Friday, March 31, 2017

Better Safe

Matthew 25:10-12 – “And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. 11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. 12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.”

     An old adage states that it is "better to be safe than sorry". In essence it is wiser to take precautions first than suffer unduly circumstances if anything goes awry. We place saucers under house plants so if the water drains through it will not ruin our furniture; we throw a jacket or umbrella in our car when we sense the weather might change; and we stop at the ATM just in case the establishment does not take credit or debit cards. 
      We try to be proactive and think of what could happen so we be can be prepared. What counter measures we do depends not only on our resources but on how severe the aftermath could be if it ran its course. Putting an extra amount in the parking meter might hinge on whether an infraction would result in ticketing, booting or towing.
     Our scripture today relates how Jesus explained the concept of the Kingdom using of the bridegroom and five were foolish and did not. It is a wake-up call that we must be ready at all time. Regardless of what the potential outcome; it is always best to be prepared. We do not want to miss out on the blessings of the Lord because we were not on point. I am one who truly believes that what God has for me - is for me; so I don't fear 'not' getting what God has promised.... but I am fully persuaded that blessings can be detained, blocked and delayed. I encourage you to rethink some areas where you are waiting for a breakthrough; could it be that the proper prep needs to be done? We need to make sure we are not stifling what is for us.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Live victoriously and enjoy this awesome weekend. See you on Monday! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Scheduled Appointment

Exodus 9:5 (New English Translation) – ‘The Lord set an appointed time, saying, “Tomorrow the Lord will do this in the land.”
     The other day I had my routine medical health check. I had a scheduled appointment; a special time set aside to be seen by my doctor. Although it may not have been itched in stone and guaranteed 100%, I was pretty sure that when I arrived at the time they have assigned I would, within a reasonable time range, expect to be seen. In order to be able to take advantage of this appointment there are a few things that I had to do prior to arrival.
     First of all I had to make sure I had the correct date and time; I made sure I had adequate gas in my car and if needed whether I had to secure parking and office visit fees. I also called ahead to find out if I would take any lab tests that would require that I abstain from eating or drinking prior to the tests. All of this must be prepared in advance so that when the hour of my appointment arrived I was in the right place, relaxed and ready to go.
     There are things that we have contemplated, researched, prayed and petitioned before God and even had the nerve to suggest or tell him when we want it to happen. It has been said that if you want to make God laugh – tell him your plans. Nevertheless, God loves to hear from us and for us to pour out our hearts and desires to him. He is a loving Father who enjoys the company and conversation of his children; but in his infinite wisdom he not only cares for us but knows the right timing for everything that concerns us. We pray all the time for changes to happen in our lives and in our circumstances…it is just a part of our human nature. God knows what is best and therefore when he does answer prayer, and he often does, the caveat is that he provides the answer wrapped in timing that many of us do not understand. But his timing is impeccable. Just as we must prepare for laboratory tests, there is preparation that goes into waiting on God’s answers.
     God has an appointed time for everything he has for us and he never misses an appointment. He has everything in place and is prepared to take care of us when we are prepared and arrive in spirit and in truth to worship him. Re-evaluate the most pressing prayer you have placed on the altar before God… have you done the prep work for it? Have you planted the proper seed; flushed out the mental debris; made the sacrificial offering – when that is secured - now do what we must all do – go to the waiting room and wait. God has an appointed time and he is never late.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Prepare victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Turn Back

Luke 17:15-19: “And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God,16 And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan. 17 And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? 18 There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger.19 And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.”(KJV)
     Of the ten lepers cleansed by Jesus, only one turned back to give thanks and in doing so he was made whole. The other nine were indeed healed but purely by the grace and mercy of Jesus, despite their ingratitude. The thankful man was not only healed but Jesus made him whole. Nothing lacking; nothing missing. His wellness was because of his faith. He got the cake and the icing too
      Right now you might be going through some tough situations and that so-called light at the end of the tunnel is nothing more than another fast-paced locomotive speeding toward you ready to run you over. The greener grass seems to never grow on your side of the fence and the silver linings of your dark clouds keep flaking off. Regardless of these things we must remember that God is daily providing for us and if we take our eyes off of the things that seem to be going wrong, we can channel enough of our consciousness to be thankful for the many things that are going right.
     The lepers might have wanted an instant healing, but it happened as they were walking toward the priests – who knows maybe they were so focused on what was wrong and anticipating relief later that they didn’t even realize that their healing was in their walking. One did…and he turned back and gave thanks. Don’t be so focused on your problems or what might even seem to be a solution that you miss the healing and the opportunity to turn back and give thanks.
      Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Right Side

John 21:9 – “And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.”
We have all done it… tried and tried and when we thought it just could not be done or that our time was wasted and that nothing good would come of our struggle…Jesus shows up with the answer.  The disciples were seasoned and sea-worthy tradesmen who knew the best practices for being successful at fishing; but this venture provided new awareness for them and for us.  They had toiled all night and yet caught nothing.  I am sure they had gone to a favorite spot; used the best and sturdiest nets and even tried a couple of unlisted techniques to lure fish to them; but nothing worked.  As the dawn rose, they gave up the quest and decided to throw in the towel.
Jesus’ instructions were short, sweet and to the point – “cast and find”.  The disciples were wise enough to follow the instructions to the letter and it proved to be fruitful in a truly abundant way.  They drew in such a multitude of fish they could hardly haul them all to shore.  Jesus is our ever-present help in a time of trouble…in order to be in that position, it must mean that he is constantly with us.  In that way, Jesus sees and hears all that we go through.  He knows what we are up against and he knows when we are just about to lose heart and give up.  When life pushes us to the brink of exhaustion, Jesus will whisper to us simple instructions to make sure we are successful so that we do not give in.   Listen… you will be able to hear him guide you to the best place to complete your work.  Listen… you will be able to hear him provide all that you will need.  
Don’t focus on what you have already tried; don’t worry that your old ways don’t seem to be cutting it; don’t spend too much time questioning why things aren’t going well; just listen for Jesus’ instructions.  The next time you are feeling defeated – take a moment to be quiet enough to hear what Jesus has to say.  Don’t spend time grumbling, complaining, sulking or even lamenting –just be quiet and listen…Jesus is talking. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Listen victoriously. Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Monday, March 27, 2017

Give Thanks Repeatedly

Philippians 1:3: “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you”.     Yesterday I celebrated my birthday and I am still relishing in the splendor of all that God has allowed me to witness, enjoy and endure in my 59 years of life. Though it all I am so pleased that God provides more and more reasons for me to praise him even though my praise is not conditional on substance or situations; but just because of his glory.
     As a part of my own self-reflection over this birthday weekend, I contemplated the vastness of God’s goodness and his grace over my life. I also thought about the many people who spoke grace and well-wishes over me and how thankful I am to have so many who love, respect and cherish, not me, but the God who lives and breathes through me.
     We have so much to be thankful for each and every day. We are thankful to a God who created us; a Savior who redeemed us and a Comforter who guides and teaches us. We are to be grateful.
     I am blessed and I work hard to not waste a minute of the day complaining or wondering or speculating about anything. I am fully persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate [me] us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord - so therefore I am thankful.
     I encourage you to enjoy your day! As we continue this year walking, living, loving, and giving victoriously let us plan to squeeze all the greatness out of it that we can; and the best way to start is to be grateful.
      Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a thankful GREAT day! Live victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Friday, March 24, 2017

Tempted But Not Torn

James 1:12 (KJV) – “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him”
     Human nature really is something. We want the easy good life, but we abuse things that are often given to use too freely. We don’t appreciate the time and effort that goes into the development and completion of something unless we are the ones putting in the time and wiping away the sweat. People operate rental cars with a lot less care than they do their own; rental properties often bear the brunt of negligent renters and free meals are more likely to be picked over.
     There is something to the fact that if we work hard at something we will protect and cherish it more. So it is true about life’s temptations and trials. The more we go through the stronger we are and the more we appreciate the journey because of the perils we have conquered. A weary, battle-beaten soldier is cheered more than the one who seems to have come home unscarred, though both may have faced the same enemies.
     As you face temptations, remember these are just trials and tests. Temptations vary from person to person. What puts you on edge may not affect even your twin. Do not compare your journey, your ups and your downs with anyone else. As a matter of fact do not even compare what you are going through right now with what you have traversed in the past. Old challenges may rise, but you are totally different than you were then and will and must handle things differently. Remember nothing comes your way that is new under the sun; others have been there- made it through and so will you. Run up on your tempter just like David ran up on Goliath. 
      The confrontation is going to happen – you might as well take the upper hand. Jesus endured temptation and you shall also. The great news is that since Jesus conquered his tempter he broke the chains and now we all have the right and ability to live in sacred victory. Just stand up to your temptation and watch it dissipate.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Act Victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Joshua "Jeremiah" DeWitt Stukes - We love and miss you!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Hope, Joy and Peace

    Romans 15:13 – “May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope.”
     Today’s scripture reference has three key terms that exemplify how the ‘new’ man of our walk with God operates through turmoil to find a place of solace. 1) Hope 2) Joy and 3) Peace. When we have the audacity to believe on, in or about something that often isn’t tangible, we have to operate in faith that can only be expressed as joyous. This emotional positive attitude reflects that we ultimately have God’s peace, shalom, in the situation. The hope of belief expresses itself in joy and we can be in perfect peace.
     God does not want us confused, off-track, or living double lives trying to keep up with the stigma of having “things”. Put your faith in God and be unwavering. This will nurture and strengthen your faith so when assaults prevail; on instinct you will find the joy that passes all understanding in the midst of your situation. Because you trust in God; use your hope to strengthen your faith and that faith leads to Joy and joy brings peace.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Live Victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Lying in Judgement

Proverbs 19:5 – “ A false witness will not go unpunished, and one who utters lies will not escape.”
    Nothing is as nerve wracking as finding out that someone has lied on, about or to you. It can cause emotions to run wild at the thought of someone speaking falsehoods and defending the lies to their last breath. The bible scripture for today lets us know that liars will not go unpunished. They may seem to get away with their unscrupulous behavior for the moment and even may succeed at certain stations in life because of their bending of the truth; but ultimately they will not escape the fate that awaits their final judgment.
    The key for us is that we must not waste our time, effort and energy on seeking revenge or getting them to renounce their treacherous statements. It is a waste of time. Many who chose a lifestyle of lying are in denial of basic realities and often do not feel remorse even if caught in the middle of a falsehood. It was once said that the best way to beat a lie is to live the truth.     Bearing false witness, lying, fibbing and stretching the truth are all realities steeped in the psychology of manipulation. Those who choose to lie want to have control; so the best way to handle this is to not lose control by flying off the handle or allowing our emotions to take the wheel. In essence, you may never be able to stop the propaganda but you can handle the way that you react. God sees and knows all. He knows the truth and those who speak and live it. He knows who bends the law and who breaks it; trust that his judgment will be fair and that those who live ungodly will be punished. Live your truth!
    Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Live Victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Good to the Last Drop

Psalm 34:8,10– “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good…those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.”
     Today’s verse is one of my favorites and a hallmark for my ministry. As participants leave our fellowship meetings I give them token samples of homemade sweets and candies which have escribed on the packages today’s verse. The Psalmist is telling of the goodness of God and how in every aspect we can expect and appreciate that no good thing will we lack when we trust in God.
     Life’s ups and downs will present many scenarios and situations which will try to steal our joy and leave bitterness in our path. But we do not have to take on these unsavory morsels instead we can taste the goodness of God and see his glory in everything. It is not easy but one of my most earnest desires is to try to find the good in everything I encounter. I look for God in all situations -and believe me often I have to squint and use a magnifier because the evil that others try to heap upon situations can try to cloud out the great possibilities that God uses to his glory. But as with anything…if you look hard enough you can find what you are looking for. Take a moment and search out something that seems painful or troublesome and find the God ‘peace’ in it. Then build on that goodness and watch as the trouble lessens and that which God uses for his glory gets sweeter – to the last drop.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Taste victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, March 20, 2017

Grateful Praise

1 Chronicles 16:8 – “Oh, give thanks to the Lord!”
     Yesterday I was thrilled to be able to participate in the 25th Anniversary Celebration for the Voices In Praise Choir at Macedonia Baptist Church in Watts, CA.  I am one of the original members of the choir that has grown from a few members circling around a microphone to a full-fledged choir-stand-filling ensemble.
     As we reminisced and sang old familiar tunes, the emphasis of our praise was being thankful to our God for years of faithfulness and provision.  Some of our members have gone on to be with Jesus and others have fallen by the wayside into obscurity but the majority of us are still on the battlefield – thanking and lifting the name of Jesus.
    I encourage you to give God praise and thanksgiving for just being God.  No rhyme or reason.  No long philosophical renderings just plain old fashioned ‘Thank You Lawdy!”  Today is a wonderful opportunity to let God know how much you appreciate his awesome love, healing, support, caring, grace and mercy.  Give Him grateful praise.

     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Give thanks victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Friday, March 17, 2017

Mediocre Won't Do

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) – “ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
     In speaking with a friend the other day, we discussed how we need to start dreaming bigger.  In our simple human frailty, anything that we can fathom and then come up with the ways and means to get it done, really isn’t worth wasting a lot of time pursuing.  We are of the mindset that we want to extend our faith to challenge the promises of God given through the words found in today’s scripture.  It states that God has a predetermined set of goals for us.  He isn’t just leading us rough-shod through life with minute by minute emotionally-guided directions.  Know that he had long thought-out and designed the plans he has for us.  And those plans are great plans for our benefit and his glory.  We are not operating with a road map with a hole in the middle of the page or a compass with a broken spring.  No, if we are wise, we are following the path laid out for us by a creative and loving God.  In these plans he tells us that we will have great benefits and that no harm is to befall us.  Yes, we will have challenges and yes, there will probably be some uphill battles and some downward slippery slopes; but all of that is a part of the process.
     The key element I want to share with you today is that …these are God’s plans.  So we need to open our minds and clear out the limitations.  We need to think big and far-reaching. If we can get there on our own, what is the need for a miracle-working God?  God wants to show us his magnificent glory; bathe us in his awesome love; support us with his unyielding favor and provide for us with the splendor and majesty of his kingdom.  He cannot give us Kobe steak; Beluga caviar, truffles and exquisite fine dining accompaniments when we are searching for a simple prize in a box of Cracker Jacks.  We must dream big to live big.  And this living is not for the simple sake of material possessions; but to glorify the God who has everything.  How does it look to have the King’s children in pauper’s attire?  God wants us to be the royalty for which Jesus sacrificed himself to make us joint heirs. Now is not the time to be bound and boxed.  Now is the time to think like our God thinks…. Think BIG!! Go for it and watch as God puts the things you need in your path; the people you need in your presence and the advice you need in your ear. 

     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Dream victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Show Up and Showed Out!

1 Kings 18:38: “Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood and the stones and the dust, and it licked up the water that was in the trench.” (NKJV)     You may or may not be familiar with the Old Testament scripture reading of Elijah and his encounter with the 450 prophets of Baal; but to summarize it quickly let’s just get to the final scene of the encounter. After much wailing, chanting, cutting of themselves and calling upon their pagan god to respond to their requests; the many prophets could only sit back and watch as the God of all creation answered the humble prayer of his servant. It seemed like an easy task for the boastful gestures of the prophets to have their god come and partake of the offering that was placed before him; but he couldn’t. 
      Our God not only sent down a consuming fire; but the altar, the wood, the sacrifice and the surrounding ground was soaked with water. Our God showed up and showed out. There were almost 500 of them and Elijah stood alone. But with you and God on your side - you are the majority. Where do you feel isolated, alone or abandoned? Don’t’ worry, God will show up and he truly can show out.     Let those who want to brag about themselves and their accomplishments have their heyday. It is easy for some to forget who is really in charge of the universe. They think that they have life on a string and are in control of their own destinies. No man can rise any higher than God will lift him and we must always remember the source of our success.
     Continue to focus on the grace and mercy of our Lord. He was the ultimate sacrifice. Consider how much God must love us and how hard it was for him to consume that which he loved so dearly; his only begotten son.
     Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Live Victoriously. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Busyness or Business?

1 Kings 8:10-11- "When the priests came out of the Holy Place, the cloud filled the Lord’s Temple. The priests could not continue their work because the Temple was filled with the Glory of the Lord."
     What is occupying your time today? Are you consumed in busyness or are you really handling business? Solomon had the Ark of the Covenant moved into the place dedicated for it in the Temple at Jerusalem. The priests performed their ritual duties and the scripture tells us that they sacrificed so many oxen and sheep they could not count them. Once the Ark of the Covenant was in place, God's glory filled the Holy Temple such that the priests could not continue to perform their "rituals".
     We ask God to be with us, to guide and help us; we pray constantly - but When God is near why are we too busy to receive him? Martha did the same thing when Jesus came to visit. Mary sat at his feet to bask in his glory but Martha was too busy prepping to serve him rather than being available to 'serve' him. Don't let the spirit of busyness distract you from focusing on the real business of your purpose. Whether at work or during our daily routines do not let the devilish need to busy ourselves cause us to lose focus!
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.Work Victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Shelter in the Time of Storm

Psalm 61:3 (AMP: “ For You have been a shelter and a refuge for me, a strong tower against the adversary.”
     One of the first things that settlers in any new area try to acquire is some form of shelter which provides protection from the elements; a comfortable place to rest the body and emotional safety and security. A little over a year ago when the certainty of leaving my previous adobe became a reality, I asked God where was I to go. Utilizing his usual method of communicating with me when I attempt to panic, he was silent. As I calmed my spirit, his voice became more clear and distinct and in essence he told me to ‘wait’. And I did. I packed but I waited. I packed the essentials and I waited to find out where they would go. I packed things to store and I waited for further instructions. I packed things to give away and I waited for news of my next move. I worked while I waited.
     I considered a myriad of relocation scenarios; even contemplated foreign missionary service; but in it all, God told me to wait. Shelter came from an unbelievable but providential source. Daily I give God praise for a roof over my head; a door to lock out danger; ample food and enough ‘stuff’ to make it all comfortable. I praise God for the shelter of his everlasting arms; the shelter of his abiding Word; the shelter of knowing that I am saved and safe. I thank God for shelter. Whether you live in a 10 bedroom mansion, a rental double-wide trailer or found peace on a friend’s pull-out sofa, give God praise and thanksgiving for shelter.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Live victoriously! Be blessed - Dr. JoAnn

Monday, March 13, 2017

Faithful Service

1 Timothy 1:12 (GNV): “Therefore I thank him which hath made me strong, that is, Christ Jesus our Lord: for he counted me faithful, and put me in his service”         Yesterday I was blessed to attend the Women’s Day celebration at a local church where a very close friend served as the guest speaker. The past year has been riddled with health challenges for her, yet through it all her faith has shielded and protected her. Her message resonated clearly as she shared her thoughts about ‘asking and receiving’. She reminded the congregation that God’s provision is awaiting our asking. We need not tarry in our approaching God with our desires. He is faithful in all things.
     Today re-assert your asking privileges and see how God will manifest your thoughts into reality. Ask, in faith, and receive. Knowing that the things will work out as they line up within God’s plan and purpose for our lives makes it easier to ask. And don’t be afraid to ask for the ‘good stuff’ – God is able!
      Every day is a good day, it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Live Victoriously.  Be blessed....  Dr. JoAnn

Friday, March 10, 2017

Squelch the Gossip

Today’s power scripture comes from Proverbs 16:28: “A dishonest man spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends.” ESV)     Be aware and beware of people who constantly dabble in gossip. If they are sharing information with you about others chances are very likely that they will share your conversations with others. There is no confidentiality among gossipers. When given the opportunity some so-called friends will use what they know about you to their advantage. Even if they may not plan to use things against you; in trying to elevate themselves they will trample on you, your good name and your reputation.
     Many of us have some volatile relationships (even long term) that at some point we need to sever. If lifelong friends are exhibiting behaviors that are immature - we need to separate ourselves from the madness of trying to hold on to what we have outgrown. As Christians we are to emulate Christ and strive to be good stewards over what God provides. As representatives of God’s kingdom we cannot have an effective witness if our reputation for truth and confidentially are questionable. When people want to talk about the lives and livelihoods of others, politely remind them that ‘all have fallen” and that each of us has a right to privacy as God works on and through us     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Have a great weekend. Live Victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Open for Business

Romans 10:10 -"Yes, we believe in Jesus deep in our hearts,and so we are made right with God. And we openly say that we believe in him, and so we are saved."
     Yesterday I was in an establishment which had a neon "OPEN" sign blinking in the front window.  I have always had a 'thing' about neon lighting, so like a deer caught in car headlights I stood staring at the sign. A thought raced through my mind about what we advertise and what we offer.  This shop was bidding customers to come in and once inside the atmosphere was welcoming, calm and friendly.  We have all been enticed to visit places because we have been drawn by their PR and marketing strategies; but once inside we find the places to be junky, tight, unorganized and operated by people more concerned with getting our money than providing quality service. 
     When it comes to our own relationship with Jesus what are we "flashing" in our window and what are we really offering once Jesus comes into our hearts?  Are we advertising something that we cannot deliver? Do we espouse to love the Lord and want him to be with us day-in and day-out; only to venture into places or situations or to speak in such a way that would make Olivia Pope blush.  Our inner being must be accommodating to the Holy Spirit who takes up residence and dwells with us. We must be careful not to promote false advertisement.  We must always reflect our real selves; thus allowing God to work with us to make us even better.  Take a good look at what you are displaying…. Is your neon sign still bright and inviting; or are there dark splotches, flickering bulbs or even worse  - no power source?
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Shine Victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Just Right

Genesis 2:18: - Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.”
     Don't be in a rush to unite with someone just because you don't want to be alone. Being lonely and alone are two different realities. You can be in the midst of a bustling crowd or in an intimate gathering of people and yet be lonely. You can also be isolated by yourself and be in the best of company. I love my quiet time with myself; I often say that if others like your company you ought to love your own company; and I surely do. Nobody can make me laugh about silly stuff quite like me. Does this mean that I prefer to be alone? - Well yeah, sometimes, but I anticipate with great joy the day that God unites me with a life companion whom I can continue to grow older with. But one thing is for sure, I am not going to rush into any situation just because others have someone and I am by myself.
      Some couples are mis-matched because they rushed into situations and now they are just too locked in to even want to do anything but complain, grumble and unfortunately- cheat. The scripture says that God is fashioning someone just right for me and perfecting me just right for someone special. Will he be perfect? Not in the sense that most might evaluate, but he will be perfect for me, with all of my idiosyncrasies and foibles; and I will be perfect for him. My idea of a perfect companion is too tainted by my carnality; so I am looking forward to enjoying what my Creator is preparing for me. Some might think it is a long time coming. And that might be true... nobody but a hermit wants to be alone, but as a famous saying pronounces - "[Good] things come to those who wait long as they know what they are waiting for". (Ralph Waldo Emerson). And I am waiting for a sure thing - God!
      God has already planned the perfect companion just for you. So whether you are a teen new to the dating scene or divorced and jumping back on the merri-go-round again, remember to enjoy life to the fullest as God prepares you and your soul mate to meet. Jesus came that you would have life and life more abundantly - not for you to put your life on hold while kissing every frog that jumps in your path.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Wait Victoriously! Be blessed - Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Own Up!

Genesis 3:12: “The man said, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate.”(ESV)     When questioned by God about his whereabouts and whether he had eaten of the fruit of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Adam quickly threw Eve under the Eden bus. Although he was the head of the household and responsible for the dwelling place that God had provided for him, Adam did not step up to the plate in many ways. In my opinion he first failed in that he should have been more in tune with his wife and stopped all that unnecessary banter between her and the cunning snake. Not that she couldn’t have her own space and quiet reflection time in the garden, but even now in our sin-state, many of us pick up on vibes of when our loved ones are in trouble. So I am sure that before the ‘fall’ of Adam, he should have been keenly aware of Eve and her well-being.      Secondly the text tells us that Eve ate of the fruit first and then gave it to Adam. Adam could have nipped this whole ‘fall-of-man’ thing in the bud if he had ‘manned up’ and put his foot down and not taken the bait. He might have been able to take Eve before God for forgiveness and we could all now be running through the Emerald City naked as jaybirds with no worries or cares. But nooooooooo! Adam not only ate but then he tried to hide. He lost his head. How could he so foolishly think that he could hide from the all-mighty, all-seeing and all-knowing God?     Finally, when asked about his situation he pushed the blame onto Eve, the one who only a few verses back he was to cleave to and become as one. He even had the nerve to hint that God was at fault for giving him this woman. Instead of stepping forward and owning up to his mistake he took two steps back and left her standing there with her fig leaves blowing in the wind. Let us take a lesson from this example and take responsibility for our actions. I wonder if God, who is so apt to forgive us of all of our sins, was more disappointed in Adam’s failure to keep his commandment about the consumption of the fruit or about Adam’s betrayal by his lying and scheming? Let us be upfront and honest with ourselves, with others and most of all with God. 
      When we have fallen short; messed up; bitten off more than we can chew; or just plain blown it – ‘fess up and own up. The mature Christian knows that mistakes happen and can only be rectified when we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us. Don’t dig a deeper hole by lying or trying to cover it up. There is no shame in failing only in blaming others and not owning up to the process. We often learn best and remember the most from the things we don’t get quite right. Don’t worry…own up!
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Live Victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, March 6, 2017

Hang In There

1 Peter 2:20 – “For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God.”
     Today we reach the milestone of entering into the first full week of Lent since its beginning on Ash Wednesday. Traditionally during the Lenten season believers abstain from various indulgences, habits or desires in order to subdue and chasten the physical body as it conforms to the rigors of submission. Usually fasting, prayer and sacrificial giving highlight the 40 days of consecration. As with most projects, we all start off strong with great intentions for our heroic and uncompromised completion of our scripted sacrifices... But also, as with many great intentions, we need booster shots of encouragement to stay the course.
     Some churches and religious organizations foster outreach programs during Lent for their members to participate in reaching out and ministering to the masses. During these activities it is easy to get sideswiped by ungrateful attitudes, hurriedly organized or executed plans; changing agendas; or just plain old fatigue from operating on a restricted fasting diet. Regardless of the outer influences let me encourage you to stay the course; endure to the end.
     Keep the promises and covenants that you have ushered before the Lord. Pray for strength to complete your fast; your Bible reading; and physical challenges. The devil wishes for us to grow weary and abandon our causes; but we will not be dismayed by his prodding nor shall we give into the temptation to postpone or delay activities that God wants us to complete during this Lent preparation time. You have what it takes to make it all the way. Pull upon the grace and mercy of the Holy Spirit to empower you to stay on course. I believe in you and more important to your success is the fact that God believes in and loves you and he has your back.
     If you have had some struggles and may have fallen off of the wagon don’t let that discourage you. Maybe you gave up your favorite indulgence - chocolate and just the other day you slipped and had that crafty Snickers candy bar that kept calling your name. Don’t worry; all is not lost. You are not a failure. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on track. Failure only occurs when you give up – not when you fall. You are a winner and this week will be the best week ever!
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Press On Victoriously! Be blessed.   Dr. JoAnn

Friday, March 3, 2017


Psalm 121:3 (ASV) -"He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keepeth thee will not slumber.”
     I am so glad for the weekend and the rest I plan to get. My body is experiencing physical fatigue from exercising at the gym; from daily moving and shaking and my mind is juggling five or six projects coming up this weekend; my spirit is on fire in anticipation of my First Friday Fellowship meeting this evening and I just started teaching a “mini-semester” Anatomy and Physiology course this week. Whewwww I am so glad that when I sleep… I sleep like a rock.
    With all the hectic-ness of my convoluted life I am so thankful that I have a God who neither slumbers nor sleeps. He is on point 25/8/366. Because he is going to be up anyway…why should I? I look forward to winding down at the end of a full day and just turning everything over to God. I don’t worry about what I didn’t not get a chance to complete nor do I mottle over unreturned calls; unopened emails; and unread text messages. I live by the mantra that “everything is in Divine order.” Therefore my sleep time is divinely appointed and in order.
     Are you consumed by a heavy workload; do you seem to always be the one bringing extra work home; or having to spend late hours trying to finalize a project. If you just can’t seem to fit everything you need to complete in a day’s time frame; then let me encourage you to set a time to put stuff down. The body of Christ is tired and when we are tired we minimize our effectiveness. Don’t’ underestimate what a good night’s sleep can do for your entire being. Some might tell you that you need to get organized and learn how to prioritize. Those skills are equitable and necessary but nothing trumps turning stuff over to the Master. Pray over it and then turn it over to God to handle while you get some ZZZZZZs. If you trust in Him, he will not only grant you a great night’s sleep, but he will align things so that upon your awakening the right people will be onboard, the places you need to go will be accessible; the people you need to meet will be available and the actions you need to take will run smoothly.
      People who like to run around like headless chickens, constantly pecking at their iPads, Androids and smartphones don’t impress me; anyone can look busy, but it is difficult to fake being well rested. Try it you might like it. Make up your mind and set a ‘STOP’ time for yourself for tonight; earlier than you usually quit activities’ ; pray throughout the day for the Holy Spirit to help you meet your ‘wind-down’ goal and then just do it. Turn in early and watch as God turns some things in your life around.
     Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Rest victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Psalm 58:3 -“The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.” (KJV)
     I try to look at the positive side of issues and I have been accused of being a bit too trusting of people. It seems like a dangerous position to be in when you trust too soon or are too open and transparent; but to tell the truth, I enjoy my ‘rose-colored glasses’ approach to life. It is hard for me to be cynical or to expect the worse from others; but I am not naïve.
      I know that human nature is sinful and that many people live only to have their own interests fulfilled. They come into this world lying and they get better at it each and every day.  Yes I do give money to beggars; and yes, I know that not all who beg are downtrodden. Yes I do give rides to strangers; but not every hitchhiking thumb finds comfort in my car. The Holy Spirit guides me and gives me discernment about whom to help and whom to pass by. There have been times when I have been driven to do things that I thought were unorthodox yet I was obedient to God’s Spirit and the outcome was always to his glory.
     The defining line is that I realize the world is full of liars. Some lie because they want something or to get out of something. Others lie to feel important or want others to believe they are important or esteemed. Some lie just because it is their nature. They are pathological in their lying and it is life-long. Do not let their lying behaviors sway you from believing in the goodness of others or more so in the goodness of God who controls all situations. Don’t be afraid to reach out and help where you can. 
      There are deceivers, cheats and miscreants in all levels of society. As Christians it is our responsibility to represent Christ in our daily walk; yes, even among those who would spitefully misuse us. Stay tuned into the Holy Spirit and he will guard your heart against the evil one and guide your hand where your service shall not return void.
     Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT. Act victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Green Pastures

Psalm 23:2 -“He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.” (KJV)    Our God knows what is best for us and it seems like a shame that he has to make us rest; but it is true. For some of us if it were not for the fact that our bodies would shut down we probably would not slow down long enough to replenish and refresh. Our society has placed such high value on performance that we often neglect the fundamental needs of the human body in order to ‘make the grade’, ‘finish the chore’ or produce the deliverable’. If you have to work a 60 hour week to prove to your boss that you are a valuable employee you need to rethink what you are trying to prove and who you are trying to impress. Some familiar sayings tell us that hard work and perseverance are honorable and garner great results; but the truth of the matter is that much can also be undermined when the body is tired; the mind is fatigued and the soul is wearied.     If we try to operate when we are overtaxed and overdue for some much needed down time, we can make careless mistakes that can prove to be either costly or detrimental. We hear of police traffic reports where fatalities are caused because someone falls asleep behind the wheel. Homes have been destroyed when weary moms doze off while cooking. All of these examples show what can happen when insufficient rest can cause us to make decisions that can impact our lives and the lives of others. 
    God knows the limitations of human capacity and therefore he designed us to require rest and sleep. If we do not heed God’s instructions we jeopardize our health and well-being. If you are tired take the time to rejuvenate. Whatever it is it can wait until you can clearly and rationally make a well thought out decision. Don’t let God have to put you flat on your back in a hospital bed before you learn to lie down in the green pastures he has provided.
     Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Live victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn