Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Glory Bound

Romans 8:18 – “ I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”
      “Push”, “Push”, “Bear Down, Breath and Push”.. It has been 33 years, but I can still hear the doctor, nurses and attendances coaching me through the final stages of the birthing of my first son.  The contractions were unrelenting, the pressure and pain indescribable but ohhhhh the joy of hearing my baby draw his first breath and let out a cooing cry was undeniable.  When they placed his warm, big (nearly 9 pound) body on my chest, I forgot all about the months of nausea, leg cramps, back aches and the other irritables that plague pregnant women. 
      Whatever we go through in this present age; whether we believe we were given the ‘short end the stick’ or dealt a hand of horrible life cards; it is no comparison to the blessed glory that God had set for us.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you see the brighter side that is to come and focus on that joy.  Remember in the end…WE WIN!!!
      Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Monday, March 11, 2019

Hang in There

1 Peter 2:20 – “For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God.”
     Are you participating in activities that do altruistic services?  Some civic, local and religious organizations foster outreach programs during Lent for their members to participate in reaching out and ministering to the masses. During these activities it is easy to get sideswiped by ungrateful attitudes, hurriedly organized or executed plans; changing agendas; or just plain old fatigue from operating on a restricted fasting diet. Regardless of the outer influences let me encourage you to stay the course; endure to the end.
     Keep the promises and covenants that you have ushered before the Lord. Pray for strength to complete your fast; your Bible reading; and physical challenges. The devil wishes for us to grow weary and abandon our causes; but we will not be dismayed by his prodding nor shall we give into the temptation to postpone or delay activities that God wants us to complete during this Lent preparation time. You have what it takes to make it all the way. Pull upon the grace and mercy of the Holy Spirit to empower you to stay on course. I believe in you and more important to your success is the fact that God believes in and loves you and he has your back.
     If you have had some struggles and may have fallen off of the wagon don’t let that discourage you. Maybe you gave up your favorite indulgence - chocolate and just the other day you slipped and had that crafty Snickers candy bar that kept calling your name. Don’t worry; all is not lost. You are not a failure. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on track. Failure only occurs when you give up – not when you fall. You are a winner and this week will be the best week ever!
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed.   Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Friday, March 8, 2019

Mediocre Won't Do

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) – “ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
     We need to start dreaming and thinking bigger. We should want to extend our faith to challenge the promises of God given through the words found in today’s scripture. It states that God has a predetermined set of goals for us. He isn’t just leading us rough-shod through life with minute by minute emotionally-guided directions. Know that he had long thought-out and designed the plans he has for us. And those plans are great plans for our benefit and his glory. We are not operating with a road map with a hole in the middle of the page or a compass with a broken spring. No, if we are wise, we are following the path laid out for us by a creative and loving God. In these plans he tells us that we will have great benefits and that no harm is to befall us. Yes, we will have challenges and yes, there will probably be some uphill battles and some downward slippery slopes; but all of those are a part of the process.
     So we need to open our minds and clear out the limitations. We need to think big and far-reaching. If we can get there on our own, what is the need for a miracle-working God? God wants to show us his magnificent glory; bathe us in his awesome love; support us with his unyielding favor and provide for us with the splendor and majesty of his kingdom. Think BIG!! Go for it and watch as God puts the things you need in your path; the people you need in your presence and the advice you need in your ear.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Just Right!

Genesis 2:18: - Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.”
     Don't be in a rush to unite with someone just because you don't want to be alone. Being lonely and alone are two different realities. You can be in the midst of a bustling crowd or in an intimate gathering of people and yet be lonely. You can also be isolated by yourself and be in the best of company. I love my quiet time with myself; I often say that if others like your company you ought to love your own company; and I surely do. Nobody can make me laugh about silly stuff quite like me. Does this mean that I prefer to be alone? - Well yeah, sometimes, but I anticipate with great joy the day that God unites me with a life companion whom I can continue to grow older with. But one thing is for sure, I am not going to rush into any situation just because others have someone and I am by myself.
     Some couples are mis-matched because they rushed into situations and now they are just too locked in to even want to do anything but complain, grumble and unfortunately- cheat. The scripture says that God is fashioning someone just right for me and perfecting me just right for someone special. Will he be perfect? Not in the sense that most might evaluate, but he will be perfect for me, with all of my idiosyncrasies and foibles; and I will be perfect for him. My idea of a perfect companion is too tainted by my carnality; so I am looking forward to enjoying what my Creator is preparing for me. Some might think it is a long time coming. And that might be true... nobody but a hermit wants to be alone, but as a famous saying pronounces - "[Good] things come to those who wait ...as long as they know what they are waiting for". (Ralph Waldo Emerson). And I am waiting for a sure thing - God!
    God has already planned the perfect companion just for you. So whether you are a teen new to the dating scene or divorced and jumping back on the merri-go-round again, remember to enjoy life to the fullest as God prepares you and your soul mate to meet. Jesus came that you would have life and life more abundantly - not for you to put your life on hold while kissing every frog that jumps in your path.
    Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed - Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Righteous Desires

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten Season:

Romans 8:5 – “Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.”
       My mom and aunts often spoke about wise words from my maternal grandmother. Among her favorite wisdom quotes was for her children to ‘never desire for something so badly that it causes you to deny your character’. In essence if we think or dwell on anything so profusely that it consumes us to the point where we will do anything to have or get it…it becomes an idol and separates us from our true source, which is God. Conversely, as we think on and abide in the things of the spirit, we are drawn into closer relationship with God. The bottom line is… what do we have our minds set on?
       Do we spend too much time wrestling with earthly concerns and not on kingdom aspirations? Do we tend to worry about the here and now so much we forget God is the author and finisher of everything? The time we waste dwelling on temporal problems, tangible goods and things that will rust or rot away, we could and should be spending perfecting our love relationship with our Creator. As we do this, He provides for all of our daily needs and grants the peace that will allow us the freedom to wait and not fret.
       Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven; but to do that our minds must be set on what the Spirit desires. What are your chief desires? Do you need a mind ‘re’-set? We all do from time to time. Our minds must continually be trained to focus on what is good, and lovely and not succumb to the world’s desires.
      Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Joshua 24: 27 – “Then Joshua said to all the people, “This stone will help you remember what we said today. This stone was here when the Lord was speaking to us today. So this stone will be something that helps you remember what happened today.”
     We all have occasions to look briefly back at things we long forgot and for a few fleeting moments we reminisce and even cherish the thoughts of those items, people, events and circumstances that were so special at the time. God knew that the mind of man was fleeting and that if it were not for the practice of providing mementoes we would allow too many important things to ‘fade to black”. In the scripture for today, Joshua had a large stone placed by an oak tree near the Lord’s Holy tent so that they would remember the promise they had made to serve the Lord. 
      God will provide similar tokens or keepsakes to help us remember our ultimate purpose and to stay on track. We can hear a certain song and be thrown immediately into praise. Our souls will leap and our spirits soar just at the mention of a certain scripture. Nothing takes me quicker down memory lane of my own decision to accept Jesus as my personal Savior than to hear the melody of “How Great Thou Art”.
     As we travel through life it is important to place a few ‘stones’ along the way to help us remember the valuable things that God has done for, through, because and in spite of us. It is needed that our souls be reminded of where we have come from and how far God has brought us. Let us never be too busy or too important to put up a ‘marker’ as God provides miracles in our lives; so that when time and distance separates us from them we can see these reminders and have a ‘flash back’ of how good our God has always been, is and will always be.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Monday, March 4, 2019

Back to the Familiar

Genesis 31:3 - “Then the Lord said to Jacob, “Return to the land of your ancestors and to your kindred, and I will be with you.”
     Welllllll .....holidays, celebrations and just plain ole greediness slid into the picture over the past few months and I found myself adding on unwanted pounds. I decided to listen to the ‘talk’ and try the “Keto” diet craze. It was great at first but like anything that is extreme it was not sustainable and definitely not for me.
    Well I am back at what is familiar and successful for me. I made a conscientious (adult) decision to return to the common sense pattern of healthy eating regimen that led to my having a successful weight loss and maintenance for the past few years. I didn’t follow any wild, flash-in-the-pan “lose 20 pounds in a week” scheme; I prayed and asked God to help me make the right choices for the body he had created for me. Who knows better how something works than the designer; so I did what was best for me and it worked. So today marks the beginning of returning to the familiar.
       Pray for my resolve and I will pray that whatever things you have strayed from (that you know work) will become revitalized in your life. Ignore the get-rich-quick- things; stay away from the ‘no-money-needed’ real estate deals; run from the ‘win-a-free-trip-by-listening- to-a-1-hour-presentation’ trick. Some new adventures are great and may work for others; but be weary of things that aren’t right for you.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Friday, March 1, 2019

Green Pastures

Psalm 23:2 -“He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.” (KJV)
     I am not one who sleeps a lot or takes naps but I do understand the need and purpose of getting rest. I may not slow down in the eyes of some, but I do find adequate time to rejuvenate and replenish myself. Our God knows what is best for us and it seems like a shame that he has to make us rest; but it is true. For some of us if it were not for the fact that our bodies would shut down we probably would not slow down long enough to replenish and refresh.
      Our society has placed such high value on performance that we often neglect the fundamental needs of the human body in order to ‘make the grade’, ‘finish the chore’ or produce the deliverable’. If you have to work a 60 hour week to prove to your boss that you are a valuable employee you need to rethink what you are trying to prove and who you are trying to impress. Some familiar sayings tell us that hard work and perseverance are honorable and garner great results; but the truth of the matter is that much can also be undermined when the body is tired; the mind is fatigued and the soul is wearied.
     If we try to operate when we are overtaxed and overdue for some much needed down time, we can make careless mistakes that can prove to be either costly or detrimental. We hear of police traffic reports where fatalities are caused because someone falls asleep behind the wheel. Homes have been destroyed when weary moms doze off while cooking. Both of these examples show what can happen when insufficient rest can cause us to make decisions that can impact our lives and the lives of others. God knows the limitations of human capacity and therefore he designed us to require rest and sleep.
     If we do not heed God’s instructions we jeopardize our health and well-being. If you are tired take the time to rejuvenate. Whatever it is it can wait until you can clearly and rationally make a well thought out decision. Don’t let God have to put you flat on your back in a hospital bed before you learn to lie down in the green pastures he has provided.
     Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT power-filled day. Have a restful weekend. See you on Monday. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Tomorrow's Harvest

Galatians 6:7 – “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”
     As Americans come to the close of the month long celebration of African American (Black) History it is imperative that we not only remember the devastation of generations of enslaved men, women and children but more importance is to focus on the grace of the journey and the impact on future generations. Some say “what is in the past is past– let it go – stop bringing up old stuff”. While it is true that forgiveness is needed, we must not forget what nor why things happened so that the errors of the past should not be repeated. As an African American I thoroughly believe it is necessary to revisit some things to make sure we do not miss gleaning the important lessons of humanity.
     Frederick Douglass, former slave and crusader for human rights stated –“No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck.” In the act of dehumanizing others, we dehumanize ourselves. The apostle Paul put it another way when he wrote today’s scripture reference. It tells us that our choices have consequences – and that includes how we treat others. When we chose to hate, that hate can return to us in the form of consequences that we can never fully prepare for. And remember one seed always multiples when it is sown. Do not plant today the bitter fruit you, your children and grandchildren will have to digest tomorrow.
     As we have opportunity to do good, let us not grow weary in doing so. Plant today what you want to reap later and be careful how you treat others. 
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

What a Ride!!

Psalm 90:10 (ERV) - “We live about 70 years, or, if we are strong, 80 years. But most of them are filled with hard work and pain. Then, suddenly, the years are gone, and we fly away.”
     There is no time like the present to make the most of the life that God provides for us. We should not procrastinate about starting projects or completing tasks. The writer of this Psalm tells us that life with its ups and downs and its capacity to be briefly lengthened carries a definitive end date, therefore we should not waste even a single moment.
     In a few months I will celebrate my 40th graduation year from my undergraduate alma mater, Spelman College. Whew! It seems like just yesterday I was sending in my admissions application. As an impressionable teenager I thought I had all the time in the world and that ‘stuff’ just took too long to happen. Certain events, especially summer and Christmas vacations went on forever. But the older I have gotten the more I realize how quickly time does fly. We get involved in day-to-day activities and when we finally look up years have zoomed by.
     Many have spoken about the tragedy that our cemeteries are full of some of the most unique and potentially successful ideas that never took root. We should strive to drain the total essence from the life given to us. I am not sure who authored this next statement, but I thoroughly try to live by it: “Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming – WOW – What a ride!!”.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Embrace Correction

Genesis 4:6-7. “And the Lord said to Cain, Why are you angry? And why do you look sad and depressed and dejected? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin crouches at your door; its desire is for you, but you must master it”.
      When Cain and Abel presented their offerings to God, scripture reveals that Abel’s gift was accepted yet Cain’s was not. Many have speculated why Cain was rejected. Was it because his offering was not his first or his best? What was his attitude and behavior when he presented his gifts to God? We can no doubt postulate many reasons but one thing is sure; Cain was given opportunity to make right whatever was wrong and he did not. He took the need for ‘correction’ and turned his inadequacy upon his brother Abel.
      This is an example of what to not do! Corrective criticism can be one of our greatest allies when we are seeking to improve our present state. When someone finds fault in what you have done or plan to do, don’t get angry or depressed. Even criticism that comes unsolicited or tainted with mockery can serve a vast purpose in elevating you to higher heights. Take heed at what is told to you. You may not like the message nor the messenger, but get the information and don’t lose the opportunity to fine tune your act. Sometimes great gifts come in ugly packaging.
     Use to your advantage the criticism levied at you. For a knife to have a better cutting edge it must be ground against a rough surface. You cannot sharpen a knife on cotton, but it can be honed into a shiny winnowing cutting tool by simply repeatedly scraping it against a rock. The abrasion of the hard times and the decision to not give up are the tools that will make you sharp and ready for action. God may use your abrasive boss, teacher, spouse, in-law or grumpy neighbor to shape you into the precise tool he needs for his Kingdom. Embrace and rejoice in each new lesson.
   Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Monday, February 25, 2019


Mark 8:38(RSV)-“For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of man also be ashamed, when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”
     Next month during church service we will mark the founder’s obedience to the call of God as we celebrate our church’s 133rd anniversary with prayer, praise and testimonies. It will be wonderful to hear faithful members speak of the goodness of God with recounts of healings; homes and reconciled relationships. As each person speaks we will all draw strength from their testimonies to face our futures with even brighter expectations and hope.
     It is important for the Body of Christ to testify. It serves several great purposes. First and foremost the acknowledgement upon which it is anchored honors God as a means of giving thanks for what he has done. In sharing the acts or deeds that God provides we let others know that God is always listening and addressing the issues of our hearts. Speaking out about God’s providential care lets the non-believers know that we serve a God who cares about every aspect of our lives. Testimonies record sequentially the works of the Father; which allows us to ‘flip back’ through the pages of our history to refresh and renew our commitment to God and each other.
     Do not be ashamed of your life in Christ or the ways which God orchestrates to bring change. When it is your time, I am sure you want Jesus to stand boldly before the throne of Grace and shout your worthiness to the God of Creation. What might seem trivial or just commonplace to you could be a great testimony for someone struggling to see or move to the next level in their faith. Your words could provide the reassurance they need or the framework of how to address an issue. . Just telling how long you prayed before the answer manifested itself, could give a fellow believer the freedom to trust God’s heart when they cannot see God’s hand. Open up and share your story. We need to hear it.     Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Share Victoriously! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Friday, February 22, 2019


My Hometown
Posted 2-26-14
Reposted 2-24-17

  Today’s power scripture comes from John 1:46
“And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.”
North, south, east or west; each region believes that it is best.  Geography seems to matter a lot to some people.  They claim one area has the best food while another brags about its cultural base and another of its desirable weather.  As Christ was developing his earthy ministry one of the newcomers commented about the homeland of Christ suggesting that nothing good could be associated with Nazareth.
Do not be ashamed of where you come from or your family’s background no matter how unsophisticated or simple it might seem in comparison to others. Most of us who can trace our family tree back a few generations will find humble beginnings.  After all, Christ came from a lowly station in life to demonstrate to the world that God uses whatever and wherever he chooses to make his purpose known.  Maybe your grandmother could not read, but she could wash and iron and save to make sure her children went to school.  Or maybe college was not the path for dad and he chose military service which forced the family to relocate often.  And so what if incarcerations or unplanned pregnancies or addictions snared members of your family; we are who God says that we are; not what circumstance tries to dictate.
God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. He used a harlot from Jericho; a concerned traveler from Samaria; a woman at a well; a shepherd boy from Bethlehem and he can use you too. Whether you are from the heights of Cherry Hill, NJ; New Orleans’ 9th Ward; the streets of south Central LA; the south side of Chicago; the ritzy shores of Southampton or a barrio in Albuquerque, your life is important and the contribution you make to this world is not about where you come from but where you are going! Hurray for your hometown.  Have an awesome weekend.  See you on Monday!
Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT. Be blessed!  Rev.Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Security Blanket

Psalm 105:39 (ERV)-“The Lord spread out his cloud like a blanket.  He used his column of fire to give his people light at night.”
     When there is a little nip in the air and the coolness puts a slight chill in the room; there is nothing quite as comforting as snuggling under the warmth of a blanket. Not too heavy like a quilt or comforter; not too light like a throw or linen sheet; but just the right amount of weight and coverage to chase the chill away.
     God’s love and mercy shrouds us like a soothing blanket. It surrounds our hurts and envelopes our being. When God was leading the children of Israel on their sojourn through the wilderness he provided shade by day and fire by night through the use of a cloud blanket. It covered them from the harshness of the sun as they pilgrimed through the heat each day and then in the evening it would light the sky to pierce the darkness and keep them warm.
     As we live and journey through this life, God has all we need to keep us comfortable, secure, and protected. We may not always know which way to go; what to do, who to trust; or what decisions to make, but one thing we can always rely upon and it is that God’s love will always blanket us and provide for us. Feeling a little chilled? Need some protection from the harshness of everyday life? God is our security blanket and a present help in the time of need.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Remedy for Fear

Psalm 34:4 –“I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”
     Former President Franklin D. Roosevelt hoped to ignite an optimistic outlook about the floundering economy during the Great Depression so he declared – “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Fear often shows up in our lives when we are at risk of losing something – our wealth, health, reputation, position, safety, family, and/or friends. It reveals our innate desire to protect the things in life that are important to us, rather than fully entrusting them to God’s care and control. When fear takes over, it ripples us emotionally and saps us spiritually. We are afraid to tell others about Christ, to extend our lives and resources for the benefit of others, or to venture into new territory. A fearful spirit is more vulnerable to the enemy, who tempts us to compromise biblical convictions and to take matters into our own hands.
     The remedy for fear, of course, is trust in our Creator. Only when we trust the reality of God’s presence, power, protection, and provision for our lives can we share the joy that today’s scripture references - trusting in the Lord is the cure for a fearful spirit.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Excerpt from Daily Bread (2/20/12)- Joe Stowell

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Not Long Hidden

Hebrews 11:6 – “ [God] is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him”
    Often at the end of one of my more strenuous lectures I will conclude my presentation with a few fun slides that contain pictures of hidden images. Most of my students will see the obvious picture right away. Some, after a few moments, will declare that they see the other images coming into focus. It comes easy for a few while others struggle. 
      Those who do not give up and continue to stare at and search the screen will soon see other images evolve from the 2-dimensional hideaway. Some will leave their seats, approach the screen, turning their heads and bodies in all directions. And even though they could not readily see the hidden image, they believed it was there because others had seen it. Sure enough with time, patience and persistence almost everyone will be able to discern the hidden picture.
      Their persistence is a reminder of the importance of having the same tenacity in matter of faith. The danger for those who doubt is that they stop looking for God because they believe He cannot be found in their situation or that he has left them on their own. God promised that those who seek Him with all their heart and soul will find Him (Deuteronomy 4:29) and our scripture today confirms that God rewards those who diligently seek Him.
     If you struggle to believe, remember the example of the hidden picture; just because you don’t readily see Him does not mean he does not exist or that he is not there. Keep seeking Him and watch Him graciously reveal Himself to you.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Monday, February 18, 2019

Our God is Working!

Habakkuk 3:18 – “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.”
     Yesterday a very good friend shared his inspired insight with the congregation of my church as he preached a sermon entitled “Our God is Working”. Bracing his comments on Ephesians 6:12 which tells us that our fight is not against mortal man but against the wilds of darkness, I want to share with you an excerpt from a passage that speaks to this truth.
     Life in our world can be difficult. At some point, most of us have wondered, “where is God in my trouble?” and we may have thought, “it seems like injustice is winning and God is silent”. We have a choice as to how we respond to our troubles. The prophet Habakkuk had an attitude worth following – he made the choice to rejoice.
     Habakkuk saw the rapid increase in Judah’s moral and spiritual failings, and this disturbed him deeply. But God’s response troubled him even more. God would use the wicked nation of Babylon to punish Judah. Habakkuk did not fully understand this, but he could rejoice because he had learned to rely on the wisdom, justice and sovereignty of God. He concluded his book with a wonderful affirmation (which is today’s scripture reference). Though it was not clear how Judah would survive, Habakkuk had learned to trust God amid injustice, suffering, and loss.. He would live by his faith in God alone. With this kind of faith came joy in God, despite the circumstances surrounding him.
     We too can rejoice in our trials, have surefooted confidence in God, and live on the heights of His sovereignty. We can have full confidence that God is working and in loving him in our trails the burdens turn into blessings
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

*Excerpt from Our Daily Bread - 12/29/11 Marvin Williams

Bright Lights

John 1:5 (NIV) – “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
     I am convinced that there is no darkness like a pitch black night under a Georgia sky. On a moonless, overcast night where no light from celestial bodies penetrates through the blackness; there seems to be such vast emptiness that it is difficult to see your hand in front of your face. The darkness is so pervasive it seems that you can almost carve through it with a knife.
       One very dark night I was driving home from a semi-rural area on the outskirts of town. I had to use my high beam light setting because regular light just did not seem to illuminate the road well enough and I could barely see anything off on the side. Deer and other nocturnal animals are deadly dangerous when they amble into the roadway and get mesmerized by the car lights. The old adage – “deer in the headlights” to depict someone who is physically there but mentally somewhere else is a good analogy of what happens when we rumble around in the dark (sin) and then are thrust into the loving light of Jesus.
     When we are living in sin we are hanging around the fringes of life. God has great things for us and he needs us to get off the side lines and cross over into the blessings he has prepared for us. Like deer, the longer we linger in the darkness on the sidelines of living, the more blinded we are when we find our way into the Light. Don’t be like the illusive deer which stand motionless in the middle of their decision; - should it return to the familiarity of the darkness; should it run for unknown territory or remain mesmerized in the middle of the road?
       As I traveled toward my home I noticed that many of the cars that were coming toward me and racing into the blackness of the rural countryside were equipped with high intensity halogen headlights. They cast a wide beam of light so bright it appears to be blue rather than white. Jesus is the LIGHT of the world and when we put him first in our lives he will illuminate all that is around us and pierce into the darkness to make our way safe and comfortable. Don’t get used to having one foot in the dark and the other testing the light. God wants our whole commitment. We must consistently ask the Holy Spirit to show us areas where we are too comfortable on the edge of darkness. Pray for Jesus to shine his Light on those situations and rebuke the sin and its dangers away from our lives.
     Every day is a good day. It is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be Blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Friday, February 15, 2019

Peeking -vs- Seeking

Jeremiah 29:13 (CEV) – “When you search for me, yes, search for me with all your heart, you will find me.”
     “Stop using the refrigerator for an air conditioner”, I used to say to my oldest son, when as a teenager he stood in front of the open appliance trying to locate a snack. He would never move any items but would simply open the door and stare into the contents as if he believed what he wanted would maneuver itself to the front and jump into his hands.
      In the scripture for today, God tells us that he is available, willing and ready to be found but our looking must be conscientiously done. We must seek God with fervor, diligence and commitment. We can’t just scrap along the surface with premeditated prayers, closed-mouthed praise and time-limited worship. We cannot put God in a box and expect that every time we need him, he will pop-up like a Jack-in-the-box and respond methodically. We must seek, hunt, pursue, search, inquire, and go after our relationship with God with gusto and enthusiasm.
     Even in our carnal thinking we place more value on things that we have to pursue. Things that are ‘free’ or easy to acquire are often not as treasured or cherished. We say that we get what we pay for. Well if we think this about leather versus pleather; perfume versus cologne or prime rib versus hamburger; then it is not too far-fetched to see how the original God that we serve deserves our undivided and uncompromised attention. Give God your best; seek him with your whole heart; love him with your total being and watch him make himself more visible and tangible in your life. 
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Security Blanket

Psalm 105:39 (ERV)-“The Lord spread out his cloud like a blanket. He used his column of fire to give his people light at night.”
     When there is a little nip in the air and the coolness puts a slight chill in the room; there is nothing quite as comforting as snuggling under the warmth of a blanket. Not too heavy like a quilt or comforter; not too light like a throw or linen sheet; but just the right amount of weight and coverage to chase the chill away.
      God’s love and mercy shrouds us like a soothing blanket. It surrounds our hurts and envelopes our being. When God was leading the children of Israel on their sojourn through the wilderness he provided shade by day and fire by night through the use of a cloud blanket. It covered them from the harshness of the sun as they pilgrimed through the heat each day and then in the evening it would light the sky to pierce the darkness and keep them warm.
       As we live and journey through this life, God has all we need to keep us comfortable, secure, and protected. We may not always know which way to go; what to do, who to trust; or what decisions to make, but one thing we can always rely upon and it is that God’s love will always blanket us and provide for us. Feeling a little chilled? Need some protection from the harshness of everyday life? God is our security blanket and a present help in the time of need.

      Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


1 John 4:18 (HCSB) – “There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment. So the one who fears has not reached perfection in love.”     Fear is a tool of the evil one and will appear without warning or invitation. We have to be mindful that fear creeps in and hangs around waiting for a vulnerable place to slide into our consciousness. It will try to make itself at home whenever we take our eyes off of the true ‘love’ that God proves.
      When we look into the eyes of our problems; we stare into nothingness and lose focus of the love that God has for us. Don’t give problems that much attention. Our scripture tells us that fear cannot and will not abide where there is love. God is love; perfect love; and where God is -fear cannot be. Fear tries to intimidate and instigate our emotions to work against us. Every bump in the night becomes an intruder; every low tone becomes a whisper against us; every slight pain is malignant and like every other lie of the devil it can be chased away just by the mention of the name of Jesus.
      Do not let fear, which is False Evidence Appearing Real, linger. When it tries to creep in and take over speak out against it. Give God the glory and usher in the courage that the Holy Spirit brings. Take courage in the form of love. Love yourself and take courage in your God-given ability to call out fear and take its power away. Don’t be afraid to try, to do, to advance, to fail, to get back up and try again, to explore, to stand up for yourself, to listen, to learn, to be all that you can be. Love will conquer all.
      Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Chosen By The Best

John 15:16(ESV) – “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.”
      Yesterday I received an inspiring call from a very dear friend who shared today’s scripture with me and then offered prayer.  It was a wonderful praise time as she and I reminisced of how God has blessed us through trusting us with his assignments.  We have been chosen, selected, and hand-picked to live the life that God has ordained.  The ups and downs, ins and outs, peaks and valleys are all a part of the assignment that God has entrusted to us; empowered us to complete and constantly monitors us to give the provisions that we need to be successful. 
When life presents challenges to us that just seem unsurmountable, it is refreshing to remember that God is in control and that he has not fallen asleep at the wheel.  He is fully knowledgeable about our every circumstance and if we continue to trust him and lean upon his Holy name, we will defeat all the snares of the enemy and overcome the obstacles that stand in our path.  The road may not be easy and often it seems that others have a better time than we do, but do not be dismayed – God is so on top of our situation and he loves us so much.  Remember, when you can’t see God’s hand, and you are uncertain about his plan, trust in his heart.  He is awesome, magnificent, sovereign and good!
      Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Monday, February 11, 2019

Do Not Criticize Small Beginnings

Job 8:7:  “Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.”
      Yes – some molehills do become mountains and some small brooks eventually flow to become rushing streams and formidable rivers. Small acorns have the potential to become mighty oaks and our small dreams can become colossal successes. What is the determining factor between what is now and what could be? Simply put – it is having joy and contentment in where we are now and giving God thanks for our small beginnings.
      I minister to a small gathering of elders at a local retirement community. Our numbers are not large and we cannot boast of decades of anniversaries. We are only been established less than a year but we are on fire for the Lord in similar fashion to the first established churches that lit up the 1st century with the Gospel. We are not consumed by membership drives or PR methods. Jesus said that if he is lifted up, HE will draw… so that is our focus and I encourage you to be thankful for the small beginnings; the slow starts; the limited engagements; the meager orders; the scant audiences; the less than expected turnouts. All of these small beginnings are just the seeds of the greater abundance that is to follow. 

       Maybe you planned and prepared for 50 and only 10 showed up; or you bought and prepped for 100 and only 25 placed orders; or you needed a contract for 3 months and they only needed your services for one. Give God thanks. In all things give God praise. We must use our small beginnings not only as stepping stones to higher levels, but also as proving ground for honing our skills; perfecting our craft and working out the kinks. Now it may be disappointing when things do not run as smoothly as planned, but when your numbers are low you get a change to work out all of the kinks. Use this ‘small’ time to make the necessary big changes that will garner success for you now and in the future.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Friday, February 8, 2019

Cross Your I’s and Dot Your T’s

Matthew 5:18 (Expanded Bible) -“I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth ·are gone [pass away; disappear], not even·the smallest letter [one jot;one iota; the smallest Greek letter] or the smallest·part [stroke;tittle] of a letter will·be lost [pass away; disappear] until everything has happened [is accomplished/achieved].”
     It has been said that as representatives of the God’s kingdom we might be the only sermon some others may ever hear or the only Bible they might read. In essence our actions, words and deeds are constantly being observed, evaluated and critiqued. Some look to us for strength of how to handle difficult situations; others try to figure out how we can maintain such uncanny peace in the midst of turmoil. Whatever the outside observers see or feel it is imperative that we, as ambassadors of the Most High God, uphold a level of integrity and honor; which means we must be mindful of the ‘details’.
      Jesus in his statement as recorded in Matthew declared that not even the smallest increment would be overlooked or unfulfilled. We often exclaim that a project has been thoroughly checked out and that everything is in proper order when we state that every “i” has its dot and every “t” has been properly crossed. This indicates that everything is in the right place and there is no confusion. So should it be with those who love God. We must pay attention to how, when and where we speak so there is no confusion of our intentions. We must be reasonable in our dress and judicious about the places we visit, and careful of the company that we keep. What might seem like a triviality could carry volumetric ramifications. Be wise and pay attention to the details; others might be and we know that God is.
      Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

All for One and One for All

All for One and One for All

Today’s power scripture comes from 1 Corinthians 12:12 (ESV)

“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.”
Now that football season is officially over and the champions have been triumphantly cheered, many sports fans will turn their attentions to the next challenge of athletic prowess - basketball.  This happens to be my sport of choice. In my youth I enjoyed playing on our school’s intramural team, now I get total satisfaction off the court as a spectator.  Regardless of whether you are an armchair coach or a weekend player one thing is noted basketball, like life, is fast-paced and cannot be successful without teamwork.  While there may be a few star players whose skills set them apart from the rest, no one person can win a game.  The greatest players need assists and strong rebounders to help them set-up and make their shots.
As Christians we find this same team work is needed to help us navigate through life’s playing field.  God has set up the tournament; our Savior Jesus has already shown us the best plays and they are written down in a special play book (The Holy Bible) so that we can have easy access to them. The Holy Spirit is our daily coach and other believers are our team mates.  We must rely upon each other to avoid injuries; to outwit the underhanded dirty plays of the enemy team and come out on top.  Our success may depend upon us being in the foreground making the all-important lay-ups or it might mean that for certain plays we do not get our hands on the ball but put them up to guard against the wiles of the oppressing forces.  Don’t worry if you feel sidetracked or delayed. Sometimes we have to fake one direction to actually go in another or we have to stop dead in our tracks and pass the play on to another who is free to keep the action going.
Whatever station you are in life right now, whether running full press for a sure shot or taking your chance from outside the 3-point line or maybe you have been fouled and standing at the free throw line trying to make up for lost ground. Know that you have a team running right beside you ready to help.  And also don’t forget about those on the bench…getting rested up, prayed up and anointed to come back in and take us all on to victory. No man is an island. Don’t think you have to go it alone. If you are feeling isolated pray for God to raise up a team that can help you sharpen your skills and get the most out of this game called life.

Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT power-filled day.  Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Monday, February 4, 2019

Faithful Cheerleaders

John 2:5 (ESV) - “ His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
     This scripture comes from St. John’s Gospel depiction of the first public miracle performed by Jesus at the wedding in Cana. Mary, Jesus’ mother, was so resolved that he could handle the situation that she boldly made the proclamation to the servants to ‘do whatever he instructs you to do’. Jesus had not made wine appear out of nowhere before nor had he done any miracle for that matter, but his mom had such faith in him that she knew her son would handle the issue and that the celebratory family would not be embarrassed.
   I was thinking about all of the people in my life who had such support and faith in me that they, without hesitation, knew that whatever the task, I could handle it. I remember Corean Burns who started calling me Dr. JoAnn when I still had years to go before completing my doctorate. And Edith Abrams who urged me to give teaching a try. I can still hear the promptings of Kimberly Corbitt who saw ministry in me decades before I took my first seminary course. These people spoke into my life and often at times when I needed to hear that I could do it. They often provided me with the impetus to grasp for that second wind and to push across the finish line. Many of them may not have ever known just how vital that smile, hug, inspirational call or card impacted my ability to hold on and stay strong.
     We need to practice supporting one another even when we don’t actually foresee how things may turn out. God has the ultimate plan and the playbook strategies are all outlined and in the midst of it all everyone can use a great cheering squad. My charge to you today is ask the Holy Spirit to bring to your memory someone who could use a little pat on the back today; an impromptu phone call or even a surprise lunch visit and do your part to make today special for them. You could be the very reason someone’s whole day can be readjusted for success. Think about the last time someone spoke into your life at just the right time and how great it made you feel - Pass it on!
     Every day is a good day. It is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be Blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Friday, February 1, 2019

No Revenge

Romans 12:19 -“Never take your own revenge, beloved, but [a]leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.´(NAS)
     Some say that revenge is a dish best served cold. But the Bible tells us to avoid the temptation of seeking revenge. At some point in time, we have all been wronged in some manner. Whether we were the butt of a prank; cheated by a friend or the victim of identity theft and fraud; once we find or figure out how we have been duped the next thought is usually about how we can get back at the culprits.
     Jesus in his treatment of Judas Iscariot gives us a good example of how to react when we are treated in less than honorable ways. Although he was fully aware of the schemes and motivations of Judas, Jesus still permitted him to remain as one of the inner circle of disciples. He had a purpose to fulfill. We waste precious time and energy worrying and working on how to get back at perpetrators and soon we find that the people whom we seek vengeance upon have gone on with their lives and do not even have a shred of regret or remorse for what they have done.
    Stay focused on what God has in your destiny. Stay on your plan; work your ministry; study for your classes; advance on your job; love your family; care for your elders; try to express the love of God to those who lack love or the ability to express love. Let God handle those who have the nerve to mistreat you.
       Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, January 31, 2019

People Pleasing

Today’s power scripture comes from Galatians 1:10 (NLT)
“Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.”
    Everyone likes to be appreciated and loved. It is not atypical for someone to desire to be in good standing with family, friends, co-workers and other people in general. None of us can deny that at some point or another it felt good when we heard someone say complimentary things about us because of something we did or accomplished. The warning comes when we do activities or acts of kindness just to get the applause and cheers of the crowd. When we seek to get accolades from man, we soon learn that those cheers are hollow and short-lived. Even Jesus knew what it was like to be loved and adored with shouts of praise at the beginning of the week; only to be spat upon, hit and cursed by week’s end. How quickly cheers of ‘Hosanna’,’ Hosanna’ turned to ‘crucify him’,’ crucify him’.
    We were created to love and glorify God and in doing so our actions may lead others to appreciate our efforts; however that should never be our primary motivation. God looks at our hearts and judges our incentives. Today focus on why you do certain actions. Study your motivations and evaluate if you do things because you have genuine empathy for the situation or is it just routine, mundane and what others expect you to do as a people pleaser. If helping others is not deeply rooted in God’s grace and mercy the Holy Spirit will reveal this to you and will guide you in how to turn from being a people pleaser to a man or woman after God’s own heart.
    Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT power-filled day. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Favor Isn't Fair!

Psalm 90:17 (NIV ) - “May the favor (beauty) of the Lord our God rest on us;establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands.”
     Favor isn’t’ fair but it sure is fun. We all know the great sense of wonder that overwhelms us when we know we are standing under the shower of God’s favor. When opportunities arise out of nowhere; when people make us the recipients of random acts of kindness; when we find money in unexpected places or when needed items just happen to be on sale. Some may say that these are coincidences and that serendipity is at play when it appears that the cards have just fallen in the right place. But those of us who know that life is not by chance, but that our steps are so ordered and that God is always making provision for us; we know that it is not dumb luck. 
      We know that God’s favor falls upon us and we are appreciative. So the next time some ‘things’ just seem to fall into place or when you ‘lucked up’ on a good thing… don’t be fooled. Know that God’s favor and grace are upon his children and that he wants the best for us; even if that might be something as simple as a close parking space becoming available in the pouring rain. Give God Thanks!.
      Every day is a good day, it is up to us to make it a GREAT! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Be About God's Business

Proverbs 19:3 -“Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.
     Are you sitting on a ground-breaking new concept for a business or know a better way to organize and get things done? Are you working to make ends meet but not really satisfied with what you do? Do you have a longing to stop working for someone else and do your ’own thing’? Or maybe you are already in business but not experiencing the success or joy that ought to match your level of hard work? If any of these describe your present state of existence then it is time for you to stop dreaming about what it could be like to be a successful entrepreneur and be about God’s business. 
     Whatever your idea or concept, give it to God and trust him wholly. He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will and establish you in ways you could never imagine. Success God’s way is inevitable and long-term. 
 When you try to make things happen, even good things will not be sustained if they are outside of the will of God for your life. Brilliant ideas, careful planning and hard work will avail some progress but if you want to see the windows of heaven open to pour out unlimited blessings then it is time to align your thoughts with him. Take that innovative plan off of the back burner; pull that great idea off the top shelf; revamp that dusty business plan and take them to the Master in prayer.
     Every day is a good day, it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Monday, January 28, 2019

Why Not You?

1 Samuel 16:10-11 (New Living Translation) - “In the same way all seven of Jesse’s sons were presented to Samuel. But Samuel said to Jesse, “The Lord has not chosen any of these.” 11 Then Samuel asked, “Are these all the sons you have? There is still the youngest,” Jesse replied. “But he’s out in the fields watching the sheep and goats.”
     Not Jesse, nor his other sons, not even Samuel would have guessed that the person the Lord was selecting to be the next king would be the least of the family. David was the youngest and the most easily forgotten and overlooked. When Samuel first arrived to ‘interview’ Jesse’s family, David was not even invited to be a part of the celebration not to mention to be included in the running. When have you felt that you were the least likely candidate to be selected? Have you not attempted to even try because you felt you were not worthy or that your credentials were not impressive enough? Maybe you felt you did not have the right education or training or that your experience did not measure up. Like David maybe others have overlooked you because they felt you were insignificant… too young… too immature…to unseasoned…to rough around the edges. But don’t be fooled. God does not look at the same attributes that man deems to be important. God looks at the heart.
     If you feel inspired to do something…do it. That urging is the influence of the Holy Spirit to get you up and moving forward. He knows your abilities more so than you can ever imagine. Remember right now in our present state, God is here but at the same time he is also existing in our future. He knows what we are capable of becoming. So don’t’ let the naysayers of today stop you from launching out on the great future that is ahead for you. Don’t worry if they start the party without you. Just like in David’s case, they can do nothing until the honored guest arrives. And that is you. Why not you?
       Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Friday, January 25, 2019

Do It With Zeal!

Ezra 7:23 – “Whatever is commanded by the God of heaven, let it be done with zeal for the house of the God of heaven, or wrath will come upon the realm of the king and his heirs.”     As we wind down the week we are all thinking about ways to relax and rejuvenate. It might have been an ultra-busy time for you or it could a week of ‘business-as-usual; but whatever the course of the week has been do not let your enthusiasm and energy fire go too low as you approach your weekend activities. Usually we spend time with family and friends; tend to household chores and visit our places of worship over the weekend. We should give as much energy as possible to these areas as we give to our workplace and school activities. Be as zealous with our significant others, children and church members as we are with our bosses, clients and instructors. We need to give our best efforts to make sure they are supported, happy and appreciated and in return we too shall be blessed. We cannot pour perfume on others without a little getting on us too. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the needed ‘zeal’ to stay in the game and let others know how important they are to you.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Have a fabulous weekend. See you on Monday. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Joy of Patience

        James 1:2-4: “[Dear brothers, is your life full of difficulties and temptations? Then be happy, for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. So let it grow, and don’t try to squirm out of your problems. For when your patience is finally in full bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete.”
       As I reflect over the words of the text I could not help but chuckle to myself that in looking back over the hardships and frustrations many endure with layoffs, under-employment, furloughs and the government shut-down of the past month.  We have all experienced troubled times and probably can testify in accordance with today’s scripture that by now we must have the strength of Sampson. It seems whimsical but indeed these words from the brother of Jesus are so true.  When we realize that all things are orchestrated and under the control of a loving and powerful God; it is not hard to fathom that some of his methodologies to help us grow and progress will involve stretching us in uncomfortable areas.  These may on the surface appear to range from the pesky little reoccurring annoyances that teach us patience to the more tragically burdening difficulties that produce perseverance and fortitude.
      Regardless of what you are going through, REJOICE and again I say REJOICE. It may not be easy to look for the bright side, but do it…it is worth it.  Think on the hardships of Job, it wasn’t until he stopped pondering about his situation and gave prayers over his annoying friends that he received the full recompense for his loss.  So the next time life’s difficulties bear down upon you do not think about ‘why me?’, but glorify God that he trusts you enough, like Job, to be the purveyor of His will.  
      Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed patient day!   Be blessed Rev. Dr.  JoAnn

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Do Something!

Matthew 7:7 – “Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.”
     We have all heard sermons, read devotions and probably done personal bible study about this scripture. The key to the understanding of this verse is that it is an ‘action’ text. Asking, searching and knocking all require movement and action on our part. We cannot sit back, pray, hope and wait; thinking that things will just fall into place because we are good and faithful. The scripture reminds us that there is action needed to see the fruition of things we want to see come true.
     We can sit around and look pitiful or we can ask for help. We can wait for opportunity to call our names or we can hunt it down and tackle it. Whatever outcome is desired, some action is needed. Don’t live your life as the victim of circumstance; allowing life to just happen to you and then claiming it was all a part of God’s will. Stop lying on God and start going after all that he has provided. Do something and watch manifestations unfold.
     Every day is a good day it is up to us to make it a GREAT Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Get Organized!

1 Corinthians 14:40- “Let all things be done decently and in order.”
     With the promise of unrelenting rain and cold weather, I designated this past weekend for getting my office in order. I cleaned out file cabinets, shredded unnecessary documents, arranged office supplies and started setting up a new accessing system. It was tedious but the reward will come in the near future when it will be so much easier to file, access and distribute paperwork.
     Our scripture today reminds us that in ‘all’ things we must have a diligent sense of completing all tasks in a proper manner. Take some time to reorganize and revamp old systems that might be out of date and might not work so well. Check out new technologies that might make keeping up with your records more proficient. If clutter is a problem, there are websites specifically designed to help debunk the unnecessary. Find a way to work smarter and not harder so you can concentrate on the great new things that God has ordained for your 2019 journey.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to a make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Monday, January 21, 2019

Kingly Wisdom

Psalm 2:10 – “Now therefore, O kings, be wise; be warned, O rulers of the earth.”
     As we celebrate the life and legacy of civil rights leader, Martin Luther King, Jr., it is imperative that we honor the God who guided his steps and set him on the pathway of global recognition. Around the world people are familiar with the image and works of Dr. King and the more I learn of his life the more committed I am to serve. There are many stories of options Dr. King exercised that left him without the benefit of much of what he had earned. He would often give back or refuge stipends given for his preaching or public speaking. He did not even utilize the monetary gain from earning the Noble Peace Prize
     We too can learn to share beyond basic measure. Today we celebrate the King legacy by not using the holiday as a day ‘off’ but as a day “on”. Find someone who could use your assistance and make yourself available to help. Volunteer your services at a shelter, food bank, community clean-up project or a nursing home. We should be ‘on’ point to assist as needs arise. Use this day as a way to truly love God through service to mankind in remembrance of one of God’s faithful servants, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed and a blessing! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Friday, January 18, 2019

Awkward Surrender

Jeremiah 38:17 – “Then Jeremiah said to King Zedekiah, “The Lord God All-Powerful is the God of Israel. This is what he says, ‘If you surrender to the officials of the king of Babylon, your life will be saved, and Jerusalem will not be burned down. And you and your family will live.”
     Jeremiah was warning the people of Jerusalem that if they stayed they would perish, but if they went with the leading of God they would be saved. It seemed strange for them to give up their home, their stronghold, their familiar. To surrender – oh no! Yes, it appeared as if surrender was the end of the game, but what they did not realize was that sometimes we must have a temporary setback in order to have a future come back. Those that listened and fought their own feelings of abandonment found out that Jeremiah was telling the truth and that they were saved.
     There are instances in our lives when we just feel we have the right answer and we push ahead trying to make that solution a reality. Then God tells us something to the contrary and it seems like following that directive is as if we are giving up everything. It seems awkward to surrender; but what we must realize is that God knows the end of the story and is giving us a chance to rewrite the plot in our favor.
     Surrender to God, even when it seems uncomfortable, uncanny or unclear. God has your ‘salvation’ in mind and wants the best for you. Surrendering may involve pruning, pride destruction, relocation of resources or just plain isolation. But whatever it is; as God directs it is for your greater outcome in the end. Lean not to your own understanding but acknowledge God and he shall direct your path. This weekend is a great time to re-think and re-group!
      Every day is a good day; it is up to us to a make it a GREAT day! Have an awesome King Holiday weekend. See you on Monday. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Mind Set - Part 4 - Tell the Tale of the Tail

Exodus 4:4-5 “Then the Lord said to Moses, “Reach out your hand and take it by the tail” (and he reached out his hand and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand), (5) that they may believe that the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you.”
     Looking back at yesterday’s scripture, God instructed Moses to throw his staff to the ground and it became a serpent. In today’s scripture God tells him to pick it up. The odd thing to me about this command is that God tells him to pick it up by the tail. In all of my biological studies and of course the great animal planet shows I love to watch, it always seems that wildlife experts grab biting animals by the head to avoid the possibility to attack and injury. Picking a snake up by the tail gives its strong muscular body the ability to turn its head towards you to afflict pain with its fangs or to wrap itself around and immobilize you.
     This does not seem like a wise move, however if God tells you to do something and it seems out of the ordinary or even suspect…trust him and be obedient – then do not be afraid. As long as God is doing the instructing it will never hurt or harm you. As soon as Moses grabbed the snake, it came under his submission and turned back into a useful tool that Moses had total control to use. As soon as you grab your ‘snake’ it will be under your control. Sometimes you will have to forego the obvious and grab the ‘tiger by the tail’ and subdue it by the faith you have in God’s word. Reach out and take it by the tail. If its tail is exposed to you, then that means it has its back to you and thinks that you are no threat….show it the God that you serve and subdue it. Then when it is all said and done, testify about our God who can use anyone, anything, anywhere and at any time for his Glory!
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to a make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn