Acts 16:17-18– “17 She
started following Paul and the rest of us around. She kept shouting, “These men
are servants of the Most High God! They are telling you how you can be saved!” 18 She
continued doing this for many days. This bothered Paul, so he turned and said
to the spirit, “By the power of Jesus Christ, I command you to come out of
her!” Immediately, the spirit came out.”
This passage
comes from a very familiar bible text recalling the interaction between Paul,
Silas and a young girl possessed with the ability to tell the future. The ability
to see and announce the future is relegated to those who are gifted with
prophesy from God; the unrighteous use these gifts to fool the masses and set
them up for destruction. She was possessed by an evil spirit who caused her to
appear to be helpful and doing the ‘right thing’. This young girl was the servant (possession) of
men who used her abilities to make money.
For days the young girl followed Paul and Silas making proclamations;
that although they were true; they were not coming from a righteous
source. When Paul had enough, he turned
and rebuked the spirit in the name of Jesus and it had no choice but to leave
When the devil
sees that you are on point about your walk with God and doing his work, he will
send wolves disguised in sheep’s clothing to be in your midst. They may appear to be harmless and even
helpful, but their ultimate goal is your destruction. Some of the smiling faces and helpful agents
around you who seem to possess good news for you may not have the true GOOD
NEWS (the gospel) in them at all. They know the right words to use; they get
close enough to you to learn of your needs and challenges and then they stroke
you with enough icing to make you believe that their cake is good; but it is
Paul and Silas
heard this young girl, under the influence of an evil spirit, say all matter of
factual things about their ministry; but they did not fall for the
flattery. Be aware of how the devil will
use those closest to you to do his dirty work and even they might believe that
what they are doing is good. If you read
the text carefully you find that Paul did not speak against the young girl; nor
did he chastise her; but he forcibly spoke directly to the evil that was attached
to her. When God gives insight about the
true actions of people around you; don’t get mad at them; they are only being
used to try to sway your journey. Many of them; just like the young girl; may
not have control of their own lives; they may be under the rule of past
frustrations, hurts and disappointments. They become willing candidates to hurt
others because they have been hurt. Recognize the true source and call it out.
When you speak up and protect God’s calling on your life he will honor you by
dismissing evil from your presence. Every day is a good day; it is up to us to
make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr.
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