Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Don't Hesitate

1 Samuel 17:48: “ So it was, when the Philistine arose and came and drew near to meet David, that David   hurried and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine.” 
        Once David had analyzed the problem (Goliath); figured out the reward ( riches, honor and a beautiful woman); and came up with a battle plan (5 smooth stones and a slingshot), he did not hesitate to confront the issue head on.  Goliath made light of his young adversary and mockingly walked slowly toward him as he taunted David with curses.  This did not sway David in the least.  He knew his objective and he ran into his destiny. 
    We are already in the second week of the second month of this New Year – note how quickly time is flying by. Do not let opportunities to slay the giant, pressing issues in your life pass by. Time waits for no one.  It keeps marching on whether we are prepared for the future or not.  Let’s not waste precious time procrastinating and hesitating under the guise that we are thoroughly analyzing the problem.  While it is beneficial, just like David, to have a battle plan in place.  It is never advantageous to repetitiously rehearse and never carry out the real act.
    David knew that time was of the essence and that God’s protection and grace were upon him at that very hour.  God does not do for one what he is not willing to do for others.  Whatever is on your heart – go for it!  Fill out that application; make that phone call; shut down that repressive relationship; start the ball rolling to open your own business; learn to sew; stop smoking; join a fitness group…..just do it!!!    
         I love to play the card game, Bid Whist and one of the favorite taunts amongst players to anyone slowing down the game by taking too long to play is to say – “study wrong”.  In essence, take a good look, sum up the situation, map out your strategy and play your hand - don’t hesitate.  Strike while the iron is hot.  Go for it.  

Every day is a good day, it is up to us to make it a GREAT power-packed day! Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn 

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