrouds us like a soothing blanket.  It surrounds our hurts and envelopes our being.  When God was leading the children of Israel on their sojourn through the wilderness he provided shade by day and fire by night through the use of a cloud blanket.  It covered them from the harshness of the sun as they pilgrimed through the heat each day and then in the evening it would light the sky to pierce the darkness and keep them warm.
         As we live and journey through this life, God has all we need to keep us comfortable, secure, and protected.  We may not always know which way to go; what to do, who to trust; or what decisions to make, but one thing we can always rely upon and it is that God’s love will always blanket us and provide for us. Feeling a little chilled? Need some protection from the harshness of everyday life? God is our security blanket and a present help in the time of need.

         Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Master Key

Master Key
Isaiah 22:22 (ERV)-  “I will put the key to David’s house around his neck. If he opens a door, no one will be able to close it. If he closes a door, no one will be able to open it.”

       The other day I was cleaning out an old jewelry box and came upon an oddly shaped key.  It looks like an old brass skeletal key but it is flattened and has odd markings.  I do like to collect odd metal pieces to make jewelry, but I didn’t remember where I got this unique key from or why it wasn’t with my other collectibles.  I thought about what it might have once fit; what type of door or special lock it opened.  My mind took an adventurous turn and I even thought that perhaps it was a ‘Master’ key that could open or secure many different locks.
     When Jesus left this world after his resurrection he promised the gift of the Holy Spirit that would always abide with and within true believers.  We are so blessed that the Holy Spirit not only guides us, but provides us with the ‘Master’ keys to so many situations.  His loving care, comforting ways and protective nature are evident in how he opens fortuitous doors we don’t even see and closes off areas that might be limiting or dangerous.  He warns us about distractions and detours that could throw us off track.  His keys are priceless and specific. His keys are uniquely fashioned for us and when we do not use them properly or misplace them, he is not angry but quick to help us retrieve what is lost.
          Our God is the Master and his keys help us to maneuver the course of life as we listen to the instructions, directions, warnings, guides and helps provided by the life that Jesus lived and the influence of the Holy Spirit. The keys come in many dimensions. Sometimes the keys come as thoughts when we are studying; dreams when were are meditating; conversations when we are listening and visions when we are praying. God gives us the keys to open great new ventures and keys to lock down and lock out predatory things that try to devour our progress.  We must be diligent for when he places these keys within our grasp and to use them wisely. Do not let important keys lay dormant, get rusty or fall into the wrong hands.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed. Dr. JoAnn

Monday, February 23, 2015

Fear -vs- Love

1 John 4:18 (HCSB) – “There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment. So the one who fears has not reached perfection in love.”
      News reports of events circulating around the globe create an atmosphere of hopelessness, doubt and fear; fear of terrorism; fear of abandonment; fear of loss; and fear of the unknown.  Our country has experienced weather patterns causing many without the basic necessities of heat; light and food to experience the fear of succumbing to the problems associated with intense weather fluctuations; such as loss of life due to fires, accidents, and hypothermia. The global economy, stock markets and financial trends foster precedents of un-and under-employment, downsizing, and poverty.  Small pox, measles, Ebola and TB cases are popping up in the least likely areas. Fear abounds.  
Fear is a tool of the evil one and will appear without warning or invitation.  We have to be mindful that fear creeps in and hangs around waiting for a vulnerable place to slide into    our consciousness.  It will try to make itself at home whenever we take our eyes off of the true ‘love’ that God proves. 
     When we look into the eyes of our problems; we stare into nothingness and lose focus of the love that God has for us. Don’t give problems that much attention.  Our scripture tells us that fear cannot and will not abide where there is love.  God is love; perfect love; and where God is -fear cannot be.  Fear tries to intimidate and instigate our emotions to work against us.  Every bump in the night becomes an intruder; every low tone becomes a whisper against us; every slight pain is malignant and like every other lie of the devil it can be chased away just by the mention of the name of Jesus. 
   Do not let fear, which is False Evidence Appearing Real, linger.  When it tries to creep in and take over speak out against it.  Give God the glory and usher in the courage that the Holy Spirit brings.  Take courage in the form of love.  Love yourself and take courage in your God-given ability to call out fear and take its power away.  Don’t be afraid to try, to do, to advance, to fail, to get back up and try again, to explore, to stand up for yourself, to listen, to learn, to be all that you can be.  Love will conquer all.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Friday, February 20, 2015


Psalm 41:10-11- "But You, O Lord, be merciful to me, and raise me up,That I may repay them. By this I know that You are well pleased with me,Because my enemy does not triumph over me." 

   First,  giving God all praise for protecting my son and friends from a terrible car accident yesterday.  The car was totaled, but they were able to walk away.  Hallelujah !!!

      This week we have examined ways to remain "sharp" for God's service. Today's scripture reminds us to stay humble and allow God's purpose and providence to move forward.  When we trust God and allow him to move in even the must superfluous situations, we will witness how his love, grace, and peace will triumph in ways we could hardly imagine.  When we allow God to raise us up, to put us into position, to grant us access, the outcome will not only glorify God but the outcome will always be for our greater good.  Instead of always rushing in and proclaiming our right to exist, our right to be heard, our right to be in control or even our right to be "right"; when we wait on God with humility and patience, God will reward us with victory over our enemies and our own self doubt. 
     To remain "sharp" for service requires that we honestly examine ourselves and seek correction; stay in relationship with fellow believers; and we must realize that we are God's workmanship and must humbly walk before our Creator.  Think about an area in your life where you might feel a bit "stuck" or defeated- release it - stop trying to figure it out and give it to the Master. Allow God to raise you up in the position of power to overcome whatever it is instead of scrambling and trying to reconcile it yourself.  The more we  let God be God instead of trying to supplant him, the sharper we become. 
   Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Have a "useful" weekend.  See you on Monday! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Examine Ourselves

Examine Ourselves
 2 Corinthians 13:5- "Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified."

         Another way to stay 'sharp' for use in the kingdom is to regularly examine ourselves, our motives and our motivations.  What is the driving force behind our actions?  What makes us want to complete some tasks and others we seem to constantly procrastinate on and place on the back burner?  Do we do some things with more gusto when we know we will be evaluated, or judged or recognized or paid?  Do we give it our all just because we want to do a good job and produce the best outcome?  No one truly knows the workings of our hearts but God. We can even fool ourselves sometimes into believing we are on task for one thing when we could subconsciously have an ulterior motive.  
    Our scripture today encourages us to examine ourselves.  Take a good look at the man/woman in the mirror; and be honest in your evaluation.  Our examination is structured upon our faith.  In essence, when we review how we talk, how we interact, how we respond in certain situations do we bolster it in faith or are we reactionary.  Do we exhibit road rage when someone cuts us off or causes us to miss the light or do we consider through faith that maybe their actions caused us to delay just enough to avoid an accident just up ahead.  Do we sulk or try to sabotage projects when a less qualified colleague gets a much sought-after promotion; or do we remember in faith that it is God who grants true advancement and something even better is just around the corner  but he is testing to see our true spirit.  
    Let's be transparent and let the Jesus that lives in us and the Holy Spirit that operates through us keep us sharp.  When we see flaws, and we ALL have them, ask the Holy Spirit to point out their root and to show the right course to pluck them from their source.  All we need do is confess and God will wash us clean and teach us how to avoid future contamination.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Good Friends

Proverbs 27:17 "As one piece of iron sharpens another, so friends keep each other sharp."

    Yesterday I reminded us of the need to stay 'sharp' and willing tools to be used by God in the service of the Kingdom. For the rest of the week we will explore ways to get and stay prepared.
     Today's scripture tells one of the ways we can stay sharp; which is to stay in relationship with fellow believers and keep one another in check. When we need to sharpen tools to a razor's edge it is important to apply friction to the blade and run it across a rough surface.  This will eliminate any imperfections that would cause the blade to snag or drag. 
  Good friends  know your weaknesses and imperfections and you know theirs. There is no competition or desire to upstage each other so as one needs chastening the other can respond in love; as one needs support the other can respond with comfort. When doubt or fear embrace and try to paralyze, friends know just how much tension to apply to get us up and motivated again. Enough pressure to bend but not to break. The iron of their will grades up against the iron of our resistance and in the final analysis both are improved!  Cherish your friends who are not "yes" men in your life. The ones who will call you to the carpet when you act foolishly or need a jolt of reality. Be that type of friend to others.  Iron is most effective when it is clean and polished.  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Sharp For Service

Sharp For Service
Hebrews 4:12- "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing even to the point of dividing soul from spirit, and joints from marrow; it is able to judge the desires and thoughts of the heart."

       As an amateur (but pretty good cook) one thing I know for certain is the importance of having the right tools in the kitchen.  It makes preparing food so much   easier and actually tastier when the prep time is completed with the right tools. One key to every functioning kitchen is a set of sharp knives. Soups and sauces are smoother; dips and casseroles more flavorful and even cuts of meat are more tender when the right knife is used in preparation; and that knife functions better when sharp.  Nothing is more exasperating than to reach for a knife to slice a tomato or onion or even bread and the blade is dull.  
      To be effective in our daily walk, we must remain sharp and functional.  We are the embodiment of Christ. We are many times the only sermon many people will hear; the only witness many will see and the only intercession many may encounter.  We must remain sharp and effective so that the words we speak and the actions we portray represent the awesome God who lives and breathes within us.  
      The more and closer I walk with God, the more evident it is that things in life do not just happen by chance or luck or serendipity; but that God is always orchestrating and setting up something wonderful; so when he places us in situations where we are needed to be used by him, we must be sure our blades are sharp and ready for service.  I don't want him to do like I do and throw that dull knife back into the drawer and find another to complete the task. We should be willing and ready to be used by God for the furtherance of his kingdom.  Let the word of God resonant in you with such magnitude that you are always prepared.  Read and meditate daily on scriptures and keep your prayer life active and vital. Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, February 16, 2015

Deceiving -vs- Believing

Jonah 2:8- "Those deceived by worthless things lose their chance for mercy.

    Just the other day my cousin and I were remarking about how deceiving some things can be if we only take a look at the surface or what is first being presented. We were talking about how beautiful the sun was shining through our windows early in the morning, but how the temperature was steadily dropping in Atlanta.  From all appearances while we were inside, it seemed as if it was going to be a warm, sunny day; but once you stepped outside you could instantly tell that it was sunny but not close to being warm. Similar occurrences can happen in our lives.  Some things that seem like blessings can turn out to be misfortunes and other things that seem like tragedies may very well end up being blessings in disguise.  We must not be deceived by first appearances; God always has something going on in the mix.  
     We must not also get hung up on getting too comfortable in what appears to be our greatest triumph.  You could be in the middle of what might be an awesome experience but God just might have something even greater in store. We have to be flexible and able to move with the flow of God’s rhythm.  We might be presented with options to take opportunities that on the outset do not appear to be very grandiose; but if God is directing you to take that job or foster that relationship; it is in your best interest to remember that big things often come in small packages.  Don’t be deceived.  Think about how many times on the TV show “Let’s Make A Deal” that the contestants gave up wonderful prizes going after the biggest box or shiniest curtain only to get ‘zonked’.

      Every ugly situation can turn out to be great when God is in control.  Every sour note can turn into a beautiful melody when we place our trust in God.  Remember, every growl does not have a bite.  Believe God has your best interest at heart and you will truly be able to say that “every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day”!  Be blessed! This week be on the lookout for wonderful blessings that might come in small packages.  Be blessed Dr. JoAnn

Friday, February 13, 2015

Crying But Not Complaining!

2 Samuel 22:7 - "In my trouble I called to the Lord.Yes, I cried out to my God for help.There in his temple he heard my voice.He heard my cry for help. "

     It sometimes seems like stuff just keeps happening; one right after another. This past week was a great example of life's roller coaster at its finest.  We can experience great ups and great downs with the mere clicking of the clock. The past weekend started in jubilation as we bid Bon Voyage to my son who moved across country to pursue the dream job of his passion.  Then the beginning of the week met me with the physical exhaustion of moving into a new place.  The packing, lift, hauling and unpacking surely wears upon you. (My prayer is that my next move will just simply be to donate everything to the Goodwill and have the resources to buy what I need when I get there.)  
     As the week progressed I learned of great progresses and devastating blows that impacted both me and those close to my heart and then to round it all off I got a case of food poisoning and I broke my favorite reading glasses beyond repair. And of course you know, in the shuffle of my moving, I can not locate my spare pair of glasses. 
      After waking up two days in a row with nausea and a spinning head, today when I woke up I felt so much better and all I could do was just cry.  I am drained, hungry, exhausted, surrounded by boxes that need unpacking, yet I know all of this is still a part of God's plan.  So I just cried out and praised God through my weariness, confusion and hurt.  
     I truly believe that my steps are ordered by God and sometimes those steps will lead us through paths that aren't so sunshiny and filled with wild flowers.  Sometimes those steps are a steep incline that require us to sweat to get up.  Sometimes those steps are rocky jagged places where we get cuts and bruises and sometimes those steps are rough muddy places where we get bogged down and it appears we might get stuck.  But God is ever present and as today's scripture reminds us, he hears our cries.  Nothing wrong with crying- it is a part of the human emotion God blessed us with- just be careful to not complain.  God hears you! Loves you! And is right there to help you through each trial!  Cry out unto God and give him praise and thanksgiving. As long as there is breath in our bodies to cry let us couple that with praise!

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Have a marvelous weekend. Happy Valentines Day birthday wishes to my brother Stanley and my uncle Arthur. Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, February 12, 2015

He Is A Healer!

He Is A Healer
Mark 3:10 -"He had healed so many people that everyone who was sick pushed forward so that they could touch him. "

God is so faithful and his mercy sure does endure.  I am recovering from a bout with food poisoning and not quite 100% yet; but I can testify that our God is a healer and that throughout our physical challenges he never leaves nor forsakes us. My malady is relatively short-lived but there are many in the body of Christ and even some of you my faithful blog readers who are under afflictions from long term or chronic conditions.  Whether you are enduring a complicated pregnancy that will require bed rest for several months, healing from an accident or surgery,  or carrying the burden of a chronic disease; know that Jesus walks hand in hand with you and that the Holy Spirit abiding within you are sources of comfort.  Every pain we feel-JESUS feels. Every bit of loneliness and isolation, the Holy Spirit does comfort.  Every tear we shed, God collects in a bottle; not to stand as a testimony of our misery but to water the hope of his promises.  All of us are recuperating in some fashion; whether from physical discomfort, mental anguish, fatigue, frustration or emotional upheaval- so today take solace in knowing that the name of the Lord is a strong tower. Call on him and feel his peace. JESUS - JESUS--JESUS.  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Chosen by the BEST

John 15:16(ESV) – “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.”

Yesterday I received an inspiring call from a very dear friend who shared today’s scripture with me and then offered prayer.  It was a wonderful praise time as she and I reminisced of how God has blessed us through trusting us with his assignments.  We have been chosen, selected, and hand-picked to live the life that God has ordained.  The ups and downs, ins and outs, peaks and valleys are all a part of the assignment that God has entrusted to us; empowered us to complete and constantly monitors us to give the provisions that we need to be successful. 
When life presents challenges to us that just seem unsurmountable, it is refreshing to remember that God is in control and that he has not fallen asleep at the wheel.  He is fully knowledgeable about our every circumstance and if we continue to trust him and lean upon his Holy name, we will defeat all the snares of the enemy and overcome the obstacles that stand in our path.  The road may not be easy and often it seems that others have a better time than we do, but do not be dismayed – God is so on top of our situation and he loves us so much.  Remember, when you can’t see God’s hand, and you are uncertain about his plan, trust in his heart.  He is awesome, magnificent, sovereign and good!

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

New Day, New Place, New Thanks

New Day, New Place, New Thanks

Psalm 118:29 - "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;his love endures forever."

After a late night at work ( my last class ends at 10 pm) I staggered through the rain to collapse after a long weekend of organizing, packing, lifting, and moving. I woke this morning in a new place, with a different attitude and giving God total praise.  Last night was my first night at my apartment and although I am neck deep in boxes and bags and "stuff" I am already feeling at home.  It has been more than 30 years since I have lived in an apartment dwelling so I had to wrap my mind around the many steps up to my second floor place and the sounds of the unfamiliar.  It is very quiet here so I know my neighbors will have to get used to hearing me trying to breathe and catch my breath after hiking up these steps.  But in it all I give thanks!  God has a smart and easy way of getting me to workout daily on my own "stair master".   I give God thanks for how he is continually ordering my steps. I see his hand of provision mapping out and aligning the best path for my journey and in all things I give thunderous praise and humble thanks.  I admit I often question but I never fail to trust him. 
      Today is a day for cleaning, unpacking, organizing and discarding. Today is a day of thanks and appreciation.  I can not speak for next month, next week or even tomorrow, but today is a wonderful day that our Lord has made and I am so grateful he kissed me into consciousness, jump started my awareness, soothed my aching muscles and opened my eyes to see his grace in every box and bag scattered around me.  
     Give God thanks today, just for today! Thank him for the opportunities as well as the challenges; for whatever comes he will be there to guide, protect and teach!  Life does not always present us with the best cards and sometimes we might even feel that the deck is stacked against us; but rest assured God always has a "trump" card and he is our partner and wants us to win!  Give him thanks in all things... It's a new day!!
        Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, February 9, 2015

Share and Share Alike!

Proverbs 21:26 (ERV) -"Some people are greedy and never have enough. Good people are generous and have plenty."

      I want to share my experience from the other day when I knew I had to immediately utter a repentant prayer. I was entering a local Publix (mid-priced grocery store) to pick up my prescription from the pharmacy and noticed a scruffy young man kneeling by the entrance. As I approached he solicited funds to buy some ready-prepared chicken from the deli section. I often give hand outs but I usually have money readily available in my pocket or the side of my purse.  For safety I do not make a habit of opening my wallet outside in a parking lot or on the street. So when the man asked for help I was a bit startled because it was odd to see someone begging in front of this location, I smiled at him, but I declined his request with a simple head shake and kept walking. There have been plenty of times when I have not given to those asking for money but this time it was different; not because of his request but because of my after thoughts.
        As I walked into the store I thought..."if you are begging for chicken money... you ought to go across the street and beg at Church's's cheap over there.". As soon as the elitist thought jumped in my head I was ashamed.  I comparison shop, clip coupons, and follow the ads while pinching my pennies together to shop at the Farmer's Market, Walmart or the discount markets... I don't even buy much out of Publix  anymore and "here he is with the nerve to beg for high-end chicken." I was awful; and immediately the Holy Spirit arrested me and I asked for forgiveness.  Just like the brother of the prodigal son, I could have access to whatever God will provide, it is my choice to not buy the chicken there- why then would I want to deny this poor man some good chicken just because he is begging. (He has good tastes-the chicken is good)...How selfish and greedy of me. When I picked up my medicine, I put some money in my hand and returned to the scene of my "thought crime", but he was gone. Did I miss an opportunity to entertain an angel? Maybe or maybe not,,, but for sure I witnessed yet another area of my being that God is working on in my walk to be more like Jesus.  To not give was not the offense, but to judge was what I needed to curtail.  What thoughts have you entertained that you need to seek repentance for?? The closer we walk with God the more we reflect his glory...the Holy Spirit will guide and correct. Pay attention to the lessons!!  I am glad I did.  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Friday, February 6, 2015

Our Present Help!

Psalm 44:6-8  "I don’t put my trust in my bow. My sword cannot save me. You are the one who saved us from our enemies.You are the one who put our enemies to shame. We have praised you all day long,and we will praise your name forever. Selah"

TGIF... Thank God It's Friday! Thank God regardless of what day it might be. Thank God for his limitless grace and mercy. Thank God for his bountiful love.  We need to really be mindful of all that God has brought us through and even is still moving on our behalf.  Although it is the shortest month of the year, February is packed with so much for which we should be thankful. Blacks of all origins celebrate the history and contributions of African Americans in the development of this nation and its civil liberties. Lovers of all diversities exchange novelties, proposals and expressions of love as little Angels prepare special moments on Valentine's Day. Devoted followers of tradition wine and dine on Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) in preparation for the 40 days of sacrifice celebrated from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday. 
       These celebrations are great examples of God's love and adoration for each one of us. Whether we look back and observe God's hand as he kept the slaves strong and focused so their survivors could build a country based on their labor and ingenuity; or if he gave his only son who resurrected on Easter Sunday to save us from our sins; or because God is pure love and we are smitten by Cupid"s arrow and yearn to love and be loved - God is our present help! 
       TGIF. Thank God I'm Favored!  Give him praise and adoration forever.  We will not trust outside sources or even our own abilities, but wholly lean on the everlasting arms of our great God.  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Have a wonderful weekend.  Thank you so much for your love, prayers and support -Steven leaves tomorrow ( Saturday, February 7) to move back to California and start his new job on Monday! Hallelujah to God be all praise! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Bright Lights

John 1:5 (NIV) – “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
        I am convinced that there is no darkness like a pitch black night under a Georgia sky.  On a moonless, overcast night where no light from celestial bodies penetrates through the blackness; there seems to be such vast emptiness that it is difficult to see your hand in front of your face.  The darkness is so pervasive it seems that you can almost carve through it with a knife.
    One very dark night I was driving home from a semi-rural area on the outskirts of town.  I had to use my high beam light setting because regular light just did not seem to illuminate the road well enough and I could barely see anything off on the side.  Deer and other nocturnal animals are deadly dangerous when they amble into the roadway and get mesmerized by the car lights.  The old adage – “deer in the headlights” to depict someone who is physically there but mentally somewhere else is a good analogy of what happens when we rumble around in the dark (sin) and then are thrust into the loving light of Jesus.
      When we are living in sin we are hanging around the fringes of life. God has great things for us and he needs us to get off the side lines and cross over into the blessings he has prepared for us. Like deer, the longer we linger in the darkness on the sidelines of living, the more blinded we are when we find our way into the Light.   Don’t be like the illusive deer which stand motionless in the middle of their decision; - should it return to the familiarity of the darkness; should it run for unknown territory or remain mesmerized in the middle of the road?
       As I traveled toward my home I noticed that many of the cars that were coming toward me and racing into the blackness of the rural countryside were equipped with high intensity halogen headlights.  They cast a wide beam of light so bright it appears to be blue rather than white.  Jesus is the LIGHT of the world and when we put him first in our lives he will illuminate all that is around us and pierce into the darkness to make our way safe and comfortable.   Don’t get used to having one foot in the dark and the other testing the light.  God wants our whole commitment.  We must consistently ask the Holy Spirit to show us areas where we are too comfortable on the edge of darkness.  Pray for Jesus to shine his Light on those situations and rebuke the sin and its dangers away from our lives.

Every day is a good day.  It is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be Blessed! This is the Year of Manifestation.  Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Faithful Cheerleaderss

John 2:5 (ESV)  - “ His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
         This scripture comes from St. John’s Gospel depiction of the first public miracle performed by Jesus at the wedding in Cana.  Mary, Jesus’ mother, was so resolved that he could handle the situation that she boldly made the proclamation to the servants to ‘do whatever he instructs you to do’. Jesus had not made wine appear out of nowhere before nor had he done any miracle for that matter, but his mom had such faith in him that she knew her son would handle the issue and that the celebratory family would not be embarrassed. 
        I was thinking about all of the people in my life who had such support and faith in me that they, without hesitation, knew that whatever the task, I could handle it.  I remember Corean Burns who started calling me Dr. JoAnn when I still had years to go before completing my doctorate.  And Edith Abrams who urged me to give teaching a try. I can still hear the promptings of Kimberly Corbitt who saw ministry in me decades before I took my first seminary course.  These people spoke into my life and often at times when I needed to hear that I could do it.  They often provided me with the impetus to grasp for that second wind and to push across the finish line.  Many of them may not have ever known just how vital that smile, hug, inspirational call or card impacted my ability to hold on and stay strong.
        We need to practice supporting one another even when we don’t actually foresee how things may turn out.  God has the ultimate plan and the playbook strategies are all outlined and in the midst of it all everyone can use a great cheering squad.  My charge to you today is ask the Holy Spirit to bring to your memory someone who could use a little pat on the back today; an impromptu phone call or even a surprise lunch visit and do your part to make today special for them.  You could be the very reason someone’s whole day can be readjusted for success.  Think about the last time someone spoke into your life at just the right time and how great it made you feel   - Pass it on!

Every day is a good day.  It is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be Blessed! This is the Year of Manifestation.  Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Keep Them Honest!

Deuteronomy 1:13- "Now, for each of your tribes, choose wise, discerning, and well-regarded individuals. I will appoint them as your leaders."

       As responsible adults, good citizens and faithful believers it is imperative that we select and follow only righteous leaders.  Whether these leaders are the heads of State, Board chairmen, PTA officers, over the local block club or organizing our summer family reunion; we must use our voting power to guard these offices against those who would misuse their power.The scripture makes it clear that three important traits should be demonstrative in the character of those who want the right to be in charge.
     First they should be wise. We often get this mixed up with being smart.  There are a lot of smart, book savvy people who do not use their intellect in wise or time-proven manners. They may be knowledgable about many subjects and can fast talk a lot of data and quote various laws, mandates, work policies and even scriptures, but wisdom is developed and perfected in time under the anointing of God. Old age does not guarantee wisdom and conversely there are some young people who are wise for their age. 
     Second, those in charge should be discerning; having a track record of making good decisions. There is nothing as important as experience when it comes to handling affairs.  The act of having to weigh issues and draw conclusions involves critical thinking skills. Those who are going to lead must be able to think on their feet, use sound judgment, wrestle several perspectives and come to rational conclusions; all for the greater good of those they represent or lead. 
        A third and important trait for leaders is that they be well regarded.  Being popular is not enough; that only means that they are known by a lot of people.  Bullies and class clowns can be popular but that does not mean they are respected and appropriate for leadership. This is often the greatest downfall of those seeking position.  We might be fooled by the charisma of the person into believing their song and dance act; but it might be masking the fact that they lack wisdom and discernment.  
      In many areas of our country those who were elected in  November have officially taken office and it is key for us to be good citizens and WATCH for these traits in those who are called to serve. Fool us once (on Election Day) - shame on you. Fool us twice -shame on us!
       Listen to your boss, keep an eye on the new supervisor, watch and pay attention. People can only fake it for so long.  Soon their true nature will be exposed. If it is righteous everyone is blessed; but if there are signs of corruption, incompetence or just plain foolishness be careful who you follow.  When the "bad" go down they love to take others with them. Stay alert. 
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, February 2, 2015

Water, Water Everywhere!

Revelation 7:17 (ESV). "for the Lamb that is in the midst of the throne shall be their shepherd, and shall guide them unto fountains of waters of life: and God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes."
       The meaning and origin of the name "February" is varied and controversial; but many etymologists agree that the term refers to a time of washing and purification.  Many of us have completed fasting periods during January and are now entering a season of reaping the benefits of the cleansing rituals. We are entering cycles of "washing" off all of the impurities that the "fasting/cleansing brought to the surface.  
As we enter this second month of the calendar year we have shaken off the lingering uncertainties of the past year; reasserted ourselves on our new path of manifestation and are now fortified to push forward with our gifts and talents.  We shall not be moved.  We are bathing in the living water that is Jesus Christ and we shall forever be changed for the better.
     Enjoy the rainy (snowy) days, the windy afternoons and brisk nights; they are reminders that our baptism in Christ is continually washing us clean and renewing a right spirit within us. Showers are refreshing but take the time this month to enjoy more frequent baths; walk in the rain (snow) when possible; substitute alkaline water for your usual beverages and quench that thirst.  If there is an option at your local gym or workout facility, swim a few laps instead of using the regular treadmill or elliptical machines.  You'll be surprised how rejuvenating this month will be as you hydrate your life.  
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn