Friday, January 30, 2015

Keep Calm!

Proverbs 17:27 - "Whoever restrains his words has knowledge,and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding."

     It can be challenging to stay calm when things around us cause frustration.  It can be down right aggravating to hold our tongues when situations or people push us to the brink of wanting to shout; but hold on and hold out!  God expects us to view every challenge as a way to demonstrate his love. That love might range from outward demonstrations of forgiveness and kindness to just remaining calm when a situation could become volatile. 
     God's  grace is more than sufficient to cover the madness of confrontation. If you find yourself in a potentially heated debate or could get entangled in road rage or a family misunderstanding; take a moment to evaluate and think- 'what would Jesus do' and what actions or words should I choose that will ultimately glorify God?  You could be in the right, but if your righteous indignation and standing up for yourself causes you to make a situation worse then it is better to leave it alone and stay on the side of the peacemaker. It is amazing how quickly the devil can turn a simple comment into a roaring argument. Don't fall prey to the temptation...keep calm and watch God intervene on your behalf.  
       Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Have an awesome weekend! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Monkey-free Back

Isaiah 58:6 - “Is not this the fast that I have chosen?  To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?”
The commonly used expression to ‘have a monkey on your back’ means that you are carrying a burden or a problem that you find difficult to get rid of.  During the 1940s, ‘monkey on the back’ acquired a new meaning — someone who had a monkey on his back was addicted to drugs.  Any way we look at the expression it refers to something that is annoying and difficult for us to shake off. 
God tells us through his scripture, as well as, through messages of the prophets and preachers that life in him is life in freedom.  When we are oppressed by the circumstances of life; challenges that seem overwhelming; or the onslaught of bad news from insensitive people, we do have a wonderful recourse.  We can seek the salvation and help of the Master who has the key to life and breaks every shackle that tries to bind us. 
Whether we are feeling the weight of physical addictions such as smoking, drug use, gluttony, fornication; or psychological oppressions like anger, gambling or lying; Jesus conquered death, hell and the grave to purchase us back from the snare of the enemy.  The devil knows how to set great traps and we all fall prey to some type of temptation now and then, but when there is an oppressive spirit that lingers around you and takes over your every waking thought… that is not the life more abundant that Jesus died to give.  Time to bring out the heavy artillery and slay that dragon once and for all.  Ephesians 6 tell us to put on the whole armor of God and a key piece of the battle gear is from verse 17 which tells us to take on the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.  Delve into the scriptures and find key promises from God concerning your addiction.  Write them out and insert your name where appropriate and speak them over yourself all day, every day and watch the stronghold on you lose its grip.  Focus not on the problem; but on the word of God which is Jesus Christ. 
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  2015 is the Year of Manifestation!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Shut It Up!

Daniel 6:22 - (CEB) “My God sent his messenger, who shut the lions’ mouths. They haven’t touched me because I was judged innocent before my God. I haven’t done anything wrong to you either, Your Majesty.”

      If you are like me, there are times when negative speaking people just get on your nerves so badly that you don’t want to be rude, but you really feel like telling them to ‘shut up’!  You keep offering encouraging word after encouraging word but it never seems to help them snap out of their downward spiral into negativity. Eventually interacting with them can drain even the most fully-stocked reservoir of its joy.  
      As a true extrovert, I draw my energy from the auras, strengths and energies around me. When the environment is stale and low-energy I immediately sense the bad vibe and I either rev it up or get out.  But what happens when you can do neither? In the case of Daniel, he was placed in the lion’s den.  Jealousy from negative people caused him to be put into an environment that was dangerous to his well-being. He could not ‘rev it up’ by fast talking the lions and he could not just get out.  
      The same can happened to us. Although we might not have to fear being thrown to the literal lions, we often are thrust into confrontations with people whose whole demeanor is to kill our spirit.  When we sense that we are in the midst of extreme irrationality or just plain ole negative people, the best solution is to be like Daniel.  He was fully prayed up.  His prayer life was so on fire that he had plenty of ‘energy’ in reserve.  He did not have to bargain or plead or struggle or beg.  He realized he was around vicious people who wanted him removed from the scene but he also realized that God had placed him there for a reason and had equipped him through their daily prayer relationship to handle anything that would come. 
I encourage you to stay prayed up; don’t worry about the nay-sayers - they will always be around – focus on your time with God so that when the trials come you will have nothing to do  but watch as God tells them to “shut it up”.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  2015 is the Year of Manifestation. Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Hang In There

2 Corinthians 1:7 (NIV)- “And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort.”
         Many of you started the beginning of 2015 by observing various cleansing, consecrating and strengthening 30-day fasts. You are almost there. You are 27 days in; with just a few more days to go to complete your period of dedication. Even if you might have slipped a bit along the way or had to modify your fasts to better fit your circumstances, nutritional state or health well-being; you are still on course and God is pleased.  Do not give up now! The closer you get to the finish line, the more fatiguing the journey will become; so this week is the true test.
     The devil will throw all types of roadblocks, frustrations, and temptations your way to sway you from the victory ribbon.  He will remind you of when you might have recently stumbled and chide that your completing this mission is tainted. Don’t listen - God gives new mercies each morning so you were renewed in your commitment as you picked yourself up and got back on course. The evil one will call you a quitter and remind you of past failures where you came so close, but did not complete the task.  Drown that noise out.  Demonic spirits will whisper in your ear temptations that usually would not shake you at all, but in your weakened state they’ll say, just like with Jesus that a little ‘bread’ won’t hurt. Ignore that babble. The only voice you need to listen to is the soothing sound of the Holy Spirit encouraging your soul to stay the course, complete your promise and watch as God honors your sacrifice by enlarging your territory; healing hurts and diseases; rebuilding relationships; opening doors of opportunity; closing traps of entanglement and showering you with prosperity of health, wealth and joy that passes all understanding.  Just a little bit more…  Get your second wind and hang in there. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Monday, January 26, 2015

Examine Yourself

2 Corinthians 13:5 - “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test? 6 And I trust that you will discover that we have not failed the test.” 
     My church service yesterday was, for lack of a better more literary term - ‘off the chain’.  Our pastor challenged us to examine our lives; not just for the sake of self-improvement or critical scrutiny; but to revisit the wonderful things that God has done through us.  Have you ever been slow to respond or non-responsive to your call or your ministry or your mission because you doubted your ability to be effective or slipped into a spirit of ‘fear’? Paul is admonishing the church at Corinth to review their actions, to examine and test themselves.  I am charging us today to do that very thing. 
     One of the statements that really hit home for me was when my Pastor asked – “how many possibly lay wounded on the side of the road because you doubted your ability to help?”  I had to really think of the many opportunities that I have had to assist others when I answered the call and how fulfilling it was to see God operate so magnificently through me; not because of me, but in spite of my shortcomings.  So how many more times was I apprehensive about exercising the power of God through me to be a catalyst of change in someone else’s life or circumstance?  Jesus’ blood covers us for a multitude of sins but if we are to be guilty of anything when we come before the Master, we do not want to be charged with disobedience, apprehension of duty or lack of enthusiasm when it comes to fulfilling his call upon our lives. 
     Examine yourself today. Have you squelched the power of God in your life by denying him the opportunity to use you to show his grace and mercy to the world?  Have you undermined his authority in your life by not paying attention to the wonderful muscles he has developed in your spiritual life for you to use against the enemy?  All that he has taken you through has built you up for greater victories.  Now is not the time to shy away or underestimate the wonder that God wants to perform through you.  Examine yourself and you will see that you are more than equipped to do even greater works through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. 

     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Friday, January 23, 2015

Peaceful Thanks

Colossians 3:15 -"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to the which also ye were called in one body; and be ye thankful."

       When peace sweeps over us, the overwhelming feeling of comfort and protection is what makes being in the presence of our Lord so sweet.  I employ you to take time today and allow the peace of God to write something special in your "book of life". Jesus left his disciples with a charge to proclaim the good news. He also told them to tarry so they would be empowered by the Holy Spirit and embraced with his peace.  There are many things that can be taken away from us; but two things can not - we have to give them up. One is our integrity and the other is our peace. 
        DO NOT give your peaceful existence away.  Hold on to it for dear life. There will always be those who wish, desire, crave, plot and even connive to push your buttons and relinquish your peace...don't let them.  Fight for the right to be joyous in any circumstance. Your peace is a direct gift from the Lord - cherish it and watch it guard your heart and soothe your soul.  Give God thanks for his love and peace and enjoy life to the fullest regardless of what comes your way.  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed. Have a peaceful weekend. 2015 is the Year of Manifestation.  Walk in your victory! Dr. JoAnn. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Remember When!!

Remember When!
Isaiah 50:10 - "Who among you fears the Lord?Who obeys the voice of His Servant?Who walks in darkness and has no light?nLet him trust in the name of the Lord and rely upon his God. "
      Faithful readers, yesterday was such a challenging technology day that I just had to go back to 'old school' logic or I would have lost my mind- up in here, up in here!!! After a few years of teaching an accelerated version of the Human Anatomy and Physiology course, this semester I am teaching the beginning level and over the Christmas holiday break I spent many days updating and generating new power point lectures, study guides, exams etc. Last week when classes resumed I was on top of my game and ready to roll.  Well here it is week two and my portable USB drive with all the stored data is corrupt and no longer functioning.  After hours of unsuccessfully working to restore and back up the data I had to come to the unsettling conclusion that i had to do something different and move on.
     In my own way I relied too much on this modern technology and did not have a recent backup.  Praise God I did have some old notes saved from 2008, so I grabbed a few colored markers, my notes and I taught my class the "old school" way - on the board.  When life's little nuances spring up to provide challenges; just rebuke any desire to get too frustrated. That is what the devil wants. He wants us bothered and off of our game. He wants us to lose focus and get so wrapped up in what does not work that we forget that God is a provider.  
      I had created those updated and modernized presentations by God's blessing and grace so I will use that same creative power to redo everything that I need (and you can bet I will save it my Dropbox this time).  I will rely on the God of Creation, the Ancient of Days to help me develop something even better than I could imagine.  Just because it is new, God will anoint it and empower it and me to make a difference for my students. 
          When things you prepare seem to fail or fall short, don't be thrown off your game- consult the one true God; trust in him and rely upon him to make the "next batch" even better. In the meantime rely upon what you know and keep stepping.  If the calculator malfunctions; take out paper and pencil.  If the microwave burns out; time to pull out the cookware. If you have to go back to square one don't worry. God is there; he is the same yesterday, today and forever. Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

For those of you in the Atlanta area. I teach Bible study Thursday night in Decatur, GA. Check out my website for full information.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

No Bad News

Psalm 40:4 -"Blessed is that man who makes the Lord his trust,And does not respect the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies."
We are on the move now!  We have staked our claim on this year being THE year! We have organized our plan, surveyed our resources and started the year with a bang.  Sure enough as soon as we are smooth sailing, into our path strolls a fast-talker or slow walker; someone whose whole design is to throw us off course or put a monkey wrench into our operation. Keep trusting the Lord and wait on his directions. Do not succumb to any get-rich schemes; weird diet supplememts or heart-bursting exercise videos. Be aware of hidden pyramid multi-level marketing scams and offers from foreign sources promising wealth for a small investment.  If it sounds too good to be true then most of the time it is!!!   Don't be fooled by flashy eyelashes, bulging biceps or the hope of getting something for nothing. People around are all suffering because they are trying get rich quick or lose 50 pounds overnight or change careers after taking one online course.  Don't let the foolish trappings of the unwise snare you; stay the course. The victory does not always go to the swift but to those who endure. Stay on course and with steady commitment. and trust in God you will soon see the things you are going after materialize. Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Come Back

Psalm 25:20-21-"Guard my life and rescue me;do not let me be put to shame,for I take refuge in you. May integrity and uprightness protect me,because my hope, Lord, is in you."
    On Sunday those who watched the football battle between the Green Bay Packers and the Seattle Seahawks know that we truly witnessed a "come back" for the record books.  As a Green Bay fan it saddened me to see our early lead subsequently dwindle down to be forced into overtime and eventually the agony of defeat; but let's look at it from the prospective of the Seahawks. The way the game started off with all of the errors and turnovers; those that watched the game with me teased of how the Seahawks had made it this far playing in that fashion.   Surely by half time the talk in the locker room centered on "getting their act together".  It is one thing to be defeated by spectacular plays; it is shameful when you hand the victory to your opponent. 
      David sang in this psalm that he put his trust and hope in God and that his safety and refuge rested in the Lord's protection.  He needed a come back and did not want to be put to shame before his enemies.  While we are fighting on the battlefield of life, we also will experience times when it seems we are fumbling, stumbling, and turning perfectly good situations over to those who want to defeat us.  People know how to get under our skin and no matter how much we rehearse what we will do and say when we encounter them; we forget the game plan, succumb to their taunts and lose our 'cool'.  Our behavior costs us some ground and we get set back. We know how to complete certain important tasks, yet we procrastinate and incur penalties. Some things we need to avoid all together or have minimum input, but somehow we end up with too many men (opinions) on the field. Like the Seahawks we need to use our timeouts wisely and meet with our Head Coach and regroup.  
      This is our year of victory and no matter how it might start off there is always the hope of a come back,  Forget about the mistakes you have made; the bad judgment calls you surrendered to or even the times when it seemed the ball was snatched out of your hands. It is time for your come back. Re-read the playbook (Bible); get into the huddle (worship with other believers to strengthen yourself); and trust the Head Coach (God). Victory is ours!   Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, January 19, 2015

"A Day ON"

1 Peter 4:10 -"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms."

      Happy King Holiday! The main mantra of this great celebratory day is - "A Day ON, not a Day OFF.  When most holidays roll around our first thoughts are usually about what we can do for ourselves- sleeping late, eating more than we should, watching more television and some times just goofing off with friends and family.  For the King day celebration we honor the slain civil rights leader and embody the teachings of Christ through the giving of ourselves by helping others. 
       Whether you decide to assist at a food bank, a homeless shelter, or visit a nursing home find a way today to extend a helping hand to someone in need. While it is awesome and extremely noteworthy to give to the "needy"; there are many services we can provide to people who are just in need of assistance.  A shut-in neighbor might need a few groceries; a friend who has to work but children are out of school could use a sitter; a tired friend could use a home cooked meal. Find a way to extend the love of God to show how good our God is.  We are his ambassadors and it is our duty to represent heaven on Earth. Enjoy your day ON! 
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Friday, January 16, 2015

Be of Good Cheer

Ecclesiastes 9:7 (HCSB) – “ Go, eat your bread with pleasure, and drink your wine with a cheerful heart, for God has already accepted your works.”

       Well it is the close of another business week and we will hear periodically throughout the day – “TGIF” –“Thank God It’s Friday”.  We have made it through Lazy Monday, Hump Day Wednesday and now we are getting geared up for the weekend and all of its activities.  Many will use the end of the week to tie up loose ends and prepare for a weekend of pure leisure; while others may have to work a shift or two on Saturday and/or Sunday, so Friday is no different from any other day.  Whatever your course, take time out to enjoy this day.  Like all those that proceeded it and all that will follow – it is a day that the Lord has made and we shall (should) rejoice and be glad in it.  The key phrase is that we will be glad ‘’IN” it.  Be an active part of the day.  Don’t let the day slip by; the hours roll on and the time fly without really taking a moment or two to enjoy the essence of the day.  God created this day with special favors just for you.  If your heart is receptive, it will instinctively know that cheerfulness has its own rewards. 
       The things we have done are already perceived by God and he acknowledges that he has accepted our works…now it is time to quiet our spirits and rest in his blessings. All your struggles, trials, triumphs and victories of the week are about to brush up against the weekend with one main outcome-you survived and God wants to share this day  in fellowship with you.  Each day God grants new mercies so that we have a clean slate to embrace all the options that the day will bring.

Be of good cheer; God has established a place for you to revive, revitalize, recover, rediscover and rejuvenate. Take advantage of it and relax in his care.   Whatever issue might be bombarding you and trying to impinge on your peace – if you can’t dismiss it totally (what good does worry do?); then at least toss it to the back burner until next week.  There is a good reason why God requires man to rest – we need it. Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Have a cheerful weekend.  2015 is the Year of Manifestation. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, January 15, 2015

God's Love Letter

Deuteronomy 32:1-4 – “Earth and Sky, listen to what I say! Israel, I will teach you. My words will be like gentle rain on tender young plants, or like dew on the grass. 3 Join with me in praising the wonderful name of the Lord our God. 4 The Lord is a mighty rock, and he never does wrong. God can always be trusted to bring justice.

Today’s reference scripture comes from the beginning of a song that God gave to Moses with the instructions to teach it to the children of Israel. Each time they sang it they would be reminded of the great works of God and his tender mercies.  The poem delineates the course of events that God carved through history to develop them as a people; to watch their numbers multiply; to deliver them from bondage and to set them on a path to the land of promise and provision.The song (poem) is indeed a love letter reminding the reader that through all of the adversity, God hears us. Though we may believe we are alone and forgotten, that God is working behind the scenes.  When we are wandering aimlessly and not certain which way to turn, God is our present help in time of need.  He is a sheltering cloud when things are too intense and a warming fire when the cold world turns against us.  
The poem give warnings about our behavior and the need to follow God’s instructions. It gives guidance for living a fruitful and purposeful life and shows that even when we mess up God is ever present to pick us up, dust us off and put us back on the right path.  Just as the children of Israel were about to stake their claim in the Promised Land, God has certain laws we must also follow to rightfully stake our claim on the dreams, plans and purposes he has entrusted to us.   This love letter tells it all and it is just as pertinent today as it was in the time of Moses.  God is the same yesterday, today and forever and his love is boundless and his mercy endureth to all generations.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  2015 is the Year of Manifestation. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Where Is The Love?

1 John 4:20 - "If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?"

      We hear, see and read reports of violence against people because they want to exercise their right to free speech. Children of all ages are being swept into modern-day slave trades and everywhere we turn there are reports of racial and ethnic prejudices.  Many of the ills we witness now stem from the simple truth that genuine love is missing from the equation.  
       We all need to take a moment and think about areas in our own personal lives where we can sweeten them with love. Love is patient and love is kind.  When we run into situations.where we are forced to wait or are delayed and we have the option to fully express our dislike of the whole affair; it might be more loving to "grin and bear it". Why shout at the poor clerk or customer service representative when showing kindness can reap great rewards. 
        Love is long suffering. Love teaches us to abide; love demonstrates resilience when we might want to give up.  Is there someone you want to avoid or have given up on? The actions or words of that person may affect you differently when processed through eyes and ears refocused by love. It isn't easy to handle all things more lovingly, but God expects us to shape our actions built on a foundation of love.  
      God so loved the world that he gave. We can never out love God but he does want us to give it the old college try.  Find a way today to show love to someone who needs a reminder that love conquers all. Start by looking in the mirror and telling yourself how much God loves you- so much so that he sent his only son, Jesus to die just for you. No greater love has a man, than he lay down his life for a friend. You are a friend of God. Share the love!  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  2015 is the Year of Manifestation. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Clean Up and Clear Out

Leviticus 10:10 (ESV) – “You are to distinguish between the holy and the common, and between the unclean and the clean.”

When the New Year began many of us followed the old tradition of cleaning our houses of unnecessary clutter and began the year with better organization and less chaos. We gave away items that we no longer used or needed and we finally threw away old junk that was just taking up space.  We re-organized shelves and some of us even applied a coat or two of new paint.  We were starting fresh and wanted our environment to reflect the new order of things. 
We know how awkward it can be to have to step over and around clutter that has accumulated on the floor. Dancing around piles of shoes, clothing, magazines or newspapers can be nerve-racking. Once we clean up, it is necessary to clear it out. As a borderline OCD clean-aholic, it makes my skin crawl to see junk piled up in corners for no reason. Once we get it out of the way – take care of it and put it out.  It is essential for us to keep our living spaces free from contamination and debris and this means both in the physical and the spiritual sense. Once you have gotten your spirit renewed and revitalized and you are working on a new course for the New Year, all that ‘stuff’ that God pointed out to you to remove from your life needs to be completely cleared away.  It is great that you acknowledged the need to remove the old stuff and it was courageous a deed to actually put in the work to clean up your act, but the final deed of clearing it out needs to be completed. Don’t let the stuff linger in the corners and somehow find its way back into the middle of your life. Who would sweep a floor and collect the trash in a dust pan then leave the dust pan in a place where the debris can soon be scattered again. Take a survey. What have you cleaned up…but not cleared out!! Get ‘er gone!
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  2015 is the Year of Manifestation.  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, January 12, 2015

Blind Spot

Psalm 146:8 – “The Lord makes the blind see again. The Lord helps those who are in trouble. The Lord loves those who do right.”

Those of us who drive know that there are particular areas around our vehicle known as ‘blind spots’. When we are driving, changing lanes or backing up it is often difficult or nearly impossible to see anything that is lingering in that blind spot.  When zooming down the freeway at more than 60 mph it can be quite daunting to attempt to change lanes; look for clearance, move in that direction; only hear the rapid rhapsody of a car horn giving warning that the space is already occupied.  It is evident at that moment that the other driver is in our blind spot. Whether the blind spots are created by the design of the car; the annoyance of blinding sunlight or crippling darkness; or too many packages in the backseat, they can be distracting or even devastating.

            Our scripture today reminds us that God makes all things clear for those who love him and live righteously.  There are many blind spots that surround us every day.  Things that by design are purposed to try to throw us off track; to cause frustration; or to cripple us from moving forward are no match for our Lord who makes all things clear.  Some people may try to sabotage or blindside you, but God will make their motives known before they can even finish developing their wicked plans.  He will sound a horn of warning. What others may try to do for evil, God will use it for your greater good.  Be cautious in your daily walk, but do not be anxious about anything. Do your very best and let God handle the rest.  We cannot be everywhere, seeing everything, all the time – BUT GOD DOES! So let him handle the blind spots; we just have to proceed with caution and listen for the warnings.  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  2015 is the Year of Manifestation.  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Friday, January 9, 2015

Don't Worry-Be Happy

Matthew 6:27- "Will all your worries add a single moment to your life?"

        It is hard to believe that this time next week we will be well into the middle of this first month in the new year! Time is flying and many of us are already into our  new projects for 2015. For me this is the Year of Manifestation. All the promises that God has so faithfully guarded will materialize in some form or fashion this year.  Many of you are also aware that the harvest is white and ready to be gathered.  What we may not clearly see is that the only thing standing between us and our destiny is fear,  
        Fear can show itself in many ways; but two of the most debilitating forms are  procrastination and worry.  With procrastination the fear of failure or success stifles us from even beginning a forward progression. It is as if we are just sitting in a parked car.   Worry on the other hand allows us to get started but before we can make any appreciable progress we are always applying the brake.  Worry causes us to second guess ourselves and takes our eyes off of what is important.  
         We are just in the first quarter of the game with great opportunities ahead, We do not want to spin our wheels and get bogged down in unnecessary "mud". Think positively about everything; especially obstacles that try to cause us to brake (break).  When we encounter these challenges it is imperative that we show God that we trust him; and two great ways to accomplish that is in attitude and behavior. Old School Bobby Mcferrin got it right when he popularized the saying- Don't worry, be happy!  Modern day singer Pharrell William backs this up with the "Happy Song".  Let's take a clue from these gentlemen and stay happy.  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Have a fun and safe weekend. Be  blessed! Dr. JoAnn.  

Thursday, January 8, 2015

EXIT - This Way!

1 Corinthians 10:13 – “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to humanity. God is faithful, and He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation He will also provide a way of escape so that you are able to bear it.”
            Fire Marshalls do routine inspections of buildings and facilities and look for records of emergency evacuation plans.  Schools and businesses are required to practice fire and emergency drills.  Hospitals and health care facilities must know how to transport non-ambulatory patients in care of fire, flood, or any life-threatening assault.  All of these actions require that personnel responsible must know the layout of the building; they must have an action plan in place and they must practice the plan so that when or if an emergency does arise, they will not be unorganized, panicked or ineffective in securing the lives of those under their care and their own safety.
            God gives us many instructions in his word of what we need to do to live productive and safe lives.  He gives warnings and precepts about fear, pre-marital sex; infidelity, greed, covetousness, and even laziness.  If we follow these guidelines we are more likely to steer clear of many ills and dangers. But God knows our nature and therefore he also has some added assistance -in case of emergency.  When temptation or testing or just the vicissitudes of life bear too hard upon us, God does factor in plans for our ‘escape’.  Just like the lit signs above doorways, these EXITs are strategically placed to make sure that we not only see them, but that we can use them in times of need.  The only way to make the best use of these EXITs  is of course  to 1) know that they exist;  2) know where they are;  and 3) know where they lead.
            God’s plan for us includes EXITs to help us escape from areas that are too taxing upon us to allow for our success.  Before you might fold under a certain pressure or succumb to a temptation that could ruin your life or set you back tremendously, these little EXITs  light up and if you are wise you will “Exit – stage right” and use the opportunity to regroup.    Don’t’ be ashamed to bow out for a moment and get your head on straight; it is better to run than to burn.

         You are out with friends and want just one more ‘little’ drink to cap the night off; but somehow the bartender just can’t seem to make it just the right way and you keep sending it back….take that EXIT.  You meet someone and there is just somethingggggg about them that you can’t quite put your finger on, but red flags start waving and bells go off in your head….take that EXIT.  You feel like just skipping out on work early or going someplace you really don’t need to visit and you can’t find your car keys right away or you keep fumbling and dropping them…take that EXIT.  Like the song from the Color Purple – “God is trying to tell you something”.  
          Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  2015 is the Year of Manifestation. Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Trust God

Trust God!
Hebrews 6:18 (ERV)- "These two things cannot change: God cannot lie when he says something, and he cannot lie when he makes an oath.So these two things are a great help to us who have come to God for safety. They encourage us to hold on to the hope that is ours."
    As we move into this year I joyfully remind us that we are so blessed to serve a God who not only loves us but always keeps his word. Remember his promises and rest assured that he is working in front and behind the scenes to bring every good work together for our greater good. Of course his ways are so much higher than ours and his thoughts more divine; so we may never actually follow his line of reasoning or thoroughly understand his actions. It is key for us to trust him.  
       I am not sure to whom the credit goes but I have often heard it said that "when you can not see God's hand, trust God's heart".  In essence, we may not see how things are unfolding or how our prayers are being answered but our hope and trust are anchored in the fact that God is good; God is love; God rewards those who diligently seek him; God wants great things for his children; God is powerful and is a provider. There many, many more wonderful traits of God but just these few I listed gives assurance that our All-powerful Father loves his children (us) and wants the best for us; and is able to grant it.  
       God is not capable or culpable of lying. His word is sure. So put away any fears, frustrations, anxieties, doubts or uncertainties and TRUST God.  You may not see results right away but like any good gardener once you plant a seed (asking in prayer) you don't go back every day and dig the seed up to see if it is growing; you trust that the soil is right, the seed is good and you wait for the sprout.  But even then when the little plant emerges from the top soil you don't pluck it out. You leave it, fertilize and water it and the most important thing is you keep the weeds around it from choking it out. Get rid of the weeds of 'impatience', 'doubt', and 'distraction'.  God has got you and your prayers in mind. Trust him!  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. 2015 is The Year of Manifestation! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Guard Your Ear Gate

1 Chronicles 17:20   - “Lord, there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears.”
         We have to be very careful about what we allow to impact us; especially things that come in through our ears.  The design of the ear is for stereophonic perception of what enters into our ear canals. We hear and are able to locate the magnitude, intensity, and direction of sound. What bombards us impinges upon us; and takes on many forms before we actually get to the point of deciphering what is heard. Our anatomy is designed to take sound waves and transform them into mechanical, chemical and eventually electrical energy.  
        Unlike our mouths which have lips or our eyes which have lids to close off any unwanted entrance, our ears are passageways open to the external environment. We can try to ignore certain sounds and even focus on other things to try to draw our attention away from things we do not want to hear; but the reality of it is that there is always the opportunity for things to enter our ear gate.
       Of even more importance is that we must be aware of how what we hear affects us; our well-being and emotional state.  There is a direct correlation between what we hear and how we feel.  When we hear tragic news we often carry the sadness upon us.  When we hear jovial music we might even get into the beat by rocking and moving to the groove.  When we hear sounds that are too loud or traumatic we often jump with surprise and our hearts will race. When soothing sounds of ocean waves or birds singing in the morning caresses us, we may take on a serene feeling of splendor. 
    Be careful what you allow to enter into your ear gate. Be cautious about the music or people you listen to and television shows you watch; even if you only have the boob tube on for company while you do other activities, your ears are still open.  Be aware of the music, conversations and even street sounds that you permit to consistently penetrate you through your auditory canal.  Constant discussions of terrorism, infidelity, misogyny, adultery and murder can wear on the soul. Reality shows, night-time dramas and even some television evangelists and boot-leg preachers will clamber for your precious ear time to fill it with garbage.  Be aware that some preachers were called; some just went.  Be mindful of what is really being said to you and over you.  And be a watchful ear for what is bombarding your children and your family.  If in doubt – ask the Holy Spirit for discernment and believe me when irrational or ungodly things try to come your way; they will irritate you so much you will know without a shadow of doubt that they need to be dispelled.  Guard your ear gate and protect your spirit. Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. 2015 is the Year of Manifestation! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Black Box

Proverbs 18:10 – “The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.”
       In recent news we learned of yet another tragic plane crash where there are no survivors.  Rescue and salvage workers searched desperately for clues and any hints of why the plane filled with more than one hundred passengers met such an untimely end.  One of the key pieces they look for in the wreckage is the flight recorder or “black box”.  This device, which seems to be made of indestructible material, is designed to record all of the pertinent data associated with the airplane-the mechanics, flight pattern, audio and digital messages and various other pieces of information related to the entire course of the plane’s mission.  One of the favorite monologues of many comedians in order to bring levity to such a tragic situation is to offer one seemingly off-beat but plausible suggestion. Why not make the entire plane out of the material they use to construct the ‘black box’?  If that little device can withstand midair collisions, mile-high plummets to the ground, undersea pressures, subzero and Saharan temperatures, then surely that should be the material of choice.  I definitely want to be able to rely upon the fact that the vessel I am in will not only stand up against the ravages of outside forces, but keep me safe and sound on the inside.
       However we know that we cannot put our total trust in armored vehicles, memory bumpers, seatbelts or airbags. There are few things in this world that we can rely upon 100%; even so-called ‘sure things’ have no guarantees. The smartest and most innovative engineers can design the best possible items to protect us but in the long run we must know that our only defense against any and everything in this world is our trust and belief in the protective and loving power of Jesus Christ.  Scripture tells us that there is power in the name of JESUS.
       The very name of our Lord is a strong tower, a place of refuge, a stronghold, a fortress. When things around you are chaotic and spiraling out of control; and it seems like all that you have ‘up’ is coming ‘down’ – call on the name of JESUS and run into his safety.  Don’t sweat the small stuff (and to our BIG GOD, everything is small stuff).  Call on the Lord Most High, trust, believe and receive the gift of peace. 
       Whatever is going on this week, know that God has a rescue tower with the light blinking brightly –JESUS, JESUS, JESUS! And all are welcome.  Notice that the scripture text says that the righteous RUN in and are safe.  Don’t hesitate; don’t be ashamed or second-guessing.  Break free from whatever is trying to frustrate you by attempting to steal or kill your dream or destroy your livelihood.  Throw down anything (or anyone) that might weigh you down and run and don’t look back.  Jesus waits with open arms.  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  2015 is the Year of Manifestation!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Friday, January 2, 2015

It's Your Time!

It's Your Time!
Joshua 3:7- "And the Lord said to Joshua, “Today I will begin to exalt you in the eyes of all Israel, so they may know that I am with you as I was with Moses."

      After the death of Moses, Joshua took on the role of leading the nation of Israel into the promised land. He was faithful in following and serving Moses and capable and courageous for the task, but God knew that was not enough. In order to be truly effective the people needed to "see" that Joshua did not just inherit the position because he was next in line, but because it was his God-ordained and appointed time to be in the lead position. Joshua did not ask God for favor nor did he command the people to listen to, obey and respect him. He simply kept doing what he had been assigned to do and God made the royal decree and backed it up with signs and wonders. 
    2015 is your time.  You have been faithful, on point, serving and doing God's will; often without recognition, reward or even compensation. You might have even taken some hits because you chose to stand on the side of righteousness; but alas your time is now. God is working right now to exalt you so that those who might doubt will have no recourse.  This is your year... this is your time. All that you have done is not in vain; but don't try to force your hand; let God work on your behalf, if you want to be frustrated put your hands in it -if you want it fixed let God handle it.  Trust God - you have sacrificed and been faithful - it's your time.  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed. See you Monday! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Auld Lang Syne

Philippians 3:13 (TLB)- “No, dear brothers, I am still not all I should be, but I am bringing all my energies to bear on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.”
When we transition from the old year into the New Year it has been customary to do the familiar countdown – 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 –shouting “HAPPY NEW YEAR”.  We blow our whistles, rattle our noise makers, hug and kiss even perfect strangers and those in secular setting will fake through a verse or two of "Auld Lang Syne".  Many of us may be in religious or family setting where we usher in the New Year on our knees in prayer and praise.  Some will swing into the New Year in grand style at lavish parties, while many may follow the haps from around the world in the comfort of their homes via television broadcasts.
Regardless of where you are one thing is for certain when the clock strikes midnight many will see this New Year as a new opportunity to salute and say farewell to the old and prepare to conquer new ground.  The saying Auld Lang Syne is from a Scot traditional folk song and loosely translated into English says "for (the sake of) old times".
For the sake of old times, we remember the people, the places, the events, the challenges and the triumphs that the old year presented.  For the sake of old times we remember and relish the lessons we were taught and the impact those lessons will have on where are now to go. To truly cherish old times does not mean that we wallow in the old, or try to remain in its grasp, but we appreciate the old by forging new paths rooted and grounded in what the old had to offer.

 Now it is it time to forget the old; not the essence of the lessons, but forget in the sense that now we must turn it loose and grab hold of the new. Like a trapeze artist in motion, use the old as a catapult to thrust forward to catch the new.  To some it may be just another day on the calendar; just another sunrise on the horizon or just another shift at work; but those who know that every day God grants brand new mercies, this new day of the New Year is special for many reasons. Like the Sankofa bird, look back upon the past for what it has brought but keep your feet and momentum pointed forward as your move into your new destiny.  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Dr. JoAnn