Tuesday, January 31, 2017

That I May Know Him

Philippians 3:10 – “1I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,”
    We know about resurrection power. It’s the power that raised Jesus from the dead. Think – what problem or need do you have that resurrection power can‘t handle? What’s dead in your life that needs to be raised or [what is] broken that needs to be fixed? When you make intimacy with Christ your top priority, you tap into this power.
     Why is it that some Christians live as ‘more than conquerors”, while others seem to go around defeated all the time? The answer isn’t in their circumstances, because victorious Christians and defeated Christian face basically the same kind of trials. And the answer isn’t in who goes to church more often, or who reads the Bible and who doesn’t. The answer is, victorious Christians know Christ more intimately, therefore they experience His life-giving power!
     But a lot of us would like to put a period after the words, “The power of His resurrection.” No if we’re going to know Christ intimately we must also know Him in ‘the fellowship of His sufferings”. This word ‘sufferings’ means more than just enduring a bad allergy season or having your mother-in-law move in with you. For Paul it meant being beaten to a pulp and beheaded! But it also meant a special kind of intimacy with the Lord that can’t be known any other way. If you’ve ever suffered deeply with another person you understand what this means.
     Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Live victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, January 30, 2017

Live To Serve God

Yesterday I was blessed to serve as the guest minister for the Vesper Worship Service at the Pines Retirement Community. In preparatory study for delivering the Word, I found some wonderful pieces I will share with you this week… Enjoy!!

Mark 10:45 “For even the Son of Man came not to have service rendered to Him, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”

     As the potter forms clay into vessels, some for honorable use and some for menial use, so God forms us to serve His purpose. Regardless of how our position in life may look to others, we are all formed to serve the Lord in some way.
     If God made you to be a helper, then help with all your heart. If you enjoy cleaning houses for people, then do so as if you are cleaning the Lord’s house. If you want to stay home with your children instead of earning extra income, don’t worry that God has called others to paying positions outside the home. Do whatever the Lord puts in your heart to do – and enjoy fulfilling your God-given purpose.
     Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Live victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Friday, January 27, 2017

The Farmer's Harvest

Hosea 10:12 – “Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.”
     Just as the farmer utilizes faith when he plants his field, we must exercise faith that our planting and toiling shall yield an abundance. The farmer must prepare the soil to be receptive to the seeds or plants. Certain plants require special soil and planting methods and the farmer must recognize these needs. There must be proper irrigation and methods for removing pesky weeds. As our bountiful harvest comes to fruition we do not want to leave any of the yield hanging. God is so awesome and He will not allow any of our promised favor to fail; but we must be in the spirit of harvesting when our blessings are ripe and ready.
     The devil is busy trying to hold us back, but we have planned, toiled and worked so now is our season of reaping. When the harvest is done, we shall rejoice and give testimony to God’s goodness. To complete the harvest cycle we must then turn over the soil and burn the vestigial growth to cleanse and rejuvenate the soil. Once our harvest has come we must be prepared to glean, turn, and burn so that our new works will have prepared soil ready for planting.
     Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Harvest Victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Hospital Dismissal

Luke 9_6 - “And they departed, and went through the towns, preaching the gospel, and healing everywhere.”
     There are many processes in life we must endure as we experience the fullness of God’s redemptive healing. As we go through the steps and stages, we grow stronger in our faith and when they are complete we should be more resolute than ever before to walk in the newness we received. We rejoice in our new freedom, much like a patient being released from a hospital stay rejoices not only at their cure but also that they are being dismissed.      Dismissal means they are allowed to return home to be reunited with family and friends. When it is time for our discharge we are happy and even want to help the hospital staff hurry through the paperwork. Before we leave we make sure that all of the necessary prescriptions are written, all of the follow-up appointments are set, transportation from the hospital is there and that our bags are packed.
     On our way out we thanks all the individuals who were a part of our care and we shake the hands of all who helped us. And while we are appreciative and most grateful for their quality care; we are thankful for their service but we do not want to linger around or return. As we are released from life’s tough situations we too must not linger but be prepared to glean the best from even the worst situation and then move on.
     Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Claim Health Victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

A Race Well Run

2 Timothy 4:7 – “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.”
    Today’s blog is dedicated to the life and service of the late Bishop Eddie L Long of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church. Bishop Long transitioned from work to reward on Saturday, January 14, 2017 and his memorial celebration service will be held today at the church location in Lithonia, Georgia. Please keep his lovely wife, Vanessa Long and the entire family in your prayers.
     To all the blog readers who are members, present or past of New Birth we offer our heartfelt condolences for your loss. God’s under-shepherd has moved on but continue to strive to fulfill his work, mission and vision. God bless you.
     Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Praise Victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Clothes of Service

Exodus 39:1 – “And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet, they made cloths of service, to do service in the holy place, and made the holy garments for Aaron; as the Lord commanded Moses.”
     In our visits to boutiques or malls to shop we are excited to get new clothing. We enjoy hearing the compliments of people as they observe us in our new outfits. For now our new clothes are stylist but as we continue to wear them they become out of season or outdated. There is a season for everything.
     Just as we switch outfits for different climates, we ask God for guidance to change as the seasons of our lives change so that we are not left behind or discarded. Our spirits are lifted when we don a new outfit and people will see the manifestation of God’s glory lifted in our lives. With this glory upon us we feel good about ourselves and are more confident in our walk. We then carry ourselves upright and with our heads held high. We honor God for his blessings upon our lives and has sis glory reflects on us we then can bear witness to the favor of our Lord. God uses us as symbols to the world that He is a blessing God who clothes us in righteousness and meets our needs so that we can remain ‘in season’.
    Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Work victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, January 23, 2017

Fisherman Tools

John 21:3 – “Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing.”
     Fishermen use many methods to catch fish; nets, traps, lines, snares, hooks and bait. Of all the items they use one thing is more important than any tool, and that is for a fisherman to have patience.
     Fishing requires diligence, patience and commitment. Today’s scripture tells us that Peter tarried all day and caught nothing. This lets us know that it does not matter about talent, skills, equipment or timing, but is by God’s grace that we are successful in our ventures, projects, occupations, jobs and relationships. God is the Giver of life which sustains us. Many have casted their nets for 5,10, 15 or more years hoping for plentiful outcomes in business, marriage, children, etc., and have drawn back empty nets. That does not mean we should give up. As a matter of fact now more than ever it is a time to cry out to God in your own way for blessings to manifest TODAY. Out there in the Sea of Desire, the Sea of Want, the Sea of Success is your bounty. Pray and give thanks as God releases it to you and watch it overflow in your life.
    Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Work victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Friday, January 20, 2017

Be of Good Cheer

Ecclesiastes 9:7 (HCSB) – “ Go, eat your bread with pleasure, and drink your wine with a cheerful heart, for God has already accepted your works.”
      Well it is the close of another business week and we will hear periodically throughout the day – “TGIF” –“Thank God It’s Friday”.  We have made it through Lazy Monday, Hump Day Wednesday and now we are getting geared up for the weekend and all of its activities.  Many will use the end of the week to tie up loose ends and prepare for a weekend of pure leisure; while others may have to work a shift or two on Saturday and/or Sunday, so Friday is no different from any other day.  Whatever your course, take time out to enjoy this day.  Like all those that proceeded it and all that will follow – it is a day that the Lord has made and we shall (should) rejoice and be glad in it.  The key phrase is that we will be glad ‘’IN” it.  Be an active part of the day.  Don’t let the day slip by; the hours roll on and the time fly without really taking a moment or two to enjoy the essence of the day.  God created this day with special favors just for you.  If your heart is receptive, it will instinctively know that cheerfulness has its own rewards. 
       The things we have done are already perceived by God and he acknowledges that he has accepted our works…now it is time to quiet our spirits and rest in his blessings. All your struggles, trials, triumphs and victories of the week are about to brush up against the weekend with one main outcome-you survived and God wants to share this day  in fellowship with you.  Each day God grants new mercies so that we have a clean slate to embrace all the options that the day will bring.
Be of good cheer; God has established a place for you to revive, revitalize, recover, rediscover and rejuvenate. Take advantage of it and relax in his care.   Whatever issue might be bombarding you and trying to impinge on your peace – if you can’t dismiss it totally (what good does worry do?); then at least toss it to the back burner until next week.  There is a good reason why God requires man to rest – we need it.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Have a Victorious weekend. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Every Hair

Matthew 10:30 – “And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
     About six months ago I cut off my dreadlocks to sport a new shorter hairdo. As a matter of fact I went from mid-back length to being able to comb my hair with my fingers. As the winter months rolled in I am even more aware of the benefit of my head covering because without the woolly protection of my locks my head often gets quite chilled.
     Teasing me, recently a friend commented that I had scalped myself and that I was bald. I retorted that although the length of my hair was different, each individual hair follicle was still in place and that God had them numbered and even named. God knows about every aspect of our being and he loves us unconditionally. In his love for us, he cares not only for the big issues that affect our lives, but he is concerned about even the smallest incidents and matters. There are no problems too big for God and no uncertainties too small.
     Knowing that God has even the most minute things about us under scrutiny should give you assurance that he not only has your best interests at heart but that he wants you to be confident in his care.
     Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Live victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Shake It Off!

Matthew 10:14 – “If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.”
    Last week after being sequestered in the house because many establishments were closed because of our ‘winter storm’ (which never materialized in our area); I ventured out to shake off some cabin fever. My adventure landed me in a local WalMart where I took an opportunity to pray with a young woman. The Holy Spirit had put upon my heart to pray for someone and we kept running into each other as we shopped through the store. On the third encounter after I had passed her on several isles I finally stopped her and inquired of her willingness to have me pray for her.
    She responded positively and even told me of two desires that were on her heart for prayer. I told her I was open to pray anywhere, but if she felt uncomfortable there in the isle we could move to another spot; but she was willing and I was able. Afterward, with tears in her eyes, she gave me a nice hug and I gave her a card and encouraged her to check out my blog site. I felt good that I had followed the urging of the Holy Spirit, but more so I felt good because I was able to join in agreement with a fellow believer in prayer.
   This was a good interaction. There have been other times when I have felt the urge to pray with someone and they rejected the notion. I gather those times will come and God uses those moments to teach us to not take things personally or to heart. There will be some who will reject Jesus through you and you must not carry any negativity…just shake it off and move on the next person that God presents.
    Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Pray victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Do Something!

Matthew 7:7 – “Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.”
    We have all heard sermons, read devotions and probably done personal bible study about this scripture. The key to the understanding of this verse is that it is an ‘action’ text. Asking, searching and knocking all require movement and action on our part. We cannot sit back, pray, hope and wait; thinking that things will just fall into place because we are good and faithful. The scripture reminds us that there is action needed to see the fruition of things we want to see come true.
   We can sit around and look pitiful or we can ask for help. We can wait for opportunity to call our names or we can hunt it down and tackle it. Whatever outcome is desired, some action is needed. Don’t live your life as the victim of circumstance; allowing life to just happen to you and then claiming it was all a part of God’s will. Stop lying on God and start going after all that he has provided. Do something and watch manifestations unfold.
    Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Boldly act victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, January 16, 2017

Kingly Wisdom

Psalm 2:10 – “Now therefore, O kings, be wise; be warned, O rulers of the earth.”
     As we celebrate the life and legacy of civil rights leader, Martin Luther King, Jr., it is imperative that we honor the God who guided his steps and set him on the pathway of global recognition. Around the world people are familiar with the image and works of Dr. King and the more I learn of his life the more committed I am to serve. There are many stories of options Dr. King exercised that left him without the benefit of much of what he had earned. He would often give back or refuge stipends given for his preaching or public speaking. He did not even utilize the monetary gain from earning the Noble Peace Prize.
     We too can learn to share beyond basic measure. Today we celebrate the King legacy by not using the holiday as a day ‘off’ but as a day “on”. Find someone who could use your assistance and make yourself available to help. Volunteer your services at a shelter, food bank, community clean-up project or a nursing home. We should be ‘on’ point to assist as needs arise.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Live Victoriously! Dr. JoAnn

Friday, January 13, 2017

No Bad Luck

Psalm 118:24 – “ This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” (KJV)
     Today is one of only two days this year when the 13th day of the month will be on a Friday. Many in western culture view Friday the 13th as a day of bad luck, but those of us who love and trust the Lord know that each day is a gift from God; not a curse. No matter what you have on your plate for today, embrace it with victory in mind. Today is a wonderful day to start a new project; complete an old one; try something new; contact an old friend; eat at a restaurant you always wanted to try….whatever can be fulfilling – today is a great day to do it.
     God’s mercies are brand new each morning so you have a clean slate to work from and all the tools you need to be successful. There is no bad luck. WE do not believe in or trust in charms, talismans, or trinkets to ward off bad karma. We trust in the Lord God who tells us to stay under the shadow of his ‘wings’ and there he will protect, guide and direct us to our greater good. No need to worry about Friday the 13th no more so than stepping on a crack; walking under a ladder or having a black cat cross our path. God has ordered our steps and we are stepping forth in victory.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Live Victoriously! Be blessed. See you Monday! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Wisdom - There for the Asking

James 1:5 – “If any of you lacks wisdom you should ask God, who give generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” (NIV)
     Like I am sure is common to most of us, if we will admit it, I have made some pretty foolish decisions. I have opened my mouth, when I should have kept it shut. I have remained silent when I should have spoken up. I have stayed when I should have left and I have left when I should have held my ground.
     Some of the decisions were quick reactions but many of these decisions I didn’t make rashly, I actually thought them through but still teetered on the side of “why-did-I-do-that?” My main decision making rested on my ability to discern situations on my own (usually involving emotions) when I should have relied on the true wisdom that God provides through the Holy Spirit.
     Hindsight as they say is 20-20 vision and if we really take the time to replay some of the actions we have done over the past year, I am sure we will all see areas where we could have made better decisions. Let’s not live in regret or wallow in remorse; but learn and move forward. Ask God for wisdom; then listen and follow through.
    Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Live Victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

It's Your Time

Joshua 3:7- "And the Lord said to Joshua, “Today I will begin to exalt you in the eyes of all Israel, so they may know that I am with you as I was with Moses."
     After the death of Moses, Joshua took on the role of leading the nation of Israel into the promised land. He was faithful in following and serving Moses and capable and courageous for the task, but God knew that was not enough. In order to be truly effective the people needed to "see" that Joshua did not just inherit the position because he was next in line, but because it was his God-ordained and appointed time to be in the lead position. Joshua did not ask God for favor nor did he command the people to listen to, obey and respect him. He simply kept doing what he had been assigned to do and God made the royal decree and backed it up with signs and wonders.
    2017 is your time. You have been faithful, on point, serving and doing God's will; often without recognition, reward or even compensation. You might have even taken some hits because you chose to stand on the side of righteousness; but alas your time is now. God is working right now to exalt you so that those who might doubt will have no recourse. This is your year... this is your time. All that you have done is not in vain; but don't try to force your hand; let God work on your behalf, if you want to be frustrated put your hands in it -if you want it fixed let God handle it. Trust God - you have sacrificed and been faithful - it's your time.
    Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Live Victoriously! Be blessed. Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Blind Spot

Psalm 146:8 – “The Lord makes the blind see again. The Lord helps those who are in trouble. The Lord loves those who do right.”
     Those of us who drive know that there are particular areas around our vehicle known as ‘blind spots’. When we are driving, changing lanes or backing up it is often difficult or nearly impossible to see anything that is lingering in that blind spot. When zooming down the freeway at more than 60 mph it can be quite daunting to attempt to change lanes; look for clearance, move in that direction; only hear the rapid rhapsody of a car horn giving warning that the space is already occupied. It is evident at that moment that the other driver is in our blind spot. Whether the blind spots are created by the design of the car; the annoyance of blinding sunlight or crippling darkness; or too many packages in the backseat, they can be distracting or even devastating.
     Our scripture today reminds us that God makes all things clear for those who love him and live righteously. There are many blind spots that surround us every day. Things that by design are purposed to try to throw us off track; to cause frustration; or to cripple us from moving forward are no match for our Lord who makes all things clear. Some people may try to sabotage or blindside you, but God will make their motives known before they can even finish developing their wicked plans. He will sound a horn of warning. What others may try to do for evil, God will use it for your greater good. Be cautious in your daily walk, but do not be anxious about anything. Do your very best and let God handle the rest. We cannot be everywhere, seeing everything, all the time – BUT GOD DOES! So let him handle the blind spots; we just have to proceed with caution and listen for the warnings.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Live Victoriously Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, January 9, 2017

Clean Up and Clear Out!

Leviticus 10:10 (ESV) – “You are to distinguish between the holy and the common, and between the unclean and the clean.”
     When the New Year began many of us followed the old tradition of cleaning our houses of unnecessary clutter and began the year with better organization and less chaos. We gave away items that we no longer used or needed and we finally threw away old junk that was just taking up space. We re-organized shelves and some of us even applied a coat or two of new paint. We were starting fresh and wanted our environment to reflect the new order of things.
     We know how awkward it can be to have to step over and around clutter that has accumulated on the floor. Dancing around piles of shoes, clothing, magazines or newspapers can be nerve-racking. Once we clean up, it is necessary to clear it out. As a borderline OCD clean-aholic, it makes my skin crawl to see junk piled up in corners for no reason. Once we get it out of the way – take care of it and put it out. It is essential for us to keep our living spaces free from contamination and debris and this means both in the physical and the spiritual sense. Once you have gotten your spirit renewed and revitalized and you are working on a new course for the New Year, all that ‘stuff’ that God pointed out to you to remove from your life needs to be completely cleared away. 
     It is great that you acknowledged the need to remove the old stuff and it was courageous a deed to actually put in the work to clean up your act, but the final deed of clearing it out needs to be completed. Don’t let the stuff linger in the corners and somehow find its way back into the middle of your life. Who would sweep a floor and collect the trash in a dust pan then leave the dust pan in a place where the debris can soon be scattered again. Take a survey. What have you cleaned up…but not cleared out!! Get ‘er gone!
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Live Victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Friday, January 6, 2017

Anticipate God

Micah 6:8 – “He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
     Tonight I will host the first meeting of my ministry, First Friday Fellowship, for 2017. I am excited about the gathering of believers who come together to praise God, study his word and testify about his goodness. I anticipate how God’s anointing will flow throughout the fellowship and that healing, inspiration and release will manifest in our meeting. God assures me of these things because of his loving kindness. God reveals his presence and glory when we walk humbly before him. As we anticipate his glory; live under the righteousness that Christ’s sacrificial life provided and follow the teachings of the Holy Spirit,      God reveals himself to us in magnificent ways. Our discernment becomes clearer; our circumstances come into alignment with our desires and our lives change for the better.
Our daily walk presents us with situations, images and nuances that might be frustrating and challenging, but all of it is a part of the process of growing closer to God. As you look for answers or directions, use every nuance as a chance to turn your thinking toward the benefits of conquering and moving forward. Focus on doing what is right, what is good and what is just - that is what God requires and he will direct your path. Anticipate him showing up and he will.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Walk Victoriously. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Exit This Way

1 Corinthians 10:13 – “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to humanity. God is faithful, and He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation He will also provide a way of escape so that you are able to bear it.”
     Fire Marshals do routine inspections of buildings and facilities and look for records of emergency evacuation plans. Schools and businesses are required to practice fire and emergency drills. Hospitals and health care facilities must know how to transport non-ambulatory patients in care of fire, flood, or any life-threatening assault. All of these actions require that personnel responsible must know the layout of the building; they must have an action plan in place and they must practice the plan so that when or if an emergency does arise, they will not be unorganized, panicked or ineffective in securing the lives of those under their care and their own safety.
     God gives us many instructions in his word of what we need to do to live productive and safe lives. He gives warnings and precepts about fear, pre-marital sex; infidelity, greed, covetousness, and even laziness. If we follow these guidelines we are more likely to steer clear of many ills and dangers. But God knows our nature and therefore he also has some added assistance -in case of emergency. When temptation or testing or just the vicissitudes of life bear too hard upon us, God does factor in plans for our ‘escape’. Just like the lit signs above doorways, these EXITs are strategically placed to make sure that we not only see them, but that we can use them in times of need. The only way to make the best use of these EXITs is of course to 1) know that they exist; 2) know where they are; and 3) know where they lead.

     God’s plan for us includes EXITs to help us escape from areas that are too taxing upon us to allow for our success. Before you might fold under a certain pressure or succumb to a temptation that could ruin your life or set you back tremendously, these little EXITs light up and if you are wise you will “Exit – stage right” and use the opportunity to regroup. Don’t’ be ashamed to bow out for a moment and get your head on straight; it is better to run than to burn.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Walk Victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Trust God

Hebrews 6:18 (ERV)- "These two things cannot change: God cannot lie when he says something, and he cannot lie when he makes an oath. So these two things are a great help to us who have come to God for safety. They encourage us to hold on to the hope that is ours."
     As we move into this year I joyfully remind us that we are so blessed to serve a God who not only loves us but always keeps his word. Remember his promises and rest assured that he is working in front and behind the scenes to bring every good work together for our greater good. Of course his ways are so much higher than ours and his thoughts more divine; so we may never actually follow his line of reasoning or thoroughly understand his actions. It is key for us to trust him.
     I am not sure to whom the credit goes but I have often heard it said that "when you cannot see God's hand, trust God's heart". In essence, we may not see how things are unfolding or how our prayers are being answered but our hope and trust are anchored in the fact that God is good; God is love; God rewards those who diligently seek him; God wants great things for his children; God is powerful and is a provider. There many, many more wonderful traits of God but just these few I listed gives assurance that our All-powerful Father loves his children (us) and wants the best for us; and is able to grant it.
     God is not capable or culpable of lying. His word is sure. So put away any fears, frustrations, anxieties, doubts or uncertainties and TRUST God. You may not see results right away but like any good gardener once you plant a seed (asking in prayer) you don't go back every day and dig the seed up to see if it is growing; you trust that the soil is right, the seed is good and you wait for the sprout. But even then when the little plant emerges from the top soil you don't pluck it out. You leave it, fertilize and water it and the most important thing is you keep the weeds around it from choking it out. Get rid of the weeds of 'impatience', 'doubt', and 'distraction'. God has got you and your prayers in mind. Trust him!
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Walk Victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Flight 2017

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Today's blog was posted by Pamela Harris and submitted to me by Rhonda J Taylor and I enjoyed it so much I wanted to share it with you my faithful readers... Be sure you pass it on too!!

"Good morning  and welcome to flight number 2017. We are prepared to take off into the New Year. Please make sure that your Attitude and Blessings are secured and locked in an upright position. All self-destructive devices should be turned off at this time. All negativity, hurt and discouragement should be put away. Should we lose Altitude under pressure, during the flight, reach out and pull down a prayer. Prayers will automatically be activated by Faith. Once your faith is activated you can assist other passengers. There will be NO BAGGAGE allowed on this flight. The Captain(GOD) has cleared us for take-off.. Destination "GREATNESS"... 😀

Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year - New You

2 Corinthians 5:17 (RSV) - “Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come.”
     Every New Year many people embark on grand adventures of change and transition. They resolve to eat better, lose weight, exercise more, stop smoking and a myriad of other decisions to change their lives or livelihoods. All of these endeavors are wonderful and steeped in a great idea – the desire to live longer, stronger and healthier lives. My charge to you and to me this year is to endeavor to not focus so much on trying to change who you are but to find the God –in you and bring that more to the surface. With that type of change we will see remarkable changes in all aspects of our lives. When we work so diligently to try to change ourselves we often get frustrated and what started off as a gung-ho, out-the-gate, no-holds-barred bronco ride soon teeters into a struggle to even remember by mid-February what our resolution was in the first place.
      When we seek to walk closer to God and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the God-head in us, we cannot help but see lasting changes that will overtake and nourish us. Our newness will be rooted in the will and purpose of God as he reveals himself to and through us and that type of transition is not just a simple change in dress or pants size or the ability to climb a flight of steps without wheezing… that change is an authentic metamorphosis; where we truly become brand new creatures. Take a chance… go ahead make the diet and exercise adjustments; drop the coins in the piggy bank as you strive to diminish the foul language; buy that extra loud alarm clock and get to places on time for a change – but most of all surrender your life to God and allow him to make the true changes that will make a lasting difference. Remember, only the things you do for Christ shall last.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be Victorious! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn