1 Kings 10:5 -"She saw the food at the king’s table. She saw his officials meeting together. She saw the servants in the palace and the good clothes they wore. She saw his parties and the sacrifices that he offered in the Lord’s Temple. She was so amazed, she could hardly breathe! "
The Queen of Sheba was so impressed by all the wonders and great things that God had given to Solomon she could hardly breathe. She looked around in amazement at everything that God had provided - from the food on the table to the clothing on the servant's backs - everything was magnificent. Keep in mind she wasn't a little girl from the other, wrong side of the tracks who had never been exposed to high quality living so that anything of value looked wonderful; she was a queen in her own right. Yet when she saw God"s provision to Solomon and his kingdom she stood in awe.
This past week has given me a new breath of fresh awareness of the goodness of God. First and foremost giving God praise for his protection of my life - there are countless reports of daytime home invasions where the homeowners have been assaulted and even killed over items of little or no value. I praise God for keeping me under his wings of safety.
It takes my breath away when I see the impact my teaching has on the students at the college. I openly pray for and with them. Most are working parents struggling to balance job pressures, family, and finances. I know my ability to teach and explain difficult material in a fun and humorous way is a gift from God. It takes my breath away that God has blessed me to be in such an important place in their lives.
It takes my breath away when I hear from you my faithful readers and I learn how God uses me to impact others through the simple notes I jot down on my phone in the mornings and post on my blog site. It isn't about me or you or anything we can explain.... it is all about God. Look around at what God has shielded you from or opened up for you or provided for you and you don't have to look real hard....every good and perfect gift comes from above... Let God take your breath away- just meditate on this goodness.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Have a breath-taking good weekend. See you Monday! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
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