2 Samuel 22:7 - "In my trouble I called to the Lord.Yes, I cried out to my God for help.There in his temple he heard my voice.He heard my cry for help. "
It sometimes seems like stuff just keeps happening; one right after another. This past week was a great example of life's roller coaster at its finest. We can experience great ups and great downs with the mere clicking of the clock. The past weekend started in jubilation as we bid Bon Voyage to my son who moved across country to pursue the dream job of his passion. Then the beginning of the week met me with the physical exhaustion of moving into a new place. The packing, lift, hauling and unpacking surely wears upon you. (My prayer is that my next move will just simply be to donate everything to the Goodwill and have the resources to buy what I need when I get there.)
As the week progressed I learned of great progresses and devastating blows that impacted both me and those close to my heart and then to round it all off I got a case of food poisoning and I broke my favorite reading glasses beyond repair. And of course you know, in the shuffle of my moving, I can not locate my spare pair of glasses.
After waking up two days in a row with nausea and a spinning head, today when I woke up I felt so much better and all I could do was just cry. I am drained, hungry, exhausted, surrounded by boxes that need unpacking, yet I know all of this is still a part of God's plan. So I just cried out and praised God through my weariness, confusion and hurt.
I truly believe that my steps are ordered by God and sometimes those steps will lead us through paths that aren't so sunshiny and filled with wild flowers. Sometimes those steps are a steep incline that require us to sweat to get up. Sometimes those steps are rocky jagged places where we get cuts and bruises and sometimes those steps are rough muddy places where we get bogged down and it appears we might get stuck. But God is ever present and as today's scripture reminds us, he hears our cries. Nothing wrong with crying- it is a part of the human emotion God blessed us with- just be careful to not complain. God hears you! Loves you! And is right there to help you through each trial! Cry out unto God and give him praise and thanksgiving. As long as there is breath in our bodies to cry let us couple that with praise!
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Have a marvelous weekend. Happy Valentines Day birthday wishes to my brother Stanley and my uncle Arthur. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
I'm so glad you're feeling better Jo. Tears of joy and hurt this week yet God is still in control. I'm thanking God for your faithfulness through it all!