Friday, October 31, 2014

Godly Obedience-Be Continuous

Our 4th and final characteristic of Godly obedience is to be "continuous". This simply means to keep at it until God gives you release.  God knows the precise timing of the work he has purposed through us and we must not allow circumstances to sway us off course through distractions; or to abandon our post because we are bored or tired.  One of the most devastating influences which causes us to lose our momentum and leave our tasks unsustained is being overwhelmed. As long as we are operating in the Strength that God provides we can push on until completeness; but when we operate in our own strength we quickly tire and become prey to the devil's constant whispers and suggestions to slow down or give up.  Remember how happy you were when you started that job? You were so on fire because you needed to work, you had bills and as I like to say -" I enjoy sleeping and eating indoors"; so it was wonderful being employed and you thanked God. He opened that opportunity not just so you could pay bills but so that your particular spirit could do a work for him in that environment. But something happened... you stopped abiding in him and tried to work it by your own ability and now you are frustrated.  Nothing really changed... the boss is still as crazy as they were day one; the bus or car ride is still the same distance; the early days or late night shifts are still just as dark. The main change is how you operate in the arena where God has placed you. Don't carry yokes that are too heavy and fight battles that are not yours. Continuously operate in the strength of God and you won't break down or give out.  Have a great weekend. Be safe tonight and watch for children who may be out trick-or-treating. See you Monday- Be Blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Godly Obedience - Be Exact

In continuing our look at characteristics of Godly obedience, today we highlight trait #2 -which is to be "exact" in following the commands of God. Just look at the works of the Earth's design and the mathematical precision of the heavens; it is evident that our God operates through a system of creative order.  He does not throw things to chance but utilizes "Divine Order" in creating and appointing. Read the story of Achan in Joshua 7 and see why precision and exactness in following God's desires is crucial for those who love him and aim to please him. The children of Israel were given specific instructions of how to handle the spoils of war and one man's decision to "do it his way" caused the death and destruction of thousands. We are all a part of the building of God's kingdom and the action of one effects the lives of others.  When God tells us how to do something, where to do something and when to do something it is for a specific reason and he expects and requires that we be obedient and trust him.  Don't worry if it seems strange to your carnal intuitions or perplexing to those around you. When God told Joshua to have the people walk around the city of Jericho he didn't say ..."do it until you get tired"... he gave specific instructions.  And if you listen to God carefully he will guide you also.  Do it the right way! Be blessed! Dr. JoAn

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Godly Obedience-Be instant

Deuteronomy 26:17-"You have declared today that the Lord is your God, and that you will walk in his ways, and keep his statutes and his commandments and his rules, and will obey his voice." 
This past Sunday I heard a televised message which reminded me of four chief characteristics of Godly obedience.  Over the next couple of blogs I will share them with you. First of all when we are obedient our response must be "instant".  Don't dillydally. drag your feet and procrastinate.  Take lessons from Jonah and Abraham- do the assignment when it is given. Jonah had his own agenda and even though God made it plain what he was supposed to do, how to do it and where to do it- he bucked and did not respond right away- he fled. On the other hand Abraham (at that time called Abram) believed God and even though he was given few details he responded and set out on a journey that set the course of blessing and salvation in motion. He did not know where he was going or even how God would manifest the promises given to him but he got up and got to "stepping". Today I encourage us to be instant in our response to God. If you waver because you are uncertain that what you are feeling is "truly" from God- ask you him! Tell him YES and ask for clarity- but respond.  God is not the author of confusion; he may not give you every step or detail but his peace will allow you to operate in surety; that's how you will know you are on the right path. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Faithful Cohort

Faithful Cohort
Matthew 18:19-20  "Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” 
Find a good and faithful friend, companion, sibling, etc., who will stand in the gap with you about an area where you are being challenged. Jesus reminds us that if we are abiding in his purpose and walking in his will then we have the power and authority to agree with like-minded believers for anything and to expect a favorable end.  This does not mean that you should run out and ask a friend to agree with you about some ludicrous Idea or desire and believe that just because you both think it is good for you that it will "magically" happen; nor does it mean that because you have been standing in strong affirmation with someone and nothing has happened, that this scripture is untrue.  By the contrary what we must realize is that, if and when we are in alignment with God's will then we are inline with his purpose.  When God purposes something through us he provides all that we will need to accomplish that work. But the provisions may not drop out of he sky.  We must ask, seek and find.  God wants you to expand your horizons and move into another dimension.  Every time you see a billboard about enrolling in a program or see someone doing what God has told you to do, you get convicted, but it seems the money or time or confidence to move ahead is out of your reach. If God has purposed it then he is placing all the variables in place.  Find a believer you trust and tell them your desire and ask them to pray for your need; now you are unlocking and releasing that which God has already set out on the shelf for you to claim.  But we must be careful who we share our ideas with; don't you know- you can even ask God who should stand with you when you lift petitions to him. Be blessed Dr. joAnn 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mom and Pop!

Matthew 15:4 “For God commanded, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and,‘Whoever reviles father or mother must surely die.’” If you are blessed enough to have one or both of your parents or guardians still living, be sure to honor their life through your adoration and attention.  If you have lost your parents;are estranged from them or have never known them, it is still worth the effort to give God praise and thanks for their existence.  Even if as a baby you were abandoned and left on the church front steps, it is easy to find a reason to rejoice.  Some children were destined to abortion clinics and abuses that terminated their young lives before they ever took a gasping breath in the delivery room. Others fell victim to neglect and shamefully were dismissed from this earthly realm with very little fanfare or remembrance. For whatever reason, your mom decided you were worth the nine months of weight gain, swollen limbs, aching muscles and joints, uncontrollable emotions and clothing that never quite fit right.  You were valuable enough to her to endure the pains and uncertainty of hours of labor and the pressure and pain of delivery.  If you were fortunate enough to have both parents in a loving home cherish the blessing that is surely yours.  Let’s take a moment today to honor our mothers and fathers.  If they are just a phone call or a short commute away…get in touch with them and remind them of how much you appreciate them just for the fact that you are here and alive.  If they have passed away honor their memory by doing a random act of kindness to another elder who might be all alone.  Remember Mom and Pop and watch your days fill with adoration and love.  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Monday, October 20, 2014

Check Yourself!

Check Yourself
1 Peter 1:14-15 -"As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct". In raising  my sons I was a loving disciplinarian. I set the rules; explained the rules and told of the consequences of breaking the rules. I felt it was unfair to punish a child for a first offense if they might be ignorant of what was expected. After a stern lecture (which I think they hated worse than any spanking) I would remind them that "now I know you understand, so if you do it again you have filled out an application for the punishment". Before we gave our hearts to Christ we were spiritually and cognitively ignorant of many of the life sustaining rules God had in place for us. But as we walk with Christ he expects us to mirror his actions, learn from his teachings and grow under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We can not continue in a faith-based walk with God and continue doing the things we used to do and expect to not get some measure of correction.  The devil will make you believe what you are doing is together without the consecration of marriage; sexing whoever makes you feel good for the night; establishing families based on pregnancies or conveniences rather than on Godly direction; stealing, lying, sabotaging, etc,  So while you are "playing house" and 'loving the one you are with' and eating someone else's lunch out of the staff refrigerator, the devil is just chuckling because he knows that God is long suffering but he will not be mocked-you will be punished; not because God hates you... but because God absolutely loves you. God hates sin and he will provide a rod of chastisement to guide you back to the right ways of living.  Check yourself ... everyday I have to repent from some slippage in my walk with Christ. The more I walk with him the closer I cling to him. He says the way of the righteous is narrow and if you keep skipping along the path, throwing yourself in any direction -to please others or your own desires eventually you will fall off the cliff. It might be difficult to change a 'worldly' decision all of a sudden. But seek God, repent and watch him turn your life around. Be Holy!  Be blessed! Dr, JoAnn 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Plan Plainly

Plan Plainly!
Habakkuk 2:2  "And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may be able to read it easily and quickly as he hastens by.".  

Recently I learned a valuable and expensive lesson; I broke my own rule and out of frustration I neglected to have a well thought out plan. You know how much I preach about staying focused against the wiles of the devil. Well we also have to be aware that opposition can come from weariness.  I allowed the distraction of recent events in my life to throw me off my game.  I have been working on a project for my Ministry but there was one important component I did not concentrate well on and now I have to pay the price for not being my usual stickler for organizational details of dotting my I"s and crossing my T's.  Whatever  you are doing be careful to plan the work and work the plan - and be patient.  God  does not work "willy nilly" or "off the cuff". -he is an orchestrator of great plans. He gave Noah detailed plans. He had a plan for the development of the nation of Israel. God did not give his only begotten son as a last minute resort-the salvation plan was a part of the creation story. Ask God to help you envision and formulate your plans and then WRITE them plainly and add details as you prayerfully dialogue with the Holy Spirit. Trust me it's better that way.  It is said that we have not because we ask not -so there is no shame in my game to say---Feel free to visit my website ( and donate to my ministry if you are led to help me patch the wound i inflicted upon myself. Be blessed!   Dr. JoAnn

Relax... Everything Is In Divine Order!