Friday, October 30, 2015

Joy of Patience

James 1:2-4: (TLB) -“[Dear brothers, is your life full of difficulties and temptations? Then be happy, for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. So let it grow, and don’t try to squirm out of your problems. For when your patience is finally in full bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete.”

        As I reflected over the words of the text I could not help but chuckle to myself that in looking back over the hardships and frustrations I have experienced over the past few years; I must by now have the strength of Sampson. It seems whimsical but indeed the essence of these words from the brother of Jesus is so true.  When we realize that all things are orchestrated and under the control of a loving and powerful God; it is not hard to fathom that some of his methodologies to help us grow and progress will involve stretching us in uncomfortable areas.  These may on the surface appear to range from the pesky little reoccurring annoyances that teach us patience to the more tragically burdening difficulties that produce perseverance and fortitude.

        Regardless of what you are going through, REJOICE and again I say REJOICE. It may not be easy to look for the bright side, but do it…it is worth it.  Think on the hardships of Job, it wasn’t until he stopped pondering about his situation and gave prayers over his annoying friends that he received the full recompense for his loss.  So the next time life’s difficulties bear down upon you do not think about ‘why me?’, but glorify God that he trusts you enough, like Job, to be the purveyor of His will.         Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed  GREAT day!   Have a great weekend. See you on Monday!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Check Yourself

1 Peter 1:14 -"As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct".
    In raising my sons I was a loving disciplinarian. I set the rules; explained the rules and told of the consequences of breaking the rules. I felt it was unfair to punish a child for a first offense if they might be ignorant of what was expected. After a stern lecture (which I think they hated worse than any spanking) I would remind them that "now I know you understand, so if you do it again you have filled out an application for the punishment".
     Before we gave our hearts to Christ we were spiritually and cognitively ignorant of many of the life sustaining rules God had in place for us. But as we walk with Christ he expects us to mirror his actions, learn from his teachings and grow under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We cannot continue in a faith-based walk with God and continue doing the things we used to do and expect to not get some measure of correction.  The devil will make you believe what you are doing is together without the consecration of marriage sexing whoever makes you feel good for the night; establishing families based on pregnancies or conveniences rather than on Godly direction; stealing, lying, sabotaging, etc.
     So while you are "playing house" and 'loving the one you are with' and eating someone else's lunch out of the staff refrigerator, remember that although God is long suffering, he will not be mocked - you will be reprimanded; not because God hates you... but because God absolutely loves you. God hates sin and like any loving parent he will provide methods for guiding you back to the right ways of living.  
     Check yourself ... every day I have to repent from some slippage in my walk with Christ. The more I walk with him the closer I cling to him. He says the way of the righteous is narrow and if you keep skipping along the path, throwing yourself in any direction -to please others or your own desires eventually you will fall off the cliff. It might be difficult to change a 'worldly' decision all of a sudden; but seek God, repent and watch him turn your life around. Be Holy!

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!   Be blessed! Dr, JoAnn 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Heart to Heart

Proverbs 27:19 (NRSV)– “ Just as water reflects the face, so one human heart reflects another.”
    As we interact with others on a physical level, our spirits also intertwine.  This is why it is very important that we operate in spirit and in the truth for our lives are so co-mingled.  Still water acts a mirror which reflects all in its vicinity and we reflect the essence of those whose company we entertain.  As we engage with others, our hearts are affected by the love, truth, hurt or disappointments that they feel.  If we are inundated with a series of discomforts associated with a certain person, soon whenever we see or even hear mention of them our hearts can grow troubled or deflated.  On the other hand if we are supported, cherished, honored and loved on a regular basis, we develop a sense of compassion and caring which lingers into our livelihood and the way we view life.  Take a moment to see how you reflect on those around you. What impact are you making?  Let the hearts that you affect cherish your being around. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn  

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Leader Care

Proverbs 27:18 (NRSV) – “Anyone who tends a fig tree will eat its fruit, and anyone who takes care of a master will be honored.”

     We must remember to honor those who are in leadership positions over us.  We must support our pastors, ministers, managers, supervisors, bosses and leads.  God placed them in positions of authority for reasons we may or may not understand. Some may be fulfilling life-long desires to be in positions of authority; while others, like Moses, accepted positions of leadership reluctantly. Many of us may be blessed to have leaders who take their positions seriously and work diligently to fulfil their responsibilities and work supportively with those under their charge.  While others may be power hungry or so ambitious that they forget about the ‘little people’ who make their jobs effective.
      Whether we work with a silly Yogi Bear, a responsible Smokey the Bear, an adorable Teddy Bear or a grumpy old grizzly bear it is always in our best interest to faithfully protect and take care of our ‘masters’.  It is not for us to undermine even the most disagreeable of supervisors.  Pray for them and do our best, as if we are doing it directly unto the Lord.  When it is all said and done God will not ask you what they did to you but will ask how you responded.  He will deal with them about their behavior and with you - according to yours.  Be sure you can stand before the King of Glory and your report reflect that you acted in a manner befitting of a child of the King.  

     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, October 26, 2015

Iron Sharpens Iron

Proverbs 27:17(NRSV) –“Iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens the wits of another.”

     After some great quiet time reading sessions focused on Christian values, I believe it is beneficial for this week’s blogs to be centered on our understanding the importance of the relationships we have as members of the Body of Christ.
    Today’s scripture reminds us that our interactions with one another should not only develop meaningful relationships but should also help us to grow in wisdom.  As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens and influences another through discussion.  As we talk about issues and relate them to bible passages we help one another see the big picture of God’s Kingdom.  When we discuss our concerns and seek counsel with God-fearing brothers and sisters, they too should point us to the Word of God and in so doing sharpen our abilities to glean more and more from the text to help us resolve difficult situations. 
     As we share testimonies of our victories through Christ Jesus, we strengthen others who might be on the threshold of going down similar paths.  Open up to others and share what you know.  Don’t think that what you have to share is trivial or too small or insignificant to make a difference – it could be the perfect grindstone to help sharpen a fellow Christian whose edge has grown dull. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Friday, October 23, 2015

Saved but Not Rescued

2 Samuel 22:4 –“I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.”
     Lately many of my friends are experiencing seasons of struggle where the rug seems to have snatched out from under them, the bottom has fallen and the walls have caved in.  If this is familiar or you know someone who is ‘going through’ right now, let me encourage you that even if it does not appear so on the surface everything is in Divine Order. 
    A few years ago I wrote and delivered a sermon which I titled “Saved But Not Rescued”.  The gist of the message is that we often face situations where we cry out to God for rescue; we are up to our eyeballs in trouble, travail, worry and frustration.  We call upon the God of creation, Jesus our Savior, the Holy Spirit, guardian angels, pastors, counselors and anyone with ears that will hear our lament.  Our main resolve is that we feel our case is hopeless and we reach out grasping at everyone and everything like a drowning man. 
   Some situations we find ourselves in might appear to be hopeless, but God is with us and never leaves nor forsakes us; therefore we are in Divine Order.   Rahab and her family were given a promise that they would be remembered when the Israelites stormed the city of Jericho.  The Hebrew boys knew in their hearts that regardless of what Nebuchadnezzar decreed they would not bend to his ungodly demands.  In both situations there was a ‘rescue’ needed.  All points-bulletins were issued; signal flags were raised; prayers were lifted; yet in both of these and many other Biblical examples they were not rescued from their situations…oh but they were saved!  The walls of Jericho came down; Rahab and her family were not taken out days or hours or even minutes before…no they felt the rumbling and shaking, but they were saved.  No angels on gossamer wings swooped in and carried the Hebrew boys away to safety just minutes before the fire was tripled in intensity…no they were bum-rushed into the fiery furnace so fast their enemies did not even remove their garments and their guards were burned alive.
        So if you are ‘going through’ something right now and it seems like your prayers are not being answered or that things keep getting worse; I encourage you to hang in there and trust God.  You might not be rescued from the issues but you are truly saved in Christ.  Don’t lose hope.  Whatever you are going through is just that….going “through” – there is hope for an end.  Consider everything as unto and  for God’s glory and he shall not be denied. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Have an awesome weekend.  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Leviticus 10:10 (ESV) – “You are to distinguish between the holy and the common, and between the unclean and the clean.”

     As the brisk winds of autumn swoop in to cleanse the land it is an opportune time for cleaning our "houses" of unnecessary clutter and end the last quarter of the year with better organization and less chaos. We should strive to give away items that we no longer use or need and finally throw away old junk that is just taking up space.  Time to re-organize shelves and some of us might even consider applying a coat or two of new paint.  Our environment will soon reflect the new order of things. 
    We know how awkward it can be to have to step over and around clutter that has accumulated on the floor. Dancing around piles of shoes, clothing, magazines or newspapers can be nerve-racking. Once we clean up, it is necessary to clear it out. Once we get it out of the way – take care of it and put it out.  It is essential for us to keep our living spaces free from contamination and debris and this means both in the physical and the spiritual sense. 
     Once we have gotten our spirit renewed and revitalized, all that ‘stuff’ that God pointed out to us to remove needs to be completely cleared away. It is great that you acknowledged the need to remove the old stuff and it was courageous a deed to actually put in the work to clean up your act, but the final deed of clearing it out needs to be completed. Don’t let the stuff linger in the corners and somehow find its way back into the middle of your life. Who would sweep a floor and collect the trash in a dust pan then leave the dust pan in a place where the debris can soon be scattered again. Take a survey. What have you cleaned up…but not cleared out!! Get ‘er gone!

      Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Sharp For Service

Hebrews 4:12- "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing even to the point of dividing soul from spirit, and joints from marrow; it is able to judge the desires and thoughts of the heart."

       As an amateur (but pretty good cook) one thing I know for certain is the importance of having the right tools in the kitchen.  It makes preparing food so much   easier and actually tastier when the prep time is completed with the right tools. One key to every functioning kitchen is a set of sharp knives. Soups and sauces are smoother; dips and casseroles more flavorful and even cuts of meat are more tender when the right knife is used in preparation; and that knife functions better when sharp.  Nothing is more exasperating than to reach for a knife to slice a tomato or onion or even bread and the blade is dull.  
      To be effective in our daily walk, we must remain sharp and functional.  We are the embodiment of Christ. We are many times the only sermon many people will hear; the only witness many will see and the only intercession many may encounter.  We must remain sharp and effective so that the words we speak and the actions we portray represent the awesome God who lives and breathes within us.  
      The more and closer I walk with God, the more evident it is that things in life do not just happen by chance or luck or serendipity; but that God is always orchestrating and setting up something wonderful; so when he places us in situations where we are needed to be used by him, we must be sure our blades are sharp and ready for service.  I don't want him to do like I do and throw that dull knife back into the drawer and find another to complete the task. We should be willing and ready to be used by God for the furtherance of his kingdom.  Let the word of God resonant in you with such magnitude that you are always prepared.  Read and meditate daily on scriptures and keep your prayer life active and vital. Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

W.A.I.T. (Wishes Acquired In Time)

Psalm 62:5 –“My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him.”
      Following up on the blog discussion from yesterday about ‘work’; let me interject an important caveat. As we work through our journey and strive to accomplish the purpose of our destiny it is imperative that we not rush ahead of God.  Full steam ahead is a good motivation point and like most of us, I am ready to put down the full throttle; but we must be sure that we do not rush pass the pace and status that God has appointed for our progress nor do we want to overstep the progressive learning curve that is needed in each level of our journey. 
     Be alert – stay focused – and keep moving. Waiting does not necessarily mean non-movement; but implies that as we make progress we evaluate each new step as it aligns with God’s plan. Remember that no man is an island and we are a community of believers that encompasses the Body of Christ.  Along this thinking it makes it easy to recognize that all of our actions are intertwined and what one of us does often affects/benefits/impacts others more so than ourselves. So as we make our way through our life experiences we must be mindful of following God’s timing and the impact it has on our triumphs and our service to others. 
    Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn  

Monday, October 19, 2015

Countdown to Rest

Exodus 34:21 –“Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even in plowing time and in harvest time you shall rest.”

My girlfriend and I have been contemplating the parameters of ‘work’ as they relate to our life’s purpose and calling.  One of our discussions paralleled the sentiment expressed in today’s scripture.  Many focus on the soothing thought of the ‘rest’ that is referred to at the end of the text; but our discussion centered on the heart of the matter – the work.  It states that 6 days we will labor; giving our best; following our plan; executing our strategies; nose to the grindstone; eyes on the prize and full steam ahead.  It is not until we have put in the work can we look to the benefit of the ‘rest’. 
As I watched the James McDonald ministry telecast yesterday he referenced a book entitled “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell.  Gladwell surmised that successful people put in on the average about 10,000 hours of ‘work’ to accomplish goals.  Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Julio Jones,  Serena Williams, Misty Copeland all have talent, but they still had to put in hours and hours to perfect their talents into success.  It is my contention that the time they spent did sharpen their skills – but the use of their talents during those devoted hours developed confidence and a true relationship with God.  These two factors together solidified their success potential and accelerated its manifestation.  There are many who can try and try and try but will not get the same outcome.  Time must be married with talent.  What is your talent and how much time do you sacrifice for it?  Are you putting in too much work in the wrong areas?
As we do the work and use our gifts God reveals himself through us in greater ways of achievement.  We get better at what we do not just because we practice, but because of our obedience to the ‘work’ - God opens our gifts to higher levels of expression. It is my charge to you as we open up the beginning of this week to continue the work of ‘perfecting’ your talents through their use.  Do not grow weary; lose heart; get depressed or slow down because progress seems slow…just remember its only 10,000, 9,999, 9,998, 9,997 to go!

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn  

Friday, October 16, 2015


2 Samuel 7:22 NRSV – “Therefore you are great, O Lord God; for there is no one like you, and there is no God besides you, according to all that we have heard with our ears.”

T.G.I.F. – Thank GOD it’s Friday!  It is a familiar and comfortable phrase we all say or have said at some point to signify that we are pleased to have made it to the end of the work week. We may throw the terms around haphazardly but we should really consider what they embrace.  We honor God for his faithfulness in providing us life, livelihood and a lifestyle.  We praise God for his love as we progress through each day’s journey.  We bless God by realizing that it is only through his grace that we succeed in any of our endeavors.  But most of all we thank God for salvation. Through the passion of Christ we are saved to venture into a future filled with hope, joy and destiny.  Embrace the weekend…enjoy the love of family and friends…worship together in harmony and prepare to start next week by saying…Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  See you on Monday.  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn  

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Exit . . .This Way!

1 Corinthians 10:13– “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to humanity. God is faithful, and He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation He will also provide a way of escape so that you are able to bear it.”
           Fire Marshalls do routine inspections of buildings and facilities and look for records of emergency evacuation plans.  Schools and businesses are required to practice fire and emergency drills.  Hospitals and health care facilities must know how to transport non-ambulatory patients in care of fire, flood, or any life-threatening assault.  All of these actions require that personnel responsible must know the layout of the building; they must have an action plan in place and they must practice the plan so that when or if an emergency does arise, they will not be unorganized, panicked or ineffective in securing the lives of those under their care and their own safety.
            God gives us many instructions in his word of what we need to do to live productive and safe lives.  He gives warnings and precepts about fear, pre-marital sex; infidelity, greed, covetousness, and even laziness.  If we follow these guidelines we are more likely to steer clear of many ills and dangers. But God knows our nature and therefore he also has some added assistance -in case of emergency.  When temptation or testing or just the vicissitudes of life bear too hard upon us, God does factor in plans for our ‘escape’.  Just like the lit signs above doorways, these EXITs are strategically placed to make sure that we not only see them, but that we can use them in times of need.  The only way to make the best use of these EXITs  is of course  to 1) know that they exist;  2) know where they are;  and 3) know where they lead.
            God’s plan for us includes EXITs to help us escape from areas that are too taxing upon us to allow for our success.  Before you might fold under a certain pressure or succumb to a temptation that could ruin your life or set you back tremendously, these little EXITs  light up and if you are wise you will “Exit – stage right” and use the opportunity to regroup.    Don’t’ be ashamed to bow out for a moment and get your head on straight; it is better to run than to burn.
            You are out with friends and want just one more ‘little’ drink to cap the night off; but somehow the bartender just can’t seem to make it just the right way and you keep sending it back….take that EXIT.  You meet someone and there is just somethingggggg about them that you can’t quite put your finger on, but red flags start waving and bells go off in your head….take that EXIT.  You feel like just skipping out on work early or going someplace you really don’t need to visit and you can’t find your car keys right away or you keep fumbling and dropping them…take that EXIT.  Like the song from the Color Purple – “God is trying to tell you something”.  
          Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Live A Pleasing Life!

Luke 1:30- "The angel said to her, “Don’t be afraid, Mary, because God is very pleased with you."

     When the angel of God appeared to Mary with the good news that she had been selected above all women to bear the savior of the world; the heavenly being told her she had been chosen because God was very pleased with her.  Scripture alludes to the fact that although Mary was a young teenager she was devout in her conviction to lead a righteous life. She was betrothed to a good man and remained pure not only in body but in her character.  Many want to acclaim that the "Virgin Mary" was perfect in all of her ways; but the reality of it is that God does not look for perfection (especially since we know he won't find it wrapped in human flesh) but he uses those of us who are willing and then he perfects his will through us.
  Live your life; make good choices; surround yourself with similar like-minded people who want God's will to flourish and set yourself up to be available for God to use in miraculous ways. You don't have to do a lot of restructuring or revamping of your outlook on things, just keep your eyes on Christ and follow his example.  Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and watch your life align itself in a way which makes you a viable and valuable soldier in the army of God. You do the possible- God will do the impossible.
      God wants us to be willing vessels for him; to not only follow his directives but to be anxious and zealous in our obedience.  Although Mary did inquire how it would be possible to carry out the role of mother when she was a virgin, she did not tell God "give me a minute, let me think about it."  Because she already lived a virtuous life,she did not have to jump through hoops or make a 180 degree turn to fall in line and prepare to carry within her the "the Word" made flesh!  Stay ready.... You never know the plans God has for you. 
        Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What's In Your Hand?

Exodus 14:16-"Raise the walking stick in your hand over the Red Sea, and the sea will split. Then the people can go across on dry land."

   A familiar television commercial asks-"what's in your wallet?" Well I ask you today, what is in your hand?  The Egyptian army was bearing down upon the children of Israel and they were trapped at the edge of the Red Sea.  They cried out in anguish. God instructed Moses to 1) keep moving and 2) to use what was already available at his disposal. With these instructions from God, Moses assured the anxious people that they would see the saving hand of the Lord; and they would not see their Egyptian enemies anymore.
    God gives to us the skills, talents and resources we need to accomplish whatever tasks he places before us. He never gives vision without provision. The way may not be easy, or short-lived or even comfortable; but if what you are doing is in the will of God, you will be victorious and what you need will either be within you or directly within grabbing distance.  Moses took his walking stick and with a simple gesture of raising it, the sea had to yield to the power that God had already incorporated into that "provision".  When you are affronted with an issue, obstacle or whatever "Red Sea" is stopping your progress, don't hesitate or think of giving up... Don't wallow in self pity or wonder "why me?"  Simply recall that the steps of the righteous are ordered by God and if this is the pathway he has on your agenda then surely he has a plan in mind.  
     What's in your hand?  The ability to organize? To cook? To build? To inspire? When trouble raises its ugly head re-evaluate your position, prepare to keep moving forward, check your resources and watch God not only make a way for you, through your own  hand, but he will "kill" whatever is pursuing , distracting, frustrating or threatening you. Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, October 12, 2015

The Big Come Back

Ezekiel 37:11 – “Then he said to me, “Mortal, these bones are the whole house of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are cut off completely.”

After watching what seems to be a tradition for the Atlanta Falcons football team I surmised that there is nothing in the world as powerful as ‘hope’.  Lately the football team wins come from spectacular plays where they seem to either come from behind to conquer their opponent or they perform last minute strategies that snatched the victories from the other team.  Either way, they make the ‘big come back’ to win. 
I am reminded of the vision of Ezekiel as he was led to view the valley of dry bones.  When asked if they could rise again he wisely remarked that only God knew the future and the potential come back; his answer laid a foundation for hope.  When we speak of dry situations in our lives we must never speak of them as dead and buried.  For just like the bones in Ezekiel’s vision, and the Falcon’s half-time chances, what might appear to be gone is not buried and out of reach.  God has the final say in every aspect of our destinies and when he commands us to speak life back into our marriage, our children, our job, our health, our home, our community – it is mandatory that we maintain hope. 
Never lose hope.  We may lose our focus, our drive or even our way; but hold on to hope for it is the spark that will always relight the flame that burns through to victory.  Keep hope alive and watch as areas of our lives, which seem dried up, experience the ‘big come back’.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Have an awesome beginning to a victorious week. Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Friday, October 9, 2015

Guard Your Anointing

Judges 16:20 -
20 Then she cried, “Samson, the Philistines are here!”[j] When he awoke from his sleep, he said, “I will escape as I did before and shake myself free.” But he did not know that the Lord had left him.

     After much needling and nagging Delilah had finally badgered Samson into revealing the secret of his strength to her.  In essence it was not just the cutting of his hair that caused him to lose out on the special anointing that he had received in his youth; the Nazirite vow involved a special commitment that rested on the sacred relationship between him and God.  Samson was not ignorant of his calling.  He had known all along that the secret of his strength was laid upon this relationship and that his hair was merely a sign of that relationship.  When he gave up the secret to his strength he stated that the relationship between him and this ungodly woman was of more importance than the promise he had made with God.  
    He interrupted the flow of faith and hope which ran through the lifeblood that was a special tie between him and his Creator.  The shaving of his head was a disappointing stab in the heart of God.  In his lust for that which God had separated him from, he lost the virtue which kept him tied to God.  He was so oblivious that he did not even know that the tie had been severed.  He thought he could operate ‘as usual’ but he was sorely wrong. When he stood up without God, he got knocked down and blindsided.
     When we accept Jesus as our personal Savior we make a commitment to him.  He has done all of the hard work (beatings, suffering, dying, resurrecting) and our part is simply to believe.  In that belief, our “old self” is done away with and we then embody the new creation. The symbol of our commitment to Christ starts with our public declaration of our faith, our baptism and of course most importantly our ‘walk’, which shows the ‘fruit’ we bear. 
      How disappointing it must be to our Savior when we toss our commitment to him aside by violating his trust.  He trusts us to treat each other with love. He trusts us to watch out for the helpless and infirmed.  He trusts us to be his eyes, ears, hands and feet to work on the behalf of the kingdom. He trusts us to be good soil so that great things can grow out of us. He trusts us to show the world that faith in him reveals the way, the truth and life eternal. Rethink your commitment to Christ today. Is there a Delilah (temptation) speaking in your ear trying to lull you to sleep? Is there a barber (some ungodly activity) in your midst waiting for the right opportunity to cut you off from your blessings?  Renew your vows and reinstate your promise to God. 
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-filled GREAT day.  Have a wonderful weekend. Be blessed. Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Birth Right!

    Today is an awesome day. It is great in its own right because God's mercy and grace ushered us into this day.  We are blessed to be able to be here to embrace it.  It is wonderful because we are capable of knowing that we are here and can see and read and hear and talk.  It is very special because today is the 28th birth anniversary of my youngest son, Charles William Gaither.  I am one of the most blessed women on the planet because God blessed me with two strong, talented, intelligent and God-fearing men.  
     So today I salute the God Spirit that flowed through me in the creation of my offspring and I give honor to the male child who has substantiated my legacy through the life of his daughter, Kamari. Thank you God for using me to your glory to produce, nurture, guide and release to the world one of the kindest and most creative people I know.  
    Today faithful readers take a moment and give God praise and thanks for someone special in your life; whether it is a child, spouse, parent, sibling or great friend.  We are all in this together and need to uplift and support one another.  Reach out today and let them know how special they are to you.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Happy Birthday Chuck-O!    Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Give Your Best

     I was on top of my praise world last night when I attended a revival service at a local church.  The musicians and choirs really set the mood for worship and praise.  By the time the preacher of the hour came forth to deliver the message, I was in full gear.  The message of the night revolved around the story of the woman with the alabaster box of expensive perfume and how she sacrificed her very best. 
     Of course you know where my thoughts are going – let’s check our own giving moments and motivations.  When was the last time you really sacrificed something that you don’t plan to give away in the first place?  How many times have you resisted completing a much needed task because it was uncomfortable or didn’t directly benefit you?  Been guilty lately of doing just enough to get by?  All of these are examples of not giving God our best.  We might think that we are doing fine because we attend church services, promise to curse or drink less or give an occasional dollar to a street beggar; but are we really making sacrificial giving to reciprocate the love that God showers on us?  Take a moment and think about the last time you gave of ‘yourself’.  Find a way today to give of your best!
    Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-filled great day.  Be blessed. Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Going the Distance

Micah 6:8 – “He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

I am reading an interesting book entitled “Going the Distance with God” by Lori Salierno and I want to share a snippet with you.
“If you want to go the distance with God you must move ahead one step at a time.  You can’t sit around waiting for spiritual maturity to happen because it will not happen without effort on your part.  You must progress day by day, as you absorb more of God’s word into your heart and mind, as you get to know God better through prayer, as you share God’s love with others, you grow stronger for the journey.”
As I read this paragraph from the literature, one thing in particular piqued my interest – “day by day”.  By nature and by nurture I am a true blue planner.  I like to organize my ideas, plan my work and then work my plan.  This of course means that for many aspects of my life I have to think well in advance in order to generate a schedule.  This skill has served me quite well and keeps anxiety, frustration, chaos and clutter pretty much out of my life; but what I am discovering in my refined walk with God is that the ‘day by day’  - seat-of-your-pants – impromptu life of just following God day by day, hour by hour or minute by minute is not only refreshing by mandatory.  God is creative, wise and resourceful so he enjoys the fact that we also plan, execute and create; but he wants us to honor the value of the faith that comes from walking and working without an agenda – to just trust him and walk with him in harmony and peace. 

As the McDonald’s commercial says – “I’m just lovin’ it”!   Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Monday, October 5, 2015

Mirror, Mirror!

1 Corinthians 13:12 – “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known.”

Yesterday as I was preparing for church, I glanced into the mirror located on my dresser.  It is a two sided mirror that is perched on a stand.  One side shows reflections that are of normal size, while the flip side has a 5X magnification factor.  As I focused on the ‘regular’ mirror examining my reflection, I lost sight of the time, I was engrossed in the image that the mirror provided as I brushed my hair.  When it was time for me to apply my make-up I had to flip the mirror to the magnified side.  Only then could I see close up enough to make better use of my make-up brushes and eye liner.  Only upon close scrutiny could I see some flaws that I wanted to cover up with concealer.  It was only upon close review that I could really see the things that needed correction.
            It is similar for us in our walk with God.  We may see ourselves and our time with God as good, stable and effective or ‘business as usual’ and in a way this is like the regular side of the mirror.  We can get some things accomplished and they appear to be all in place and in alignment. But when we allow the Holy Spirit to flip the mirror so we can see more ‘up close and personal’ more things that we ought to work on become evident.  What have you asked the Holy Spirit to do for you lately?  My suggestion is to petition him to reveal areas in our lives that need to be magnified, identified and fixed so that our walk with God will be glorified.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Friday, October 2, 2015

Clear the Way!

Colossians 3:13 (NIV):  “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”
Today’s message is short, sweet and to the point. You must forgive.  Several times over the course of writing my blog God has placed this subject at the tip of my pen and on my lips because it is so important.   It is often not easy to forgive, but oh is it necessary. Will you feel better right away once you open the lines of communication and start the forgiveness process?  Maybe so and maybe not.  Some of us might have to let some time go by between the act of forgiveness and the release of feelings associated with the person we forgave.  Others of us will start to experience a newness of life just from the thought of clearing the way for healing past hurts.  
Whether your forgiveness will require major surgery or just a simple bandage will for the most part be dependent on how open you are to total surrender in Christ.  Even as Christ hung on the cross for our sins he first spoke of forgiveness.  You show true power when you give others the chance to be shown the love of Jesus through the act of forgiveness. Holding grudges only holds you captive. Forgive, forget and move on in victorious freedom.  God will be your vindication. You have a destiny to get to – do not let the chains of unforgiveness hold you back.  Shake off old burdens that might try to linger.  Don’t let the cares of worrying about what others did or did not do consume your energy or time.  You are much too precious and God has much work for you to do.  Be about your Father’s business. Forgive and push on.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Have an awesome weekend.  See you on Monday.  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Faithful Cohort

Matthew 18:19-20- "Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” 
     Find a good and faithful friend, companion, sibling, etc., who will stand in the gap with you about an area where you are being challenged. Jesus reminds us that if we are abiding in his purpose and walking in his will then we have the power and authority to agree with like-minded believers for anything and to expect a favorable end.  This does not mean that you should run out and ask a friend to agree with you about some ludicrous idea or desire and believe that just because you both think it is good for you that it will "magically" happen; nor does it mean that because you have been standing in strong affirmation with someone and nothing has happened, that this scripture is untrue.  By the contrary what we must realize is that, if and when we are in alignment with God's will then we are in line with his purpose.  When God purposes something through us he provides all that we will need to accomplish that work. But the provisions may not drop out of the sky.  
     We must ask, seek and find.  God wants you to expand your horizons and move into another dimension.  Every time you see a billboard about enrolling in a program or see someone doing what God has told you to do, you get convicted, but it seems the money or time or confidence to move ahead is out of your reach. If God has purposed it then he is placing all the variables in place.  Find a believer you trust and tell them your desire and ask them to pray for your need; now you are unlocking and releasing that which God has already set out on the shelf for you to claim.  But we must be careful who we share our ideas with and if you are uncertain - you can even ask God who should stand with you when you lift petitions to him. He will help you in all things.  

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed Dr. JoAnn