Monday, May 30, 2016
Proverbs 10:7 –“The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot.” Happy Memorial Day! Today we celebrate the memories of the members of our armed forces who sacrificed their lives in the service to our country. We are indeed thankful for those who laid down their lives for those of us not trained, equipped, capable or confident enough to take up arms and defend ourselves. We are truly blessed to live in a land where freedom is hallmark and men and women of all ages, creeds and backgrounds can serve a unified nation by land, sea or sky. To the families of members of our Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force, Marines, Army, and Special Services units who have lost their lives to protect our shores we thank you and honor their memories. Most importantly we give highest praise and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ who gave up his life for our ultimate freedom. Through his sacrifice we have the assurance of redemption, unfounded joy, salvation and eternal life. We are truly blessed to live in a land where we are free to worship and that freedom is guaranteed through the actions of our service men and women and our belief in Jesus Christ. They made the sacrifice; we honor them because we remember. Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Don’t be distracted – stay focused on your purpose! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Friday, May 27, 2016
Calm Down
Psalm 46:10(CEV)-“ Our God says, “Calm down, and learn that I am God! All nations on earth will honor me.”
We see the emblem everywhere; whether online, on T-shirts or coffee mugs – “Calm Down and ….” The ending line could be anything from ‘eat your vegetables’ to ‘sing a song’. The mantra is still the same…just calm down. We can get caught up in the hoopla of the day and get swept up in the hustle and bustle of business or the demands of school and get side tracked. Our scripture today relays that God is our calming source. It is God who ultimately controls the grand big picture and allows us to have free choice to manipulate the daily nuances of life.
In these manipulations we can sometimes loose the focus of the bird’s eye view and look at things myopically. When we have a pigeon-holed view of life we miss the subtle yet important issues that reside on the fringes. It is these fringes that add zest and vitality to living and God wants us to have life and have it more abundantly. In order to do this we must surrender to God’s will and embrace his purpose for our lives. Calm down… don’t get on the rat race treadmill of uncertain panic; feeling as if you must keep in constant motion to keep up. There is nothing wrong with being the ‘go-to’ person at your job or for your family, but stop trying to run everything; be in charge of everyone; know the answers to every issue and fix every inconsistency. There are times when the spirit and soul need to slow down; calm down and let God be God.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Don’t be distracted – stay focused on your purpose. Have a great weekend; see you on Monday! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Time to Go!
2 Chronicles 33:15- “And he took away the strange gods, and the idol out of the house of the Lord, and all the altars that he had built in the mount of the house of the Lord, and in Jerusalem, and cast them out of the city.”
Some may not believe and others may not take it as seriously as we ought; but the reality is - there are spirit beings in our world that mean us harm. The devil goes about in his role of stealing, killing and destroying all that is sacred to God. In the same vein, evil lurks all around us and will try to infiltrate our lives, disturb our peace and destroy our livelihoods.
Over the past few weeks I have been engaged in various spring cleaning chores inside the house and landscaping curb appeal projects outside the house. Those of us who live in the Atlanta area are very familiar with the fine, powdery pollen which seeps its way through every nook and cranny to settle into our homes. As soon as you wipe one layer away another forms. This ‘yellow-green’ snow gets into everything and often we just wait until the pollen count drops before trying to do in-depth cleaning. The pollen is very fine and often invisible until it starts to accumulate; then it changes the texture and color of whatever it lands upon; not to mention the misery it brings to allergy and sinus sufferers.
So it is with the subtle annoyances of evil spirits that penetrate into our lives. Some are overt and come to us in the form of uncooperative bosses or co-workers; belligerent neighbors or even nasty customer service representatives. But the more dangerous are the covert, sneaky evils, like the seemingly harmless pollen, that worm their way into our lives and subtly change the character of whatever they touch.
Just as we must use several methods to rid our homes of the silky pollen, we must also use various methods to make sure our homes and workplaces are clear of evil spirits. Use your anointing oil, your scriptures and your prayers; claim your territory under the right afforded you as children of the Most High God. Open the doors and windows and escort evil out of your living and work spaces and watch as circumstances in your life change.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Don’t be distracted – stay focused on your purpose. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Kill Your Bulls!
1 Kings 19:21 – “Elisha turned away from him and went back. He killed the oxen and used the yoke for firewood. He boiled the meat, gave it to the people, and they all ate together. Then Elisha went to follow Elijah and became his helper.”
When Elijah called Elisha to be his apprentice, Elisha killed the oxen he was plowing with, cooked them and shared them with his neighbors. He was leaving the life he once knew and was embarking on a brand new venture and unlike Lot’s wife; he made sure he had nothing to look back upon with longing. His livelihood was from the work of the oxen; yet when he was done he did not leave them as even symbols of his former life. He sacrificed what was old and burdensome to be released and totally available for what was yet to come.
When Elijah called Elisha to be his apprentice, Elisha killed the oxen he was plowing with, cooked them and shared them with his neighbors. He was leaving the life he once knew and was embarking on a brand new venture and unlike Lot’s wife; he made sure he had nothing to look back upon with longing. His livelihood was from the work of the oxen; yet when he was done he did not leave them as even symbols of his former life. He sacrificed what was old and burdensome to be released and totally available for what was yet to come.
As you embark on new ventures and ask God to provide more opportunities and pathways to greater living; what bulls do you have still yoked to you? Some of the very things that provided sustenance and helped you plow through the life you used to know must now be cut off, cut up and given away. Elisha surely could have sold the oxen and had money for his travels or to give to his parents to help out since he was leaving his duties. I am sure the oxen were valuable but following God’s new pathway was priceless and Elisha knew it. Some things just need to be nipped in the bud and cut off. No dilly, no dally, no second thoughts. I am sure that certain things you treasure are valuable in their own right, but if they will hinder you from your next level with God; cut her off; cut him up and give it away; then when the time is right you will surely get a double portion of power.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Don't be distracted - stay focused on your purpose! Be blessed. Dr. JoAnn
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Don't be distracted - stay focused on your purpose! Be blessed. Dr. JoAnn
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
The Right Choice!
Acts 1:23-26 – “23 The assembly nominated two men: Joseph Justus (also called Barsabbas) and Matthias. 24-25 Then they all prayed for the right man to be chosen. “O Lord,” they said, “you know every heart; show us which of these men you have chosen as an apostle to replace Judas the traitor, who has gone on to his proper place.” 26 Then they drew straws, and in this manner Matthias was chosen and became an apostle with the other eleven."
In many places in the country today is Election Day as most of us are prepared to cast our vote for candidates we support. It is not a privilege we should take lightly. Many sacrifices have been for voting rights and for many of us those sacrifices have been in blood, sweat and tears. If you have cast your vote through early process or absentee programs…bravo…if you are like me and prefer the old-fashioned way of going to the polls on Election Day, then be sure to not allow anything to sway you from your civic duty.
Once Judas was no longer around and the disciples were in the process of finding a replacement the key thing that they did was pray. Whether you have already made up your mind or are uncertain about certain candidates or issues, pray for guidance and wisdom in your selections. Each of us when counted collectively can make a profound difference and it is important that, like the disciples we seek wisdom because our choices may affect not only ourselves but others and our future generations. The Holy Spirit will guide us in making the right choices.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Don’t be distracted – stay focused on your purpose! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Monday, May 23, 2016
Listen Up!
James 1:19 (NKJV)- “So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath;”
I have found that if you allow people to talk long enough they will reveal to you everything that you really need to know. God gives us great advice through the words recorded in the book of James on this very subject. If we are slow to speak or react but open to listening, it is amazing what we can learn and the trouble we can avoid. Most fast talkers have ulterior motives up their sleeves and try to use quickness of speech to push or sway us to follow their leads. If we listen with intention and remain silent, we allow the Holy Spirit to sharpen our discernment and we will be able to evaluate options with clarity and focused thought.
Likewise when corrective criticism comes our way; we must use the same techniques – be open to listen; keep silent to make sure we truly understand the information that is being shared and if what is shared makes us uncomfortable; be slow to get angry or to retaliate. Helpful news may not always come in sweet, digestible packets; sometimes we have to be quiet and take medicine in bitter chunks. Regardless of what is learned it is better to approach all things with our ears and eyes wide open and our mouths shut until the Holy Spirit gives us cause to speak up.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Don’t be distracted – stay focused on your purpose. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Friday, May 20, 2016
Fools Rush In
Romans 15:5 – 6 (CEV) – “God is the one who makes us patient and cheerful. I pray that he will help you live at peace with each other, as you follow Christ. Then all of you together will praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”.
If it seems too good to be true, chances are it is a hoax. If the salesman tries too hard and pushes for a quick sale – beware. If today is the ONLY day you can take advantage of the deal then pass it up. Our God is a God of patience and clear thought. If you ever feel coerced, pressured or intimidated to make a decision or make a move – wait.
Today’s scripture tells that God is the one who makes us patient therefore he is patient. Fully capable and fully aware, our God took his time and created the world over a span of days when he was fully able to set everything in motion within the twinkling of an eye. Take your time; evaluate the options; study the potential outcomes but most of all pray and seek the will of God. The Holy Spirit will never lead you in a wrong direction. Be wise and practice patience. Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Don't be distracted; stay focused on your purpose! Have an awesome weekend. See you on Monday! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
If it seems too good to be true, chances are it is a hoax. If the salesman tries too hard and pushes for a quick sale – beware. If today is the ONLY day you can take advantage of the deal then pass it up. Our God is a God of patience and clear thought. If you ever feel coerced, pressured or intimidated to make a decision or make a move – wait.
Today’s scripture tells that God is the one who makes us patient therefore he is patient. Fully capable and fully aware, our God took his time and created the world over a span of days when he was fully able to set everything in motion within the twinkling of an eye. Take your time; evaluate the options; study the potential outcomes but most of all pray and seek the will of God. The Holy Spirit will never lead you in a wrong direction. Be wise and practice patience. Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Don't be distracted; stay focused on your purpose! Have an awesome weekend. See you on Monday! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Just Don't Do It!
Philippians 2:14 – “Do everything without
grumbling or arguing,”
Today’s word is very simple and straight forward. Just don’t complain. Stop the muttering,
moaning and groaning about things in your life that must be endured. Paul instructed the new converts in Philippi
to be careful about how they viewed and reacted to the things that were a part
of their new life in Christ. Jesus told us that we would face affliction, but to
not allow it to dictate our lives or change our focus about our purpose in the
Yes, there are things that bombard us that
just aren’t fair, or equitable or favorable, but we must learn to ‘respond’ and
not ‘react’. In doing this we take the
time to really check out what situations, agendas, roles and responsibilities
are really at play and then we can think judiciously and act accordingly. But regardless of what we feel or want, we
must always think – ‘what would Jesus do’ and I am sure he would not mumble or
complain to God outright or even under his breath.
If you want to find out what God thinks about
grumbling, mumbling and complaining people - check out Numbers 11:1 and give
God praise that he is always ready and willing to listen to our issues…but not
as a complaint. If you have a grievance,
take it before God but remember he is sovereign and he knows what you can
handle and how much you can bear. So if you are in it… he knows you can handle
it. Cry out if you must…but complaining
or grumbling – just don’t do it.
Every day is a good
day; it is up to us to make it s GREAT day! Don’t be distracted – focus on your
purpose. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Worth the Wait!
Hebrews 6:15 – “And so after waiting
patiently, Abraham received what was promised.”
I have
always loved popcorn and as a child I used to enjoy a box of Cracker
Jacks not just for the
caramel sweet popcorn and peanut combination; but I also wanted the prize that
came in every box. Often because the
sweet treat sat on the store shelf the prize would settle to the bottom of the
box. Although I wanted to get to the
prize right away I did not want to get my entire hand sticky by pouring the
mixture out all at once, so I would patiently savor the treat and then enjoy
getting to the surprise that awaited.
In our
scripture today we see that Abraham waited patiently and he did eventually receive
what God had promised. We too must wait
patiently on God and remember that his timing (Kairos) is not in the same realm
as our timing (chronos) and that his ways are so much higher than our ways. God
is past, present and future, therefore he knows the end, the middle and the
beginning and all we can muddle through is just the ‘now’. We cannot change the past and we have
absolutely no insight into the future unless God grants it; so why not just
stop worrying about what is yet to come and enjoy what you have in hand.
trusted that the manufacturers of Cracker Jacks did indeed put a prize in every
box. I trusted that if I just kept
eating and enjoying what I could see and reach, that sooner or later I would
come upon my coveted prize. God have
given us much hope and many wonderful ‘prizes’/promises that are yet to
materialize. Instead of trying to dig in
and skip to the ‘prize’ and get disappointed if you can’t ascertain or fully
embrace it; I suggest you do like I did with the popcorn treat…enjoy what you
have in hand and realize that God’s promises are sure and that if you enjoy the
sweetness of what you have right now and live today to the fullest, then the
prize will appear before you know it. And
guess what? It will be well worth the wait.
God never fails and he never forgets!
Every day is a good
day; it is up to us to make it s GREAT day! Don’t be distracted – focus on your
purpose. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Never Too Grown
Job 1:5 – “When a period of feasting had run its
course, Job would make arrangements for them to be purified. Early
in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for
each of them, thinking, “Perhaps my children have sinned and
cursed God in their hearts.” This was Job’s regular custom.”
blog, of course is for all readers, but is specifically directed at those of us
who have grown children or young adults whose lives we have influenced. If you have been blessed to birth, raise and/or
influence to lives of young people, you know that it is not an easy task to
struggle against the angsts of teen life, the power of young adulthood
independence; the pull of the world; the distractions of the present age and
the temptations of the evil one; to keep our young people on the straight and
narrow path to salvation.
Those of us who have
adult children might think we can gasp a sigh of relief and that our job is
done; but this is not the case at all.
As we prayed for, covered, guided and instructed our children over the
years we know that if they too have accepted Christ as their personal Savior
then they shall be bombarded and attacked by the devil who wants nothing more
than to see each generation fail. If he could
not get you to turn from Jesus he will work on your children and
grandchildren. He wants to throw your
legacy and lineage off track and onto the path of destruction. We therefore must continue to pray over and
give guidance to our children at any age.
Job prayed over his adult children and
we too must continue to impart our mantle over them regardless of whether they
still live under our roof or in a different city. Call each child by name and
express your desires for them in praise and thanksgiving. Set the record straight for them as well as
for those who might want to do them harm – it’s never too late and they are
never too grown to be under the power of our prayers.
Every day is a good
day; it is up to us to make it s GREAT day! Don’t be distracted – focus on your
purpose. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Monday, May 16, 2016
Fat Faith
Ezekiel 3:1-"And he said to me, “Son of man, eat whatever you find here. Eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel.”
Many of you might know that for the past year I have been on periodic 40-day detox sessions where I have eliminated certain food groups from my diet in order to cleanse my system. To date I have lost over 60 pounds and I feel great. One mantra that has helped me through the process when tempting yet potentially unhealthy choices come my way - I declare – “this will not heal me!. It gives me opportunity to think about why I am really consuming what I eat. What am I really feeding?
We hear it more often now than ever before - high glycemic index, bad carbs, low-fat, gluten-free, organic, free-ranged and farm raised. Regardless of where we decide to get our nourishment it is important to remember that it might not be so much what you eat but what you feed that matters.
If you are experiencing inner conflict and struggling to make a decision of what to choose; one thing is a guarantee - whatever you feed is what will grow. If you feed doubt... then uncertainty will flourish. If you feed confusion or chaos then your ability to make organized mature choices will starve to death and instability will take over.
Take a few moments and think about what you are feeding your soul. Is it the food that will make for a stable, healthy life or are you feeding it junk food? Avoid empty calories. Jesus is the bread of life.... this bread will not make you bloated or raise your blood sugar. Eat up!!! Get fat on faith and watch the healthy change that will sweep over you.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it s GREAT day! Don’t be distracted – focus on your purpose. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Many of you might know that for the past year I have been on periodic 40-day detox sessions where I have eliminated certain food groups from my diet in order to cleanse my system. To date I have lost over 60 pounds and I feel great. One mantra that has helped me through the process when tempting yet potentially unhealthy choices come my way - I declare – “this will not heal me!. It gives me opportunity to think about why I am really consuming what I eat. What am I really feeding?
We hear it more often now than ever before - high glycemic index, bad carbs, low-fat, gluten-free, organic, free-ranged and farm raised. Regardless of where we decide to get our nourishment it is important to remember that it might not be so much what you eat but what you feed that matters.
If you are experiencing inner conflict and struggling to make a decision of what to choose; one thing is a guarantee - whatever you feed is what will grow. If you feed doubt... then uncertainty will flourish. If you feed confusion or chaos then your ability to make organized mature choices will starve to death and instability will take over.
Take a few moments and think about what you are feeding your soul. Is it the food that will make for a stable, healthy life or are you feeding it junk food? Avoid empty calories. Jesus is the bread of life.... this bread will not make you bloated or raise your blood sugar. Eat up!!! Get fat on faith and watch the healthy change that will sweep over you.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it s GREAT day! Don’t be distracted – focus on your purpose. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Friday, May 13, 2016
Do It With Gusto
2 Kings 13:18-19 (ERV)–”Elisha said, “Take the arrows.” Jehoash took the arrows. Then Elisha said to him, “Hit on the ground.” Jehoash hit the ground three times. Then he stopped. 19 The man of God was angry with Jehoash. Elisha said, “You should have hit five or six times! Then you would have defeated Aram until you destroyed it! But now, you will defeat Aram only three times.”
From our scripture today we see that when God provides an opportunity to conquer a fear, defeat an enemy or overcome a problem; we should do more than just enough to get by or to meet the minimal requirements. Elisha previously had given Jehoash instructions to shoot an arrow out of the window and now he tells him to take the arrows and strike them upon the ground. Chances are his quiver was full of arrows because he had only shot one out of the window; so he had plenty left to use for the follow-up instructions.
From our scripture today we see that when God provides an opportunity to conquer a fear, defeat an enemy or overcome a problem; we should do more than just enough to get by or to meet the minimal requirements. Elisha previously had given Jehoash instructions to shoot an arrow out of the window and now he tells him to take the arrows and strike them upon the ground. Chances are his quiver was full of arrows because he had only shot one out of the window; so he had plenty left to use for the follow-up instructions.
God wants to challenge not only our faith but our ability to follow instructions beyond the obvious. We must go the extra mile; hold on just a little bit longer; go beyond the norm and give God our very best plus some. We must never be satisfied with doing just enough to get by. Our God is not a god of just enough; he is a God of overflow, ubiquity and abundance.
In striving to be more "Christ-like" it would only seem rational and reasonable that we go above and beyond. Christ fed the multitude and had lots of leftovers. When the disciples had given up after an unsuccessful fishing trip, simple instructions from Jesus landed them so many fish they could hardly haul them to shore. Whatever God has put on your plate - do it with gusto and watch out for the overflow!
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Don’t be distracted; stay focused on your purpose!. Enjoy worship service this weekend. See you Monday. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Hope, Joy and Peace (Don't leave home without them)
Romans 15:13 – “May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope.”
Yesterday I shared about our need to make sure our hearts are filled with the teachings, commands and Word of God so that we can call upon them as needed. Today’s scripture reference has three key terms that exemplify how our walk with God operates through turmoil to find a place of solace. 1) Hope 2) Joy and 3) Peace. (Don't leave home without them) When we have the audacity to believe on, in or about something that often isn’t tangible, we have to operate in faith that can only be expressed as joyous. This emotional positive attitude reflects that we ultimately have God’s peace, shalom, in the situation. The hope of belief expresses itself in joy and we can be in perfect peace.
God does not want us confused, off-track, or living double lives trying to keep up with the stigma of having “things”. Put your faith in God and be unwavering. This will nurture and strengthen your faith so when assaults prevail; on instinct you will find the joy that passes all understanding in the midst of your situation. Because you trust in God; use your hope to strengthen your faith and that faith leads to Joy. It is a great feeling to operate in ‘joy’ when everything around you seems chaotic. The world won’t understand and you might not fathom it at first, but the peace that will envelope you is only discernable through the love of God. Bask in it. Let it fill every part of your being and enjoy the comfort that God provides.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Don’t be distracted, stay focused on your purpose. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
What's In Your Heart?
1 Kings 8:9 – “The only things inside the Ark of the Covenant were two stone tablets. Moses had put them in the Ark of the Covenant at Mount Sinai. That was where the Lord made his agreement with the Israelites after they came out of Egypt."
A popular series of media promotions displays many diverse and tedious situations where the solution is as easy as having the right credit card in one’s possession. The commercial always ends with the catch phrase – “what’s in your wallet?” The statement emphasizes that no matter what the ordeal, if you have this particular item with you…then you are ok and things will be worked out. God wants us to examine - “What’s in your heart?”
Today’s scripture tells of the beginning content of the Ark of the Covenant. The first items placed in the sacred box were the stone tablets which Moses placed there at Mount Sinai. Upon these two tablets were written the laws given by God. It is remarkable to examine how the first thing that God does for believers is to establish a new covenant with us. He does this by writing his will, his law and his purpose in our hearts. In the Old Testament the laws were spelled out to the letter of what was acceptable and what was not. The children of Israel were instructed to keep these commandments close at hand and the repeat them often in order to know them and the special relationship they represented with God. Since we now live under the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the laws have been engraved in our hearts.
When we are in perilous situations, under unbridled pressure, feeling forlorn or just needing reassurance; we can recall the ‘laws’ of God by searching our own individual hearts and finding the appropriate words for any occasion. The law has caused us to look at ourselves a little more closely and to repent of shadowy glimpses of things we know do not honor or please God.
What is in your heart? Can you call upon what you have stored there to serve your needs when the time of upheaval arises? Do you have enough banked up so that in an emergency you have no doubt that what is in your heart can save you from stress and turmoil? If you feel that something is missing or displaced then it is time to open your heart, clear out the cobwebs and start today replenishing your supply. Study God’s word; read God’s promises; pray for revelation and spiritual discernment.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Don’t be distracted, stay focused on your purpose! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
A popular series of media promotions displays many diverse and tedious situations where the solution is as easy as having the right credit card in one’s possession. The commercial always ends with the catch phrase – “what’s in your wallet?” The statement emphasizes that no matter what the ordeal, if you have this particular item with you…then you are ok and things will be worked out. God wants us to examine - “What’s in your heart?”
Today’s scripture tells of the beginning content of the Ark of the Covenant. The first items placed in the sacred box were the stone tablets which Moses placed there at Mount Sinai. Upon these two tablets were written the laws given by God. It is remarkable to examine how the first thing that God does for believers is to establish a new covenant with us. He does this by writing his will, his law and his purpose in our hearts. In the Old Testament the laws were spelled out to the letter of what was acceptable and what was not. The children of Israel were instructed to keep these commandments close at hand and the repeat them often in order to know them and the special relationship they represented with God. Since we now live under the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the laws have been engraved in our hearts.
When we are in perilous situations, under unbridled pressure, feeling forlorn or just needing reassurance; we can recall the ‘laws’ of God by searching our own individual hearts and finding the appropriate words for any occasion. The law has caused us to look at ourselves a little more closely and to repent of shadowy glimpses of things we know do not honor or please God.
What is in your heart? Can you call upon what you have stored there to serve your needs when the time of upheaval arises? Do you have enough banked up so that in an emergency you have no doubt that what is in your heart can save you from stress and turmoil? If you feel that something is missing or displaced then it is time to open your heart, clear out the cobwebs and start today replenishing your supply. Study God’s word; read God’s promises; pray for revelation and spiritual discernment.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Don’t be distracted, stay focused on your purpose! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Big Dreams - Be Aware
Genesis 37:5 (NKJV) – “Now Joseph had a dream, and he told it to his brothers; and they
hated him even more.”
We have all
heard it and many of us, me included, have even said it when giving sagely
advice to someone who is ‘on fire’ about a new concept, thought, idea or
desire….’do not share your big dreams with small minds”. In essence, when God places a far-reaching
vision into our conscious or subconscious we should do as Mary the mother of Jesus
did when it was revealed to her that she would carry the Savior of the world – she
contemplated it in her heart.
We must
sometimes wrestle with the desire to shout it from the mountain tops and tell
the entire universe how blessed we are and how God has planted a great seed for
us to carry out and fulfil. It is
tempting to tell the good news. But the
truth of the matter is that many (even people very close to you and meaning no
real harm) cannot handle the creative assignment that God has ordained for
you. Others, out of jealousy, envy or
just downright spite and vengefulness, wish you ill-will and failure.
There are many dreams, like the ones that Joseph shared
with his small-minded brothers, that are not going to happen tomorrow or just
around the corner; they may be years in the making and if you share the
concepts with minds that cannot fathom the extremes of faith and patience, they
will constantly remind you that you are not special and that nothing is going
to happen to or for you. God’s timing is
his own business and as far-fetched sometimes as it may seem… it is always
right on time.
When the good stuff that is happening to you is about to
be like Jeremiah’s fire shut up in your bones, and you feel you will explode if
you can’t find someone to tell….do just that….FIND someone. Don’t talk to the first open ear or curious
soul. Seek out a trustworthy friend, confidant or prayer partner. Don’t blurt out everything but ask them to
stand in agreement with you as God is revealing something new to you; those who
are in spirit with you won’t ask ‘nosey’ questions they will stand with you;
pray and praise with you; then be available when you want to share.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a
GREAT day! Don’t be distracted, stay focused on your purpose! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Monday, May 9, 2016
Attitude Adjustment
Psalm 11:7 – “For the Lord is righteous, He loves righteousness; His countenance beholds the upright.”
I had an awesome Mother’s Day yesterday and I pray that every mom, surrogate mom, and ‘auntie-mom’ also had a beautiful day; especially if you had an opportunity to worship together. My mom-aunt, Sara Gunn, who raised me and my birth mom, Eula Boddie have both gone to be with the Lord and I have so many great church memories of them. When I used to get distracted and fidget in church or anywhere my mom thought I should have better control over myself, she would bend down close to my ear and whisper these very thought-provoking and spine chilling words…“sit up, pay attention and act like you have some sense”. I am certain all of us have either heard these statements or have said them on more than one occasion to our own children. In essence, whatever was being done was inappropriate and it was time for an attitude adjustment.
Our God is righteous and he wants his children to be in his image. Our righteousness comes from our relationship with Jesus Christ and the power of his resurrection; but to fully demonstrate our change from the old person to the new creation in Christ we must change our attitudes. Let’s not be easily distracted by the ‘stuff’ around us, but be conscientious about where we are and how God wants us to act and handle situations. We must change how we feel about our situation and then we can appreciate why God has us there and what we must do. So the next time you feel as if your countenance has fallen and you are not paying as close attention as you should… it’s time for an attitude adjustment.
I had an awesome Mother’s Day yesterday and I pray that every mom, surrogate mom, and ‘auntie-mom’ also had a beautiful day; especially if you had an opportunity to worship together. My mom-aunt, Sara Gunn, who raised me and my birth mom, Eula Boddie have both gone to be with the Lord and I have so many great church memories of them. When I used to get distracted and fidget in church or anywhere my mom thought I should have better control over myself, she would bend down close to my ear and whisper these very thought-provoking and spine chilling words…“sit up, pay attention and act like you have some sense”. I am certain all of us have either heard these statements or have said them on more than one occasion to our own children. In essence, whatever was being done was inappropriate and it was time for an attitude adjustment.
Our God is righteous and he wants his children to be in his image. Our righteousness comes from our relationship with Jesus Christ and the power of his resurrection; but to fully demonstrate our change from the old person to the new creation in Christ we must change our attitudes. Let’s not be easily distracted by the ‘stuff’ around us, but be conscientious about where we are and how God wants us to act and handle situations. We must change how we feel about our situation and then we can appreciate why God has us there and what we must do. So the next time you feel as if your countenance has fallen and you are not paying as close attention as you should… it’s time for an attitude adjustment.
The best thing about the whole situation is that you don’t even have to do it under your own strength or ability… ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength to recognize the areas needing change and how to get to the root of the problem. He will enlighten you on what to adjust and also give you what you need to get back on track.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Don’t be distracted; stay focused on your purpose. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Don’t be distracted; stay focused on your purpose. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Friday, May 6, 2016
Anatomic Perfection
Psalm 139:13-14 (CEV)- “You are the one who put me together inside
my mother’s body, and I praise you because of the wonderful way you created me.
Everything you do is marvelous! Of this I have no doubt.”
I work as a biological scientist and one of my favorite courses to
teach is Human Anatomy and Physiology. This involves instruction about the
development, composition, arrangement, functionality and pathology of the human
body. Although it is a public
institution steeped in secular tradition, from the very first moment I introduce
myself to my students, throughout the course and up to the final exam, I
constantly remind them that as an experienced scientist I fully vow that we are
not made from some chance lightening strike hitting a primordial soup of
proteins and algae; nor did we result from the emergence or evolution of
primitive primates. We are wonderfully
and fearfully made in the awesome image of our God. While God is spirit and does not have a
physical form his essence is expressed in the wonder of the head, truck and
limbs that make up the human frame.
Everything that God does is wonderful and his creation of us,
collectively as a species and individually as characters with our own
personalities, is without a doubt marvelous. We must not only take care of our
bodies, protect their frailties, cherish their workings but we must honor their
differences. We are all made from the
DNA models passed down from generation to generation and these blueprints give
directions for how we shall be ‘knit’ or pieced together in our mother’s
wombs. The grandeur of it all is that
God orchestrated everything about us before we were even a spark in our
father’s eyes or a smile on our mother’s faces.
Before he threw the stars into the sky or whirled the nebulae to form
the galaxies he envisioned the dimple on your cheek and the little crock of
your tooth.
God loves us so much; let’s love ourselves and honor our bodies. We
must be diligent to not destroy them with cigarettes, excessive alcohol,
abusive sexual behavior, inadequate sleep, overwork or overindulgent
eating. We are anatomic perfection; give
God praise by taking care of the gift he has given to us in the form of our
bodies. Whether white, black, brown,
tall, short, thin, thick, scarred, disfigured, amputated or arthritic – give
God praise for we are wonderfully and fearfully (awesomely) made.
Every day is a good day;
it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Have a body conscious weekend. Get some exercise; eat less; rest more; laugh
out loud and enjoy worship service with friends and/or family. See you on Monday! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Thursday, May 5, 2016
God's Love Letter
Deuteronomy 32:1-4 – “Earth and Sky, listen to what I say! Israel, I will teach you. My words will be like gentle rain on tender young plants, or like dew on the grass. 3 Join with me in praising the wonderful name of the Lord our God. 4 The Lord is a mighty rock, and he never does wrong. God can always be trusted to bring justice.”
Today’s reference scripture comes from the beginning of a song that God gave to Moses with the instructions to teach it to the children of Israel. Each time they sang it they would be reminded of the great works of God and his tender mercies. The poem delineates the course of events that God carved through history to develop them as a people; to watch their numbers multiply; to deliver them from bondage and to set them on a path to the land of promise and provision. The song (poem) is indeed a love letter reminding the reader that through all of the adversity, God hears us. Though we may believe we are alone and forgotten, that God is working behind the scenes. When we are wandering aimlessly and not certain which way to turn, God is our present help in time of need. He is a sheltering cloud when things are too intense and a warming fire when the cold world turns against us.
The poem give warnings about our behavior and the need to follow God’s instructions. It gives guidance for living a fruitful and purposeful life and shows that even when we mess up God is ever present to pick us up, dust us off and put us back on the right path. Just as the children of Israel were about to stake their claim in the Promised Land, God has certain laws we must also follow to rightfully stake our claim on the dreams, plans and purposes he has entrusted to us. This love letter tells it all and it is just as pertinent today as it was in the time of Moses. God is the same yesterday, today and forever and his love is boundless and his mercy endureth to all generations.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Don’t be distracted; stay focused on your purpose! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Matthew 25:21 (ESV): “His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.”
One of my adopted ‘sons’ has a favorite way of letting me know that everything is alright. When we are out if I ask him if he needs anything before we depart; a cool drink and quick bite to eat, etc., he almost always says…”I’m good.” Even if I try to press the issue, he is adamant that all is well; his needs are few. And in many ways the things he might lack, he knows God shall supply but I might not be the source for that provision, so he is content.
Whether by fraud or by faking it the whole world seems to strive to be ‘great’; but there is nothing wrong with being ‘good’. In the beginning, after each day’s creative venture our God pronounced that it was ‘GOOD’. Our Lord Jesus is the GOOD Shepherd. We learn about the humility of responding like the GOOD Samaritan. Like the servant in the parable of the talents we all strive to someday be acknowledged by the accolade of “well done, GOOD and faithful servant.
No doubt, there is surely a sense of accomplishment and success that comes with being the biggest, the brightest, the best; but no one but God can stay at the top. The best champion is that only until the next competitor knocks them off the winner’s circle. The best restaurant is only that until the next review. If you enjoy balancing on the pinpoint of the pinnacle you constantly have to redirect yourself to stay on top…and there is nothing wrong with it. Everyone deserves to see the view from the penthouse or mountain peak at least once in a lifetime; but being GOOD just means being consistent. You have nothing to prove and no one is looking to gun you down to take your place at the top. I like being GOOD and guess what? . ... I am GREAT at it!
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT/GOOD/day! Don’t be distracted; stay focused on your purpose. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
One of my adopted ‘sons’ has a favorite way of letting me know that everything is alright. When we are out if I ask him if he needs anything before we depart; a cool drink and quick bite to eat, etc., he almost always says…”I’m good.” Even if I try to press the issue, he is adamant that all is well; his needs are few. And in many ways the things he might lack, he knows God shall supply but I might not be the source for that provision, so he is content.
Whether by fraud or by faking it the whole world seems to strive to be ‘great’; but there is nothing wrong with being ‘good’. In the beginning, after each day’s creative venture our God pronounced that it was ‘GOOD’. Our Lord Jesus is the GOOD Shepherd. We learn about the humility of responding like the GOOD Samaritan. Like the servant in the parable of the talents we all strive to someday be acknowledged by the accolade of “well done, GOOD and faithful servant.
No doubt, there is surely a sense of accomplishment and success that comes with being the biggest, the brightest, the best; but no one but God can stay at the top. The best champion is that only until the next competitor knocks them off the winner’s circle. The best restaurant is only that until the next review. If you enjoy balancing on the pinpoint of the pinnacle you constantly have to redirect yourself to stay on top…and there is nothing wrong with it. Everyone deserves to see the view from the penthouse or mountain peak at least once in a lifetime; but being GOOD just means being consistent. You have nothing to prove and no one is looking to gun you down to take your place at the top. I like being GOOD and guess what? . ... I am GREAT at it!
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT/GOOD/day! Don’t be distracted; stay focused on your purpose. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Stuff Happens!
20:15 – “Our ancestors went down into Egypt, and we lived there many
years. The Egyptians mistreated us and our ancestors”. (NIV)
As a favor to Joseph, when
the children of Israell first entered the land of Egypt they came under the
invitation and protection of Pharaoh. As
time passed and the generations grew the welcome mat was soon replaced by a yoke
man’s whip. They went from
fun-in-the-sun to beaten and abused. As
time passed a few critical things changed.
Their population grew exponentially due to God’s favor; the attitude of
the Egyptians changed out of fear and the Pharaoh who knew Joseph did not pass
on the “be-good-to-our-visitors” instructions to the pharaohs that came after
We too can see some things in our lives start off on a fun note but after the passage of time grow to be quite
sour. Just as in the case of the
children of Israel, we too have a deliverer who can save us from our
affliction. We might need to stay in some discomfort for a while, not as a
punishment but to glorify God in our deliverance. If you are experiencing such a torment now,
think about how God could be using the situation for his glory and to enhance
his coming kingdom. Keep praying for release;
but consider it a privilege to be used for that purpose. Soon this shall pass; God shall hear and
respond from heaven. Time passes; things
change; keep the faith and watch God do miraculous things.
Every day is a good day;
it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Don’t be distracted; stay on your
purpose! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Monday, May 2, 2016
Graceful Living
1 Corinthians 1:4
(NIV) – “I always thank my God for you
because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.”
Wow! Time is flying. We
are entering the beginning of the first week in the fifth month of the
year. I always think of May as being
such a pleasant month. By now the up and down cold days are mostly in the past;
the onslaught of rain from March and April soon diminish; perennial flowers are
in full bloom; and the awkward persistent heat of June has not yet
descended. May can surely be thought of
as the month of grace. It houses not
only better weather, but great celebrations and holidays.
The ‘GRACE” that God provides is renewed
every morning and it is sufficient to meet all of our needs. The unmerited
favor of God’s love gives us “graceful living” and it is a feeling that we
should all want to share with others. At some time over this weekend set aside some
quality time to give back to God by paying ‘it” forward. In essence think about ways, means, times or
situations where you can dispense into others (then do it). Don’t talk about it too long; don’t put it
off; don’t worry about whether every ‘I’ is dotted or every ‘t’ is crossed;
just take the time to smell the roses; enjoy the best of God’s world and try to
make it a better place for someone by paying-it-forward.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT
day. Don’t be distracted; stay focused
on your purpose. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
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