Across our city many school districts are closed today and the children have a day off from their usual academic activities. Now that the weather is warmer many of the children will gather in groups at the local playgrounds and enjoy some good old fashioned ‘romping’.
When I see the children scurrying around playing in their groups I often think about how the children must have been joyfully and noisily clamoring in their play when Jesus came upon the scene and their attention turned to him. Just like kids used to run for the ice cream truck I can only imagine how they were in awe of our Savior.
When we see our children fascinated by the gospel and want to learn more about church, Jesus, the Bible and God, it is important to nurture their curiosity. They are never too young to learn about God, how special they are in his sight and how much he loves them.
There are many distractive and destructive factors that try to hinder the emotional, social and spiritual growth of our children and grandchildren. Children are steadily bombarded with negative talk, paparazzi newsflashes and hours of unbridled immorality on television. They can experience school life that is tormented by bullies or be placed in local schools that are struggling to maintain the minimum of state requirements for accreditation.
Our children play too many videos games where life is restored by the push of a button; they believe friendships are contingent upon whether they have the right type of phone or popularity is determined by how destructive they can act. All of these things are distractive blockades preventing them from being in the presence of the Lord. Suffer the little children to come unto Christ. In other words it is our responsibility to our children and to the ‘village’ we support to protect them as we guide them to move closer into the presence of Jesus. Find a youngster you can help today – encourage them to stay focused and seed into their lives in a tangible way. The seeds we plant today will provide for our future.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Have an awesome weekend. See you on Monday. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
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