8:7: “Though
thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should
greatly increase.”
Yes – some molehills do become mountains and some small brooks eventually flow to become rushing streams and formidable rivers. Small acorns have the potential to become mighty oaks and our small dreams can become colossal successes. What is the determining factor between what is now and what could be? Simply put – it is having joy and contentment in where we are now and giving God thanks for our small beginnings. I minister to a small gathering of elders at a local retirement community. Our numbers are not large and we cannot boast of decades of anniversaries. We are only been established less than a year but we are on fire for the Lord in similar fashion to the first established churches that lit up the 1st century with the Gospel. We are not consumed by membership drives or PR methods. Jesus said that if he is lifted up, HE will draw… so that is our focus and I encourage you to be thankful for the small beginnings; the slow starts; the limited engagements; the meager orders; the scant audiences; the less than expected turnouts. All of these small beginnings are just the seeds of the greater abundance that is to follow.
Maybe you planned and prepared for 50 and only 10 showed up; or you bought and prepped for 100 and only 25 placed orders; or you needed a contract for 3 months and they only needed your services for one. Give God thanks. In all things give God praise. We must use our small beginnings not only as stepping stones to higher levels, but also as proving ground for honing our skills; perfecting our craft and working out the kinks. Now it may be disappointing when things do not run as smoothly as planned, but when your numbers are low you get a change to work out all of the kinks. Use this ‘small’ time to make the necessary big changes that will garner success for you now and in the future.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
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