Isaiah 58:7 – “Share your food with everyone who is hungry; share your home with the poor and homeless. Give clothes to those in need; don’t turn away your relatives.” (CEV)
I heard some disturbing news yesterday while talking with a friend about the upcoming Thanksgiving Day activities. She informed me that the city of Atlanta is upholding an old ordnance which will require those giving food to the homeless obtain a permit and relegate their activities to a specific area only. Many homeless and poor people will miss out on a traditional Thanksgiving meal because of red tape and gentrification prejudice. The rationale is that this will limit the number of ‘donors’ and the amount of trash that is generated from this sort of distribution. Instead of going where the homeless are and serving their needs; now those who feel impassioned to assist, must set up in designated areas which may or may not be accessible to those most in need.
I am sure there are other nuances of this ruling that are not known by us and I am certain that I have received only one side of the issue, but it just seems so tragic that we are so concerned about the trash that is left on the streets more than those who are living on the streets.
No one seems to feel crazed about trash when the college students storm through town at homecoming; or when sporting events generate tons of rubbage; or when impromptu gatherings in the park for ‘movie nite or parades or marathons create mounds of trash. Instead of punishing those who are trying to give why not establish a program where they can contribute large trash bags and use a team of ‘volunteer’ homeless (many who crave jobs) who will serve as clean up crews. The payment for their services could be vouchers for a few good nights of sleep at a climate-controlled shelter. The donors can keep on cooking and distributing; those in need can keep on eating; the city streets could be cleaner and vulnerable people could be off of the street for a little while.….Just a thought…
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
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