Romans 8:38-39 (KJV) – “38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Today is Good Friday and the day as Christians we remember the unselfish love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, on an old rugged cross, atop a stone-ridden hill, he was stretched between two thieves and ridiculed and shamed for our transgressions. That was nothing but pure love.
We are in the loving care of our God. Nothing new or old; foreign or domestic; seen or unseen can separate us from the love of God. Nothing we can do or fail to do will disconnect us from the powerful arms of our Creator. God is all love and every motive he portrays is steeped in love.
As we approach the weekend I charge each of us to look around and see the beauty of God’s love for us in the very simple things in life. God is an awesome provider; a wonderful comfort in the time of sorrow; a protective hand when dangers abound and a Father who lavishes his love through mercy and grace. Life is full of ups and downs but know that God in his loving nature has our best in mind at all times. Enjoy all that life has to offer; no matter how things appear on the surface; know that God is in control and we are never out of his loving grasp. Resurrection Sunday is just around the corner; so the sacrifice of Christ today will be glorified in his victory as he sits at the right hand of the Father to rule and reign. Hallelujah!
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Have a gratitude-filled weekend. See you on Monday. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Friday, March 30, 2018
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Better Safe
Matthew 25:10-12 – “And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. 11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. 12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.”
An old adage states that it is "better to be safe than sorry". In essence it is wiser to take precautions first than suffer unduly circumstances if anything goes awry. We place saucers under house plants so if the water drains through it will not ruin our furniture; we throw a jacket or umbrella in our car when we sense the weather might change; and we stop at the ATM just in case the establishment does not take credit or debit cards. We try to be proactive and think of what could happen so we be can be prepared. What counter measures we do depends not only on our resources but on how severe the aftermath could be if it ran its course. Putting an extra amount in the parking meter might hinge on whether an infraction would result in ticketing, booting or towing.
Our scripture today relates how Jesus explained the concept of the Kingdom using of the bridegroom and five were foolish and did not. It is a wake-up call that we must be ready at all time. Regardless of what the potential outcome; it is always best to be prepared. We do not want to miss out on the blessings of the Lord because we were not on point. I am one who truly believes that what God has for me - is for me; so I don't fear 'not' getting what God has promised.... but I am fully persuaded that blessings can be detained, blocked and delayed. I encourage you to rethink some areas where you are waiting for a breakthrough; could it be that the proper prep needs to be done? We need to make sure we are not stifling what is for us.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
An old adage states that it is "better to be safe than sorry". In essence it is wiser to take precautions first than suffer unduly circumstances if anything goes awry. We place saucers under house plants so if the water drains through it will not ruin our furniture; we throw a jacket or umbrella in our car when we sense the weather might change; and we stop at the ATM just in case the establishment does not take credit or debit cards. We try to be proactive and think of what could happen so we be can be prepared. What counter measures we do depends not only on our resources but on how severe the aftermath could be if it ran its course. Putting an extra amount in the parking meter might hinge on whether an infraction would result in ticketing, booting or towing.
Our scripture today relates how Jesus explained the concept of the Kingdom using of the bridegroom and five were foolish and did not. It is a wake-up call that we must be ready at all time. Regardless of what the potential outcome; it is always best to be prepared. We do not want to miss out on the blessings of the Lord because we were not on point. I am one who truly believes that what God has for me - is for me; so I don't fear 'not' getting what God has promised.... but I am fully persuaded that blessings can be detained, blocked and delayed. I encourage you to rethink some areas where you are waiting for a breakthrough; could it be that the proper prep needs to be done? We need to make sure we are not stifling what is for us.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Something Borrowed
Mark 11:2 (ESV): “Go into the village in front of you, and immediately as you enter it you will find a colt tied, on which no one has ever sat. Untie it and bring it”.
Jesus was about to start his triumphant ride into Jerusalem when he instructed his disciples to locate and confiscate his mode of transportation. He rode upon a donkey’s colt; being a beast of burden it looked contemptible, not of very good pedigree; and being a colt, never before ridden, was probably rough and untrimmed. Known for their stubborn nature, no doubt this untrained beast was most likely rude and ungovernable and possibly unruly enough to disturb and disgrace the seriousness of the occasion.
As I read about this part of the Passion Week story I thought about the borrowing of Jesus. I am a firm declarer, as stated in Deuteronomy 15, that I shall be the head and not the tail, the lender and not the borrower. But I had to reconsider some things when I thought about the fact that Jesus was a borrower in a certain sense. Jesus borrowed a child’s lunch to feed a multitude; he went upon the water in a borrowed boat; ate the Passover in a borrowed room; was buried in a borrowed tomb and here we see that he rode on a borrowed colt.
Some might give a sideways glance when people ask to borrow things. We are so used to our things being mistreated or not returned that we often do not like to lend things out. From the recipient’s point of view, borrowing might be the difference between freedom and captivity. Over the past few years as I have lived and testified about the transformative power of God’s grace on my life, I have been on the receiving end of many things borrowed. Borrowed housing, borrowed technology, borrowed funds and in almost every case, it was God who spoke to the hearts of the givers and did the ‘borrowing’ on my behalf. Whether it was pride or just the fact that I had always been able to take care of myself and my family, I often found it difficult to ask for things; so I truly believed that God allowed or put me into positions of being without until I accepted the reality that my being in the borrower’s seat allowed someone else to be in the giver’s chair. It has been a humbling and soul strengthening experience to be the ‘borrower’. I realized that we are our brother’s keeper and how can we ever experience the joy of giving if there is no one to receive. There can be dignity and humility in being the borrower. Do not be ashamed!
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Jesus was about to start his triumphant ride into Jerusalem when he instructed his disciples to locate and confiscate his mode of transportation. He rode upon a donkey’s colt; being a beast of burden it looked contemptible, not of very good pedigree; and being a colt, never before ridden, was probably rough and untrimmed. Known for their stubborn nature, no doubt this untrained beast was most likely rude and ungovernable and possibly unruly enough to disturb and disgrace the seriousness of the occasion.
As I read about this part of the Passion Week story I thought about the borrowing of Jesus. I am a firm declarer, as stated in Deuteronomy 15, that I shall be the head and not the tail, the lender and not the borrower. But I had to reconsider some things when I thought about the fact that Jesus was a borrower in a certain sense. Jesus borrowed a child’s lunch to feed a multitude; he went upon the water in a borrowed boat; ate the Passover in a borrowed room; was buried in a borrowed tomb and here we see that he rode on a borrowed colt.
Some might give a sideways glance when people ask to borrow things. We are so used to our things being mistreated or not returned that we often do not like to lend things out. From the recipient’s point of view, borrowing might be the difference between freedom and captivity. Over the past few years as I have lived and testified about the transformative power of God’s grace on my life, I have been on the receiving end of many things borrowed. Borrowed housing, borrowed technology, borrowed funds and in almost every case, it was God who spoke to the hearts of the givers and did the ‘borrowing’ on my behalf. Whether it was pride or just the fact that I had always been able to take care of myself and my family, I often found it difficult to ask for things; so I truly believed that God allowed or put me into positions of being without until I accepted the reality that my being in the borrower’s seat allowed someone else to be in the giver’s chair. It has been a humbling and soul strengthening experience to be the ‘borrower’. I realized that we are our brother’s keeper and how can we ever experience the joy of giving if there is no one to receive. There can be dignity and humility in being the borrower. Do not be ashamed!
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Impostor Alert
1 John 1:9 (KJV) – “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Yesterday I was my 60th birthday, but I truly celebrated it on Saturday when a group of my friends and family gathered for an old fashioned “house”-type party. My friends lent their expertise in areas of design, decoration, music and catering to make the affair awesome in so many ways. The success of the night was highlighted by the fact that I recognized the strengths and talents of those who helped organize and pull off the event. And I was dutiful to allow then to do what they do best and I did not stray too far from my own lane. I trusted them to know what to do, how to do it and sure enough the outcome was more than I could have ever expected.
Just as I had to ‘let go’ and let my friends orchestrate a fabulous birthday bash, we too must allow God to do what he does best in our own lives. He is our Creator and who best knows the inner workings of the creation than the creator.
As I continue to celebrate my birthday through the end of the month I want to praise God and ask for forgiveness when I have not honored him by appreciating the life and mission he has given to me when I step outside of my purpose and try to take on his role.
Each of us has an appointed mission and God’s gifts, talents and our acquired skills are all a part of the formulae for us to use in completing the work that we have been assigned. Our journeys may be different and the ease or difficulty may range from rosy to stifling, but nevertheless God is in control and his grace is sufficient for our purposes.
When we take on God’s job and many of us do on a daily basis, God is a gentleman and he will take his hands off and step aside. He will not fight you to take care of you. He will not argue or be belligerent. When we step outside of our anointing and cozy up to things that are not a part of our concern we derail and possibly endanger ourselves, our progress and our success. As we know in physics and geometry, a simple change in an angle at the beginning can lead to a wide variation or distortion at the end. I have learned to not take the reins out of God’s hands for the devil will take those very lead lines and try to wrap them around our own necks until we will feel choked and subdued.
Thank you God for loving me so much that you not only sent your son to redeem me and solidity my salvation; but you allow me to surrender my life to you and you take such awesome care of me. I confess my sin of trying to be in control and I am grateful that as today’s scripture says – you are faithful in forgiving and cleansing. Thank you for another year of life and I surrender my life totally to you. I will not be an impostor. Use me Lord; use me for your glory.
Thanks again to everyone who helped to make my birthday celebration a time of such great joy. Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed. Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Just as I had to ‘let go’ and let my friends orchestrate a fabulous birthday bash, we too must allow God to do what he does best in our own lives. He is our Creator and who best knows the inner workings of the creation than the creator.
As I continue to celebrate my birthday through the end of the month I want to praise God and ask for forgiveness when I have not honored him by appreciating the life and mission he has given to me when I step outside of my purpose and try to take on his role.
Each of us has an appointed mission and God’s gifts, talents and our acquired skills are all a part of the formulae for us to use in completing the work that we have been assigned. Our journeys may be different and the ease or difficulty may range from rosy to stifling, but nevertheless God is in control and his grace is sufficient for our purposes.
When we take on God’s job and many of us do on a daily basis, God is a gentleman and he will take his hands off and step aside. He will not fight you to take care of you. He will not argue or be belligerent. When we step outside of our anointing and cozy up to things that are not a part of our concern we derail and possibly endanger ourselves, our progress and our success. As we know in physics and geometry, a simple change in an angle at the beginning can lead to a wide variation or distortion at the end. I have learned to not take the reins out of God’s hands for the devil will take those very lead lines and try to wrap them around our own necks until we will feel choked and subdued.
Thank you God for loving me so much that you not only sent your son to redeem me and solidity my salvation; but you allow me to surrender my life to you and you take such awesome care of me. I confess my sin of trying to be in control and I am grateful that as today’s scripture says – you are faithful in forgiving and cleansing. Thank you for another year of life and I surrender my life totally to you. I will not be an impostor. Use me Lord; use me for your glory.
Thanks again to everyone who helped to make my birthday celebration a time of such great joy. Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed. Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Monday, March 26, 2018
Happy Birthday to Me!
Philippians 1:3: “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you”.
This is the day that the Lord has made and I have been thankful about it all month!! I am thankful for my mother, Eula Mae Williams Smartt Boddie, who made sure to eat properly and not smoke or drink so that my introduction into this world was not as a sickly, under-developed or malformed baby. I am thankful for my aunt and uncle, Charles and Sara Gunn, who raised me ; my father (Joseph Smartt); my siblings (Stanley Smartt, Deborah Anderson, Joseph Winters and Ron Garlington) and cousins (Arthur Houser, Jr, Jackie Smartt, Ali Hasan, Juanakee Hargrove Butler, Lloyd Bowry and a host of others)who love me and my friends and associates who tolerate me. I am blessed to have two strong sons (Steven and Charles Gaither) and two adorable grandchildren (Kamari and Charles, Jr).
I am thankful. I am thankful to a God who created me; a Savior who redeemed me and a Comforter who guides and teaches me. I am grateful. I am blessed and I won’t waste a minute of this fine day complaining or wondering or speculating about anything. I am fully persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate [me] us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord - so therefore I am thankful. Enjoy your day! I surely plan to squeeze all the greatness out of it that I can.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
This is the day that the Lord has made and I have been thankful about it all month!! I am thankful for my mother, Eula Mae Williams Smartt Boddie, who made sure to eat properly and not smoke or drink so that my introduction into this world was not as a sickly, under-developed or malformed baby. I am thankful for my aunt and uncle, Charles and Sara Gunn, who raised me ; my father (Joseph Smartt); my siblings (Stanley Smartt, Deborah Anderson, Joseph Winters and Ron Garlington) and cousins (Arthur Houser, Jr, Jackie Smartt, Ali Hasan, Juanakee Hargrove Butler, Lloyd Bowry and a host of others)who love me and my friends and associates who tolerate me. I am blessed to have two strong sons (Steven and Charles Gaither) and two adorable grandchildren (Kamari and Charles, Jr).
I am thankful. I am thankful to a God who created me; a Savior who redeemed me and a Comforter who guides and teaches me. I am grateful. I am blessed and I won’t waste a minute of this fine day complaining or wondering or speculating about anything. I am fully persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate [me] us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord - so therefore I am thankful. Enjoy your day! I surely plan to squeeze all the greatness out of it that I can.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Friday, March 23, 2018
The Right Stuff
Ephesians 5:20: “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (KJV)
In my prayer this morning I focused on how thankful I am to have ‘stuff’. To have things that I can call my own and that I have free liberty to use and do with as I please. It might seem strange for me to give special recognition to the tangibility of ‘stuff’ but I am grateful for all that God provides– life, health and yes…’stuff’.
As spring rolls in many of us have our family traditions of ‘spring cleaning’; where we wash, refresh and pack away the heavy comforters, blankets, sweaters and coats and pull out the lighter ‘stuff’. We get rid of old stuff and make way for new fashions and new gadgets.
If you never really took inventory of what you have – it will amaze you when you have to pack it up. I am not a bone fide pack rat, but I do like having the convenience of ‘stuff’. I have a gadget for most chores and a tool for most jobs. Why borrow when I can have my own?. I believe in waste not, want not; so therefore I do recycle and reuse and save for a rainy day. And if anyone knows about Georgia…there is ALWAYS a rainy day. My saving grace is that I have a touch of OCD so therefore I am extremely organized and very neat (Praise God); so chances are if you need something not only do I have it (in assorted, shapes, sizes and colors), but I can usually put my hands right on it.
Although it was a pain in the neck (and back) to pack up some of my things; and difficult to part with many of my things; in the long run I was able to realize how blessed I am to be afforded the luxury of ‘stuff’. To give away many pairs of shoes makes one realize that there are many who do not have a change of footwear. To dispense of furniture and furnishings makes one think about those whose whole existence can be crammed into a backpack or pushed along the street in a shopping cart. Who has time to worry about matching china when you eat most of your meals out of ‘to-go’ containers from soup lines? One of the things that we forget when we complain about our ‘stuff’ is that there are many who wish they had stuff. Don’t let foreclosure or eviction or a house fire be the cause to shake you up to think about how thankful you are for your ‘stuff’. Look around at the stuff you have accumulated and give praise. Don’t’ complain about it…if it is too much, then give it to someone and share your blessing. If you are junky and your stuff is in your own way, then clean up, but don’t complain for there are millions out there who wish they had ‘stuff’ and a place to put it. I am thankful to have both; a bit downsized, but still gifts from God.
Every day is a good day, it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Enjoy the weekend of checking out your ‘stuff’ – see you on Monday! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Spring Into Action
Deuteronomy 8:7 – “For the Lord thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills;.”
Well for some it is official and for others they probably won’t believe it until they can really feel it….but it is now spring. Supposedly very soon the harshness of winter is to give way to the mild caresses that the spring weather will impose upon the land. Many have suffered long and hard this past winter, with record breaking temperature lows, back-to-back storms and never ending rains. Regardless of the way March has entered into your neck of the woods; it is a much needed transition. As I watch the dogwood trees bloom it is also delightful to view the pear and Japanese maples changing colors. Song birds fill the air each morn with melodious tunes to their Creator. The squirrels have gotten friskier and even the local insects are making a comeback from their winter hiatus.
I must admit that while my favorite season of the year is autumn, I do enjoy the pleasurable transition that March brings…especially since it is also my birth month (March 26). God has given us a promise of revival, renewal and rejuvenation. Take some time today to give God thanks for his marvelous creation, Mother Earth, and for the blessing of the seasons. As Solomon scribed in Ecclesiastes, there is a time and a season for everything under the sun. Give God praise for the majesty of his precise workings; as we watch the heavens obey his laws. Buried bulbs awaken from their months of slumber and push their tulip tops skyward, and even the smallest bush responds and knows when to bud. There are hidden treasures deep inside of each of us. God placed them their while we were yet being knit together in our mother’s womb. Some of them are awakening now and yearning to break free. Let God’s beauty come forth . Now is your time to blossom.
Every day is a good day, it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! – Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Well for some it is official and for others they probably won’t believe it until they can really feel it….but it is now spring. Supposedly very soon the harshness of winter is to give way to the mild caresses that the spring weather will impose upon the land. Many have suffered long and hard this past winter, with record breaking temperature lows, back-to-back storms and never ending rains. Regardless of the way March has entered into your neck of the woods; it is a much needed transition. As I watch the dogwood trees bloom it is also delightful to view the pear and Japanese maples changing colors. Song birds fill the air each morn with melodious tunes to their Creator. The squirrels have gotten friskier and even the local insects are making a comeback from their winter hiatus.
I must admit that while my favorite season of the year is autumn, I do enjoy the pleasurable transition that March brings…especially since it is also my birth month (March 26). God has given us a promise of revival, renewal and rejuvenation. Take some time today to give God thanks for his marvelous creation, Mother Earth, and for the blessing of the seasons. As Solomon scribed in Ecclesiastes, there is a time and a season for everything under the sun. Give God praise for the majesty of his precise workings; as we watch the heavens obey his laws. Buried bulbs awaken from their months of slumber and push their tulip tops skyward, and even the smallest bush responds and knows when to bud. There are hidden treasures deep inside of each of us. God placed them their while we were yet being knit together in our mother’s womb. Some of them are awakening now and yearning to break free. Let God’s beauty come forth . Now is your time to blossom.
Every day is a good day, it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! – Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Genesis 19:22 – “But flee there quickly, because I cannot do anything until you reach it.” (That is why the town was called Zoar.)” NIV
Welcome to Wednesday. Since the introduction of a popular commercial a few years ago, my sons, especial the youngest, and I volley back and forth each Wednesday to see who will be the first to declare – “Guess what day it is? – It’s Hump Day!” We often text pictures of camels without any words and the other person knows exactly what we are saying. Camels have been called the ‘ships of the desert’ because they are able to withstand the harsh conditions and carry provisions across scorching sands until the travelers reach an oasis for relief.
Today’s scripture references the angel urging Lot and his family to hurry to a place of refuge (an oasis) from the onslaught of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The angel had a sense of urgency because he had orders to fulfil but could not do so until Lot and his family were safe. Lot was first told to escape to the mountains, but he felt he could not physically make the distance in time, so he asked if he could escape to the ‘oasis’ of Zoar. His request was granted.
Just when you feel that all hell is breaking loose around you remember that God has camels of escape and Jesus is a bountiful, refreshing oasis. As we are sheltered in him no harm shall come to us. The destruction may proceed; the people we trust may let us down; the projects we hoped would materialize may vaporize; the car and house need work; the children go nuts; but all in all, no matter what - God will send a ‘camel’ to usher you to the oasis he has prepared. Don’t give up or give in. Get to a place of refreshing and be safe as you regroup and get re-charged.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Welcome to Wednesday. Since the introduction of a popular commercial a few years ago, my sons, especial the youngest, and I volley back and forth each Wednesday to see who will be the first to declare – “Guess what day it is? – It’s Hump Day!” We often text pictures of camels without any words and the other person knows exactly what we are saying. Camels have been called the ‘ships of the desert’ because they are able to withstand the harsh conditions and carry provisions across scorching sands until the travelers reach an oasis for relief.
Today’s scripture references the angel urging Lot and his family to hurry to a place of refuge (an oasis) from the onslaught of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The angel had a sense of urgency because he had orders to fulfil but could not do so until Lot and his family were safe. Lot was first told to escape to the mountains, but he felt he could not physically make the distance in time, so he asked if he could escape to the ‘oasis’ of Zoar. His request was granted.
Just when you feel that all hell is breaking loose around you remember that God has camels of escape and Jesus is a bountiful, refreshing oasis. As we are sheltered in him no harm shall come to us. The destruction may proceed; the people we trust may let us down; the projects we hoped would materialize may vaporize; the car and house need work; the children go nuts; but all in all, no matter what - God will send a ‘camel’ to usher you to the oasis he has prepared. Don’t give up or give in. Get to a place of refreshing and be safe as you regroup and get re-charged.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Mediocre Won’t Do
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) – “ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
In speaking with a friend the other day, we discussed how we need to start dreaming bigger. In our simple human frailty, anything that we can fathom and then come up with the ways and means to get it done, really isn’t worth wasting a lot of time pursuing. We are of the mindset that we want to extend our faith to challenge the promises of God given through the words found in today’s scripture. It states that God has a predetermined set of goals for us. He isn’t just leading us rough-shod through life with minute by minute emotionally-guided directions. Know that he had long thought-out and designed the plans he has for us. And those plans are great plans for our benefit and his glory. We are not operating with a road map with a hole in the middle of the page or a compass with a broken spring. No, if we are wise, we are following the path laid out for us by a creative and loving God. In these plans he tells us that we will have great benefits and that no harm is to befall us. Yes, we will have challenges and yes, there will probably be some uphill battles and some downward slippery slopes; but all of that is a part of the process.
The key element I want to share with you today is that …these are God’s plans. So we need to open our minds and clear out the limitations. We need to think big and far-reaching. If we can get there on our own, what is the need for a miracle-working God? God wants to show us his magnificent glory; bathe us in his awesome love; support us with his unyielding favor and provide for us with the splendor and majesty of his kingdom. He cannot give us Kobe steak; Beluga caviar, truffles and exquisite fine dining accompaniments when we are searching for a simple prize in a box of Cracker Jacks. We must dream big to live big. And this living is not for the simple sake of material possessions; but to glorify the God who has everything. How does it look to have the King’s children in pauper’s attire? God wants us to be the royalty for which Jesus sacrificed himself to make us joint heirs. Now is not the time to be bound and boxed. Now is the time to think like our God thinks…. Think BIG!! Go for it and watch as God puts the things you need in your path; the people you need in your presence and the advice you need in your ear.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
In speaking with a friend the other day, we discussed how we need to start dreaming bigger. In our simple human frailty, anything that we can fathom and then come up with the ways and means to get it done, really isn’t worth wasting a lot of time pursuing. We are of the mindset that we want to extend our faith to challenge the promises of God given through the words found in today’s scripture. It states that God has a predetermined set of goals for us. He isn’t just leading us rough-shod through life with minute by minute emotionally-guided directions. Know that he had long thought-out and designed the plans he has for us. And those plans are great plans for our benefit and his glory. We are not operating with a road map with a hole in the middle of the page or a compass with a broken spring. No, if we are wise, we are following the path laid out for us by a creative and loving God. In these plans he tells us that we will have great benefits and that no harm is to befall us. Yes, we will have challenges and yes, there will probably be some uphill battles and some downward slippery slopes; but all of that is a part of the process.
The key element I want to share with you today is that …these are God’s plans. So we need to open our minds and clear out the limitations. We need to think big and far-reaching. If we can get there on our own, what is the need for a miracle-working God? God wants to show us his magnificent glory; bathe us in his awesome love; support us with his unyielding favor and provide for us with the splendor and majesty of his kingdom. He cannot give us Kobe steak; Beluga caviar, truffles and exquisite fine dining accompaniments when we are searching for a simple prize in a box of Cracker Jacks. We must dream big to live big. And this living is not for the simple sake of material possessions; but to glorify the God who has everything. How does it look to have the King’s children in pauper’s attire? God wants us to be the royalty for which Jesus sacrificed himself to make us joint heirs. Now is not the time to be bound and boxed. Now is the time to think like our God thinks…. Think BIG!! Go for it and watch as God puts the things you need in your path; the people you need in your presence and the advice you need in your ear.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Monday, March 19, 2018
Hang In There!
1 Peter 2:20 - "For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God.”
Today we count down only 14 more days until Resurrection Sunday. Many of us have been diligent as we have progressed through the weeks of Lent since its beginning on Ash Wednesday. Traditionally during the Lenten season believers abstain from various indulgences, habits or desires in order to subdue and chasten the physical body as it conforms to the rigors of submission. Usually fasting, prayer and sacrificial giving highlight the 40 days of consecration. As with most projects, we all start off strong with great intentions for our heroic and uncompromised completion of our scripted sacrifices... But also, as with many great intentions, we need booster shots of encouragement to stay the course.
Some churches and religious organizations foster outreach programs during Lent for their members to participate in reaching out and ministering to the masses. During these activities it is easy to get sideswiped by ungrateful attitudes, hurriedly organized or executed plans; changing agendas; or just plain old fatigue from operating on a restricted fasting diet. Regardless of the outer influences let me encourage you to stay the course; endure to the end.
Keep the promises and covenants that you have ushered before the Lord. Pray for strength to complete your fast; your Bible reading; and physical challenges. The devil wishes for us to grow weary and abandon our causes; but we will not be dismayed by his prodding nor shall we give into the temptation to postpone or delay activities that God wants us to complete during this Lent preparation time. You have what it takes to make it all the way. Pull upon the grace and mercy of the Holy Spirit to empower you to stay on course. I believe in you and more important to your success is the fact that God believes in and loves you and he has your back.
If you have had some struggles and may have fallen off of the wagon don’t let that discourage you. Maybe you gave up your favorite indulgence - chocolate and just the other day you slipped and had that crafty Snickers candy bar that kept calling your name. Don’t worry; all is not lost. You are not a failure. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on track. Failure only occurs when you give up – not when you fall. You are a winner and this week will be the best week ever!
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed Rev.Dr. JoAnn
Today we count down only 14 more days until Resurrection Sunday. Many of us have been diligent as we have progressed through the weeks of Lent since its beginning on Ash Wednesday. Traditionally during the Lenten season believers abstain from various indulgences, habits or desires in order to subdue and chasten the physical body as it conforms to the rigors of submission. Usually fasting, prayer and sacrificial giving highlight the 40 days of consecration. As with most projects, we all start off strong with great intentions for our heroic and uncompromised completion of our scripted sacrifices... But also, as with many great intentions, we need booster shots of encouragement to stay the course.
Some churches and religious organizations foster outreach programs during Lent for their members to participate in reaching out and ministering to the masses. During these activities it is easy to get sideswiped by ungrateful attitudes, hurriedly organized or executed plans; changing agendas; or just plain old fatigue from operating on a restricted fasting diet. Regardless of the outer influences let me encourage you to stay the course; endure to the end.
Keep the promises and covenants that you have ushered before the Lord. Pray for strength to complete your fast; your Bible reading; and physical challenges. The devil wishes for us to grow weary and abandon our causes; but we will not be dismayed by his prodding nor shall we give into the temptation to postpone or delay activities that God wants us to complete during this Lent preparation time. You have what it takes to make it all the way. Pull upon the grace and mercy of the Holy Spirit to empower you to stay on course. I believe in you and more important to your success is the fact that God believes in and loves you and he has your back.
If you have had some struggles and may have fallen off of the wagon don’t let that discourage you. Maybe you gave up your favorite indulgence - chocolate and just the other day you slipped and had that crafty Snickers candy bar that kept calling your name. Don’t worry; all is not lost. You are not a failure. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on track. Failure only occurs when you give up – not when you fall. You are a winner and this week will be the best week ever!
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed Rev.Dr. JoAnn
Friday, March 16, 2018
Lying in Judgment
Proverbs 19:5 – “A false witness will not go unpunished, and one who utters lies will not escape.”
Nothing is as nerve wracking as finding out that someone has lied on, about or to you. It can cause emotions to run wild at the thought of someone speaking falsehoods and defending the lies to their last breath. The bible scripture for today lets us know that liars will not go unpunished. They may seem to get away with their unscrupulous behavior for the moment and even may succeed at certain stations in life because of their bending of the truth; but ultimately they will not escape the fate that awaits their final judgment.
The key for us is that we must not waste our time, effort and energy on seeking revenge or getting them to renounce their treacherous statements. It is a waste of time. Many who choose a lifestyle of lying are in denial of basic realities and often do not feel remorse even if caught in the middle of a falsehood. It was once said that the best way to beat a lie is to live the truth. Bearing false witness, lying, fibbing and stretching the truth are all realities steeped in the psychology of manipulation.
Those who choose to lie want to have control; so the best way to handle this is to not lose control by flying off the handle or allowing our emotions to take the wheel. In essence, you may never be able to stop the propaganda but you can handle the way that you react. God sees and knows all. He knows the truth and those who speak and live it. He knows who bends the law and who breaks it; trust that his judgment will be fair and that those who live ungodly will be punished. Live your truth!
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Enjoy the weekend. See you on Monday! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Nothing is as nerve wracking as finding out that someone has lied on, about or to you. It can cause emotions to run wild at the thought of someone speaking falsehoods and defending the lies to their last breath. The bible scripture for today lets us know that liars will not go unpunished. They may seem to get away with their unscrupulous behavior for the moment and even may succeed at certain stations in life because of their bending of the truth; but ultimately they will not escape the fate that awaits their final judgment.
The key for us is that we must not waste our time, effort and energy on seeking revenge or getting them to renounce their treacherous statements. It is a waste of time. Many who choose a lifestyle of lying are in denial of basic realities and often do not feel remorse even if caught in the middle of a falsehood. It was once said that the best way to beat a lie is to live the truth. Bearing false witness, lying, fibbing and stretching the truth are all realities steeped in the psychology of manipulation.
Those who choose to lie want to have control; so the best way to handle this is to not lose control by flying off the handle or allowing our emotions to take the wheel. In essence, you may never be able to stop the propaganda but you can handle the way that you react. God sees and knows all. He knows the truth and those who speak and live it. He knows who bends the law and who breaks it; trust that his judgment will be fair and that those who live ungodly will be punished. Live your truth!
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Enjoy the weekend. See you on Monday! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Lighter Side
Proverbs 17:22 (ESV)- "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Recently I was looking through some old DVDs and came upon one that was a collection of old 'Three Stooges' clips. I chucked for a few moments as I read the descriptions of the high jinks I remembered that had been captured on film. These men gave endless spoofs of comedic discourse throughout my childhood as they played pranks on each other, as well as, got mixed up in many fool hardy schemes. But no matter the situation or the outcome they provided countless episodes of laughter and escape.
Daily we must find ways to live on the "lighter" side of life. We cannot always take ourselves too seriously; for when we do we will often find that we are the only ones who do. When we try to ride too hard; appear too tough; seem unyielding; or act too pious we lose and forsake the joy that God places in our spirit. A joyful heart is good medicine. A good hearty laugh is good for our bones. It is good to share a smile, a chuckle, a grin or an old fashioned good belly shaking laugh.
Take the challenge today is find something fun to share. Call up a friend and remind them of a funny story or event that you both shared and just have a good reminiscing laugh. Don’t take yourself or your position, situation or circumstances too seriously. When you do you take the fun out of life; and Jesus died to give us victory and joy in our walk on earth. We cannot always control the journey that we must undertake, but we can be in control of how we react to the things that impinge upon us. Trust God for the tough stuff then relax and laugh at the devil when he gets frustrated that you don’t get bent out of shape over his devilment.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed. Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Daily we must find ways to live on the "lighter" side of life. We cannot always take ourselves too seriously; for when we do we will often find that we are the only ones who do. When we try to ride too hard; appear too tough; seem unyielding; or act too pious we lose and forsake the joy that God places in our spirit. A joyful heart is good medicine. A good hearty laugh is good for our bones. It is good to share a smile, a chuckle, a grin or an old fashioned good belly shaking laugh.
Take the challenge today is find something fun to share. Call up a friend and remind them of a funny story or event that you both shared and just have a good reminiscing laugh. Don’t take yourself or your position, situation or circumstances too seriously. When you do you take the fun out of life; and Jesus died to give us victory and joy in our walk on earth. We cannot always control the journey that we must undertake, but we can be in control of how we react to the things that impinge upon us. Trust God for the tough stuff then relax and laugh at the devil when he gets frustrated that you don’t get bent out of shape over his devilment.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed. Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Genesis 19:22 – “But flee there quickly, because I cannot do anything until you reach it.” (That is why the town was called Zoar.)” NIV
Welcome to Wednesday. Since the introduction of a popular commercial a few years ago, my sons, especial the youngest, and I volley back and forth each Wednesday to see who will be the first to declare – “Guess what day it is? – It’s Hump Day!” WE often text pictures of camels without any words and the other person knows exactly what we are saying. Camels have been called the ‘ships of the desert’ because they are able to withstand the harsh conditions and carry provisions across scorching sands until the travelers reach an oasis for relief.
Today’s scripture references the angel urging Lot and his family to hurry to a place of refuge (an oasis) from the onslaught of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The angel had a sense of urgency because he had orders to fulfil but could not do so until Lot and his family were safe. Lot was first told to escape to the mountains, but he felt he could not physically make the distance in time, so he asked if he could escape to the ‘oasis’ of Zoar. His request was granted.
Just when you feel that all hell is breaking loose around you remember that God has camels of escape and Jesus is a bountiful, refreshing oasis. As we are sheltered in him no harm shall come to us. The destruction may proceed; the people we trust may let us down; the projects we hoped would materialize may vaporize; the car and house need work; the children go nuts; but all in all, no matter what - God will send a ‘camel’ to usher you to the oasis he has prepared. Don’t give up or give in. Get to a place of refreshing and be safe as you regroup and get re-charged.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Welcome to Wednesday. Since the introduction of a popular commercial a few years ago, my sons, especial the youngest, and I volley back and forth each Wednesday to see who will be the first to declare – “Guess what day it is? – It’s Hump Day!” WE often text pictures of camels without any words and the other person knows exactly what we are saying. Camels have been called the ‘ships of the desert’ because they are able to withstand the harsh conditions and carry provisions across scorching sands until the travelers reach an oasis for relief.
Today’s scripture references the angel urging Lot and his family to hurry to a place of refuge (an oasis) from the onslaught of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The angel had a sense of urgency because he had orders to fulfil but could not do so until Lot and his family were safe. Lot was first told to escape to the mountains, but he felt he could not physically make the distance in time, so he asked if he could escape to the ‘oasis’ of Zoar. His request was granted.
Just when you feel that all hell is breaking loose around you remember that God has camels of escape and Jesus is a bountiful, refreshing oasis. As we are sheltered in him no harm shall come to us. The destruction may proceed; the people we trust may let us down; the projects we hoped would materialize may vaporize; the car and house need work; the children go nuts; but all in all, no matter what - God will send a ‘camel’ to usher you to the oasis he has prepared. Don’t give up or give in. Get to a place of refreshing and be safe as you regroup and get re-charged.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Kill Your Bulls
1 Kings 19:21 – “Elisha turned away
from him and went back. He killed the oxen and used the yoke for firewood. He
boiled the meat, gave it to the people, and they all ate together. Then Elisha went to follow Elijah and
became his helper.”
When Elijah called Elisha to be his
apprentice, Elisha killed the oxen he was plowing with, cooked them and shared
them with his neighbors. He was leaving the life he once knew and was embarking
on a brand new venture and unlike Lot’s wife; he made sure he had nothing to
look back upon with longing. His livelihood was from the work of the oxen; yet
when he was done he did not leave them as even symbols of his former life. He sacrificed what was old and burdensome to
be released and totally available for what was yet to come.
As you embark on new ventures and ask
God to provide more opportunities and pathways to greater living; what bulls do
you have still yoked to you? Some of the
very things that provided sustenance and helped you plow through the life you
used to know must now be cut off, cut up and given away. Elisha surely could have sold the oxen and
had money for his travels or to give to his parents to help out since he was
leaving his duties. I am sure the oxen
were valuable but following God’s new pathway was priceless and Elisha knew
it. Some things just need to be nipped
in the bud and cut off. No dilly, no
dally, no second thoughts. I am sure
that certain things you treasure are valuable in their own right, but if they
will hinder you from your next level with God; cut her off; cut him up and give
it away; then when the time is right you will surely get a double portion of
Every day is a good day; it is up to us
to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed. Rev.
Dr. JoAnn
Monday, March 12, 2018
Showers of Blessings
Leviticus 26:3-4(ESV): "3“If you walk in my statutes and observe my commandments and do them, 4then I will give you your rains in their season, and the land shall yield its increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.”
It has been raining intermittently here in Georgia for a few days and it reminds me of the lyric line of the song Rainy Night in Georgia which says that “it feels like it is raining all over the world”. In essence, the continual, gloomy times we are having here makes it hard to believe that there is fair or even sunny weather anywhere else. In our Christian walk, when we are bombarded with ‘rainy’ days, dismal forecasts and gloomy outcomes, we must not be burdened to believe that these melancholy times are going to last indefinitely or that there isn’t hope somewhere. Our situations may not be that cheery for the moment, but we must not let our own misgivings or the influence of the evil one convince us that things will not get better. If we do, anxiety and potential depression are right around the corner.
No one can doubt that the past few months have demonstrated how weather, climate, environment…whatever you want to call it…is not a respecter of what we hope, think or plan. Many travels have been interrupted or cancelled; many events have been postponed or terminated; many companies have lost business and the list goes on. We can look at the downside to weather related calamities all day, but remember there is a silver lining in each cloud and that the rains bring showers of blessings.
God promises to provide for those who obey him and walk in his statues. These provisions come in many fashions and the rainy times in our lives are merely conduction pathways for some of the blessings that God is bestowing upon us. Flood waters may seem haphazard to some, but to the fisherman whose favorite catching spot is experiencing drought; this could save this business. Cloud filled skies block the drying rays of the sun and poorly draining streets can wreak havoc with traffic but these so called issues give evidence to small nuisance problems that can be corrected before sink-hole sized disasters surface.
God provides the rain to quench our dry areas and he permits heavy downpours to give us opportunities to see the glory of his blessings. Take a few moments today to thank God for the rainstorms in your life. They have made you who you are and they are crafting you into the masterpiece God wants you to be.
Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
It has been raining intermittently here in Georgia for a few days and it reminds me of the lyric line of the song Rainy Night in Georgia which says that “it feels like it is raining all over the world”. In essence, the continual, gloomy times we are having here makes it hard to believe that there is fair or even sunny weather anywhere else. In our Christian walk, when we are bombarded with ‘rainy’ days, dismal forecasts and gloomy outcomes, we must not be burdened to believe that these melancholy times are going to last indefinitely or that there isn’t hope somewhere. Our situations may not be that cheery for the moment, but we must not let our own misgivings or the influence of the evil one convince us that things will not get better. If we do, anxiety and potential depression are right around the corner.
No one can doubt that the past few months have demonstrated how weather, climate, environment…whatever you want to call it…is not a respecter of what we hope, think or plan. Many travels have been interrupted or cancelled; many events have been postponed or terminated; many companies have lost business and the list goes on. We can look at the downside to weather related calamities all day, but remember there is a silver lining in each cloud and that the rains bring showers of blessings.
God promises to provide for those who obey him and walk in his statues. These provisions come in many fashions and the rainy times in our lives are merely conduction pathways for some of the blessings that God is bestowing upon us. Flood waters may seem haphazard to some, but to the fisherman whose favorite catching spot is experiencing drought; this could save this business. Cloud filled skies block the drying rays of the sun and poorly draining streets can wreak havoc with traffic but these so called issues give evidence to small nuisance problems that can be corrected before sink-hole sized disasters surface.
God provides the rain to quench our dry areas and he permits heavy downpours to give us opportunities to see the glory of his blessings. Take a few moments today to thank God for the rainstorms in your life. They have made you who you are and they are crafting you into the masterpiece God wants you to be.
Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Friday, March 9, 2018
Suffer the Children
Matthew 19:14(NCV) –“ but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people who are like these children.”
When I see the children scurrying around playing in their groups I often think about how the children must have been joyfully and noisily clamoring in their play when Jesus came upon the scene and their attention turned to him. Just like kids used to run for the ice cream truck I can only imagine how they were in awe of our Savior.
When we see our children fascinated by the gospel and want to learn more about church, Jesus, the Bible and God, it is important to nurture their curiosity. They are never too young to learn about God, how special they are in his sight and how much he loves them.
There are many distractive and destructive factors that try to hinder the emotional, social and spiritual growth of our children and grandchildren. Children are steadily bombarded with negative talk, paparazzi newsflashes and hours of unbridled immorality on television. They can experience school life that is tormented by bullies or be placed in local schools that are struggling to maintain the minimum of state requirements for accreditation.
Our children play too many videos games where life is restored by the push of a button; they believe friendships are contingent upon whether they have the right type of phone or popularity is determined by how destructive they can act. All of these things are distractive blockades preventing them from being in the presence of the Lord. Suffer the little children to come unto Christ. In other words it is our responsibility to our children and to the ‘village’ we support to protect them as we guide them to move closer into the presence of Jesus. Find a youngster you can help today – encourage them to stay focused and seed into their lives in a tangible way. The seeds we plant today will provide for OUR future.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Have an awesome weekend. See you on Monday. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
When I see the children scurrying around playing in their groups I often think about how the children must have been joyfully and noisily clamoring in their play when Jesus came upon the scene and their attention turned to him. Just like kids used to run for the ice cream truck I can only imagine how they were in awe of our Savior.
When we see our children fascinated by the gospel and want to learn more about church, Jesus, the Bible and God, it is important to nurture their curiosity. They are never too young to learn about God, how special they are in his sight and how much he loves them.
There are many distractive and destructive factors that try to hinder the emotional, social and spiritual growth of our children and grandchildren. Children are steadily bombarded with negative talk, paparazzi newsflashes and hours of unbridled immorality on television. They can experience school life that is tormented by bullies or be placed in local schools that are struggling to maintain the minimum of state requirements for accreditation.
Our children play too many videos games where life is restored by the push of a button; they believe friendships are contingent upon whether they have the right type of phone or popularity is determined by how destructive they can act. All of these things are distractive blockades preventing them from being in the presence of the Lord. Suffer the little children to come unto Christ. In other words it is our responsibility to our children and to the ‘village’ we support to protect them as we guide them to move closer into the presence of Jesus. Find a youngster you can help today – encourage them to stay focused and seed into their lives in a tangible way. The seeds we plant today will provide for OUR future.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Have an awesome weekend. See you on Monday. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Enjoy the Journey - Flashback
Romans 8:28 – “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[i] have been called according to his purpose.”
Many people never enjoy the fullness of a vacation or get-away because they are so set on looking only at the destination they overlook the wonder of the journey. Their plane is delayed or the hotel or restaurant has messed up a reservation so the room or table isn’t quite ready. While these are indeed annoyances, why not look into the deeper meaning of why these ‘journey stoppers’ occur and enjoy the experience. As we journey on this life path we should not spend too much of our energy on complaining about nuisances that we cannot control. We have all seen the scenes that irritable complainers cause when things don’t go their way and they explode on the poor salesperson or customer service representative.
When life throws a monkey wrench into your operation, stop for a moment and ponder what good could come from the situation. If God works all things out then this too shall pass without much frustration if we focus on the right things. Delayed?... use the time to catch up on some reading. Stuck in a long time?... meet a new friend and strike up a ‘non-complaining’ conversation. Stuck in traffic?... don’t succumb to road rage and horn blowing….turn up the radio volume and sing to the top of your lungs. Enjoy the journey… this is the only life path we shall walk on this earth so make the best of it.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Many people never enjoy the fullness of a vacation or get-away because they are so set on looking only at the destination they overlook the wonder of the journey. Their plane is delayed or the hotel or restaurant has messed up a reservation so the room or table isn’t quite ready. While these are indeed annoyances, why not look into the deeper meaning of why these ‘journey stoppers’ occur and enjoy the experience. As we journey on this life path we should not spend too much of our energy on complaining about nuisances that we cannot control. We have all seen the scenes that irritable complainers cause when things don’t go their way and they explode on the poor salesperson or customer service representative.
When life throws a monkey wrench into your operation, stop for a moment and ponder what good could come from the situation. If God works all things out then this too shall pass without much frustration if we focus on the right things. Delayed?... use the time to catch up on some reading. Stuck in a long time?... meet a new friend and strike up a ‘non-complaining’ conversation. Stuck in traffic?... don’t succumb to road rage and horn blowing….turn up the radio volume and sing to the top of your lungs. Enjoy the journey… this is the only life path we shall walk on this earth so make the best of it.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Glory Bound
Romans 8:18 – “ I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” “Push”, “Push”, “Bear Down, Breath and Push”.. It has been over 32 years, but I can still hear the doctor, nurses and attendances coaching me through the final stages of the birthing of my first son. The contractions were unrelenting, the pressure and pain indescribable but ohhhhh the joy of hearing my baby draw his first breath and let out a cooing cry was undeniable. When they placed his warm, big (nearly 9 pound) body on my chest, I forgot all about the months of nausea, leg cramps, back aches and the other irritations that plague pregnant women.
Whatever we go through in this present age; whether we believe we were given the ‘short end the stick’ or dealt a hand of horrible life cards; it is no comparison to the blessed glory that God had set for us. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you see the brighter side that is to come and focus on that joy. Remember in the end…WE WIN!!!
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Whatever we go through in this present age; whether we believe we were given the ‘short end the stick’ or dealt a hand of horrible life cards; it is no comparison to the blessed glory that God had set for us. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you see the brighter side that is to come and focus on that joy. Remember in the end…WE WIN!!!
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Righteous Desires
Romans 8:5 – “Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.”
My mom and aunts often spoke about wise words from my maternal grandmother. Among her favorite wisdom quotes was for her children to ‘never desire for something so badly that it causes you to deny your character’. In essence if we think or dwell on anything so profusely that it consumes us to the point where we will do anything to have or get it…it becomes an idol and separates us from our true source, which is God. Conversely, as we think on and abide in the things of the spirit, we are drawn into closer relationship with God. The bottom line is… what do we have our minds set on?
Do we spend too much time wrestling with earthly concerns and not on kingdom aspirations? Do we tend to worry about the here and now so much we forget God is the author and finisher of everything? The time we waste dwelling on temporal problems, tangible goods and things that will rust or rot away, we could and should be spending perfecting our love relationship with our Creator. As we do this, He provides for all of our daily needs and grants the peace that will allow us the freedom to wait and not fret.
Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven; but to do that our minds must be set on what the Spirit desires. What are your chief desires? Do you need a mind ‘re’-set? We all do from time to time. Our minds must continually be trained to focus on what is good, and lovely and not succumb to the world’s desires.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
My mom and aunts often spoke about wise words from my maternal grandmother. Among her favorite wisdom quotes was for her children to ‘never desire for something so badly that it causes you to deny your character’. In essence if we think or dwell on anything so profusely that it consumes us to the point where we will do anything to have or get it…it becomes an idol and separates us from our true source, which is God. Conversely, as we think on and abide in the things of the spirit, we are drawn into closer relationship with God. The bottom line is… what do we have our minds set on?
Do we spend too much time wrestling with earthly concerns and not on kingdom aspirations? Do we tend to worry about the here and now so much we forget God is the author and finisher of everything? The time we waste dwelling on temporal problems, tangible goods and things that will rust or rot away, we could and should be spending perfecting our love relationship with our Creator. As we do this, He provides for all of our daily needs and grants the peace that will allow us the freedom to wait and not fret.
Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven; but to do that our minds must be set on what the Spirit desires. What are your chief desires? Do you need a mind ‘re’-set? We all do from time to time. Our minds must continually be trained to focus on what is good, and lovely and not succumb to the world’s desires.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Monday, March 5, 2018
Elder Care
Psalm 71:9 (NIV) – “Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone.”
Yesterday my granddaughter and I had the privilege to visit two elderly sisters who are members of my church. After attending the early morning worship service I decided to visit with “Mama” Kirby since her birthday was the day before and I wasn’t able to speak with her on her special day. What a delight it was because our timing was perfect. Just as we arrived, two deacons from the church were also visiting and bringing communion. We sang songs, read scripture and chatted about the wonders of God’s grace as he was surely keeping these two magnificent women in his care. “Mama” Kirby just celebrated her 93rd birthday but what is even more amazing is that in January her sister celebrated her 109th birthday. Both sisters are healthy, beautiful, full of life and sharp of wit.
What a blessing to have longevity, but even more so to have life, the ability to live on your own; keep up with your own affairs and not riddled with volumes of medications or ailments. To God be the Glory!
I was so glad I was able to share some precious moments with these lovely women and for my granddaughter to be exposed to their love and wisdom. We should never cast away and forget about our elders. The wealth of knowledge stored in them is priceless. Reach out today and connect with an elder; remind them of how precious they are and more importantly allow them to seed into your life.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Yesterday my granddaughter and I had the privilege to visit two elderly sisters who are members of my church. After attending the early morning worship service I decided to visit with “Mama” Kirby since her birthday was the day before and I wasn’t able to speak with her on her special day. What a delight it was because our timing was perfect. Just as we arrived, two deacons from the church were also visiting and bringing communion. We sang songs, read scripture and chatted about the wonders of God’s grace as he was surely keeping these two magnificent women in his care. “Mama” Kirby just celebrated her 93rd birthday but what is even more amazing is that in January her sister celebrated her 109th birthday. Both sisters are healthy, beautiful, full of life and sharp of wit.
What a blessing to have longevity, but even more so to have life, the ability to live on your own; keep up with your own affairs and not riddled with volumes of medications or ailments. To God be the Glory!
I was so glad I was able to share some precious moments with these lovely women and for my granddaughter to be exposed to their love and wisdom. We should never cast away and forget about our elders. The wealth of knowledge stored in them is priceless. Reach out today and connect with an elder; remind them of how precious they are and more importantly allow them to seed into your life.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Friday, March 2, 2018
Praise Him!
Psalm 150: 4 “Praise him with timbrel and dance, praise him with the strings and pipe”
Today marks a special day in that it is time for my First Friday Fellowship Praise and Worship ministry meeting. I thoroughly enjoy our time together as we share a hearty meal, testimonies, praise reports and a good old-fashioned Bible study. Our scripture shows the psalmist inviting ‘everything that has breath’ to celebrate and praise the Lord in many different ways. He suggests that we use trumpets and harps, stringed instruments and pipes, cymbals and dancing. He encourages us to passionately celebrate, honor and adore the Lord. Because the Lord is great and has performed mighty acts on behalf of His people; He is worthy of all praise.
These outward expressions of praise will come from an inner wellspring overflowing with gratitude to God. Though we may celebrate the Lord in different ways, our praise to God always needs to be expressive and meaningful. When we think about the Lord’s character and His mighty acts toward us, we cannot help but celebrate Him through our praise and worship.
Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT praise-filled day. Have an awesome weekend. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Today marks a special day in that it is time for my First Friday Fellowship Praise and Worship ministry meeting. I thoroughly enjoy our time together as we share a hearty meal, testimonies, praise reports and a good old-fashioned Bible study. Our scripture shows the psalmist inviting ‘everything that has breath’ to celebrate and praise the Lord in many different ways. He suggests that we use trumpets and harps, stringed instruments and pipes, cymbals and dancing. He encourages us to passionately celebrate, honor and adore the Lord. Because the Lord is great and has performed mighty acts on behalf of His people; He is worthy of all praise.
These outward expressions of praise will come from an inner wellspring overflowing with gratitude to God. Though we may celebrate the Lord in different ways, our praise to God always needs to be expressive and meaningful. When we think about the Lord’s character and His mighty acts toward us, we cannot help but celebrate Him through our praise and worship.
Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT praise-filled day. Have an awesome weekend. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Ways and Means
Isaiah 55: 8-9 KJV – “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."
As a child growing up in First Baptist Church of Gary, IN, I recall attending the annual church meeting with my mom and dad. Of course when I was younger it was just another opportunity to play and hang out with my friends in the Fellowship Hall; while the parents read reports, gathered data and organized the events for the upcoming year. As a child the significance of the planning and reporting done by all of the church auxiliaries, committees and subcommittees was in itself a challenge. One of the main groups that operated in the church was the ‘Ways and Means Committee’. As all the other church sub-units reported their needs; it was the responsibility of the Ways and Means Committee to find a way to make things happen and then to locate the financial resources needed.
As I grew older and more involved in church activities, I realized how all the planning from the previous annual church meeting was cornerstone to having the resources needed to complete certain tasks. Now as an adult I constantly see examples in which God reveals how his thoughts, planning and the execution of his ultimate designs really are far above what we can imagine.
God is revealing step-by-step that not only is he the Sovereign GOD of the universe, but that he is compassionate and loving and hears us when we cry out to him. God has lots of plans of wonderful things in store for us (if we faint not). When we were ‘young’ in the fellowship; things may have gone completely over our heads. Like me and my friends at those early church meetings, we knew there was something important to be said, but we were too busy grabbing all the gusto of life to pay attention to the details. As we grow and mature in Christ we too will see that God is the “Ways and Means” committee for all that we do.
As I often say… “if you cannot see God’s his heart”. Our loving God is industrious and creative, always working on something; therefore when our prayers seem on the surface to go unanswered remember some things are so out of our league that God can’t even afford to have us in on the ground level because we might interfere with what he has planned. So we just need to trust him and wait until he is ready to reveal to us what “ways and means” he has developed. His ways are so far above ours and aren’t you glad that every now and then he touches us with a quick glimpse into the most simplistic part of his thought and it is mind-shattering revelation to us. So if you are waiting on a miracle, tarrying for an answer or just basking in the glow of God’s love - wait for him to tell you ‘his way’ and then he will give you ‘the means”.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
As a child growing up in First Baptist Church of Gary, IN, I recall attending the annual church meeting with my mom and dad. Of course when I was younger it was just another opportunity to play and hang out with my friends in the Fellowship Hall; while the parents read reports, gathered data and organized the events for the upcoming year. As a child the significance of the planning and reporting done by all of the church auxiliaries, committees and subcommittees was in itself a challenge. One of the main groups that operated in the church was the ‘Ways and Means Committee’. As all the other church sub-units reported their needs; it was the responsibility of the Ways and Means Committee to find a way to make things happen and then to locate the financial resources needed.
As I grew older and more involved in church activities, I realized how all the planning from the previous annual church meeting was cornerstone to having the resources needed to complete certain tasks. Now as an adult I constantly see examples in which God reveals how his thoughts, planning and the execution of his ultimate designs really are far above what we can imagine.
God is revealing step-by-step that not only is he the Sovereign GOD of the universe, but that he is compassionate and loving and hears us when we cry out to him. God has lots of plans of wonderful things in store for us (if we faint not). When we were ‘young’ in the fellowship; things may have gone completely over our heads. Like me and my friends at those early church meetings, we knew there was something important to be said, but we were too busy grabbing all the gusto of life to pay attention to the details. As we grow and mature in Christ we too will see that God is the “Ways and Means” committee for all that we do.
As I often say… “if you cannot see God’s his heart”. Our loving God is industrious and creative, always working on something; therefore when our prayers seem on the surface to go unanswered remember some things are so out of our league that God can’t even afford to have us in on the ground level because we might interfere with what he has planned. So we just need to trust him and wait until he is ready to reveal to us what “ways and means” he has developed. His ways are so far above ours and aren’t you glad that every now and then he touches us with a quick glimpse into the most simplistic part of his thought and it is mind-shattering revelation to us. So if you are waiting on a miracle, tarrying for an answer or just basking in the glow of God’s love - wait for him to tell you ‘his way’ and then he will give you ‘the means”.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
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