Friday, August 22, 2014

"Be Ye Ever Ready"

Be Ye Ever Ready!
Good morning. Today's power scripture comes from Matthew 24:36 and 44 –“36But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 44Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”
On the Mount of Olives Jesus was telling his disciples about the signs of the end times and warning them through the use of parables that they must always be prepared for no one knows the exact time that it will happen.  We chide about global events that spurn discussion of the end times.  When bizarre things occur or strange events seem to happen in succession we often say: The signs are getter closer  - time to pull out the broom  - better get your house in order - Because Jesus is coming soon.
We may joke about the CNN reports and the world news updates…but as Christians we all know that our Savior has promised to return and that we do not know the day or the hour…but that we must be prepared and we must be ready. In the next chapter (Matthew 25) Jesus tells the parable of the 10 bridesmaids.  Only half were considered wise; the other half foolish.  All were deemed for perfection, yet when the test came they were split in half…5 being the number of grace.  When the time came…when the rubber hit the road...when the stuffing hit the fan…when the final buzzer rang…when the gift of grace was put to the test  - 5 knew how to use the gift of grace that was given and were prepared…5 because of their inability to be ready fell short.  They had in their hands the lamps that they needed, but were still unprepared because they had no extra oil.
What is in your hand?.  Do you take for granted the tools God has provided to light your way and give you direction? The foolish took their lamps yet made no provision for the uncertainty that was sure to lie ahead. The coming of the bridegroom was not something that was a usual occurrence; this was a once in a lifetime event and yet to them it was not important enough to treat with the special forethought that it deserved.  God places things in our hands for us to use in preparation for the uncertain yet important events that lie ahead for us.
Because the tools…. gifts….. talents….. that we are graced with become second nature to us…do we forget their prime purpose?  Do we overlook or take for granted their importance.   Or do we always make sure that WHAT we have in hand maintains its value and use.  God gives us certain skills, we must not let them wear thin, get rusty or dusty, outdated, lose credibility, grow dull, lapse, become invalid, expire, need tuning or go flat…
Lamps without oil are as useless as incomplete school transcripts, unfinished projects, neglected relationships, untapped potential and untamed egos.
They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them.   A gun without bullets cannot stop a charging beast, a pen without ink cannot sign thoughts into law, a dull blade is useless in cooking, the wheels of ingenuity cannot turn with rusted parts.    Don’t let your God-given gifts go awry. They have a specific purpose in your destiny. Keep them ready and sharp for God’s glory.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, August 21, 2014

"Lift Up"

Lift Up
Good morning! Today's power scripture comes from Genesis 13:14(NIV) – “The Lord said to Abram after Lot had left him, Lift up now your eyes and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward and westward;
Things had gotten a bit sticky and touchy between the servants of Abram and the servants of Lot because they were having clashes over grazing land for their flocks and herds.  Abram gave Lot the first choice of which area he would select and of course he chose the prime, well-irrigated land of the Jordan Valley.  As soon as Lot left, God spoke to Abram and reiterated his promise.  He told Abram to lift up his eyes and to look in all directions.  God would bless him mightily. We can take a few lessons from this scripture.
First of all let me point out that it states that when Lot left then God spoke to Abram again.  Earlier in chapter 12 we see God visiting Abram and telling him to leave his home and countrymen and go to a land where God would direct him.  He was instructed to separate himself from his family and follow God’s command.  Well… in comes Lot, Abram’s nephew… throwing a monkey wrench into the operation. So we see from the beginning that there is a fly in the ointment.  Who do you have tagging alongside you that might be hindering your progress?  They are familiar; they are loved; they mean you no harm, but their very presence might be slowing God’s promise for you to a standstill.  Re-evaluate your purpose in life and the promises and instructions given to you by God.  Do they include any special clauses that need to be adhered to specifically?  Be careful for God does follow his own rules, even if we don’t.   If God told you to attend a certain school or work at a certain job or avoid a certain activity and you alter your ‘assignment’ -your blessings may be hindered.
Secondly, God told Abram to lift up his eyes and see his future.  Sure, we must live in this world and be in this moment, but God gives us the authority to look beyond our circumstances and see the hope of our future. We need to stop focusing on where we are at ground level and peer into the starlight. We must look above the storms and see the calm of the heavens and forget about the mischief, mayhem and mockeries of everyday life. What we see at ground level can deceive us into believing there is nothing greater. Don’t worry about taxes or bankruptcies or unplanned pregnancies or medical reports - these are all lower level concerns. Think on the lovely things, the promises of God, the things of a higher calling.  When we focus on these, the other ‘stuff’ falls into place.
Lastly, Abram was told to look in all directions.  We sometimes are so focused on pinpointing one specific way of doing something that we get pigeon-holed into believing that our blessings are only going to come through one particular avenue.  There are some who think that it is only by working hard, long, unrelenting hours, that they will be successful in caring for themselves and their families.  God’s grace could provide a new concept or idea that could make them a millionaire overnight if they looked up long enough to see it.  Some might believe that it is only through education or through marriage that they will be able to achieve their dreams and desires.  God’s plans may be in a totally different direction.  So look up and look around – great things are on the horizon.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

"Small Things Matter"

Small Things Matter
Good morning.  Today's power scripture comes from James 3:4 (EXB) - “Also a ship is very big, and it is pushed by ·strong [fierce] winds. But a very small rudder controls [guides; steers] that big ship, making it go wherever the pilot wants.”
  Do not think for a moment that your contribution is too small or insignificant to matter.  If you only have a small amount of money to give toward a large goal or if you only have a limited amount of time to spare to assist on a project; it does help.  God looks at the heart of your contribution and not the quantity.  It is the quality of your service and desire to give and participate that endears God’s heart.  When we give our best, even in small increments, God will take what we have and multiply its effect so that our little becomes much.  In today's scripture we read of the influence that a small helm or rudder has in steering a large and formidable ship.  The ship is gigantic in comparison to the small pliable piece that is used to maneuver it through the water under the control of high and often violent winds.  The stronger the push of the gale, the more obvious it is that the rudder is needed and important.
      The ship might represent some grand or great aspect of your life that requires the dynamics of strong influence in order to move from where it is now to the place of its best use; but the very forces that provide this push, could also be the same forces which could tear it apart or send it off course. Here is where your small rudder of ‘faith’ comes into play.  God’s promises concerning your mission are secure and he has provided the means (the ship) and the power (the winds) but direction is needed.  That focus or direction comes from your faith.  We only need as much faith as compared to that of a small mustard seed and we can see its influence making a great impact.  Don’t cower from asserting your faith in tackling large issues, problems or projects.  Know that God has provided all that you need and all you must do is take hold of your faith and steer.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

"Suffer the Children"

Suffer the Children
Good morning! Today's power scripture comes  from Matthew 19:14(NCV) –“ but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people who are like these children.”
Across the country many schools have already started the new school year and many others are preparing to start within the next few weeks.  For some this past summer included fabulous family trips to fun locations, family reunions and great getaways. For others this summer was a struggle to find something constructive to do in order to keep busy and out of trouble. Some children attended sports or technology summer camps while others dreamed of just being able to get out of their subdivisions or off their blocks.  Some could only get away as far as their imaginations could carry them.
How our children and grandchildren see themselves and dream of what they want to be is critical. Please let it be important on your ‘to-do’ list to help reinforce to our young ones just how special they are.  Children are steadily bombarded with negative talk, paparazzi newsflashes and hours of unbridled immorality on television.  They can experience school life that is tormented by bullies or be placed in local schools that are struggling to maintain the minimum of state requirements for accreditation.  Our children play too many videos games where life is restored by the push of a button; they believe friendships are contingent upon whether they have the right type of phone or popularity is determined by how destruction they can act. All of these things are distractive blockades preventing them from being in the presence of the Lord.  The closer they may want to get to Jesus, the more they are isolated by these trappings.  It is our responsibility to our children and to the ‘village’ we support to protect them as we guide them to move closer into the presence of Jesus.    Find a youngster you can help today – encourage them to stay focused and seed into their lives in a tangible way.  The seeds we plant today will provide for our future.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day!  Make it a great day for a child.  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Sunday, August 17, 2014

"If Unique Is What You Seek"

Good morning.  Today's power scripture comes from Psalm 139:14 (ESV) – “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”
Why do we try so hard to be like everyone else?  We strive to keep up with the Joneses; to wear the same labels on our clothes; drive cars that are known by numbers instead of names; walk alike; talk alike and even chew gum alike. We look at rail thin models and social misfits to try to decide how we should dress.  We listen to emaciated anorexics to decide how we should eat.  We listen to those beat down by life and holding diplomas from the school of hard knocks to tell us how to organize our lives and teach our children.
We come into this world as originals but we work so hard to be carbon copies. God made us in his image and placed within our mothers’ wombs the capacity incubate original individuals capable of thinking, learning and being the very best of what God designed within our DNA.  Don’t hurt God’s heart by denying the wonderful creation he made you to be.  So what if your ears are a bit large; your eyes too squinty; voice to scratchy or feet too wide!  So what if you don’t have legs like JLo or swagger like Denzel or President Obama; muscles like Serena Williams or a smile like Idris Elba!  We all have some physical flaws that we wish we could change, but those very things are what make us so special.  Early in her career it was suggested that vocalist Barbara Streisand correct the size and angle of her nose; but it was those very features that produced her unique sound.  Give God thanks for the special traits which you possess that stand you out in a crowd.  Do not be ashamed of your skin color, height, weight, hair texture or the lack of hair.  Be proud if you walk with a limp (make it your trademark gait) or have a slight lisp (purposefully use words with lots of c’s and s’s just to make your point).  Celebrate being you.  Celebrate being special.  Celebrate being unique.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

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Thursday, August 14, 2014

"Sunday Go To Meetin' "

Sunday Go To Meetin’
Good morning. Today’s power scripture comes from Hebrews 10:25 (CEB) –Don’t stop meeting together with other believers, which some people have gotten into the habit of doing. Instead, encourage each other, especially as you see the day drawing near.
Many of us ‘old schoolers’ remember the O’Jay’s  hit “Living For The Weekend”.  One of the lyrics states that the weekend was special because ‘that’s when I party down’.  After a long and often grueling week at work or school or both, we look forward to winding down and relaxing on the weekend.  We use the time to do menial chores, get organized, and of course reconnect with family and friends. It is a time to let your hair down and get rejuvenated so that you can hit the ground running once again on Monday morning.  I encourage you to spend some quality time in the fellowship of other believers.  Yes – go to church.  I know there are some of you who are ‘churchees’ like me.  I love going to church and will often visit more than one service at various churches on one day.  I love revivals and special days when I get to visit friends’ houses of worship. Sure, you can hear a good sermon on TV and get really fired up from some good gospels on CD or MP3, but it not the ‘stuff’ of the church format that is important; but the interaction and drawing upon the spirits of those assembled that is rewarding. 
There are some who have been hurt because of activities, interactions or relationships within a church establishment and no longer enjoy the camaraderie of going to church.  If this is your case, I especially encourage you to not let the issues of the past stop you from worshipping and praising our wonderful Lord in the company of other believers.  Sometimes when we are hurt in a situation we focus too much on ourselves and our feelings; and what we will or will not gain from being in the company of others.  You might not feel like going through the fuss of getting dressed, finding a parking space and getting a good seat; but it just might not be about you.  You may possibly need to be there for the person who ends up seating next to you.  God might be ordaining your visit for the purpose of seeding into the lives of the people you encounter before the church service even begins.  Let God use you in a special way this weekend.  Spend some time in a House of Prayer and who knows… if it’s been awhile… you might enjoy it.  If you are a regular, do something radical…change seats and meet someone new.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Be blessed! Enjoy service….Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

"Good Always Trumps Evil"

Good Always Trumps Evil

Good morning. Today's power scripture comes from Exodus 1:17 (AMP) “But the midwives feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded, but let the male babies live.”
This verse of scripture is from the Old Testament story of the midwives who had been commanded by the Egyptian king to kill all the boy babies born to the Hebrew women.  The midwives went against the direct order of the king because they respected and were faithful to God.  In spite of the potential for their own demise, these fearless women did the right thing.
We also will come upon situations when we must make uncomfortable, yet highly volatile choices.  We will be painted into a corner and the only feasible way out will seem to be one in which we must make a choice that might compromise what we believe in or what we stand for.  It is in these moments of decision that we must always stay on God’s side. A few decades back a popular mantra was circulating – “what would Jesus do?”.  It is still pertinent today.  What would Jesus do in such situations where our own personal comfort, prosperity or even career might be on the line because doing the ‘right’ thing could jeopardize our position?  I know for certain that even in situations that were uncomfortable, Jesus always prayed to his Father and did the right thing.  You too can use this same approach – pray and then do the right thing.  God’s word is clear about almost every aspect of life and there are numerous examples of ways to handle difficult situations.  Studying your Bible and drawing upon the stories, parables and wise sayings will equip you to know what to do or at least how to approach God in prayer and praise about the issue.  Regardless of what your emotions might dictate or your past experiences might reflect, always remember that God’s good will triumph over evil.  It is not an even match up. Satan is in no way of the same magnitude as our God.  So even if you believe you might suffer loss, remember faithfulness to God will always be your trump card and he will reward you double for your trouble.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Be blessed!!  Dr. JoAnn

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

"Somewhere Over the Rainbow"

Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Good morning.  Today's power scripture comes from Genesis 9:13 (AMP)  “I set My bow [rainbow] in the cloud, and it shall be a token or sign of a covenant or solemn pledge between Me and the earth.”
   Over the past few weeks we have experienced frequent sudden downpours where the heavens just seem to open and we are quickly drenched with a torrential rain.  These sudden squalls do not last long, but the amount and intensity of the storm is something quite amazing.  Since moving to Atlanta one of the most mystifying scenes I have witnessed is when it is raining on one side of the street and bone dry on the other.  Each time we are blessed with these showers I am reminded of the wonder that must have overtaken Noah when he and his family saw rain for the first time.
The upheaval of the sinful world caused God to refresh and renew the planet through Noah’s family as they rode out the storm in the ark.  Along with his family, Noah and key flora and fauna survivors witnessed God’s rainbow promise to never destroy the world again by flood.
     Every time I witness a rainbow in the heavens I remember that God keeps his promises and I am rejuvenated and overcome with awe as I watch the color patterns lace the sky in splendor.  God made a solemn, unconditional oath to protect us; just as he promised that whosoever believeth in Jesus should not perish, but would have ever lasting life.  For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.  Isn’t it gratifying and wonderful to know that God wants us to have abundant life and that he showers us with love, forgiveness, grace, mercy, and favor.  Then he reminds us with daily little glimpses of his promises by giving us signs and wonders.  Look around you today and take note of the small yet wonderful signs God gives to remind us that he loves us.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

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Monday, August 11, 2014

"Reset Button"

Reset Button
Good morning.- Today's power scripture comes from Numbers 20:12 (ESV):  “12But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not trust me enough to demonstrate my holiness to the people of Israel, you will not lead them into the land I am giving them!”
Yesterday I wrote about the advantages of using the guidelines on the lane floor to assist in making a strike while bowling; how focus and strategy and staying in your lane would garner success. But what happens when we are distracted; when things do not go as we plan, hope or wish?  What can we expect if we accidentally or purposefully stray from the path of our destiny? What are possible consequences if we do not follow God’s instructions or guidelines? Moses found out about this the hard way. In bowling if we totally mess up and drift from the proven directives,  we may often end up in the gutter; the no-man’s land on the edges of existence.  When this happens, no pins are hit and the mechanical arm will engage and sweep the area clear.  New pins are set into place and the ball is returned so the bowler can give it another try.  Same lane, same ball but a new set of pins and another chance.
   In the scripture text for today we see that God has pronounced a ‘reset’ for Moses because he strayed from the commandment he was given.  While on their trek through the wilderness, the children of Israel cried out for sustenance. Previously when the travelers needed water, God instructed Moses to strike the rock and it gushed with life-giving fluid.  Now this time when water was needed, God set up the lane with the right provision (rock); provided the guidelines (Moses was to speak to the rock) and gave Moses the ball. Instead of following the guidelines which would have assured a ‘win’ in the situation, Moses was distracted and he dropped the ball into the gutter.  God swept his arm of judgment over the situation and knocked down all the pins and reset the game.  From the outside it might seem as if things were successful… the pins were all down…the water was flowing from the rock and the people were satisfied.  But Moses paid a price for his disobedience.  Because of his act, God did not allow him to enter into the Promised Land. His reset was permanent.
There are plans and paths that God has set into motion for us to follow and when we act on our own, like Moses or Jonah, God gives us the liberty of freedom of choice; and at first it might seem that our foolish disregard for God’s way is still OK.  Things appear to be rolling along smoothly.  Moses did make water appear from the rock and the people and animals were able to quench their ravaging thirst.  But when our liberty of freedom choices bumps heads with the will of the God of Creation – it is not an even contest.  God wins every time; his directives, his ultimate plans will be done. 
Have you made or are thinking about some decision or move that you know is in direct contradiction to the direction that God wants you to go?  Is the Holy Spirit’s urging grating up against you like sandpaper?  Don’t let your life be a series of ‘resets’ where you have to keep starting over and never gaining any real points. God does not hide his desires from you; stop fighting the natural flow like a fish spawning upstream; don’t dwell in the gutter when God wants to crown you with victory.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

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Sunday, August 10, 2014

"Stay In Your Lane"

Stay In Your Lane
Good Morning. Today’s power scripture comes from 2 Kings 22:2 (NET)- “2He did what the Lord approved and followed in his ancestor David’s footsteps; he did not deviate to the right or the left.”

       As a youngster one of our favorite indoor activities was to compete in a friendly game of bowling.  It was fun to pit one team against another to see who would score highest and of course which team would make the most ‘strikes’. For those of you unfamiliar with the game, the object is to roll a large, heavy ball down a highly polished wooden lane to knock over ten pins strategically positioned at the end of the lane.  At first glance it seems like a pretty straight forward easy thing to accomplish; but there is definitely an art and a science to getting all the pins to fall.  While many new bowlers believe the clue to success in knocking over the pins comes from applying brute force as they hurl the bowling ball down the lane; seasoned veterans know that it is not by force but by precision that pins fall.  On the floor boards of the lane are dots and arrow markings that if properly followed will, more times than not, assure a perfect strike in the pin pocket causing them to crash into and knock each other down.  Without much effort, strength or previous know-how, even a beginner using the lane markings can achieve miraculous scores.
      A couple of life lessons can be garnered from those tiny little helper markings on the bowling lane floor.  First of all you have to know that they are there; you have to know what they mean and how to use them; and you must keep your eyes on them as you approach your ball release position. With the constant racket of balls being thrown, dropped and knocking down pins, the cheers of the bowlers and spectators and even the loud background music playing on the jukebox, all make the environment a very noisy place.  Unlike golfers who need quiet to concentrate (yeah right), bowlers know how to drown out the noise, focus on their task and stay in their lane.  To be successful you must select the right size and weight ball; not cross over the boundary line; keep your eyes on your lane and release (not throw) your ball in alignment with the lane dots and arrows.  The easiest way to miss your mark is to let your mind or eyes get distracted and drift into another lane.  Instead of paying attention to our guidelines which can lead to our own success; we are looking to see what others are doing.  Stay in your lane.  Yes!, the person in the other lane did some fancy moves and got all the pins down; but don’t try to imitate his style. Develop your own style and use what you have to your advantage to be on top of your game.
        God has ordered and ordained your steps (gotten you to the best lane); he has provided you with the tools that you will need (selected the right ball) and has assigned you to a noteworthy course of action (dots and arrows on the lane floor).  All you need to do is follow his instructions. Don’t worry about all the hoopla and noise all around you (distractions) or even the taunting and teasing of those who want to see you fail. Keep your focus on the task at hand; do not deviate to the left or the right. Stay on target and you are assured that you shall make a perfect strike.  See you in the winner’s cycle!

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT power-packed day!  Be blessed! - Dr. JoAnn
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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

"No Doze"

No Doze
Good morning.  Today's power scripture comes from Judges 16: 19-20 (NIV): “19After putting him to sleep on her lap, she called for someone to shave off the seven braids of his hair, and so began to subdue him. And his strength left him.20Then she called, “Samson, the Philistines are upon you!” He awoke from his sleep and thought, “I’ll go out as before and shake myself free.” But he did not know that the Lord had left him.”
This of course is the story of Samson and Delilah or what we can call Devilish Delilah and the fall of Samson.  After many other attempts to find out the source and secret of Sampson’s strength, Delilah kept nagging and persisting and needling Sampson until she wore him down. All the times before he was on his P’s and Q’s but finally he let down his guard.  In similar fashion the devil is unrelenting.  He wants you to fail and he will continue needling and nagging and prodding and pursuing you until he wears you to the point of fatigue…then he lulls you to sleep.  And he will put you into a deep sleep and steal what is rightfully yours if you try to operate in our own strength.
Samson became cocky and this arrogance led to him thinking he was in command of his gift instead of realizing that the gift was a point of grace to be used by God. Do not be deceived that the power, poise,  intellect, charm, commanding voice, melodious tones, speaking prowess, healing hands, leadership ability, cooking dynamics, hair styling wonderment, academic skills, athletic ability, acting acumen, business savvy, curvy body, smooth skin, tall statue,  or ability to whistle and chew gum at the same time has anything to do with you….
All of what we are, do and can become is for the glorification of God.   When we lose sight of that we become easy prey to the devil to use our very gifts against us.  In your own time, read the entire passage about the wiles of Delilah, you will see that in every other instance when she asks Sampson for his secret of this strength she did the deeds herself; whether it was binding him with bowstrings or braiding his hair. But when she realized that she had finally gotten the real truth from him….she called for reinforcements. The devil will do the same. As long as you stand strong in the Lord the devil will keep chipping away because he knows that even if he brought an army of thousands against you as long as you are operating in the strength of the Lord - he is defeated.  But when you lose that edge -  and he knows it - he rushes in with reinforcements to make sure he cuts you from your source.   Stay on guard. Do not be caught sleeping. Remember that the battle is the Lord’s and do not try to operate in your own strength, relying on your own abilities and instincts – you will lose every time.  Abide in the Lord and he will abide in you.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

"Arrows Away"

Arrows Away
Good morning.- Today's power scripture comes from Psalm 18:14 – “He sent out His arrows and scattered the foe, Lightnings in abundance, and He vanquished them.” (NKJV)
Have you ever felt as if you have been pulled to the farthest of your ability to stretch?  Felt as if you have bent over backward so far that you could easily see where you have been? Or how about things being so tight that you could not give another inch?  Well believe it or not those are all good signs. Yes...great signs. It means that you are just about at the point of letting go. Not the kind of letting go where you give up or give out, but the kind of letting go when you give ‘over’.  Give whatever it is over to God.  He has been patiently waiting of you to exhaust yourself to the point where you will now Let Go and Let God!
What do you think all of that sacrifice and torture was about those 2000 years ago?  Why do you think Jesus bore those gruesomely abusive stripes?  Blood was shed and a random paid and you were redeemed.  Time to cash in and God has been waiting.  We must not keep struggling to operate in our own strength or we will be guilty of trying to negate the work of Jesus as the Savior of the world.  We must let God be God and do his wonderful Godly things of never sleeping; always protecting; healing; nurturing; teaching and guiding. Sovereignty requires some really big shoes and you and I can in no way even think about how to begin to fill them.  Let God – Be God.  He is really good at it and although you think you have the best answer let him do his ‘thang’.
An arrow by itself, though sharp and full of potential, has very little power unless it is pulled and positioned.  The greater the pull; the more the tension; the higher the angle; the farther the arrow will fly.  So if you feel like you have been stretched to the limits of your patience, abilities and wits…guess what??? It is time to soar.  God knows just the right amount of tension and resistance for you to bear; he knows where he wants you to land and how much force it will take you to get there… Let God be God and enjoy the flight.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

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