Friday, January 29, 2016

Be A Witness

Deuteronomy 11:7 (NLT)  “But you have seen the Lord perform all these mighty deeds with your own eyes!”
          Sometime you just have to open your mouth and tell it like it is. Whether people want to hear or accept the truth, it still must be told. God is so wonderful to us. He is an ingenious creator; faithful father, abundant provider, great healer and the list goes on and on. Our God is so great that we can only stand in awe at the very mention of his sovereignty. There is no one and nothing like him; no imitations or duplications. He is all in all.
        We are constantly bombarded with rhetoric, propaganda, twitters, tweets, twerks and other forms of madness that display the dark side of society and it seems we can never quite get enough.  Just turn on the television or download an app on a mobile device and you can watch non-stop trash posing as reality television. It used to be shameful to expose your family’s dirty laundry.  We used to say what happens at home stays at home; but now that only pertains to Las Vegas and even that is distorted. Each show seems to thrive off of trying to outdo another in who can look more vile, talk more ignorantly or create the greatest mockery of decency.
        As Christians it is not only our privilege but our responsible duty to tell the world about the God who makes all life possible. We must counter the negative press that wants people to believe that all hope is gone and that life is dismal at best. The images we see of adulterous living, greed and corruption, unscrupulous, scandalous behavior and rampart infidelity cannot be allowed to remain unchallenged.  We must speak up and tell about the great deeds of our God. We must testify of his nature and his desire that none should be lost. We must attest to his divine holiness and his reign as the Ancient of Days. Jesus is our Good Shepherd. The Holy Spirit is our Paraclete. 
        We are his people and the sheep of his pasture. We will enter his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise.  We surely will be like Jesus’ disciples – we will never have the rocks (stones) cry out on our behalf.  We will tell of his excellent greatness until our tongues no longer function.  Tell someone today about the great God that you serve. Let someone know that you are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ .Let someone hear you with their own ears and observe you with their own eyes as you give God praise in the middle of your ordeal. Despite what the medical report says; in spite of how many bills are past due; regardless of the pressure you might be feeling – Stop for a moment and just give God a shout out. It is good to have those praise moments where you just have to give a quick "Hallelujah, Thank You Jesus” – but do more than thatHow many times have you greeted someone and before you could draw another breath they have quipped back to you in a parrot-like retort…”Blessed and Highly Favored”  In these times when patent answers are so common place go beyond the simple salutation and actually tell someone why you love the Lord.
    Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT power-packed day!  Be blessed! - Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, January 28, 2016

...And Then!

Job 1:17 – “Before this man finished, still another messenger rushed in: ‘Three bands of Chaldeans have driven off your camels and killed your servants, and I alone have escaped to tell you.” (TLB)   
      Poor Job was bombarded with bad news after bad news.  Before one servant had the opportunity to completely report all that was dismally happening within Job’s household, yet another calamity was on its heels.  Each servant was frantic to tell Job of the disasters they had witnessed and that they alone barely escaped with their lives to report back to him.  Recently I have heard from family and friends from the four corners of the country about how the slings and arrows of misfortune have been constantly aimed in their direction.  We will not give Satan any publicity but we do know that he is busy running to and fro stirring up trouble.  Before one bill can be paid, another greater expense mounts around us. When you think you have your in-laws figured out; they stay one day too long and the heavenly beings have to serve as referees. As soon as you get the transmission fixed then the cooling system goes out. When one child seems to have finally ‘found’ themselves and are now back on track…here comes their sibling, who could not work their way out of a wet paper bag with a sharp machete, but they are bringing you into their madness.
     God reminds us in 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 to “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (NKJGF)  Regardless of the pattern or uncanny circumstances surrounding your daily walk with God, stay steadfast in your faith. Yes it is true, for some of us tragedy, disagreement, chaos and frustration seems to be a norm.  We might not be able to function wholly in modern society because our truth lies in the will and word of God.  If we rejoice always, we do not have time for despair and depression.  If we pray without ceasing, our minds are occupied and unable to process negative thoughts.  In everything we must give thanks. The simplicity of its power is just awesome.  A simple ‘thank you’ can open doors of hope and shut windows of downheartedness. God reminds us that he is still on the throne and that nothing is ever outside of his watchful eye.  God does not slumber nor sleep. And aren’t you glad that God never has an ‘A Ha” moment.  Nothing comes as a surprise to God or catches him off guard?   We get caught up quite often.  We fix the dishwasher and then a pipe burst.  We expensively service our car engine...and then we find out we need new brakes. One bad issue following another… and then, and then, and then.  Although you might feel as if things are just mounting up and piling up around you  - relax …AND THEN consider your options (praise, prayer and  give thanks)  When you take your hands off of your problem, then God will put his hands in it to win it!  
 Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Lift Up!

 Genesis 13:14(NIV) – “The Lord said to Abram after Lot had left him, Lift up now your eyes and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward and westward".
      Things had gotten a bit sticky and touchy between the servants of Abram and the servants of Lot because they were having clashes over grazing land for their flocks and herds.  Abram gave Lot the first choice of which area he would select and of course he chose the prime, well-irrigated land of the Jordan Valley.  As soon as Lot left, God spoke to Abram and reiterated his promise.  He told Abram to lift up his eyes and to look in all directions.  God would bless him mightily. We can take a few lessons from this scripture.
       First of all let me point out that it states that when Lot left then God spoke to Abram again.  Earlier in chapter 12 we see God visiting Abram and telling him to leave his home and countrymen and go to a land where God would direct him.  He was instructed to separate himself from his family and follow God’s command.  Well… in comes Lot, Abram’s nephew… throwing a monkey wrench into the operation. So we see from the beginning that there is a fly in the ointment.  Who do you have tagging alongside you that might be hindering your progress?  They are familiar; they are loved; they mean you no harm, but their very presence might be slowing God’s promise for you to a standstill.  Re-evaluate your purpose in life and the promises and instructions given to you by God.  Do they include any special clauses that need to be adhered to specifically?  Be careful for God does follow his own rules, even if we don’t. If God told you to attend a certain school or work at a certain job or avoid a certain activity and you alter your ‘assignment’ -your blessings may be hindered.
       Secondly, God told Abram to lift up his eyes and see his future.  Sure, we must live in this world and be in this moment, but God gives us the authority to look beyond our circumstances and see the hope of our future. We need to stop focusing on where we are at ground level and peer into the starlight. We must look above the storms and see the calm of the heavens and forget about the mischief, mayhem and mockeries of everyday life. What we see at ground level can deceive us into believing there is nothing greater. Don’t worry about taxes or bankruptcies or unplanned pregnancies or medical reports - these are all lower level concerns. Think on the lovely things, the promises of God, the things of a higher calling.  When we focus on these, the other ‘stuff’ falls into place. 
        Lastly, Abram was told to look in all directions.  We are sometimes so focused on pinpointing one specific way of doing something that we get pigeon-holed into believing that our blessings are only going to come through one particular avenue.  There are some who think that it is only by working hard, long, unrelenting hours, that they will be successful in caring for themselves and their families.  God’s grace could provide a new concept or idea that could make them a millionaire overnight if they looked up long enough to see it.  Some might believe that it is only through education or through marriage that they will be able to achieve their dreams and desires.  God’s plans may be in a totally different direction.  So look up and look around – great things are on the horizon.
        Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Be blessed! 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Remain Useful

Matthew 7:19 – “Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.”

     Christ tells us that he is the ultimate  vine and we are the branches of a very extensive growing network.  As we stay connected to the true vine we draw nourishment and gain protection and guidance to grow strong and bear discernable fruit.  When we lose or neglect our connection our ability to stay nourished is diminished and soon our capacity to grow and develop good fruit is compromised.  The scripture warns that every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down…not pruned to grow in the next season…but cut and disposed of in the fire. 
     We must not let our purpose, our walk and our ways be tarnished or compromised such that we lose our usefulness and become nothing more than kindling.  We must stay focused on drawing nearer to Christ and staying connected to his divine wisdom, grace, mercy and favor. How do we do this?  By fostering and nurturing a closer relationship through fasting, prayer, praise, study of scripture, meditation and listening.  Christ, himself, through the urgings of the Holy Spirit will guide you into ways to honor him and his plan for our lives.  We must remain useful and of value to the Kingdom. 
     Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT power-filled day.  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, January 25, 2016

Do Something!

Matthew 7:7 – “Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.
     We have all heard sermons, read devotions and probably done personal bible study about this scripture.  The key to the understanding of this verse is that it is an ‘action’ text.  Asking, searching and knocking all require movement and action on our part.  We cannot sit back, pray, hope and wait; thinking that things will just fall into place because we are good and faithful.  The scripture reminds us that there is action needed to see the fruition of things we want to see come true. 
     We can sit around and look pitiful or we can ask for help.  We can wait for opportunity to call our names or we can hunt it down and tackle it .  Whatever outcome is desired, some action is needed.   Don’t live your life as the victim of circumstance; allowing life to just happen to you and then claiming it was all a part of God’s will.  Stop lying on God and start going after all that he has provided.  Do something and watch manifestations unfold.

     Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT power-filled day.  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Friday, January 22, 2016


Romans 12:19 – “Never take your own revenge, beloved, but [a]leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.´(NAS)
     Some say that revenge is a dish best served cold. But the Bible tells us to avoid the temptation of seeking revenge.  At some point in time, we have all been wronged in some manner. Whether we were the butt of a prank; cheated by a friend or the victim of identity theft and fraud; once we find or figure out how we have been duped the next thought is usually about how we can get back at the culprits. 
    Jesus in his treatment of Judas Iscariot gives us a good example of how to react when we are treated in less than honorable ways.  Although he was fully aware of the schemes and motivations of Judas, Jesus still permitted him to remain as one of the inner circle of disciples. He had a purpose to fulfill.  We waste precious time and energy worrying and working on how to get back at perpetrators and soon we find that the people whom we seek vengeance upon have gone on with their lives and do not even have a shred of regret or remorse for what they have done.   
     “Can’t nobody do me like Jesus, can’t nobody do me like the Lord.” This is often said about how just trusting in Christ can heal a grieving heart or make a life more tolerable just by being under the mantle of Christ.  I’d like to do another arrangement on this ole familiar tune.  When it comes to vengeance and satisfaction – “Can’t nobody get them like Jesus; can’t nobody get them like the Lord.”
      Stay focused on what God has in your destiny.  Stay on your plan; work your ministry; study for your classes; advance on your job; love your family; care for your elders; and let God handle those who have the nerve to mistreat you.
      Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT power-filled day. Have a safe weekend; see you Monday!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, January 21, 2016


John 1:46 - “And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.”
North, south, east or west; each region believes that it is best.  Geography seems to matter a lot to some people.  They claim one area has the best food while another brags about its cultural base and another of its desirable weather.  As Christ was developing his earthy ministry one of the newcomers commented about the homeland of Christ suggesting that nothing good could be associated with Nazareth.
Do not be ashamed of where you come from or your family’s background no matter how unsophisticated or simple it might seem in comparison to others. Most of us who can trace our family tree back a few generations will find humble beginnings.  After all, Christ came from a lowly station in life to demonstrate to the world that God uses whatever and wherever he chooses to make his purpose known.  Maybe your grandmother could not read, but she could wash and iron and save to make sure her children went to school.  Or maybe college was not the path for dad and he chose military service which forced the family to relocate often.  And so what if incarcerations or unplanned pregnancies or addictions snared members of your family; we are who God says that we are; not what circumstance tries to dictate.
God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. He used a harlot from Jericho; a concerned traveler from Samaria; a woman at a well; a shepherd boy from Bethlehem and he can use you too. Whether you are from the heights of Cherry Hill, NJ; New Orleans’ 9th Ward; the streets of south Central LA; the south side of Chicago; the ritzy shores of Southampton or a barrio in Albuquerque, your life is important and the contribution you make to this world is not about where you come from but where you are going! Hurray for your hometown.
Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT power-filled day.  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

People Pleasing

Galatians 1:10 (NLT) - "Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.”

     Everyone likes to be appreciated and loved. It is not atypical for someone to desire to be in good standing with family, friends, co-workers and other people in general.  None of us can deny that at some point or another it felt good when we heard someone say complimentary things about us because of something we did or accomplished.  The warning comes when we do activities or acts of kindness just to get the applause and cheers of the crowd.  When we seek to get accolades from man, we soon learn that those cheers are hollow and short-lived. Even Jesus knew what it was like to be loved and adored with shouts of praise at the beginning of the week; only to be spat upon, hit and cursed by week’s end. How quickly cheers of ‘Hosanna’,’ Hosanna’ turned to ‘crucify him’,’ crucify him’.
     We were created to praise and glorify God and in doing so our actions may lead others to appreciate our efforts; however that should never be our primary motivation. God looks at our hearts and judges our incentives. Today focus on why  you do certain actions. Study your motivations and evaluate if you do things because you have genuine empathy for the situation or is it just routine, mundane and what others expect you to do as a people pleaser. If helping others is not deeply rooted in God’s grace and mercy the Holy Spirit will reveal this to you and will guide you in how to turn from being a people pleaser to a man or woman after God’s own heart.

Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT power-filled day.  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Blind Spot

Psalm 146:8 – “The Lord makes the blind see again. The Lord helps those who are in trouble. The Lord loves those who do right.”
     Those of us who drive know that there are particular areas around our vehicle known as ‘blind spots’. When we are driving, changing lanes or backing up it is often difficult or nearly impossible to see anything that is lingering in that blind spot.  When zooming down the freeway at more than 60 mph it can be quite daunting to attempt to change lanes; look for clearance, move in that direction; only hear the rapid rhapsody of a car horn giving warning that the space is already occupied.  It is evident at that moment that the other driver is in our blind spot. Whether the blind spots are created by the design of the car; the annoyance of blinding sunlight or crippling darkness; or too many packages in the backseat, they can be distracting or even devastating.

     Our scripture today reminds us that God makes all things clear for those who love him and live righteously.  There are many blind spots that surround us every day.  Things that by design are purposed to try to throw us off track; to cause frustration; or to cripple us from moving forward are no match for our Lord who makes all things clear.  Some people may try to sabotage or blindside you, but God will make their motives known before they can even finish developing their wicked plans.  He will sound a horn of warning. What others may try to do for evil, God will use it for your greater good.  Be cautious in your daily walk, but do not be anxious about anything. Do your very best and let God handle the rest.  We cannot be everywhere, seeing everything, all the time – BUT GOD DOES! So let him handle the blind spots; we just have to proceed with caution and listen for the warnings.  
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, January 18, 2016

Kingly Wisdom

Psalm 2:10 – “Now therefore, O kings, be wise; be warned, O rulers of the earth.”
     As we celebrate the life and legacy of civil rights leader, Martin Luther King, Jr., it is imperative that we honor the God who guided his steps and set him on the pathway of global recognition.  Around the world people are familiar with the image and works of Dr. King and the more I learn of his life the more committed I am to serve.  There are many stories of options Dr. King exercised that left him without the benefit of much of what he had earned.  He would often give back or refuge stipends given for his preaching or public speaking.  He did not even utilize the monetary gain from earning the Noble Peace Prize 
     We too can learn to share beyond basic measure.  Today we celebrate the King legacy by not using the holiday as a day ‘off’ but as a day “on”.  Find someone who could use your assistance and make yourself available to help.  Volunteer your services at a shelter, food bank, community clean-up project or a nursing home.  We should be ‘on’ point to assist as needs arise.

     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Be blessed and a blessing! Dr. JoAnn

Friday, January 15, 2016

Do It With Zeal!

Ezra 7:23 – “Whatever is commanded by the God of heaven, let it be done with zeal for the house of the God of heaven, or wrath will come upon the realm of the king and his heirs.”

     As we wind down the week we are all thinking about ways to relax and rejuvenate.  It might have been an ultra-busy time for you or it could be a week of ‘business-as-usual; but whatever the course of the week has been do not let your enthusiasm and energy fire go too low as you approach your weekend activities.  Usually we spend time with family and friends; tend to household chores and visit our places of worship over the weekend. We should give as much energy as possible to these areas as we give to our workplace and school activities.
     Be as zealous with our significant others, children and church members as we are with our bosses and teachers.  We need to give our best efforts to make sure they are supported, happy and appreciated and in return we too shall be blessed.  We cannot pour perfume on others without a little getting on us too.  Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the needed ‘zeal’ to stay in the game and let others know how important they are to you.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Have a fabulous weekend. See you on Monday. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, January 14, 2016

What Is In Your Heart?

1 John 4:20-21(NRSV)-“ Those who say, “I love God,” and hate their brothers or sisters, are liars; for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen. 21 The commandment we have from him is this: those who love God must love their brothers and sisters also.”

Today’s scripture tells us that we must really search our hearts to find the true motivation for our actions when it comes to dealing with others.  Among the many people we may encounter each day, some may be quite pleasant but others may be abrasive, rude, or just plain nasty.  Many may be preoccupied so they may brush us off or even ignore us.  How we react to our interactions with others is important in our Kingdom walk.  Not every soul we embrace will bring perfume.  Some have a lingering aroma of guilt, doubt, distrust, abrasion and even prejudicial hatred that will try to cover our countenance.  We must learn to look pass the outer coatings of humanity and see the creations of God.  If we truly love God and want to have a closer and deeper relationship with him, we must love those that he loves.  God tells us that it is impossible to really love him who is invisible to us in the physical world and hold hardness toward our fellowman whom we walk and talk with on earth.   It might not be easy but try to see the love of God in everyone you encounter today.  Love on them in a special way. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Awkward Surrender

Jeremiah 38:17 – “Then Jeremiah said to King Zedekiah, “The Lord God All-Powerful is the God of Israel. This is what he says, ‘If you surrender to the officials of the king of Babylon, your life will be saved, and Jerusalem will not be burned down. And you and your family will live.”
    Jeremiah was warning the people of Jerusalem that if they stayed they would perish, but if they went with the leading of God they would be saved.  It seemed strange for them to give up their home, their stronghold, their familiar. To surrender – oh no!  Yes, it appeared as if surrender was the end of the game, but what they did not realize was that sometimes we must have a temporary setback in order to have a future come back.  Those that listened and fought their own feelings of abandonment found out that Jeremiah was telling the truth and that they were saved. 
     There are instances in our lives when we just feel we have the right answer and we push ahead trying to make that solution a reality.  Then God tells us something to the contrary and it seems like following that directive is as if we are giving up everything.  It seems awkward to surrender; but what we must realize is that God knows the end of the story and is giving us a chance to rewrite the plot in our favor. 
     Surrender to God, even when it seems uncomfortable, uncanny or unclear.  God has your ‘salvation’ in mind and wants the best for you.  Surrendering may involve pruning, pride destruction, relocation of resources or just plain isolation.  But whatever it is; as God directs it is for your greater outcome in the end.  Lean not to your own understanding but acknowledge God and he shall direct your path. 
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to a make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Misplaced Investments

Luke 16:11 – “If you cannot be trusted with worldly riches, you will not be trusted with the true riches.

     There is a fever-pitch swarming around the nation as many states participate in the highest potential lottery game win-fall in history.  Neighboring states that do not participate in the lottery drawing see their citizens driving often hundreds of miles to cross borders to purchase tickets for a chance at unbridled wealth.  For the opportunity to instantly be delivered from debt, poverty, misery or just to have more and more and more, many are putting together lists of numbers ranging from birth dates, anniversaries, and lucky digits or just throwing luck to the wind by getting computerized quick-picks. 
     Everywhere I go the conversation somehow centers on what ‘I” would do and where “I” would go if “I” got that money.  Needless to say, I too, have daydreamed about what that kind of wealth could do for me, my family and my dreams for my ministry; but I can’t see spending gobs of money on a long shot. Admittedly I have purchased one ticket for each drawing. Each week when it has rolled over I too was disappointed because I did not win, but I merely lost $2.  Some people are spending hundreds of dollars and even turning over their paychecks to purchase lottery tickets.  If people would invest as much money in missions, education, medical research, as they have done over the past few weeks on a lottery pipe-dream so many of the world’s ills could probably be reconciled. 
     Can God trust us with the stewardship of world possessions in such a way that we demonstrate confidence in what heavenly rewards he has for us?  Let’s be sure to examine our motives and our actions. We must be sure to invest as much (or more) in God’s plans as we do in our own dreams. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to a make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Monday, January 11, 2016

Get Organized!

1 Corinthians 14:40- “Let all things be done decently and in order.”

With the promise of off-and-on rain and unrelenting cold weather, I designated this past weekend for getting my office in order.  I cleaned out file cabinets, shredded unnecessary documents, arranged office supplies and started setting up a new accessing system.  It was tedious but the reward will come in the near future when it will be so much easier to file, access and distribute paperwork. 

Our scripture today reminds us that in ‘all’ things we must have a diligent sense of completing all tasks in a proper manner.  Take some time to reorganize and revamp old systems that might be out of date and might not work so well.  Check out new technologies that might make keeping up with your records more proficient.  If clutter is a problem, there are websites specifically designed to help debunk the unnecessary.  Find a way to work smarter and not harder so you can concentrate on the great new things that God has ordained for your 2016 journey. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to a make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Friday, January 8, 2016

Mind Set - Part 4 - Tell the Tale of the Tail

Exodus 4:4-5 “Then the Lord said to Moses, “Reach out your hand and take it by the tail” (and he reached out his hand and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand), (5) that they may believe that the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you.”

     Looking back at yesterday’s scripture, God instructed Moses to throw his staff to the ground and it became a serpent.  In today’s scripture God tells him to pick it up.  The odd thing to me about this command is that God tells him to pick it up by the tail. In all of my biological studies and of course the great animal planet shows I love to watch, it always seems that wildlife experts grab biting animals by the head to avoid the possibility to attack and injury.  Picking a snake up by the tail gives its strong muscular body the ability to turn its head towards you to afflict pain with its fangs or to wrap itself around and immobilize you.  
     This does not seem like a wise move, however if God tells you to do something and it seems out of the ordinary or even suspect…trust him and be obedient – then do not be afraid.  As long as God is doing the instructing it will never hurt or harm you.  As soon as Moses grabbed the snake, it came under his submission and turned back into a useful tool that Moses had total control to use.  As soon as you grab your ‘snake’ it will be under your control.  Sometimes you will have to forego the obvious and grab the ‘tiger by the tail’ and subdue it by the faith you have in God’s word.  Reach out and take it by the tail.  If its tail is exposed to you, then that means it has its back to you and thinks that you are no threat….show it the God that you serve and subdue it.  Then when it is all said and done, testify about our God who can use anyone, anything, anywhere and at any time for his Glory!

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to a make it a GREAT day!  Have an awesome weekend.  See you on Monday. Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Mind Set -Part 3 - Twisted Familiar

Exodus 4:3– “And He said, “Cast it on the ground.” So he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from it.”
     Don’t be surprised that God will use something very familiar to you in a different and surprising way.  Moses had lived in the Midian desert for over 40 years and had become very familiar with the tools of the shepherd lifestyle.  The staff was a main tool used by herdsmen for many purposes.  Its design made it useful to guide and prod the sheep, goat and oxen in the direction he desired.  Its strength made it useful in defense and support.  Its length made it helpful in balance and agility.  Many carved designs, pictorial stories and even family histories on the staff that they carried with them everywhere they went.   
     Much like our cell phones of today, they have many purposes and we guard them judiciously.  For God to instruct Moses to throw his familiar tool to the ground would be contradictory to his nature to always keep his staff at hand.  God may instruct you to look at and use some things that you are very familiar with in a different way and it might even seem to be frightful but do not be dismayed.
     If God tells you to do something and it seems out of the ordinary or even suspect…trust him and be obedient – then do not be afraid.  No need to run or flee from what it might turn into or become – as long as God is doing the guiding, it will never hurt or harm you.  Get ready to watch God use what you have become too comfortable with in a new and provocative way. Be vigilant of the new twist that God will put on the familiar.  

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to a make it a GREAT day!  Enjoy this first week of 2016.  A great start gives hope and promise for a great finish.  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Mind Set (part 2) - Use What You Have

Exodus 4:1 – “So the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?”

      As we progress into our plans for 2016 let us be mindful and have a mindset that what we need has already been provided.  When Christ said from the cross that ‘it is finished’, of course we know the direct message is of the salvation story; but also it entails that everything set forth for the coming Kingdom has been set in place.  This includes our life purposes and how the Holy Spirit directs and guides.  We often hear it said that “God does not give vision without provision” and while it has a nice rhyming ring to it; it also righteously encapsulates the oneness and completeness of how God operates.  Since God knows the ending before we even begin he knows what to put into us before we ever know what we will need. 
     Trust the skills, talents, abilities, knowledge and experience that you have already.  While it is important to continue to seek higher levels of achievement, education, skill development and advancement; be cognizant of what you already have ‘in your hand’ and at your disposal. 
     What are you good at that people always compliment?  What comes so easily and naturally to you that you could do it proficiently in your sleep?  What makes you delight in doing it so much that you could do it for free (and many of you already do)?  What has God so ingrained in your spirit that you know without a shadow of a doubt – “I can do this!” – well - start now believing  - “I have all I need!” No more excuses that you will start ‘as soon as you get more money saved; or take one more certification class; or get a more reliable vehicle; or the kids get out of school.  Start with what is in your hand.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to a make it a GREAT day!  Enjoy this first week of 2016.  A great start gives hope and promise for a great finish.  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Mind Set - part 1 - Negate the Negative

    I shared with the participants at my First Friday Fellowship meeting on January 1st the importance of our thoughts and how they govern our actions and outcomes.  For the remainder of the week I will share the highlights of that discussion taken from Exodus 4:1-5.

    Exodus 4:1 – “Then Moses answered and said, “But suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice; suppose they say, ‘The Lord has not appeared to you.’”
     Now is the time to stop listening to naysayers, critics, negative people and sourpusses.  No one will ever totally buy into your dream because it is not for them - it is for YOU.  God has placed a special project, direction, dream or plan in your life and while some will support and encourage you, no one will fully understand what you must do.  Most of the time you may not know 100% what you must do because God might not reveal it to you but a piece or step at a time.  Your first mind set change must be to stop the negative ‘talk’ that filters into your life.  This might be from people but it can also be self-generated.  Now is the time to squelch self-doubt and believe that those urging to get up and get moving are from God. 
    Many of us feel the urge to go after wonderful plans but because they are grand or glorious we believe they are too far-fetched to be pursued.  Stop the hindering and know that God has placed that in your heart.  He is a BIG God and does not dwell in the miniscule.  Why would a God who created the universe give you a ‘Dollar Tree’ plan? Yes it is big…go for it. Start now thinking – “YES, I can!

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to a make it a GREAT day!  Enjoy this first week of 2016.  A great start gives hope and promise for a great finish.  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Monday, January 4, 2016

First Fruits

Proverbs 3:9 – “Honor the Lord with your possessions, And with the firstfruits of all your increase;”

     Think back over the past few weeks and remember all the wonder that flooded into your life as we closed out 2015.  Think back – yes there were some significant changes that affected your livelihood, your lifestyle and maybe even your physical life; but in and through it all, good, bad or indifferent, God’s promises never failed.  In triumph he was there to celebrate your joy.  In uncertainty and chaos he was your rock.  In tragedy he was your sheltering arm.  In all things God never left nor forsook you.  He was always there, gently guiding, sternly correcting, playfully consoling and always loving, 
     As the end of 2015 drew near God gathered in all the promises he kept as you reaped your harvest.  Now is the time to give back to God that which he has so bountifully given to us.  Our scripture today says to honor the Lord with our first and other translations and commentaries tell us to give our ‘first’ and ‘best’.  God always gives us the best in each and every situation we encounter.  We may not see it that way because we often think we know what is best for us; but God’s wisdom, foreknowledge and love will always place before us that which is optimal.  Now let us show God our thanks and obedience by placing before him the ‘best’ of the ‘first’ of our increase.  Uncertain what to do or how to do it?  Ask the Holy Spirit, he will guide and support as your make your offerings.  Remember to be like Abel and not like Cain and your offering will be accepted.
      Every day is a good day; it is up to us to a make it a GREAT day!  Enjoy this first week of 2016.  A great start gives hope and promise for a great finish.  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!!

2015 ended so spiritually wonderfully for me I am sooooo anticipating 2016.  God has been turning things around and while I used to question God about all the "dizziness" from all the movement... now I just enjoy the ride.  Remember as kids when you would spin around and the objects in the room went by so fast that when you stopped you would get dizzy; but when you focused your eyes on one thing you could get stable?!  Well that is what we must do when things change and God starts turning some things around in our lives... don't focus on what you are leaving behind but keep your gaze on Jesus and enjoy the ride.  Watch out 2016 .... we're back!!!!!!!!!!  ready, focused and on fire!

Every day (year) is a good day (year); it is up to us to make it a GREAT day (year)!
Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn