Genesis 2:7 – “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”
Recently a friend was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and hospitalized for treatment. When the uncle who raised me whom I affectionately called “Chubby” was diagnosed with the same malady I recall one of the worse parts of the onset was the effect it had on his breathing. As the disease progressed, periodically he would have to visit the doctor’s office or emergency room to have fluid tapped from his lungs. As his body fought to breathe normally and regain its stability, the symptoms and discomfort would wane. The often nagging cough and shallowness of breath reminded me of how precious it really is to process life-sustaining air.
Our scripture today tells of the wonder of God’s ultimate gift of love as he breathed into man the essence of life. With each breath that we are able to take; with every step we are able to make; with every hand we are able to shake – GIVE THANKS! Until you have had the wind knocked out of you – or suffered a bout with pneumonia or felt the side effects of a chronic lung debilitating disease – or shortness of breath from running up a flight of steps - you might not realize the anguish many go through just to draw breath to call on the name of Jesus. Remember them in prayer today. Give thanks to our awesome God who orders our steps, collects our tears, numbers our hairs and knows our every breath!
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed. Dr. JoAnn
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