Monday, March 14, 2016

Faithful Tower

Proverbs 18:10 – “The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.”
     On Friday I received some news from a dear friend that devastated by soul and tried to take the joy from my spirit.  After a tearful emotional first response, I gathered my praise armor and went to battle to fight for my joy so that I could be a faithful and strong support to my friend.  I never lost my fire but the devil tried to use the flood of my own tears to drown out my flame.  After a great praise session and realizing that distractions can come in all forms; I am standing firm with my friend and on full burn. 
     Scripture tells us that there is power in the name of JESUS. The very name of our Lord is a strong tower, a place of refuge, a stronghold, a fortress. When things around you are chaotic and spiraling out of control; and it seems like all that you have ‘up’ is coming ‘down’ – call on the name of JESUS and run into his safety.  Don’t sweat the small stuff (and to our BIG GOD, everything is small stuff).  Call on the Lord Most High, trust, believe and receive the gift of peace. 
    Whatever is going on this week, know that God has a rescue tower with the light blinking brightly –JESUS, JESUS, JESUS! And all are welcome.  Notice that the scripture text says that the righteous RUN in and are safe.  Don’t hesitate; don’t be ashamed or second-guessing.  Break free from whatever is trying to frustrate you by attempting to steal or kill your dream or destroy your livelihood.  Throw down anything (or anyone) that might weigh you down and run and don’t look back.  Jesus waits with open arms.  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

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