While enjoying watching my favorite football team rally to victory on Sunday evening I was reminded that as we wind down and approach the finish line for this year, we must not get weary and give out just ahead of our goal. After injuries, miscalculations,fumbles and setbacks my team was undaunted in its pursuit of victory. When the opposition tried to catch up and overtake them they responded by staying focused and pushing on. We are to likewise stay our course, defend our faith and push through to the end.
As opposition and naysayers mount attacks against us it is imperative that we buckle down; put our shoulder to the grindstone and push on. We are so very close to making a change; making a difference; making the grade; now is not the time to get sidetracked. You are so close to victory you can almost taste it... evil entities, jealous friends, non-supportive family members and even sabotaging co-workers will seem to come out from left field to try and tackle you. Stay in the WORD; suit up in the full armor of God; ignore the distractions and push on. Push...push...push. Victory is within your grasp! Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
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