Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Pour Out!

Today I’d like to share a snippet of what I presented for my seminary graduation sermonette.     2 Kings 4: 4-5 – “ 4 Then go in, and shut the door behind you and your children, and start pouring into all these vessels; when each is full, set it aside.” 5 So she left him and shut the door behind her and her children; they kept bringing vessels to her, and she kept pouring.”
     These verses tell about the Prophet Elisha and his interaction with a widow whose sons were about to be taken into slavery because of debts. She petitioned the man of God for help and his question to her was similar to what we hear from a popular credit card company when they want you to remember to rely on what you have in your possession to take care of your needs – “What’s in your wallet the commercial asks – and Elisha’s response to her plea was – “How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?”
Today I pose a similar question and at the same time encourage you to “POUR OUT!”.
What do you have that God can use to his glory to bring about the manifestation of your divine purpose? We often look outside of ourselves for assistance, we plead for help from areas that are not a part of God’s plan for us; we seek encouragement from those who really are not members of our cheering squad.
     The Holy Spirit which dwells within has the key to all that we need. God is our ultimate source and like the widow - every resource is really at our fingertips. As you read further in the text we you will discover that as long as she had empty vessels to pour into, her supply never ran out. In your obedience, as you seek empty places, situations and people to pour into, God’s providence will be unlimited. The more you pour, the more you will have to pour. Colossians 3:23-24 – “23 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.”
     Whatever your calling; wherever God has placed you for your purpose – do whatever is assigned for your service with fervor and zeal. God tells us through Paul’s letter to the Colossi church to do whatever we do heartily. Do not ‘dribble out’ your portions like a baby’s spittle, but pour out your service as a gushing fountain full of life and vigor.
     If your present situation has you in a place or position that you believe is wasting your talent, below your potential – it is expected that you would desire more and greater – but while you are there do your best and present quality at all times. Martin Luther King, Jr., said– “If I cannot do great things I can do small things in a great way.” We must press upward and onward and strive to reach higher heights through doing great works in our present circumstance. Keep pushing for greater, but while you are pushing remember the foundation that you stand on is what will hold you when you build upward….make sure it is solid by pouring out your best now.
     Now you must pour… Find spaces that need filling….find places that you can fill….. pour into empty places….pour into empty spaces…. Pour into people whose souls have been emptied by the vicissitudes of life… pour, pour and then pour some more.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

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