Thursday, May 31, 2018

No Bad News

     Psalm 56:4 – “I praise God for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?” (NLT)
   Not one day goes by without the sensationalism of modern media trying to strike fear in the hearts of unsuspecting viewers.  Whether it is the news at 5am or the late night version closer to midnight, it seems what sells is the tragedy of human insensitivity.  From breaking and entering on helpless elders to gangs crashing in hordes into trendy boutiques; the news makes it seem as if all hell has already broken loose.  Believe me the time will soon come when we won’t have to wait for the boob tube, smart phone or any device to inform us that the ‘end’ has arrived.  But for now we must not succumb to the over dramatic portrayal of modern upheaval.
      Yes, things are crazy and people are crazier; but they surely are no worse than the times of Lot when the towns people came knocking at his door to molest his visitors.  He even tried to bargain with them by giving his daughters to the rape-minded mob.  We must trust in God for he is our protector and that no weapon formed against us shall prosper.  Don’t lock yourself away and not enjoy the world that our God created; be careful, vigilant and watchful, but get out and live life to the fullest.
   Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Integrity Pays!

2 Kings 12:15 (TLB) – “No accounting was required from the construction superintendents, for they were honest and faithful men”.
    I remember as a child going to the orchards in southwestern Michigan to pick apples and berries. Our family might drive up on weekend mornings and make a whole day out of exploring nature and picking the fresh fruit. On some trips when we arrived the owners might be gone or about ready to leave and they would set bushel barrels out for us to fill. When we finished our harvesting and were ready to check out we simply packed the fruit into paper sacks, left the money in a tin box on the table and left. It was a time when people trusted their neighbor and their regular customers.
     We live in a time now when honesty is such a rarity it is hard to trust many to give a ‘square’ deal of getting what you pay for, not to mention to be honest about money exchange. In the scripture we are reminded that the men in question had such a reputation for being upright and honest that when work was done those responsible for contracting the work knew that these men in particular could be trusted.
     We need to live our lives and be upfront, upright and just in our dealings with everyone so that we too have a reputation to be trusted. Recently a new friend told me that I was such a person; and that they could rely not only upon my word but upon my actions. Most of us live in such a way to be considered a good person; but to have someone who you are just getting to know actually say that they see the spirit of God’s honesty upon you- well I was blessed and humbled. We all fall short of doing the right thing so I know it is only the working of the Holy Spirit within us that allows us to walk humbly before our God. Seek to be the best representative of God’s goodness by telling the truth, dealing with people in an open and friendly manner and not scheming to have your own interest always be the first thing that you consider. With these parameters Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves and that includes being honest and standing by our word.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Time to Go !!!

2 Chronicles 33:15- “And he took away the strange gods, and the idol out of the house of the Lord, and all the altars that he had built in the mount of the house of the Lord, and in Jerusalem, and cast them out of the city.”
     Some may not believe and others may not take it as seriously as we ought; but the reality is - there are spirit beings in our world that mean us harm. The devil goes about in his role of stealing, killing and destroying all that is sacred to God. In the same vein, evil lurks all around us and will try to infiltrate our lives, disturb our peace and destroy our livelihoods.
     My plans for this week prior to returning to teach my summer class at the University are to do a bit of cleaning and sanitizing. Those of us in the south are familiar with the local pollen that has fallen over the past month or so. This pollen which seeps its way through every nook and cranny to settle into our homes is relentless. As soon as you wipe one layer away another forms. This ‘yellow-green’ snow gets into everything and often we just wait until the pollen count drops before trying to do in-depth cleaning. The pollen is very fine and often invisible until it starts to accumulate; then it changes the texture and color of whatever it lands upon; not to mention the misery it brings to allergy and sinus sufferers.
     So it is with the subtle annoyances of evil spirits that penetrate into our lives. Some are overt and come to us in the form of uncooperative bosses or co-workers; belligerent neighbors or even nasty customer service representatives. But the more dangerous are the covert, sneaky evils, like the seemingly harmless pollen, that worm their way into our lives and subtly change the character of whatever they touch.
     Just as we must use several methods to rid our homes of the silky pollen, we must also use various methods to make sure our homes and workplaces are clear of evil spirits. Use your anointing oil, your scriptures and your prayers; claim your territory under the right afforded you as children of the Most High God. Open the doors and windows and escort evil out of your living and work spaces and watch as circumstances in your life change.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Monday, May 28, 2018


Joshua 13: 30-31 – “And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it. But the men that went up with him said, “We be not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we.”

Within the last few weeks God has dropped a wonderful thought into my being and given me an assignment that is a definitive walk of faith. God has given me the opportunity to start a church worship service at the retirement community where my adorable 93 year-young aunt resides. Aside from weekly Sunday service I also teach a weekly Bible Study group. It is both exhilarating and challenging.
God made it clear from the beginning that this was not going to be a plan laid out like Noah’s assignment where he received full instructions, including measurements and materials. No, my walk would involve more of an Abrahamic learn-as-you-go approach. In the preparation for his revealing each piece-meal step, I have expanded my prayer with one simple request – “God align me with the right people who are positive in their interaction with me and faithful in their walk with you.”
I work hard at sequestering any self-doubt so I do not need or want anyone around me who always sees the glass as half-empty or who would try to throw a wet blanket over the fire that is growing in my spirit. As you follow God’s will and direction listen and watch for signs of those who want to plant negativity. My advice when you catch others constantly questioning your resolve or bringing up what you do not have in place is to remind them that if God created everything from nothing; he is fully capable of making miracles from the head start he has using the great talents he has given to you. Say ‘nay’ to naysayers and do not allow their negative energy to sway or distract you. Be about the call that God has placed on your life and ‘get ‘er done’.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Friday, May 25, 2018

Calm Down

Psalm 46:10(CEV)-“ Our God says, “Calm down, and learn that I am God! All nations on earth will honor me.”

We see the emblem everywhere; whether online, on T-shirts or coffee mugs – “Calm Down and ….”    The ending line could be anything from ‘eat your vegetables’ to ‘sing a song’.  The mantra is still the same…just calm down.  We can get caught up in the hoopla of the day and get swept up in the hustle and bustle of business or the demands of school and get side tracked.  Our scripture today relays that God is our calming source.  It is God who ultimately controls the grand big picture and allows us to have free choice to manipulate the daily nuances of life.  In these manipulations we can sometimes loose the focus of the bird’s eye view and look at things myopically. 

When we have a pigeon-holed view of life we miss the subtle yet important issues that reside on the fringes.  It is these fringes that add zest and vitality to living and God wants us to have life and have it more abundantly.  In order to do this we must surrender to God’s will and embrace his purpose for our lives.  Calm down… don’t get on the rat race treadmill of uncertain panic; feeling as if you must keep in constant motion to keep up.  There is nothing wrong with being the ‘go-to’ person at your job or for your family, but stop trying to run everything; be in charge of everyone; know the answers to every issue and fix every inconsistency.  There are times when the spirit and soul need to slow down; calm down and let God be God.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Have a great Holiday weekend; see you on Monday! Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Listen Up!

James 1:19 (NKJV)- “So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath;”

I have found that if you allow people to talk long enough they will reveal to you everything that you really need to know. God gives us great advice through the words recorded in the book of James on this very subject. If we are slow to speak or react but open to listening, it is amazing what we can learn and the trouble we can avoid. Most fast talkers have ulterior motives up their sleeves and try to use quickness of speech to push or sway us to follow their leads. If we listen with intention and remain silent, we allow the Holy Spirit to sharpen our discernment and we will be able to evaluate options with clarity and focused thought.

Likewise when corrective criticism comes our way; we must use the same techniques – be open to listen; keep silent to make sure we truly understand the information that is being shared and if what is shared makes us uncomfortable; be slow to get angry or to retaliate. Helpful news may not always come in sweet, digestible packets; sometimes we have to be quiet and take medicine in bitter chunks. Regardless of what is learned it is better to approach all things with our ears and eyes wide open and our mouths shut until the Holy Spirit gives us cause to speak up.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Don’t be distracted – stay focused on your purpose. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Fat Faith

Ezekiel 3:1-"And he said to me, “Son of man, eat whatever you find here. Eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel.”
    Tomorrow I am scheduled to have a routine check colonoscopy. In preparation for the procedure I was given a cleanser regimen and instructions on what to eat and what to avoid today. All of this prep work will assist the doctor in gathering clear images and make any disruptions or problems more visible. What, how and when we eat does contribute to our well-being.     We hear it more often now than ever before - high glycemic index, bad carbs, low fat , gluten free, organic, free-ranged and farm raised. Regardless of where we decide to get our nourishment it is important to remember that it might not be so much what you eat but what you feed that matters.
     If you are experiencing inner conflict and struggling to make a decision of what to choose; one thing is a guarantee - whatever you feed is what will grow. If you feed doubt... then uncertainty will flourish. If you feed confusion or chaos then your ability to make organized mature choices will starve to death and instability will take over.
     Take a few moments and think about what you are feeding your soul. Is it the food that will make for a stable, healthy life or are you feeding it junk food? Avoid empty calories. Jesus is the bread of life.... this bread will not make you bloated or raise your blood sugar. Eat up!!! Get fat on faith and watch the healthy change that will sweep over you.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it s GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Unspoken Benefits

1 Kings 3:13- "I give you also what you have not asked, both riches and honor, so that no other king shall compare with you, all your days."
     Solomon had become King and his vast kingdom needed strong leadership. Solomon was wise enough to know that he was not equipped on his own to govern God's people. They were in a complex time and although Solomon was young he knew that he needed divine intervention. He sought wisdom not to use for personal gain for himself but for those he would govern. God was pleased by his unselfish request and not only gave him discernment that has never been matched; but God also gave him riches and prestige unrivaled even by today's standards.
     I charge us today faithful readers to examine our prayers. What do we really want from God? Do we sweetly ask for one thing but subconsciously our carnality belts out selfish requests that would benefit only ourselves? What are you constantly petitioning for and who will ultimately benefit if your prayers are answered? When we are in a position of need, we must seek God's will of how to use that need to fulfill his purpose. Let's rethink our prayers and make sure our focus is on what God has in store for his glory and the furtherance of his kingdom. Watch him then take our humble requests and turn them into cups which overflow.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Monday, May 21, 2018

Saved but not Rescued

Joshua 6:17– “Now the city shall be doomed by the Lord to destruction, it and all who are in it. Only Rahab the harlot shall live, she and all who are with her in the house, because she hid the messengers that we sent.”

What a blessing!
As we celebrated Pentecost Sunday I had the opportunity to preach my first sermon at our newly established church - “Horizon” worship service. Friends, family and residents of the ‘Mansions at Decatur’ were in attendance and I shared the word of God from the book of Joshua; the story of Rahab’s faith.  Title of my sermon was “Saved but not rescued”. From the story I shared how Rahab had faith that she would be rescued from the plight of Jericho but as she and her family waited in the wall it became evident that rescue was not going to take place the way she thought. The walls did have to pay attention to the instructions given to us through the written and preached word of God. 
Rahab h but she remained faithful and did not run - she stayed where the spies told her to be and sure enough when the dust finally settled, she and her family were saved! 
Rahab had to trust that her request was going to the one in authority. We have to trust that our prayers are being heard and received by God.
Rahab had to pay attention to the instructions of the spies by hanging a red sash outside of her window. We have to pay attention to the instructions given to us through the written and preached word of God. 
Rahab had to be obedient and have faith by staying in the wall even when it seems as if everything around her was falling apart.  We must stay strong and steadfast and obedient to God’s word. Even if it means staying in the trouble and waiting on God’s timing.  When it is all over and everything is said and done we will be triumphant… We will be saved… Even if we are not rescued. There are lessons to be learned and relationships to be built while we are in the midst of what might seem like an awful situation. Take your eyes off of the stuff and keep them on God. As we begin this week Let us take a lesson from Rahab and be obedient, steadfast and faithful. 
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a great day. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn 

Friday, May 18, 2018

Just Don't Do It!

Philippians 2:14 – “Do everything without grumbling or arguing,”
     Today’s word is very simple and straight forward. Just don’t complain. Stop the muttering, moaning and groaning about things in your life that must be endured. Paul instructed the new converts in Philippi to be careful about how they reacted to the situations of their lives and we must be cognizant also. Each day presents new challenges and opportunities for us to show God that we trust him and that we know he is in control. 
      Enjoy the weekend and make note of when you speak words of doubt or negativity. Quickly rectify the situation by changing your mindset and your language. Let’ s strive to eliminate negative-based talk and replace it with positive affirmations and agreements with God’s word.      Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it s GREAT day! Have an awesome progressively positive weekend. See you on Monday. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Worth the Wait

Hebrews 6:15 – “And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.”     I have always loved popcorn and as a child I used to enjoy a box of Cracker Jacks not just for the caramel sweet popcorn and peanut combination; but I also wanted the prize that came in every box. Often because the sweet treat sat on the store shelf the prize would settle to the bottom of the box. Although I wanted to get to the prize right away I did not want to get my entire hand sticky by pouring the mixture out all at once, so I would patiently savor the treat and then enjoy getting to the surprise that awaited.
     In our scripture today we see that Abraham waited patiently and he did eventually receive what God had promised. We too must wait patiently on God and remember that his timing (Kairos) is not in the same realm as our timing (chronos) and that his ways are so much higher than our ways. God is past, present and future, therefore he knows the end, the middle and the beginning and all we can muddle through is just the ‘now’. We cannot change the past and we have absolutely no insight into the future unless God grants it; so why not just stop worrying about what is yet to come and enjoy what you have in hand.
     I trusted that the manufacturers of Cracker Jacks did indeed put a prize in every box. I trusted that if I just kept eating and enjoying what I could see and reach, that sooner or later I would come upon my coveted prize. God has given us much hope and many wonderful ‘prizes’/promises that are yet to materialize. Instead of trying to dig in and skip to the ‘prize’ and get disappointed if you can’t ascertain or fully embrace it; I suggest you do like I did with the popcorn treat…enjoy what you have in hand and realize that God’s promises are sure and that if you enjoy the sweetness of what you have right now and live today to the fullest, then the prize will appear before you know it. And guess what? It will be well worth the wait. God never fails and he never forgets!
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it s GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Fat Faith

Ezekiel 3:1-"And he said to me, “Son of man, eat whatever you find here. Eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel.”     Periodically I cleanse the impurities from my body by going on 40-day detox sessions where I eliminate certain food groups from my diet in order to flush my system. One mantra that has helped me through the process when tempting yet potential unhealthy choices come my way - I declare – “this will not heal me!. It gives me opportunity to think about why I am really consuming what I eat. What am I really feeding?
     We hear it more often now than ever before - high glycemic index, bad carbs, low-fat, gluten -ree, organic, free-ranged and farm raised. Regardless of where we decide to get our nourishment it is important to remember that it might not be so much what you eat but what you feed that matters.
     If you are experiencing inner conflict and struggling to make a decision of what to choose; one thing is a guarantee - whatever you feed is what will grow. If you feed doubt... then uncertainty will flourish. If you feed confusion or chaos then your ability to make organized mature choices will starv     Take a few moments and think about what you are feeding your soul. Is it the food that will make for a stable, healthy life or are you feeding it junk food? Avoid empty calories. Jesus is the bread of life.... this bread will not make you bloated or raise your blood sugar. Eat up!!! Get fat on faith and watch the healthy change that will sweep over you.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it s GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Never Too Grown

Job 1:5 – “When a period of feasting had run its course, Job would make arrangements for them to be purified. Early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of them, thinking, “Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.” This was Job’s regular custom.”
     Today’s blog, of course is for all readers, but is specifically directed at those of us who have grown children or young adults whose lives we have influenced. If you have been blessed to birth, raise and/or influence to lives of young people, you know that it is not an easy task to struggle against the angsts of teen life, the power of young adulthood independence; the pull of the world; the distractions of the present age and the temptations of the evil one; to keep our young people on the straight and narrow path to salvation.
     Those of us who have adult children might think we can gasp a sigh of relief and that our job is done; but this is not the case at all. As we prayed for, covered, guided and instructed our children over the years we know that if they too have accepted Christ as their personal Savior then they shall be bombarded and attacked by the devil who wants nothing more than to see each generation fail. If he could not get you to turn from Jesus he will work on your children and grandchildren. He wants to throw your legacy and lineage off track and onto the path of destruction. We therefore must continue to pray over and give guidance to our children at any age. Job prayed over his adult children and we too must continue to impart our mantle over them regardless of whether they still live under our roof or in a different city. Call each child by name and express your desires for them in praise and thanksgiving. Set the record straight for them as well as for those who might want to do them harm – it’s never too late and they are never too grown to be under the power of our prayers.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it s GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Monday, May 14, 2018

Fledgling Church

Acts 9:21 – “Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria experienced peace and thus was strengthened. Living in the fear of the Lord and in the encouragement of the Holy Spirit, the church increased in numbers.”
    Yesterday was a phenomenal day.  Of course we celebrated Mother’s Day and I had a great time at my home church as our pastor brought an inspiring message revolving around the love relationship between Naomi and daughter-in-law Ruth.  But the highlight of my afternoon was the celebration of the opening of the new church that God has positioned me to start.  I have established “Horizon Worship Service” and we meet at 4:30pm at the Mansions in Decatur Adult Living Community. 
      My aunt recently relocated to this wonderful, brand-spanking new retirement community and upon discovering that there were no in-house religious services available for the residents; God pressed me to step up to the plate and organize the church.  I am also teaching Bible study later on today and all are welcome. 
    I grow more and more excited watching God orchestrate new evangelistic options in, through and around my life.  Please continue to praise his Holy name and pray for me as I obediently walk in his will. 
      Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it s GREAT day!  Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Friday, May 11, 2018

Friday Flash Back - Evil - Alive and Kicking

Good morning. Fabulous Friday - Today's blog is a flashback that bears repeating.  
Job 1:7 – “The Lord said to Satan, “Where have you come from?” Satan answered the Lord, “From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it.”.”
     Back in the 1970’s a popular television show featured the hilarious renditions of comedian Flip Wilson. One of the characters that he would portray was a funny, saucy talking female named Geraldine. Whenever caught in a certain predicament, Geraldine would loudly proclaim – “the devil made me do it”. It was all a part of a comedy script but there is nothing funny about the fact that the devil is real and he is on a rampage.
     There are many ways in which the devil uses people to his advantage; but one of the most prolific is –misunderstanding. All of us no doubt have witnessed how simple words or phrases can be distorted to the point that the entire meaning or context of what was originally meant to be expressed is totally misconstrued. We have seen how cultural differences and misunderstandings can topple foreign relations; just as differences in religion can cause immoral treatment even amongst family members. 
     The book of Job opens by recalling the actions of the angels as they presented themselves before God. Satan was there and when asked where he had been, he confessed about his prowling nature. We know from this scripture that Satan does canvass the earth with his presence; and we also learn in John that Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. It is not hard to imagine that the evil-one uses our emotions, fears, and misconceptions against us. The closer you are to a breakthrough, new blessing or spiritual change, the more ‘stuff’ just seems to keep happening to you. The devil knows a blessing is on its way and he throws every distraction in the book at you to make you block your own blessing or stand in your own way. Don’t’ do it. He wants you to react. As Christians we are called to not react, but to respond. The best response is to put on the whole armor of God and just stand. Be you and do not act outside of your own character. Through the use of weak vessels (non-believers or shaky believers) Satan acts out his plots. Don’t be fooled – your mother, father, sister, brother, best friend or church member can be used or abused by the devil if they are not on guard. Do not allow him to push your buttons. When you feel something is pushing you to be angry, fearful, depressed or overwhelmed about inconsequential, unnecessary things –realize it is the devil.
      Satan is real and present sometimes in places we least expect. Stay prayed up and ask God to give you open spiritual eyes and discernment about areas where the devil will try to attack. Be ready – because he is coming. The more you love the Lord, the more the devil wants to harass you. Satan is using people all around us in ways that are unconscionable; that just lets us know that our stupendously, awesome, mind-blowing, life-changing blessing must be just around the corner and we must not let anyone or their foolishness stop us from getting our promise. The devil may have made them do it…but our God is seeing us through it. Now run and tell that!
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Have an awesome weekend. Happy Mother’s Day! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Arrows Away

Psalm 18:14 – “He sent out His arrows and scattered the foe, Lightnings in abundance, and He vanquished them.” (NKJV)
     Have you ever felt as if you have been pulled to the farthest of your ability to stretch? Felt as if you have bent over backward so far that you could easily see where you have been? Or how about things being so tight that you could not give another inch? Well believe it or not those are all good signs. Yes...great signs. It means that you are just about at the point of letting go. Not the kind of letting go where you give up or give out, but the kind of letting go when you give ‘over’. Give whatever it is over to God. He has been patiently waiting of you to exhaust yourself to the point where you will now Let Go and Let God!
     What do you think all of that sacrifice and torture was about those 2000 years ago? Why do you think Jesus bore those gruesomely abusive stripes? Blood was shed and a random paid and you were redeemed. Time to cash in and God has been waiting. We must not keep struggling to operate in our own strength or we will be guilty of trying to negate the work of Jesus as the Savior of the world. We must let God be God and do his wonderful Godly things of never sleeping; always protecting; healing; nurturing; teaching and guiding. Sovereignty requires some really big shoes and you and I can in no way even think about how to begin to fill them. Let God – Be God. He is really good at it and although you think you have the best answer let him do his ‘thang’.
     An arrow by itself, though sharp and full of potential, has very little power unless it is pulled and positioned. The greater the pull; the more the tension; the higher the angle; the farther the arrow will fly. So if you feel like you have been stretched to the limits of your patience, abilities and wits…guess what??? It is time to soar. God knows just the right amount of tension and resistance for you to bear; he knows where he wants you to land and how much force it will take you to get there… Let God be God and enjoy the flight.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Time Management

Colossians 4:5 - "Be wise in the way you act with those who are not believers. Use your time in the best way you can.”
     For the past few weeks I have had a lot of different projects on my plate and I felt like I needed to hire an assistant just to help me keep organized and on point. Well I did just that…I got the best help known to mankind. I called upon the Holy Spirit and with the supplication prayers of others I invoked the power of organization to take hold of my situation. I refused to get overwhelmed and I rebuked the spirit of procrastination. I know I live a life in Divine Order.
     I asked for increased time management skill so that I would use the time that I had wisely. I asked for clarity of my assignments so that I could quickly and easily assimilate and produce the deliverables that were anticipated and expected by my clients.
     The projects have not lessened, (actually they have increased) but the anxiousness that tried to creep upon me has all but disappeared. I truly am a believer in what I say – “relax, everything is in Divine Order”. If it happens…it will happen… Unlike God we cannot make anything appear out of thin air, so we must plan, think strategically and relax knowing that all things work together and that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
     I do realize that everything may not be completed at max capacity and every variable may not be defined, but what will be produced will be God-inspired and I will always praise God for his steadfast love and help. Go forth and conquer whatever is on your plate….worry about nothing your best and keep praising
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Be Steadfast

1 Corinthians 15:58 - “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord”.
    Yesterday, I was caught in the midst of some stop-and-go, bumper to bumper traffic (seems like a norm for Atlanta lately). While in the slow moving traffic I noticed that a few drivers showed very little regard for the safety of others and constantly maneuvered in and out of traffic. They would seek any little ‘hole’ in the flow and dart into position only to cause others to have to slam on their brakes or swerve to avoid hitting them. It was almost as if they were oblivious to the rest of us sharing the same freeway.
    As we maneuver through this transient life it is important that we remain steadfast; focus on the path where God has placed us and stay conscientious of the well-being of those on the same life path. We may not all have high speed jobs or resources which keep us at “full throttle” levels but we all do share many of the same avenues and byways and we must remain thoughtful of how we interact with others. We must be steadfast in our work; diligent in our relationships and courteous to all we meet. As God’s representatives, slow and steady is the best strategy for long-term success with minimal accidents. We do not want our actions to run someone off the path or cause them to lose their way. Rethink some recent ventures; did you take the time to really examine the plan or did you just jump because an opportunity was available? Did you respond to someone hastily without getting a good understanding of the conversation and potentially drew wrong conclusions? It is best to be steadfast so that our labor is not in vain. Take your time; study to course and proceed with caution.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Monday, May 7, 2018

Absent – and Accounted For

Posted 5-6-15Edited and reposted 5-7-18 2 Corinthians 5:8 (NKJV) – “We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.”
 This past Saturday (Cinco de Mayo) marked the third anniversary of the passing of my favorite uncle, Arthur Houser, Sr. As he transitioned from entrapment in a semi-paralyzed physical body to total spiritual freedom with God, we still remember and miss his laughter, teasing and merriment; for he truly was a gregarious soul who loved making sure that all in his presence knew they were special. He is now truly free.
To everyone who knew my “Uncle Nee” rest assured he is in no more pain. While he was wheelchair bound trapped in a physical body that suffered from the ills of mortal life, he is now standing proudly on two strong spiritual legs; waving and clapping uplifted arms and hearing the Father say…”well done; good and faithful servant.” Thank you Lord for the many years he impacted my life; and for the words, wisdom, discipline and love he shared so freely. I am so glad that I spent quality time with him and my aunt just days before his untimely transition. He is now in a better place.
Make sure you tell someone today how much you love them; or ask for forgiveness; or reconcile a misunderstanding or tell a lost soul about Jesus and the hope of salvation. Tomorrow isn’t promised and you may never get another opportunity beyond today. To God be the Glory!

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Friday, May 4, 2018

Flash Back - Anatomic Perfection

Psalm 139:13-14 (CEV)- “You are the one who put me together inside my mother’s body, and I praise you because of the wonderful way you created me. Everything you do is marvelous! Of this I have no doubt.”
   I work as a biological scientist and one of my favorite courses to teach is Human Anatomy and Physiology. This involves instruction about the development, composition, arrangement, functionality and pathology of the human body. Although it is a public institution steeped in secular tradition, from the very first moment I introduce myself to my students, throughout the course and up to the final exam, I constantly remind them that as an experienced scientist I fully vow that we are not made from some chance lightening strike hitting a primordial soup of proteins and algae; nor did we result from the emergence or evolution of primitive primates. We are wonderfully and fearfully made in the awesome image of our God. While God is spirit and does not have a physical form his essence is expressed in the wonder of the head, truck and limbs that make up the human frame.
    Everything that God does is wonderful and his creation of us, collectively as a species and individually as characters with our own personalities, is without a doubt marvelous. We must not only take care of our bodies, protect their frailties, cherish their workings but we must honor their differences. We are all made from the DNA models passed down from generation to generation and these blueprints give directions for how we shall be ‘knit’ or pieced together in our mother’s wombs. The grandeur of it all is that God orchestrated everything about us before we were even a spark in our father’s eyes or a smile on our mother’s faces. Before he threw the stars into the sky or whirled the nebulae to form the galaxies he envisioned the dimple on your cheek and the little crock of your tooth.
     God loves us so much; let’s love ourselves and honor our bodies. We must be diligent to not destroy them with cigarettes, excessive alcohol, abusive sexual behavior, inadequate sleep, overwork or overindulgent eating. We are anatomic perfection; give God praise by taking care of the gift he has given to us in the form of our bodies. Whether white, black, brown, tall, short, thin, thick, scarred, disfigured, amputated or arthritic – give God praise for we are wonderfully and fearfully (awesomely) made.
    Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Have a body conscious weekend. Get some exercise; eat less; rest more; laugh out loud and enjoy worship service with friends and/or family. See you on Monday! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Graceful Living

1 Corinthians 1:4 (NIV) – “I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.”
      The ‘GRACE” that God provides is renewed every morning and it is sufficient to meet all of our needs. The unmerited favor of God’s love gives us “graceful living” and it is a feeling that we should all want to share with others. At some time over this weekend set aside some quality time to give back to God by paying ‘it” forward. In essence think about ways, means, times or situations where you can dispense into others (then do it). Don’t talk about it too long; don’t put it off; don’t worry about whether every ‘I’ is dotted or every ‘t’ is crossed; just take the time to smell the roses; enjoy the best of God’s world and try to make it a better place for someone by paying-it-forward.     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Enjoy the flowers!Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

God's Love Letter

Deuteronomy 32:1-4 – “Earth and Sky, listen to what I say! Israel, I will teach you. My words will be like gentle rain on tender young plants, or like dew on the grass. 3 Join with me in praising the wonderful name of the Lord our God. 4 The Lord is a mighty rock, and he never does wrong. God can always be trusted to bring justice.”
     Today’s reference scripture comes from the beginning of a song that God gave to Moses with the instructions to teach it to the children of Israel. Each time they sang it they would be reminded of the great works of God and his tender mercies. The poem delineates the course of events that God carved through history to develop them as a people; to watch their numbers multiply; to deliver them from bondage and to set them on a path to the land of promise and provision. The song (poem) is indeed a love letter reminding the reader that through all of the adversity, God hears us. Though we may believe we are alone and forgotten, that God is working behind the scenes. When we are wandering aimlessly and not certain which way to turn, God is our present help in time of need. He is a sheltering cloud when things are too intense and a warming fire when the cold world turns against us.
     The poem give warnings about our behavior and the need to follow God’s instructions. It gives guidance for living a fruitful and purposeful life and shows that even when we mess up God is ever present to pick us up, dust us off and put us back on the right path. Just as the children of Israel were about to stake their claim in the Promised Land, God has certain laws we must also follow to rightfully stake our claim on the dreams, plans and purposes he has entrusted to us. This love letter tells it all and it is just as pertinent today as it was in the time of Moses. God is the same yesterday, today and forever and his love is boundless and his mercy endureth to all generations.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

In the Midst

Psalm 138:7- "Though I walk in the midst of trouble,you preserve my life;you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me."
     A few years ago a popular gospel song "In the Middle" chanted that while we are in the middle of our trouble we need to praise. When we see trouble on the horizon we buffet the issue with prayer and praise as we brace for the onslaught. When we 'see light at the end of the tunnel'; it is easy to lift our voices in joy that our trial is coming to an end; but the real Hallelujah moment is when we are in the midst of the storm. We might be tired from the trial, uncertain of the length of the struggle and possibly not seeing an end anywhere in sight; but our power comes from focusing on the might of our God and not the fight.
    Today I challenge you to take your eyes off of the conflicts in your life and narrow your gaze upon the Almighty God of Creation; he is in it to win it!
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn