Luke 9:6 – “6 So they
departed and went through the towns, preaching the gospel and healing
Last week I was honored to bring the message of hope at the Vesper
Service at my aunt’s retirement community. This coming Sunday I am blessed to
be asked to deliver the sermon at my own church. Whenever we can share the good news of Christ
with others we should consider it a privilege and do whatever is necessary to
make it happen. We can never know how
our message might impact the lives of others.
I recall a story I read
a while ago about a man who was walking to church one night and saw four boys
hanging out on a street corner. He decided
to invite them to go with him and they did.
They went back again the following Sunday and eventually these four boys
became the nucleus of the Sunday school class that the gentleman began to
Years later some of the
man’s friends decided to throw him a surprise birthday party and decided to
invite the four boys to send special letters to be presented to their old
teacher. Their letters were real eye
openers. One boy had become a missionary
to China, one was president of the US Federal Reserve, one was the private secretary
to President Herbert Hoover and the fourth was- President Hoover himself.
Sometimes our small
encounters are God-encounters that take place when we are busy with other
things or on our way to somewhere else.
If we are not prepared or aware, we will miss a real blessing, a chance
to grow and an opportunity to put God’s interest ahead of our own. This weekend you might not be invited to
preach from a pulpit, but you can surely share the word of God, a simple scripture
or word of encouragement with a friend, a family member, or a stranger as you
wait in line.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT
day. Enjoy your weekend. See you on Monday. Share the Word Victoriously! Be Blessed!
Dr. JoAnn