Monday, July 31, 2017

Drink the Water

John 4:14 – “But anyone who drinks the water I give will never be thirsty again. The water I give people will be like a spring flowing inside them. It will bring them eternal life.”
     Scientists, doctors, nutritionists, athletic trainers and others all tout about the many benefits of being hydrated and maintaining good water consumption habits; yet I often struggle to get in the required amounts of water each day. Not because there is a lack of supply or a lack of knowledge of its advantages, but somehow I struggle to drink what I know is great for my metabolism, skin, joints and overall health well-being. I am aware of my lack and therefore I conscientiously work at prodding myself to get better. I try different types of water; different pH levels, different flavored waters, and I keep a bottle of water within arm’s distance to remind me to give it all I have to make my hydration quota for the day a reality.     Just like the physical water that we must drink to sustain life, we must also take in adequate amounts of spiritual water to bring us eternal life. We must do whatever is necessary to keep the living water of Christ flowing inside of us. Jesus is the living water that sustains us; therefore daily as we read our Word, share our testimonies and offer our praise we take in the water which causes us to never thirst again.
     Just as I seek various ways to keep physical water within arm’s length to remind me to drink; please keep the living Word of God close to you in various ways to remind you to drink in the living water that brings eternal life. Post scriptures on your dashboard, refrigerator, desk or treadmill to remind you that while you go about your daily living, the living water of Jesus is flowing within you.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Friday, July 28, 2017

God's Timing

Genesis 21:2 (NIV) – “Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him.”
     We have all said it… some phrase that let others know we plan to do something but not immediately. We tell them – “In a minute”, “hold on”, “ I’ll get back with you” and although no specific time is given it is generally known that at some point the issue or response will be completed.     When we enter an establishment expecting service we are often satisfied by a simple head nod or gesture from the salesperson, maitre’ d, or clerk that our presence has been noted and soon our needs will be met.
     Why then do we get anxious with God about his timing of events, blessings or prayer answers? Why do we seem to trust that men will do right by us when we make requests known and we will usually patiently wait our turn; but when it comes to God we want to put him on the ‘clock’. We pray and then expect as soon as we open our eyes or get up off of our knees or finish the final ‘AMEN’ we expect – waa-laa – for the answer to appear immediately. Yes, God is capable and powerful enough to make anything happen in the blink of an eye, but he is also loving enough and wise enough to know that most of our requests should be tempered with time. Not our ‘chronos’ time; but his ‘Kairos’ time.
     My mantra is very simple – “Relax, everything is in Divine Order”. Not only does this mean that the events are unfolding as God has ordained; but also it encompasses the fact that the timing is also under his wise control. When we get anxious and cannot always see the steps of God’s divine order progressing; we must trust God’s heart and be patient. His timing is perfect.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Have an awesome weekend. See you on Monday. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Check Yourself

1 Peter 1:14-15 -"As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct". In raising  my sons I was a loving disciplinarian. I set the rules; explained the rules and told of the consequences of breaking the rules. I felt it was unfair to punish a child for a first offense if they might be ignorant of what was expected. After a stern lecture (which I think they hated worse then any spanking) I would remind them that "now I know you understand, so if you do it again you have filled out an application for the punishment". 
      Before we gave our hearts to Christ we were spiritually and cognitively ignorant of many of the life sustaining rules God had in place for us. But as we walk with Christ he expects us to mirror his actions, learn from his teachings and grow under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We can not continue in a faith-based walk with God and continue doing the things we used to do and expect to not get some measure of correction.  The devil will make you believe what you are doing is together without the consecration of marriage; sexing whoever makes you feel good for the night; establishing families based on pregnancies or conveniences rather than on Godly direction; stealing, lying, sabotaging, etc,  So while you are "playing house" and 'loving the one you are with' and eating someone else's lunch out of the staff refrigerator, the devil is just chuckling because he knows that God is long suffering but he will not be mocked-you will be punished; not because God hates you... but because God absolutely loves you. God hates sin and he will provide a rod of chastisement to guide you back to the right ways of living.
     Check yourself ... everyday I have to repent from some slippage in my walk with Christ. The more I walk with him the closer I cling to him. He says the way of the righteous is narrow and if you keep skipping along the path, throwing yourself in any direction -to please others or your own desires eventually you will fall off the cliff. It might be difficult to change a 'worldly' decision all of a sudden. But seek God, repent and watch him turn your life around. Be Holy!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn 

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Don't Be Afraid to Ask

Matthew 20:31-32 (ESV) – “31The crowd rebuked them, telling them to be silent, but they cried out all the more, “Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!” 32 And stopping, Jesus called them and said, “What do you want me to do for you?”
     If there is something on your mind or in your heart that you keep pushing to the background because is ‘feels’ as if it is too overwhelming or even too trivial to bring up – go for it. Our God is concerned about ALL aspects of our lives and he yearns to have the type of relationship with you in which you take all of ‘you’ to him in prayer. There is nothing too hard for God. We instinctively want to get rid of heavy things that burden us and will throw all the ‘ton-age’ on the altar, but what about the small ‘gnat-like’ things that just seem to pester us? They might not occupy a full measure of concern, but they definitely fly about and cause distraction and discomfort. The Holy Spirit might be bringing these small things to your attention so you will address the issues and bring them before the Master.
     Don’t allow your own feelings to override the fact that God loves you so much he wants to be involved in all that concerns you. Yes, he is concerned about the small pebbles in our shoes; the nearly invisible dust particles in our eyes and the other life nuances that irritate us and keep us from being 100% on task. God is concerned about these distractions; even if the world thinks they might be trivial - call on the name of Jesus and ask him for relief. Call on the Master and seek his guidance and help. Call on the one who loves you more than life itself and proved that on the cross. Call on Jesus and don’t be afraid to ask for help.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Take My Breath Away

Genesis 2:7 – “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”
     Recently a friend was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and hospitalized for treatment. When the uncle who raised me whom I affectionately called “Chubby” was diagnosed with the same malady I recall one of the worse parts of the onset was the effect it had on his breathing. As the disease progressed, periodically he would have to visit the doctor’s office or emergency room to have fluid tapped from his lungs. As his body fought to breathe normally and regain its stability, the symptoms and discomfort would wane. The often nagging cough and shallowness of breath reminded me of how precious it really is to process life-sustaining air.
     Our scripture today tells of the wonder of God’s ultimate gift of love as he breathed into man the essence of life. With each breath that we are able to take; with every step we are able to make; with every hand we are able to shake – GIVE THANKS! Until you have had the wind knocked out of you – or suffered a bout with pneumonia or felt the side effects of a chronic lung debilitating disease – or shortness of breath from running up a flight of steps - you might not realize the anguish many go through just to draw breath to call on the name of Jesus. Remember them in prayer today. Give thanks to our awesome God who orders our steps, collects our tears, numbers our hairs and knows our every breath!
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed. Dr. JoAnn

Monday, July 24, 2017

Don't Be Stingy

Luke 6:38 (KJV) – “[G]ive, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”
     When we were kids we might not have known the terms ‘hedonism’, ‘greed’ or ‘avarice’; but it definitely did not take us long to understand the concept of ‘selfishness’ or ‘ being stingy’. When we had limited resources (just a few pieces of Now and Later or a handful of M&Ms) and minimal access to disposable cash (hard to stretch that $1.00 allowance); we found ourselves hoarding. We place tremendous worth on some things that intrinsically have little or no value.
     Seed is expensive, yet when he buys seed, the farmer does not hold on to it for dear life. He prepares his field to receive the life giving vessels and when the sowing process begins, the farmer does not hoard the seed, no matter how expensive it might be. He lavishly throws the seed into furrows in the rich soil because he knows that each seed has the potential to produce a yield far greater than his investment. As he gives to the land freely, soon the seeds will take root, grow, blossom and bear fruit. If he sows 5 seeds and only one grows to become an apple tree; that tree will more than abundantly give him a greater return than what he invested. One apple will have more than 5 seeds in it; and surely that tree will bear more than one small solitary apple.
     We must be willing to give freely and with a good heart and spirit. God promises that if we do this, our return will be not only ‘good’, which means we will be pleased with the initial harvest but then he sweetens the deal by saying we will gather even more to the point that it will spill over. When you give, whether it is your tithe, sacrificial offering, love offering, benevolent offering; offering of your time, talents and skills be sure to do so with the ‘measure’ that you want to see come back at you again. If we are stingy and unwilling to share or if we do share but complain about having to do so…then the measure of our return will be limited, scattered and issued under duress and contention. And don’t worry if you only have a small amount to share. When God urges you to give, then do it with a pure heart. 
      Think about the lad with the fishes and loaves whose lunch served more than 5,000 with scraps left over. When you place your gift in God’s hands he will make it more than enough. You will be blessed; those around you will be blessed and God will be glorified. There surely can be no greater return on your investment. 
      Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Better Safest

An old adage states that it is "better to be safe than sorry".  In essence it is wiser to take precautions first than suffer unduly circumstances if anything goes awry.  We place saucers under house plants so if the water drains through it will not ruin our furniture; we throw a jacket or umbrella in our car when we sense the weather might change; and we stop at the ATM just in case the establishment does not take credit or debit cards.  We try to be proactive and think of what could happen so we be can be prepared.  What counter measures we do depends not only on our resources but on how severe the aftermath could be if it ran its course.  Putting an extra amount in the parking meter might hinge on whether an infraction would result in ticketing, booting or towing. 
       Regardless  of what the potential outcome it is always best to be prepared. We do not want to miss out on the blessings of the Lord because we weren'on point.  I am one who truly believes that what God has for me - is for me; so I don't fear 'not' getting what God has promised.... but I am fully persuaded that blessings can buy e detained, blocked and delayed.  I want to make sure we are not the ones stifling what is for us.
   Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be   blessed! Have a great weekend  Dr. JoAnn

Stay Strong

2 Corinthians 12:8-9 -"Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. "
      Like us, Paul did not know why the "thorn" or pressure was put upon him and why after earnest petition, it was not relieved- but God always has purpose in his doings. It is for us to trust him, love him and praise him even through uncertainty and tears.
   I love and support through prayer all of my faithful readers and I do not consider it is so strange that many of us have never met physically but spiritually I feel like I am an old member of the family. I nudge you every morning and give you my two cents as we prepare for the day. 
     There will probably always be things impinging on us that we want instant relief from; but know that as we pray together and support one another God's grace is sufficient to sustain us.  Be strong ... I am with you but more importantly, the Holy Spirit is all over you.   
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously Great day! Be blessed!!  Dr. JoAnn 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Tell Your Face! - repost flashback

Exodus 34:35 (ESV)- “ the people of Israel would see the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses' face was shining. And Moses would put the veil over his face again, until he went in to speak with him."
       When I ask someone how they feel or how things are going and their answer and facial expression do not match, I often tell them to “tell your face” how you feel because it appears it does not know. When our actions and our words do not match it is confusing to our subconscious which runs on commands. If we keep telling ourselves that things are good yet we scowl, frown and grimace at every turn; our body language will override our consciousness and implant deep-seeded reactions.
      It is great to practice what you preach. If you say that you feel well; make sure you match that with a smile. If you profess to be ‘blessed and highly favored’; then align that with bright eyes and an unfurled brow. God tells us when we are fasting to not look desperate or hungry; so the opposite is also true; when you are doing fun activities and feeling on top of the world- be sure to tell your face.
      Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

House Divided

Mark 3:25 – “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”
     We must examine our own ‘houses’ - our relationships. How are they supported? Do we have them on firm foundations where we can build lasting associations? Are we evenly yoked with those we spend quality time with and depend upon? If there are areas of friction we must work steadily and truthfully to get to the core of the matter and allow healing to progress. 
      We must evaluate our households, relationships, friendships, work teams, recreational groups and club memberships. If ungodly, unjust, distasteful or prejudicial actions seem to run through the heart of these relationships or if discussions are few and tempers often flare, it is time to call the ‘house’ back to order. 
      Spend time putting the cards openly on the table and discussing issues that can bring unity and clarity to whatever does cause or has the potential to cause division. We owe it to the longevity of relationships that are important to us to get our ‘house’ in order.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, July 17, 2017


1 Timothy 1:12 (GNV): “Therefore I thank him which hath made me strong, that is, Christ Jesus our Lord: for he counted me faithful, and put me in his service”
     One of my responsibilities as an educator and consultant is that I am often called upon by my students and those whom I counsel is to write recommendations as they apply for various scholarships, admissions or employment. It is a privilege to stand with another as they show the evidence of their hard work, long trials, multiple studies, and numerous skill development programs. I am thankful that God allowed me to be in the position to assist others to move on to another level in their academic and/or career development and I do not take it lightly. I give God praise and thanks for how keeps us through all the rigors of advancement and provides opportunities for progress.
     I am thankful for all who have ever ‘vouched’ for me; stood up for me; nominated me; pushed and supported me. And I am always responsive and thankful when I can be of service to help others along their journey. When you are called upon to stand in the gap for someone – do it with honor and remember those who helped you and give God praise!
     Every day is a good day, it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed Dr. JoAnn

Friday, July 14, 2017

Keep At It

Philippians 1:6 (ERV) –“I am sure that the good work God began in you will continue until he completes it on the day when Jesus Christ comes again.”
We are at the half way point of the first month of the second half of the year and there are some great accomplishments we have done since the beginning of the year and there are other works, tasks and activities we are striving to complete before year end.  In looking at our daily walk, we are sure to see areas where God has empowered us to make many inroads and achievements and also yet other areas requiring advancements and improvement. In the process of working out our salvation we will encounter many stretches of time and many miles of road where our actions may seem fruitless, ineffective or futile.  We might even feel like we are going in circles and making very little if any progress.
Do not lose heart; but keep at it and keep striving.  God is there even in the times when we feel unsuccessful. Emotions and feelings are often predicated on false perceptions and we know that we walk by faith and not by sight; therefore what might seem like wasted time or unproductive and fruitless performance, in the palm of God, is incubating into something marvelous.  Be patient; do not let the evil influences of this world mislead you into believing your work is unneeded or vain.  Keep at it and soon you will see how things will blossom. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day! Have a wonderful weekend.  See you on Monday.  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Take Action

1 John 3:18 – “My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.”
     A picture is worth a thousand words because pictures are captured moments of real life actions. As I like the say – “I can show you better than I can tell you.” Images linger in our minds much longer than words; therefore actions are more powerful than speeches. You can tell me that you love me, but the realness of it is when you show me that you love me. Do your actions match and exceed your words? Do you express your feelings to others in tangible ways so that your words can truly live for them? If someone is struggling; it is good to tell them you are concerned and praying for them, but it might help to buy some groceries, give them a tank full of gas or babysit for an evening to give them a break. Love isn’t just an emotion – it is an action. Take action today and make a real difference that will linger on the heart longer than words stay in the ear.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Brand New

2 Corinthians 5:17 – “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
     Imagine how wonderful it is when God ‘renews’ us through our relationship with Jesus Christ. As we allow the Holy Spirit to embrace us and make us better from the inside out we experience the passing away of the old self and the new creature that emerges is more vital, more on target and more in line with the will of God.
     As we move into the ‘new’ it might be ‘painful’ to experience the cutting away of the old; but it is necessary to release the potential that lies beneath the surface. God will use whatever steps are necessary to cut away the things that hold you captive so that you may bloom.

     Allow God to make you over again by not fighting when he places you on the potter’s wheel. Things may seem to spin a bit out of control at first; and it may take a while to get used to the firm hand that he places upon you to reshape and remold you; but in the long run the refining process will make you ‘new’ again and fit for even more service.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Prayer Focus

Isaiah 41:10- “[F]ear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
     Whatever pressing matter is on your plate or on the front burner or on the top of your to-do list, be assured that if it is in alignment with God’s plan for your life – He will strengthen you for the task; provide your resources and uphold you through whatever processes or procedures you must endure for its completion.
     We often pray supplication prayers as we stand in the gap for others; hold them up while they are weak and give petitions to cover a multitude of concerns. It is wonderful and biblical to pray for others but we must not forget that we also must prayer for ourselves.
     God is faithful and long-suffering. He will not allow you to fail as long as you do not give up or give in. But we must seek his face and live under his grace. He will uphold us with his grace, mercy and power. Give God thanks today (through prayer) for his help and watch him make our tomorrows a reality.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously Great Day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, July 10, 2017

Shame the Devil

Psalm 52:2-3 (ESV) – “Your tongue plots destruction, like a sharp razor, you worker of deceit. You love evil more than good, and lying more than speaking what is right.”
     We have heard it over and over that the truth will set you free. That living in the truth of the love of Jesus will remove shackles and loosen the trappings of bondage. Well it is certainly true and the opposite is true also.  

     It may not be comfortable or even profitable but we must endeavor to squelch the propagation of falsehoods, lies and deceit.  We must be the bearers of "light" and truth.   The devil loves gossip, slander, lies and misdirection and will use these tools to bring division and derision to those who love the Lord.
     Small indiscretions can lead to full blown mockery if we do not nip it in the bud. Our scripture tells of how the evil one can influence deceit and thrive on controversy. When we make a conscious decision to tell the truth, stop slander and ignore gossip; we stop the devil in his tracks. He comes only to kill, steal and destroy. He wants to kill relationships; steal our joy and destroy our destinies. He will not stop; so we must be ever vigilant to his crafty and sly ways. 

     Tell the truth. It takes work to remember lies; but the truth is always the truth and easy to recall. Exercise discretion and live in the freedom of doing the right thing; shame the devil.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Friday, July 7, 2017

Joyful Strength

Nehemiah 8:10 – “Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
     Our scripture today reminds us that our joy is steeped in our relationship with God. Through the building and nurturing of our faith we are able to withstand the bitter and harsh outcomes that accompany tragic trials and setbacks. When we become victims of circumstance or even of our own or other’s doing, we must remain consistent in our handling of our emotions and the situation.
     Our joy is rooted deeply in the Lord, like a ship with a heavy anchor that is secured on the sea floor. No matter how the storm above is raging, the ship may be tossed to and fro, but it is held in place by the anchor which secures it. Jesus is our rock and no matter what comes our way we can rest assured that our anchor will grip the solid rock and in that we can maintain our joy.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day! Enjoy the weekend. See you on Monday. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Today is First Friday Fellowship; please keep us in prayer as we worship and give God praise; not just for what he has done but because of who he is.

Thursday, July 6, 2017


1 Samuel 25:15-16(AMP) –”But David’s men were very good to us, and we were not harmed, nor did we miss anything as long as we went with them, when we were in the fields. They were a wall to us night and day, all the time we were with them keeping the sheep.”                                                                                  
What seems to be blocking your path? Your progress? Your development? We all speak about things that stifle or hinder our promotion or advancement and often refer to them as walls. We constantly ask God to open windows and doors of opportunity to give us access to what lies beyond the walls. But for a moment let’s look at walls in a different manner. Do you see walls as barriers or as protectors? I guess it all depends on which side of the wall you stand.
        As the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea, scripture refers to the towering water as ‘walls’ which provided protection for them and doom for the Egyptian army that pursued them. In today’s scripture we see reference to the protective nature of walls when David’s men aided those in need by serving as a wall by day and by night. In our modern world we see the use of climbing walls to help athletes and those in training develop stamina and strength. Walls themselves are neither good nor bad; they are inanimate objects that we can either use to our benefit or allow to stifle our advancement. Make the innovative choice to use everything that comes your way to your benefit; good, bad or indifferent. When we come upon something that appears to halt our forward movement maybe the right move is to chance direction. Instead of trying to go forward, change your direction…why not go up!. Up and over! Look at your obstacles in a different way; as a challenge to help change how you look at things and opening you up to higher heights. When you hit the wall – look up and get over it!
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Laugh a Little

Proverbs 17:22 – “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”
      Try to not take life too seriously. While we always need to strive for excellence in doing our jobs, completing our school work or participating in church and civic activities, we must not take ourselves so seriously that we do not enjoy the process. Laughter is the best medicine and a merry heart can heal a troubled soul and an anguished body.
      If things seem a little tense around you, take some time to untangle the downtrodden web that is trying to encapsulate you and find a reason to laugh. If you have the time – take in a good comedic movie or watch an episode of a situation comedy on television or streaming video. If time is of the essence, then just take a few moments to read a comic strip or look up the joke of the day on the internet. The point is …lighten up. Our God has a wonderful sense of humor…He must.. ..Have you ever seen a platypus or a sideways walking crab? Remember - don’t’ hurry, don’t worry and smell the flowers along the way, just try to not sneeze…lol
        Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July!
1 Peter 2:9: “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light”.
    As believers in Jesus Christ we are fully adopted into the King’s family.  We are no longer estranged, alienated, or disenfranchised.  We are not distant relatives, in-laws or step children.  We are fully embraced and accepted with all rights and privileges granted.  As children of the most High God we are royalty; and as royalty we must conduct ourselves as such. 
     When we study earthly monarchs whose family lines rule over generational kingdoms we get a small peek at the majestic benefits of God’s heavenly sovereignty.  The king’s children have no doubt about who they are or who their father is.  From the cradle they lavish in a lifestyle of privilege and do not think it outlandish to have the best of everything. They have a certain expectancy of how they should be treated and are taught how they are to respond in any given situation.  When they walk into a room it is expected that all attention will be turned to them.  When they make a request it is assumed that the need will be met without hesitation.  When they are in trouble the King will send the magnitude of his forces to remedy the situation.  They are rarely alone or ostracized for they are provided with nannies, playmates and overseers. 
     If these actions are established for earthly rule then it is even more prudent to see this type of interaction when we are adopted into the family of God.  Our mouths may speak that we are the King’s kids and that our father has cattle on a thousand hills, yada, yada, yada; but do we fully embrace all of the freedoms and rights that come with our adoption papers?  We are all guilty of not exercising to the highest extent our benefits and favors and it is a shame.  Christ died a horrific death to secure our place in the kingdom.  He preached and taught and set examples of how we are to conduct ourselves as the royal priesthood. Exercise your rights as a child of the King!  “Ask”, “seek” and “knock”; but most importantly expect” good things. 

          Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Monday, July 3, 2017

Soul Health

3 John 2.   "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health just as your soul prospers."

It is no secret that this time of the year starts the season of parties, reunions and great celebrations; but it is also a time of Great Depression.  Many are alone, lonely, sick and shut-in (physically and emotionally).  Do not let the highs and lows of the season affect your ability to stay focused and healthy in the truth of the living Lord.  Guard your mind against negative thoughts; protect your body against the fluctuations of the weather; encourage your heart against the temperaments of mankind; eat well; sleep sufficiently and put on your whole armor, With these preparations you can stand against anything as God fights your battles, Have a victorious day.    Dr. JoAnn