Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year- New You!

2 Corinthians 5:17 (RSV)  - “Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come.”

Every New Year many people embark on grand adventures of change and transition.  They resolve to eat better, lose weight, exercise more, stop smoking and a myriad of other decisions to change their lives or livelihoods.  All of these endeavors are wonderful and steeped in a great idea – the desire to live longer, stronger and healthier lives.  My charge to you and to me this year is to endeavor to not focus so much on trying to change who you are but to find the God –in you and bring that more to the surface. With that type of change we will see remarkable changes in all aspects of our lives. When we work so diligently to try to change ourselves we often get frustrated and what started off as a gung-ho, out-the-gate, no-holds-barred bronco ride soon teeters into a struggle to even remember by mid-February what our resolution was in the first place.

When we seek to walk closer to God and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the God-head in us, we cannot help but see lasting changes that will overtake and nourish us.  Our newness will be rooted in the will and purpose of God as he reveals himself to and through us and that type of transition is not just a simple change in dress or pants size or the ability to climb a flight of steps without wheezing… that change is an authentic metamorphosis; where we truly become brand new creatures.  Take a chance… go ahead make the diet and exercise adjustments; drop the coins in the piggy bank as you strive to diminish the foul language; buy that extra loud alarm clock and get to places on time for a change – but most of all surrender your life to God and allow him to make the true changes that will make a lasting difference.  Remember, only the things you do for Christ shall last.  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

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