As responsible adults, good citizens and faithful believers it is imperative that we select and follow only righteous leaders. Whether these leaders are the heads of State, Board chairmen, PTA officers, over the local block club or organizing our summer family reunion; we must use our voting power to guard these offices against those who would misuse their power.The scripture makes it clear that three important traits should be demonstrative in the character of those who want the right to be in charge.
First they should be wise. We often get this mixed up with being smart. There are a lot of smart, book savvy people who do not use their intellect in wise or time-proven manners. They may be knowledgable about many subjects and can fast talk a lot of data and quote various laws, mandates, work policies and even scriptures, but wisdom is developed and perfected in time under the anointing of God. Old age does not guarantee wisdom and conversely there are some young people who are wise for their age.
Second, those in charge should be discerning; having a track record of making good decisions. There is nothing as important as experience when it comes to handling affairs. The act of having to weigh issues and draw conclusions involves critical thinking skills. Those who are going to lead must be able to think on their feet, use sound judgment, wrestle several perspectives and come to rational conclusions; all for the greater good of those they represent or lead.
A third and important trait for leaders is that they be well regarded. Being popular is not enough; that only means that they are known by a lot of people. Bullies and class clowns can be popular but that does not mean they are respected and appropriate for leadership. This is often the greatest downfall of those seeking position. We might be fooled by the charisma of the person into believing their song and dance act; but it might be masking the fact that they lack wisdom and discernment.
In many areas of our country those who were elected in November have officially taken office and it is key for us to be good citizens and WATCH for these traits in those who are called to serve. Fool us once (on Election Day) - shame on you. Fool us twice -shame on us!
Listen to your boss, keep an eye on the new supervisor, watch and pay attention. People can only fake it for so long. Soon their true nature will be exposed. If it is righteous everyone is blessed; but if there are signs of corruption, incompetence or just plain foolishness be careful who you follow. When the "bad" go down they love to take others with them. Stay alert.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
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