Mark 7:11 - "And if any place will not receive you and they will not listen to you, when you leave, shake off the dust that is on your
feet as a testimony against them.”
Not too long ago I was talking with a friend about the nuances of evangelism. when you are excited about something you always want to share that same enthusiasm with others. Unfortunately not everyone who claims to want to know God really wants to hear the truth; especially if the truth involves them putting a mirror up to their present reality. Many claim to want to do better, to have better, to feel better but if it involves changing any part of their present situation many people shun those changes.
Jesus instructed his disciples that if they met resistance in telling about the good news of salvation and freedom; they were to not force the gospel upon anyone. As a matter of fact they were to leave peaceably and "keep it moving".
I often say "God does not take hostages". The Bible tells that if Christ be lifted up he will draw men unto him. We do not need to urge or coerce anyone about the goodness of a life dedicated to God. If we live our lives in accordance to God's will then we will honor and lift him. Those who God selects will hear the message and follow; those that choose to turn a deaf ear will soon regret their poor decision but our command is not to pass judgment or condemn but to keep sowing seeds. Share the news; but don't get caught up in the blues!
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
Later today we will lay to rest the body of my Uncle, Arthur Houser, Sr. Thank you so much for all of the love and support you have shown my family during this time of transition and bereavement.
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