Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hang Tough

Matthew 5:10 –  “Blessed [comforted by inner peace and God’s love] are those who are persecuted for [c]doing that which is morally right, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven [both now and forever].!”

Today’s Beatitude tells us that those who are persecuted for righteousness are blessed, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.  We all face injustice from time to time but there are some people who are constantly under the throws of mistreatment.  We are blessed in our country to have a justice system which (when operated correctly by lawful people) allows us to have freedom to express ourselves and to praise and worship our God openly. 

When we are under false assumptions or persecution because we want to help others who may not look like us, believe, act or worship like us; we must remember that God’s justice shall reign supreme.  When we are pushed or threatened to act in ways which contradict what our moral compass tells us is right; we must remember that God’s justice shall reign supreme.  The Kingdom of heaven has total jurisdiction over all of creation and no man-made laws can counter the judgement that God will dole out to those who stifle his children.  

A big controversy in our country concerns a woman who refuses to produce documents for same-sex couples.  Some say it is her responsibility to do the job that she was hired to perform.  Others say she is making a stand for righteousness.  Still others believe she should not only be fired but that criminal charges should be placed against her because her actions are akin to a hate crime against gays and lesbians. Wherever you stand on this issue one thing is certain no matter what laws man votes into place, God’s justice shall reign supreme.  If it is her heartfelt conviction to not fulfill the obligations of her assignment, which she believes were changed from her original acceptance of the job, she has a moral obligation to follow her convictions.  Should she be fired?  Should she resign?  What would the Old Testament midwives, commissioned by the Egyptian King, say about this case?  They were assigned to kill the newborn Hebrew male children by order of the Pharaoh; yet their conviction to follow the righteousness of God made them go against the law of the land.

Continue doing what is right, not in your own eyes, but follow the commandments of God and adhere to the teachings of Christ.  You can never go wrong, even if the world tries to malign or harass you. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Be blessed –  Dr. JoAnn

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