Psalm 107:24-25 (NIV)- “ They saw the works of the Lord, his wonderful deeds in the deep. For he spoke and stirred up a tempest that lifted high the waves.”
As we enter the holiday season, the weather in all parts of our country is shifting into ‘winter mode’. We see forecasts of increased rain, snow and potential storms in many areas. Emergency protocols are being reviewed, provisions are being stockpiled and people in potentially affected areas are preparing for the worse. Some meteorologists are making predications of the severity of coming storms and the potential for impact on transportation and basic services. With the potential for devastation always threatening, it is essential for people of faith to remember that all things…yes ALL things… are under the watchful eye and control of God. Not every bad or problematic condition is of evil invention or the after clause of some returning bad karma.
As our scripture for today indicates the wonder of God happens in all aspects of life on planet earth. The same hand that can produce a storm will quiet it. We may not understand why stifling dust storms, blinding blizzards, torrential rains, tsunamis, or the slow moving lava of active volcanoes could be signals of a just and powerful God; but our faith tells us that these occurrences are not times to mourn and complain, but to humble ourselves and draw nearer to God in prayer. Every storm is a call to trust God and rely upon his sovereign grace and perfect will.
What storms do you see brewing on your horizon? What troubles do you see looming just ahead? If God has given you foresight to see the potential for trouble, use these forewarnings as a time for prayer and quiet reflection. Don’t’ always ask God why the storm is coming or why you have to go through the storm. Praise him for the fact that he will not allow you to go through the storm unaware or alone.
There is a lesson in the storm. There is a blessing in the storm. Some things in your life need a shaking and some loose ‘junk’ needs to be blown away. There might be some things that you really don’t need but you are too attached or even to distant to get rid of; so a storm can provide the right impetus to let you focus on the real importance …life itself. How many times have we seen tornadoes totally decimate an area and the residents more times than not will respond by saying…”we lost everything, but that can be replaced…we are blessed to be alive”.
So as the storms are approaching from all directions, let us pray for the safety and well-being of our country-men, neighbors, families and friends; and at the same time, let us praise our God for in his mercy these storms will bring him glory if we know how to ride it out! Your own personal storms will bring God glory if you just let go…let God do what he does best…and ride it out! No murmuring…no complaining….just praying!
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Don’t be distracted, stay focused on your purpose. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
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