Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Down But Not Out

Acts 13:19-20 – “19 Then some Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and won the crowd over. They stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city, thinking he was dead. 20 But after the disciples had gathered around him, he got up and went back into the city. The next day he and Barnabas left for Derbe.” (NIV)
     The scripture for today highlights quite a few messages about the ministerial journeys of Paul and Barnabas but in particular I want to emphasize that being pushed down does not mean that you are out of the game. When Paul and Barnabas shared the Gospel with the Jewish leaders in Antioch and Iconium, they were not well received; so they turned their message to the Gentiles who hungrily accepted the word and converted to follow Jesus as Lord. This of course angered the Jewish leaders who conspired against Paul and Barnabas and turned the remaining crowd into a death-dealing mob who stoned Paul.
     It appeared that this was the end; or at least they thought so. But the disciples gathered around and Paul got up. Although it is not readily recorded in the text I am sure the in-dwelling Holy Spirit protected him. They assumed him to be dead, but he rose to his feet. He was revived enough that he went back into the city on his own power. He was not carried in on a stretcher or laid across the back of a mule or donkey. The lesson for us and the wonderful part of this is that he didn’t moan and groan and complain about his mistreatment and he didn’t stay in bed a week and go through a deep depression; he did not cower or hide out fearing for his life. The next day he got up early and was back on duty; he left and went to Derbe. There he preached with such fire that he won many new converts.
     We all have assignments, missions, tasks, duties, responsibilities, etc. that bring us more grief it seems than pleasure; but the work that God has entrusted to us must go on no matter what. If Paul can be stoned (nearly) to death, get up and go back to doing the same thing that got him beaten, surely we can keep going to the job (that’s paying us) and deal with the cranky boss, outrageous co-workers, mischievous students or insensitive customers or clients. Yes, we may get our feelings hurt, be embarrassed or even get shut out but no matter what – just because we are down, we are not out. Muster up the faith; remember your steps are ordered by God and he never leaves you so he is there with you through the hardships. He trusts you to complete the work. We might be feeling down, but we are not out… Go get ‘em!
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed – Rev. Dr. JoAnn

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