2 Corinthians 13:5- "Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified."
Another way to stay 'sharp' for use in the kingdom is to regularly examine ourselves, our motives and our motivations. What is the driving force behind our actions? What makes us want to complete some tasks and others we seem to constantly procrastinate on and place on the back burner? Do we do some things with more gusto when we know we will be evaluated, or judged or recognized or paid? Do we give it our all just because we want to do a good job and produce the best outcome? No one truly knows the workings of our hearts but God. We can even fool ourselves sometimes into believing we are on task for one thing when we could subconsciously have an ulterior motive.
Our scripture today encourages us to examine ourselves. Take a good look at the man/woman in the mirror; and be honest in your evaluation. Our examination is structured upon our faith. In essence, when we review how we talk, how we interact, how we respond in certain situations do we bolster it in faith or are we reactionary. Do we exhibit road rage when someone cuts us off or causes us to miss the light or do we consider through faith that maybe their actions caused us to delay just enough to avoid an accident just up ahead. Do we sulk or try to sabotage projects when a less qualified colleague gets a much sought-after promotion; or do we remember in faith that it is God who grants true advancement and something even better is just around the corner but he is testing to see our true spirit.
Let's be transparent and let the Jesus that lives in us and the Holy Spirit that operates through us keep us sharp. When we see flaws, and we ALL have them, ask the Holy Spirit to point out their root and to show the right course to pluck them from their source. All we need do is confess and God will wash us clean and teach us how to avoid future contamination.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
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