Ezekiel 3:1-"And he said to me, “Son of man, eat whatever you find here. Eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel.”
Tomorrow I am scheduled to have a routine check colonoscopy. In preparation for the procedure I was given a cleanser regimen and instructions on what to eat and what to avoid today. All of this prep work will assist the doctor in gathering clear images and make any disruptions or problems more visible. What, how and when we eat does contribute to our well-being. We hear it more often now than ever before - high glycemic index, bad carbs, low fat , gluten free, organic, free-ranged and farm raised. Regardless of where we decide to get our nourishment it is important to remember that it might not be so much what you eat but what you feed that matters.
If you are experiencing inner conflict and struggling to make a decision of what to choose; one thing is a guarantee - whatever you feed is what will grow. If you feed doubt... then uncertainty will flourish. If you feed confusion or chaos then your ability to make organized mature choices will starve to death and instability will take over.
Take a few moments and think about what you are feeding your soul. Is it the food that will make for a stable, healthy life or are you feeding it junk food? Avoid empty calories. Jesus is the bread of life.... this bread will not make you bloated or raise your blood sugar. Eat up!!! Get fat on faith and watch the healthy change that will sweep over you.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it s GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
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