Luke 2:6 - "And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered."
As the time for Jesus' arrival drew near Mary's comfort level probably hit an all time low. Perched upon a donkey, whose backs are designed for strength and not a comfortable ride, we can only imagine that this soon-to-be mother was desperate for a place to stop and drop that burden. I can see Joseph frantically asking and searching for a place to provide relief for his young wife with her groans and moans echoing in the background "hurry, the baby is coming".
Many of us right now are on the verge of birthing something new in our lives. It was implanted in us by divine inspiration and we have nurtured and protected our dream, idea or plan for a long time. For whatever reason we might have been shifted from the way we thought our dream would come to reality. We might have envisioned a coming out grand entrance fit for a king. We might have even planned a red carpet type of debut but somehow life, resources, finances, other people's influences have now downsized our golden trumpets to simple noise makers. Nevertheless the baby is coming. God has ordained that it is now time. You may be experiencing discomfort, irritability, shortness of patience and the need to "push" on. These are all natural progressions that your "baby" has turned, dropped into the correct position and is ready to be birthed. Prepare yourself - it won't be long. All that you have gone through is not in vain. There is no need to try to get into a comfortable position, it does not exist. Pregnant women on the verge of labor know that is does not matter- there is no comfort that lasts. Whether sitting or standing, lying or leaning, walking or waddling there is no position that completely relieves the pressure. Restlessness takes over. So it might also be with you, as your upcoming dream delivery draws nearer; tossing and turning, indecision, even panic. Calm your spirit; trust the process.
Mary had done all she could; accepted the divine assignment; eaten properly, exercised and kept her body strong and now things were out of her control - her baby was coming whether she was in the place she had thought appropriate for such an important event or not. You have done all you can do, now it is the intrinsic nature of the dream to want to escape its confinement. Stop worrying about the "stuff" around your dream and enjoy the magnificence of what is about to happen. Get ready to push! Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Merry Christmas Eve! Dr. JoAnn
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