receiving the promises from God concerning his well-being, his heritage, his
future children and the development of a nation, Abram set out on his journey. The book of Genesis goes on to say when God
makes promises he keeps them and expects us to do the same. The Scripture tells us that Abram journeyed in
the right direction but that he stopped at many places along the way. The compilers of the modern bible did not include
the names of these enduring cities, but they did make it plain that although Abram
was making it through their fortifications and tarried there for a brief
moment, he never forgot his ‘assignment’ and he kept moving.
God adds plans, pivotal ideas, thoughts, assignments and key purposes in our
lives, we all start out with great zeal to get to the place of “well done good
and faithful servant”. Yet if we are not
on top of our game and concentrating on our actions we can get bogged down or
sidetracked by staying too long in a place that was designated to only be a
place of rest. Abram visited several places on the way; and our journey may
require us to visit many situations that seem to be the ‘end game’ but in
actuality they are merely stepping stones to the place God has so lovingly prepared
for us.
Harvey remarked that he thought he had ‘made it’ when he was on the circuit
performing with the ‘Kings of Comedy”.
On the outside it felt as if he had “arrived”, but God’s destination for
him did not include that as his last stop.
Steve has gone through several other stops; hosting radio shows,
television game shows, writing books and hosting a highly successful television
show. At each venture Steve knew to not
get too comfortable for he had not reached his final destination.
let a few great successes lull you into complacency and mediocrity so that you
get so comfortable with the motel along the highway of life and miss out on the
mansion God has prepared for you at the end of your journey. Keep it moving! Every day is a good day; it is up to us to
make it a GREAT day! Have an awesome
weekend! See you Monday. Dr. JoAnn
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