Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Plan Plainly

Plan Plainly!
Habakkuk 2:2  "And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may be able to read it easily and quickly as he hastens by.".  

Recently I learned a valuable and expensive lesson; I broke my own rule and out of frustration I neglected to have a well thought out plan. You know how much I preach about staying focused against the wiles of the devil. Well we also have to be aware that opposition can come from weariness.  I allowed the distraction of recent events in my life to throw me off my game.  I have been working on a project for my Ministry but there was one important component I did not concentrate well on and now I have to pay the price for not being my usual stickler for organizational details of dotting my I"s and crossing my T's.  Whatever  you are doing be careful to plan the work and work the plan - and be patient.  God  does not work "willy nilly" or "off the cuff". -he is an orchestrator of great plans. He gave Noah detailed plans. He had a plan for the development of the nation of Israel. God did not give his only begotten son as a last minute resort-the salvation plan was a part of the creation story. Ask God to help you envision and formulate your plans and then WRITE them plainly and add details as you prayerfully dialogue with the Holy Spirit. Trust me it's better that way.  It is said that we have not because we ask not -so there is no shame in my game to say---Feel free to visit my website (www.smarttchoice.org) and donate to my ministry if you are led to help me patch the wound i inflicted upon myself. Be blessed!   Dr. JoAnn

Relax... Everything Is In Divine Order!

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