Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Better Safe

Matthew 25:10-12 – “And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. 11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. 12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.”

            An old adage states that it is "better to be safe than sorry".  In essence it is wiser to take precautions first than suffer unduly circumstances if anything goes awry.  We place saucers under house plants in case the water drains through, it will not ruin our furniture; we throw a jacket or umbrella in our car when we sense the weather might change; and we stop at the ATM just in case the establishment does not take credit or debit cards.  We try to be proactive and think of what could happen so we be can be prepared.  What counter measures we do depends not only on our resources but on how severe the aftermath could be if it ran its course.  Putting an extra amount in the parking meter might hinge on whether an infraction would result in ticketing, booting or towing.
           Our scripture today relates how Jesus explained the concept of the Kingdom using the story of ten bridesmaids awaiting the arrival of the bridegroom.  Five were wise and made proper preparation to keep their lamps burning; five were foolish and did not.  It is a wakeup call that we must be ready at all time. Regardless of the potential outcome; it is always best to be prepared. We do not want to miss out on the blessings of the Lord because we are not on point.  I am one who truly believes that what God has for me - is for me; so I don't fear 'not' getting what God has promised.... but I am fully persuaded that blessings can be detained, blocked and delayed.  I encourage you to rethink some areas where you are waiting for a breakthrough; could it be that the proper prep needs to be done?  We need to make sure we are not stifling what is for us.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be   blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, March 30, 2015

Scheduled Appointment

Exodus 9:5 (New English Translation) – ‘The Lord set an appointed time, saying, “Tomorrow the Lord will do this in the land."
          Today I am going to have a routine health check. I have a scheduled appointment; a special time set aside to be seen by the health professionals.  Although it may not be itched in stone and guaranteed 100%, I can rest pretty sure that when I arrive at the time they have assigned; I should within a reasonable time range expect to be seen.  In order to be able to take advantage of this appointment there are a few things that I must do prior to arrival.  First of all I have to make sure I have the correct date and time; I must arrange transportation; be sure I know the exact location where the tests need to be conducted; and if needed I must secure parking and office visit fees and possibly abstain from eating or drinking prior to the tests.  All of this must be prepared in advance so that when the hour of my appointment arrives I am in the right place, relaxed and ready to go. 
             There are things that we have contemplated, researched, prayed and petitioned before God and even had the nerve to suggest or tell him when we want it to happen.  It has been said that if you want to make God laugh – tell him your plans. Nevertheless, God loves to hear from us and for us to pour out our hearts and desires to him.  He is a loving Father who enjoys the company and conversation of his children; but in his infinite wisdom he not only cares for us but knows the right timing for everything that concerns us.  We pray all the time for changes to happen in our lives and in our circumstances…it is just a part of our human nature.  God knows what is best and therefore when he does answer prayer, and he often does, the caveat is that he provides the answer wrapped in timing that many of us do not understand.  But his timing is impeccable.  Just as we must prepare for laboratory tests, there is preparation that goes into waiting on God’s answers. 
              God has an appointed time for everything he has for us and he never misses an appointment.  He has everything in place and is prepared to take care of us when we are prepared and arrive in spirit and in truth to worship him.  Re-evaluate the most pressing prayer you have placed on the altar before God… have you done the prep work for it?  Have you planted the proper seed; flushed out the mental debris; made the sacrificial offering – when that is secured - now do what we must all do – go to the waiting room and wait.  God has an appointed time and he is never late.  

           Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Have a great start to a fabulous week!  Dr. JoAnn

Friday, March 27, 2015

Right Side

Right Side
John 21:9 – “And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.
We have all done it… tried and tried and when we thought it just could not be done or that our time was wasted and that nothing good would come of our struggle…Jesus shows up with the answer.  The disciples were seasoned and sea-worthy tradesmen who knew the best practices for being successful at fishing; but this venture provided new awareness for them and for us.  They had toiled all night and yet caught nothing.  I am sure they had gone to a favorite spot; used the best and sturdiest nets and even tried a couple of unlisted techniques to lure fish to them; but nothing worked.  As the dawn rose, they gave up the quest and decided to throw in the towel.
Jesus’ instructions were short, sweet and to the point – “cast and find”.  The disciples were wise enough to follow the instructions to the letter and it proved to be fruitful in a truly abundant way.  They drew in such a multitude of fish they could hardly haul them all to shore.  Jesus is our ever-present help in a time of trouble…in order to be in that position, it must mean that he is constantly with us.  In that way, Jesus sees and hears all that we go through.  He knows what we are up against and he knows when we are just about to lose heart and give up.  When life pushes us to the brink of exhaustion, Jesus will whisper to us simple instructions to make sure we are successful so that we do not give in.   Listen… you will be able to hear him guide you to the best place to complete your work.  Listen… you will be able to hear him provide all that you will need.  Don’t focus on what you have already tried; don’t worry that your old ways don’t seem to be cutting it; don’t spend too much time questioning why things aren’t going well; just listen for Jesus’ instructions.  The next time you are feeling defeated – take a moment to be quiet enough to hear what Jesus has to say.  Don’t spend time grumbling, complaining, sulking or even lamenting –just be quiet and listen…Jesus is talking. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Have a fabulous weekend.  See you on Monday. Be blessed!.  Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Impostor Alert!

Impostor Alert!
1 John 1:9 (KJV) – “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Happy Birthday to Me; to my son Steven and friends Byron and Ivan

         Usually on birthdays we express how grateful we are to have yet another year of life; and that is true.  We talk about how we are blessed to have the important things in life, such as health, a roof over our heads and abilities to see and hear etc.; and that is also true.  Today however, as I celebrate my 57th year on this global spinning ball, I want to express my birthday sentiments by giving God praise and asking forgiveness when I have not honored him by appreciating the life and mission he has given to me when I step outside of my purpose and try to take on his role.
     Earlier this week I lost another good friend and college classmate to death’s long sleep and while I know she is rested in the Lord, it makes me reflect on the frailty of life and the beauty of what we are given while we yet draw breath.  Each of us has an appointed mission and God’s gifts, talents and our acquired skills are all a part of the formulae for us to use in completing the work that we have been assigned.  Our journeys may be different and the ease or difficulty may range from rosy to stifling, but nevertheless God is in control and his grace is sufficient for our purposes.
      When we take on God’s job and many of us do on a daily basis, God is a gentleman and he will take his hands off and step aside.  He will not fight you to take care of you.  He will not argue or be belligerent.  When we step outside of our anointing and cozy up to things that are not a part of our concern we derail and possibly endanger ourselves, our progress and our success.  As we know in physics and geometry, a simple change in an angle at the beginning can lead to a wide variation or distortion at the end.  I have learned to not take the reins out of God’s hands for the devil will take those very lead lines and try to wrap them around our own necks until we will feel choked and subdued. 
     Thank you God for loving me so much that you not only sent your son to redeem me and solidity my salvation; but you allow me to surrender my life to you and you take such awesome care of me. I confess my sin of trying to be in control and I am grateful that as today’s scripture says – you are faithful in forgiving and cleansing.  Thank you for another year of life and I surrender my life totally to you. I will not be an impostor.  Use me Lord; use me for your glory.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed. Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Lighter Side

Proverbs 17:22 (ESV)-  "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."

     Recently I was looking through some old DVDs and came upon one that was a collection of old 'Three Stooges' clips.  I chucked for a few moments as I read the descriptions of the high jinks I remembered that had been captured on film. These men gave endless spoofs of comedic discourse throughout my childhood as they played pranks on each other, as well as, got mixed up in many fool hardy schemes.  But no matter the situation or the outcome they provided countless episodes of laughter and escape.
      Daily we must find ways to live on the "lighter" side of life.  We cannot always take ourselves too seriously; for when we do we will often find that we are the only ones who do.  When we try to ride too hard; appear too tough; seem unyielding; or act too pious we lose and forsake the joy that God places in our spirit.  A joyful heart is good medicine.  A good hearty laugh is good for our bones.  It is good to share a smile, a chuckle, a grin or an old fashioned good belly shaking laugh.

      Take the challenge today is find something fun to share.  Call up a friend and remind them of a funny story or event that you both shared and just have a good reminiscing laugh. Don’t take yourself or your position, situation or circumstances too seriously.  When you do you take the fun out of life; and Jesus died to give us victory and joy in our walk on earth.  We cannot always control the journey that we must undertake, but we can be in control of how we react to the things that impinge upon us.  Trust God for the tough stuff then relax and laugh at the devil when he gets frustrated that you don’t get bent out of shape over his devilment.  
        Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed.  Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Thanks God!

Thanks God!
1 Thessalonians 5:18 (KJV) -"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
      The other night my son and I were praying together and as he led the prayer his emphasis was on not asking for or inquiring about anything; but just giving God his gratitude.  He thanked God for our lives, our abilities and the fact that he chose us to be his own. 
     Today, all day, no matter what the situation or circumstance try to sway your conversation from what you lack, what you want, what you think you need toward giving God thanks for just being God. 
     Each morning when I come into consciousness enough to know I have made it through the "death-like" state of sleep I give God thanks and praise for whispering to my spirit and waking my physical body.  There are thousands of healthy, optimistic people who put their heads on their pillows last night and some coroner or medical team had to move them this morning. 
    Thank God just for being God.  It is great and proper to give thanks to our awesome Creator who watches over us, loves us, protects us and provides for us; but we need to thank God and love on him sometimes just because of who he is; not because of what he does.  As a parent I always enjoyed hearing my sons say "thanks Mom" when they gloated over a new pair of shoes or finished enjoying one of their favorite meals but it is a tear-drawing occasion when I get a call from them and all they say is "Mom, just wanted to tell you how much I love you".    Love on God today.  Every time something crazy pops up today, ignore the desire to complain, get mad or get frustrated... thank God.  At hank God for his love and his presence. For God is right there with you; showering you with grace to handle everything; so don't focus on the "thing" but turn quick and sincerely to thank God. He trusts you enough to be his representative and loves you like his only begotten son; so thank him for his love and bask in the feeling of care that will smother you and grant you peace.  
Every day is a good day; it is up to us in make it a GREAT day! Be thankful! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, March 23, 2015

Tempted But Not Torn

James 1:12 (KJV) – “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him”
       Human nature really is something.  We want the easy good life, but we abuse things that are often given to use too freely.  We don’t appreciate the time and effort that goes into the development and completion of something unless we are the ones putting in the time and wiping away the sweat.  People operate rental cars with a lot less care than they do their own; rental properties often bear the brunt of negligent renters and free meals are more likely to be picked over. 
       There is something to the fact that if we work hard at something we will protect and cherish it more.  So it is true about life’s temptations and trials. The more we go through the stronger we are and the more we appreciate the journey because of the perils we have conquered.  A weary, battle-beaten soldier is cheered more than the one who seems to have come home unscarred, though both may have faced the same enemies. 

       As you face temptations this week, remember these are just trials and tests.  Temptations vary from person to person.  What puts you on edge may not affect even your twin.  Do not compare your journey, your ups and your downs with anyone else.  As a matter of fact do not even compare what you are going through right now with what you have traversed in the past.  Old challenges may rise, but you are totally different than you were then and will and must handle things differently.  Remember nothing comes your way that is new under the sun; others have been there- made it through and so will you.  Run up on your tempter just like David ran up on Goliath.  The confrontation is going to happen – you might as well take the upper hand.  Jesus endured temptation and you shall also.  The great news is that since Jesus conquered his tempter he broke the chains and now we all have the right and ability to live in sacred victory.  Just stand up to your temptation and watch it dissipate.  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Friday, March 20, 2015

Work In Excellence

Exodus 39:43 – “When Moses saw that they had done all the work just as the Lord had commanded, he blessed them.”

       Whatever work, job, assignment or protocol God has allowed to be placed in our care, we must diligently and honestly work toward its completion. The task may not be glamorous; the work may not even seem rewarding at first glance; but if we are to be good stewards over the things we really enjoy that God has provided we must also be conscientious in the work placed in our hands.  Some assignments are given not for the sake of the work itself, but for the training that goes into doing the work or for the lessons that others may observe as you labor through the assignment.

      Like Joseph while in Potipher’s house, you may be the reason while the projects are prospering; or like Jacob you may be working focused on one outcome and end up with another.  You could be like Noah who was given a task that seemed insurmountable and unachievable and even ludicrous; but God has a greater end planned.  Stay diligent.  If you absolutely abhor your job or your supervisor or even the distance you have to commute to get there, remember all of it is a part of a greater puzzle that God is piecing together for his glory.  Pray and ask for grace to endure; pray and ask for reassignment; pray and ask for deliverance but in the meantime work hard and honor God with your service.

    Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Have an awesome weekend.  See you on Monday.  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Hope, Joy and Peace

Romans 15:13 – “May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope.”
Today’s scripture reference has three key terms that exemplify how the ‘new’ man of our walk with God operates through turmoil to find a place of solace.  1) Hope  2) Joy and 3) Peace.  When we have the audacity to believe on, in or about something that often isn’t tangible, we have to operate in faith that can only be expressed as joyous.  This emotional positive attitude reflects that we ultimately have God’s peace, shalom, in the situation.  The hope of belief expresses itself in joy and we can be in perfect peace. 
God does not want us confused, off-track, or living double lives trying to keep up with the stigma of having “things”. Put your faith in God and be unwavering. This will nurture and strengthen your faith so when assaults prevail; on instinct you will find the joy that passes all understanding in the midst of your situation.  As you trust in God; use your hope to strengthen your faith; fortified faith leads to joy and ultimately to peace. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Lying In Judgment

Proverbs 19:5 – “ A false witness will not go unpunished, and one who utters lies will not escape.”

     Nothing is as nerve wracking as finding out that someone has lied on, about or to you.  It can cause emotions to run wild at the thought of someone speaking falsehoods and defending the lies to their last breath. The bible scripture for today lets us know that liars will not go unpunished.  They may seem to get away with their unscrupulous behavior for the moment and even may succeed at certain stations in life because of their bending of the truth; but ultimately they will not escape the fate that awaits their final judgment.
     The key for us is that we must not waste our time, effort and energy on seeking revenge or getting them to renounce their treacherous statements.  It is a waste of time.  Many who chose a lifestyle of lying are in denial of basic realities and often do not feel remorse even if caught in the middle of a falsehood.  It was once said that the best way to beat a lie is to live the truth. Bearing false witness, lying, fibbing and stretching the truth are all realities steeped in the psychology of manipulation. Those who choose to lie want to have control; so the best way to handle this is to not lose control by flying off the handle or allowing our emotions to take the wheel.  In essence, you may never be able to stop the propaganda but you can handle the way that you react. God sees and knows all.  He knows the truth and those who speak and live it.  He knows who bends the law and who breaks it; trust that his judgment will be fair and that those who live ungodly will be punished.  Live your truth!
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day.  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Kill Your Bulls

1 Kings 19:21 – “Elisha turned away from him and went back. He killed the oxen and used the yoke for firewood. He boiled the meat, gave it to the people, and they all ate together. Then Elisha went to follow Elijah and became his helper.”

When Elijah called Elisha to be his apprentice, Elisha killed the oxen he was plowing with, cooked them and shared them with his neighbors. He was leaving the life he once knew and was embarking on a brand new venture and unlike Lot’s wife; he made sure he had nothing to look back upon with longing. His livelihood was from the work of the oxen; yet when he was done he did not leave them as even symbols of his former life.  He sacrificed what was old and burdensome to be released and totally available for what was yet to come. 

As you embark on new ventures and ask God to provide more opportunities and pathways to greater living; what bulls do you have still yoked to you?  Some of the very things that provided sustenance and helped you plow through the life you used to know must now be cut off, cut up and given away.   Elisha surely could have sold the oxen and had money for his travels or to give to his parents to help out since he was leaving his duties.  I am sure the oxen were valuable but following God’s new pathway was priceless and Elisha knew it.  Some things just need to be nipped in the bud and cut off.  No dilly, no dally, no second thoughts.  I am sure that certain things you treasure are valuable in their own right, but if they will hinder you from your next level with God; cut her off; cut him up and give it away; then when the time is right you will surely get a double portion of power.  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed. Dr. JoAnn

Friday, March 13, 2015

Keep It Moving!

Genesis 12:9 (ERV) – “Then he moved on toward the Negev, stopping for a time at several places on the way.”

After receiving the promises from God concerning his well-being, his heritage, his future children and the development of a nation, Abram set out on his journey.  The book of Genesis goes on to say when God makes promises he keeps them and expects us to do the same.  The Scripture tells us that Abram journeyed in the right direction but that he stopped at many places along the way.  The compilers of the modern bible did not include the names of these enduring cities, but they did make it plain that although Abram was making it through their fortifications and tarried there for a brief moment, he never forgot his ‘assignment’ and he kept moving. 

As God adds plans, pivotal ideas, thoughts, assignments and key purposes in our lives, we all start out with great zeal to get to the place of “well done good and faithful servant”.  Yet if we are not on top of our game and concentrating on our actions we can get bogged down or sidetracked by staying too long in a place that was designated to only be a place of rest. Abram visited several places on the way; and our journey may require us to visit many situations that seem to be the ‘end game’ but in actuality they are merely stepping stones to the place God has so lovingly prepared for us. 

Steve Harvey remarked that he thought he had ‘made it’ when he was on the circuit performing with the ‘Kings of Comedy”.  On the outside it felt as if he had “arrived”, but God’s destination for him did not include that as his last stop.  Steve has gone through several other stops; hosting radio shows, television game shows, writing books and hosting a highly successful television show.  At each venture Steve knew to not get too comfortable for he had not reached his final destination.

Don’t let a few great successes lull you into complacency and mediocrity so that you get so comfortable with the motel along the highway of life and miss out on the mansion God has prepared for you at the end of your journey.  Keep it moving!  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Have an awesome weekend! See you Monday.  Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, March 12, 2015

What’s In Your Heart?

1 Kings 8:9 – “The only things inside the Ark of the Covenant were two stone tablets. Moses had put them in the Ark of the Covenant at Mount Sinai. That was where the Lord made his agreement with the Israelites after they came out of Egypt.”
A popular series of media promotions displays many diverse and tedious situations where the solution is as easy as having the right credit card in one’s possession.  The commercial always ends with the catch phrase – “what’s in your wallet?”  The statement emphasizes that no matter what the ordeal, if you have this particular item with you…then you are ok and things will be worked out.   God wants to know  - “What’s in your heart?”

Today’s scripture tells of the beginning content of the Ark of the Covenant.  The first items placed in the sacred box were the stone tablets which Moses placed there at Mount Sinai. Upon these two tablets were written the laws given by God.  It is remarkable to examine how the first thing that God does for believers is to establish a new covenant with us.  He does this by writing his will, his law and his purpose in our hearts.  In the Old Testament the laws were spelled out to the letter of what was acceptable and what was not.  The children of Israel were instructed to keep these commandments close at hand and the repeat them often in order to know them and the special relationship they represented with God.  Since we now live under the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the laws have been engraved in our hearts.

When we are in perilous situations, under unbridled pressure, feeling forlorn or just needing reassurance; we can recall the ‘laws’ of God by searching our own individual hearts and finding the appropriate words for any occasion.  The law has caused us to look at ourselves a little more closely and to repent of shadowy glimpses of things we know do not honor or please God.

What is in your heart?  Can you call upon what you have stored there to serve your needs when the time of upheaval arises?  Do you have enough banked up so that in an emergency you have no doubt that what is in your heart can save you from stress and turmoil?  If you feel that something is missing or displaced then it is time to open your heart, clear out the cobwebs and start today replenishing your supply.  Study God’s word; read God’s promises; pray for revelation and spiritual discernment.  
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Busyness or Business

Busyness or Business? 
1 Kings 8:10-11-  "When the priests came out of the Holy Place, the cloud filled the Lord’s Temple. The priests could not continue their work because the Temple was filled with the Glory of the Lord."

What is occupying your time today? Are you consumed in busyness or are you really handling business? Solomon had the Ark of the Covenant moved into the place dedicated for it in the Temple at Jerusalem.  The priests performed their ritual duties and the scripture tells us that they sacrificed so many oxen and sheep they could not count them.   Once the Ark of the Covenant was in place, God's glory filled the Holy Temple such that the priests could not continue to perform their "rituals". 
We ask God to be with us, to guide and help us; we pray constantly - but When God is near why are we too busy to receive him? Martha did the same thing when Jesus came to visit. Mary sat at his feet to bask in his glory but Martha was too busy prepping to serve him rather than being available to 'serve' him.  Don't let the spirit of busyness distract you from focusing on the real business of your purpose.  Whether at work or during our daily routines do not let the devilish need to busy ourselves cause us to lose focus! 
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Mediocre Won’t Do

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) – “ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

In speaking with a friend the other day, we discussed how we need to start dreaming bigger.  In our simple human frailty, anything that we can fathom and then come up with the ways and means to get it done, really isn’t worth wasting a lot of time pursuing.  We are of the mindset that we want to extend our faith to challenge the promises of God given through the words found in today’s scripture.  It states that God has a predetermined set of goals for us.  He isn’t just leading us rough-shod through life with minute by minute emotionally-guided directions.  Know that he had long thought-out and designed the plans he has for us.  And those plans are great plans for our benefit and his glory.  We are not operating with a road map with a hole in the middle of the page or a compass with a broken spring.  No, if we are wise, we are following the path laid out for us by a creative and loving God.  In these plans he tells us that we will have great benefits and that no harm is to befall us.  Yes, we will have challenges and yes, there will probably be some uphill battles and some downward slippery slopes; but all of that is a part of the process.

The key element I want to share with you today is that …these are God’s plans.  So we need to open our minds and clear out the limitations.  We need to think big and far-reaching. If we can get there on our own, what is the need for a miracle-working God?  God wants to show us his magnificent glory; bathe us in his awesome love; support us with his unyielding favor and provide for us with the splendor and majesty of his kingdom.  He cannot give us Kobe steak; Beluga caviar, truffles and exquisite fine dining accompaniments when we are searching for a simple prize in a box of Cracker Jacks.  We must dream big to live big.  And this living is not for the simple sake of material possessions; but to glorify the God who has everything.  How does it look to have the King’s children in pauper’s attire?  God wants us to be the royalty for which Jesus sacrificed himself to make us joint heirs. Now is not the time to be bound and boxed.  Now is the time to think like our God thinks…. Think BIG!! Go for it and watch as God puts the things you need in your path; the people you need in your presence and the advice you need in your ear. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, March 9, 2015

Not About Us!

2 Timothy 1:9 -"God saved us and chose us to be his holy people, but not because of anything we ourselves did. God saved us and made us his people because that was what he wanted and because of his grace."

   When things just seem to fall into place and everything is running smoothly don't think it's because of our great managerial, organizational or planning skills. They are wonderful and instrumental indeed, but not the true source of our accomplishments. Don't chalk it up to being  in the right place at the right time; but give God his due and acknowledge his overflowing grace! It is easy to get so wrapped up in the success moment so much so that we might forget our purpose and the ultimate guidance provided by our awesome God. Nevertheless  whatever success. progress, ideas and thoughts we generate; it is God who gives us the wisdom, talent , skill and opportunity to excel.  As we begin this week think about all that you wanted to or did conquer over the weekend and the things on your agenda for the upcoming week; Take no credit for the outcome; it is all God and he will not share his glory with anyone.  Give God top billing and watch him give you the promotion.  Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Friday, March 6, 2015

Takes Our Breath Away

Takes Our Breath Away
1 Kings 10:5 -"She saw the food at the king’s table. She saw his officials meeting together. She saw the servants in the palace and the good clothes they wore. She saw his parties and the sacrifices that he offered in the Lord’s Temple. She was so amazed, she could hardly breathe! "

The Queen of Sheba was so impressed by all the wonders and great things that God had given to Solomon she could hardly breathe. She looked around in amazement at everything that God had provided - from the food on the table to the clothing on the servant's backs - everything was magnificent. Keep in mind she wasn't a little girl from the other, wrong side of the tracks who had never been exposed to high quality living so that anything of value looked wonderful; she was a queen in her own right. Yet when she saw God"s provision to Solomon and his kingdom she stood in awe.  
     This past week has given me a new breath of fresh awareness of the goodness of God. First and foremost giving God praise for his protection of my life - there are countless reports of daytime home invasions where the homeowners have been assaulted and even killed over items of little or no value.  I praise God for keeping me under his wings of safety. 
   It takes my breath away when I see the impact my teaching has on the students at the college. I openly pray for and with them.  Most are working parents struggling to balance job pressures, family, and finances. I know my ability to teach and explain difficult material in a fun and humorous way is a gift from God. It takes my breath away that God has blessed me to be in such an important place in their lives. 
   It takes my breath away when I hear from you my faithful readers and I learn how God uses me to impact others through the simple notes I jot down on my phone in the mornings and post on my blog site.  It isn't about me or you or anything we can explain.... it is all about God. Look around at what God has shielded you from or opened up for you or provided for you and you don't have to look real hard....every good and perfect gift comes from above...  Let God take your breath away- just meditate on this goodness.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Have a breath-taking good weekend. See you Monday! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Flash Back!

Joshua 24: 27 – “Then Joshua said to all the people, “This stone will help you remember what we said today.  This stone was here when the Lord was speaking to us today. So this stone will be something that helps you remember what happened today.”
I do not visit FACEBOOK often, but when I do check on postings and comments on my page, the one day I usually like to visit is Thursday when friends upload images of “Flashback Thursday”. It is fun to see the items from my past that I had long forgotten; many things that at the time I just knew I would never be able to live without.  Now years later, if it were not for a vintage photograph I would hardly even remember it existed.  Isn’t it funny how that can happen? Things we think we will never forget or lose interest in will fade out of our consciousness as soon as some new ‘shiny’ thing grabs our attention.   I knew I was all that and a bag of chips when I popped an 8-track into my portable orange and black player with detachable speakers.  And who could forget the maxi (down to the ankles) coat with the two layers of zippers so you could zip away a bottom layer and have a ‘midi’ coat or zip away the top layer and have a ‘mini’ coat… Ahhh  sookie sookie now!!!!  Could not tell me nuttin’,  
We all have occasions to look briefly back at things we long forgot and for a few fleeting moments we reminisce and even cherish the thoughts of those items, people, events and circumstances that were so special at the time.  God knew that the mind of man was fleeting and that if it were not for the practice of providing mementoes we would allow too many important things to ‘fade to black”.  In the scripture for today, Joshua had a large stone placed by an oak tree near the Lord’s Holy tent so that they would remember the promise they had made to serve the Lord.  God will provide similar tokens or keepsakes to help us remember our ultimate purpose and to stay on track.  We can hear a certain song and be thrown immediately into praise. Our souls will leap and our spirits soar just at the mention of a certain scripture.  Nothing takes me quicker down memory lane of my own decision to accept Jesus as my personal Savior than to hear the melody of “How Great Thou Art”.   
As we travel through life it is important to place a few ‘stones’ along the way to help us remember the valuable things that God has done for, through, because and in spite of us.  It is needed that our souls be reminded of where we have come from and how far God has brought us.  Let us never be too busy or too important to put up a ‘marker’ as God provides miracles in our lives; so that when time and distance separates us from them we can see these reminders and  ‘flash back’ of good our God has always been, is and will always be.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Open For Business

Romans 10:10 -"Yes, we believe in Jesus deep in our hearts,and so we are made right with God. And we openly say that we believe in him, and so we are saved."

Yesterday I was in an establishment which had a neon "OPEN" sign blinking in the front window.  I have always had a 'thing' about neon lighting, so like a deer caught in car headlights I stood staring at the sign. A thought raced through my mind about what we advertise and what we offer.  This shop was bidding customers to come in and once inside the atmosphere was welcoming, calm and friendly.  We have all been enticed to visit places because we have been drawn by their PR and marketing strategies; but once inside we find the places to be junky, tight, unorganized and operated by people more concerned with getting our money than providing quality service. 
    When it comes to our own relationship with Jesus what are we "flashing" in our window and what are we really offering once Jesus comes into our hearts?  Are we advertising something that we cannot deliver? Do we espouse to love the Lord and want him to be with us day-in and day-out; only to venture into places or situations or to speak in such a way that would make Olivia Pope blush.  Our inner being must be accommodating to the Holy Spirit who takes up residence and dwells with us. We must be careful not to promote false advertisement.  We must always reflect our real selves; thus allowing God to work with us to make us even better.  Take a good look at what you are displaying…. Is your neon sign still bright and inviting; or are there dark splotches, flickering bulbs or even worse  - no power source?

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Ways and Means

Isaiah 55: 8-9 KJV – “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."

As a child growing up in First Baptist Church of Gary, IN, I recall attending the annual church meeting with my mom and dad.  Of course when I was younger it was just another opportunity to play and hang out with my friends in the Fellowship Hall; while the parents read reports, gathered data and organized the events for the upcoming year.  As a child the significance of the planning and reporting done by all of the church auxiliaries, committees and subcommittees was in itself a challenge.  One of the main groups that operated in the church was the ‘Ways and Means Committee’.  As all the other church subunits reported their needs; it was the responsibility of the Ways and Means Committee to find a way to make things happen and then to locate the financial resources needed.
       As I grew older and more involved in church activities, I realized how all the planning from the previous annual church meeting was cornerstone to having the resources needed to complete certain tasks.  Now as an adult I constantly see examples in which God reveals how his thoughts, planning and the execution of his ultimate designs really are far above what we can imagine.   Over the past few days, since the robbery incident; God is revealing step-by-step that not only is he the Sovereign GOD of the universe, but that he is compassionate and loving and hears us when we cry out to him.  God has lots of plans of wonderful things in store for us (if we faint not).  When we were ‘young’ in the fellowship; things may have gone completely over our heads.  Like me and my friends at those early church meetings, we knew there was something important to be said, but we were too busy grabbing all the gusto of life to pay attention to the details.  As we grow and mature in Christ we too will see that God is the “Ways and Means” committee for all that we do.
       As I often say… “if you cannot see God’s hand..trust his heart”.  Our loving God is industrious and creative, always working on something; therefore when our prayers seem on the surface to go unanswered remember some things are so out of our league that God can’t even afford to have us in on the ground level because we might interfere with what he has planned.  So we just need to trust him and wait until he is ready to reveal to us what “ways and means” he has developed.  His ways are so far above ours and aren’t you glad that every now and then he touches us with a quick glimpse into the most simplistic part of his thought and it is mind-shattering revelation to us.  So if you are waiting on a miracle, tarrying for an answer or just basking in the glow of God’s love - wait for him to tell you ‘his way’ and then he will give you ‘the means”. 

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, March 2, 2015

Evil Deeds

Psalm 21:11 ( AMP) – “ For they planned evil against You; they conceived a mischievous plot which they are not able to perform.

 On Friday morning last week perpetrator(s) of evil deeds entered my apartment through my bedroom window. It seemed so awkward because the window leads to my balcony which is suspended 3 stories from the ground.  They made off with mostly my technology (laptop computers, digital camera, many electronic devices) and countless, sentimental pieces of jewelry.   I had only moved in about two weeks ago and I am mostly 100% certain it is my neighbor. The time they entered and left was so strategic they had to be watching my every move.  But unbeknownst to evil doers, we have a heavenly Father who watches over us day and night.  The incident could have been a worse-case scenario, but God was guiding the events step by step. 

I had no plans to leave the house on Friday, but the Holy Spirit kept urging me to go and run a few errands.  The weather in Atlanta has not been the sunniest or the best for the past few days so I really was in opposition of getting out; but I listened and sure enough after returning from my errands I discovered that in that short period or time, my home had been vandalized. I am glad I was not there when they forced their way in nor did I arrive back too early and run into them in the midst of their wrongdoing.

After calling the police, filling-out the reports, I settled into the task of cleaning up.  As I pulled through the chore I could not help but give God praise for preserving and protecting me as he did.  Things could have been much worse.  I refuse to give the devil any credit.  His minions failed in their mission to get me distracted and off focus of what God has planned so special for me.  I hurt for the missing things that were special gifts (especially those collectables handed down to me); but if God allowed it to happen and kept me safe through the ordeal…there is a higher purpose and I have come to understand that I must trust God in all things, especially the losses.

I prayed for the thieves’ redemption and that their souls should not rest until they have a personal encounter with God.  I could get really mad or sulk into depression but instead I channeled my energies into positive living.  If we truly trust the Lord we will have the victory.   What was planned for evil will turn out to be for my betterment when all the dust settles.  With active insurance in place, I can get the laptops replaced and even get upgraded models. The devil wanted to use this as a victory for his team, but by praise and thanksgiving our God gets the glory and he will surely reward us when we remember to give him our best even when we feel our worse.    

Every day is a good day.  It is up to us to make it a GREAT day!  Be Blessed! This is the Year of Manifestation.  Dr. JoAnn