James 1:12 (KJV) – “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him”
Human nature really is something. We want the easy good life, but we abuse things that are often given to use too freely. We don’t appreciate the time and effort that goes into the development and completion of something unless we are the ones putting in the time and wiping away the sweat. People operate rental cars with a lot less care than they do their own; rental properties often bear the brunt of negligent renters and free meals are more likely to be picked over.
There is something to the fact that if we work hard at something we will protect and cherish it more. So it is true about life’s temptations and trials. The more we go through the stronger we are and the more we appreciate the journey because of the perils we have conquered. A weary, battle-beaten soldier is cheered more than the one who seems to have come home unscarred, though both may have faced the same enemies.
As you face temptations, remember these are just trials and tests. Temptations vary from person to person. What puts you on edge may not affect even your twin. Do not compare your journey, your ups and your downs with anyone else. As a matter of fact do not even compare what you are going through right now with what you have traversed in the past. Old challenges may rise, but you are totally different than you were then and will and must handle things differently. Remember nothing comes your way that is new under the sun; others have been there- made it through and so will you. Run up on your tempter just like David ran up on Goliath.
The confrontation is going to happen – you might as well take the upper hand. Jesus endured temptation and you shall also. The great news is that since Jesus conquered his tempter he broke the chains and now we all have the right and ability to live in sacred victory. Just stand up to your temptation and watch it dissipate.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Act Victoriously! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Joshua "Jeremiah" DeWitt Stukes - We love and miss you!
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