Daniel 10:19 (NIV) - "Do not be afraid, you who are highly esteemed,” he said.
“Peace! Be strong now; be strong. When he spoke to me, I was strengthened and
said, “Speak, my lord, since you have given me strength.”
Last night just before I was about to say my nightly prayer
and retire to bed, God decided he wanted to speak first and he laid upon my
heart—’fear not’. The ‘Grown-Up-Woman JoAnn’ assessed the realities
of my life and summed up that there are quite a few variables that I have no
control over that are impinging upon me. Some aspects carry degrees of fear
provoking angsts, but I am harboring no fear (I thought). But the ‘Little-Girl-JoAnn’ inside must be experiencing anxiety and God was speaking to her.
The story of Daniel in the lion’s den popped into my head so
I opened my Bible to the point of the story where King Darius rushed to find
out what had happened to Daniel after a night in the pit; only to discover that
God had closed the lions’ mouths and that Daniel was not only safe but in good
spirits. The lesson God gave me was that just like me, Daniel was a man, a
mortal with emotions. I am certain that even in his non-resistance to
being placed in the lion’s den (Daniel didn’t struggle or fight back), surely
his inner being experienced some emotions. His heart probably was racing and his knees may have grown weak as he approached the opening to the
pit. The outward man walked undaunted to his destiny, but his inner man was
afraid. We can sit and watch a thriller movie in a comfortable, cushioned
movie theater, knowing well that there is no 50 foot monster waiting for us in
the parking lot, but we scream anyway when it jumps at us on the movie screen.
The outer man thinks rationally but the inner child will still fear. Just like
Daniel I am pushing forth into uncertainty but I am wholly obedient to what God has told me to do. Last night God told me to stay
focused, this uncharted path is a part of my destiny; but the ravaging beasts of the
experience are only there to teach others who see me safe in the midst of the
turmoil to glorify God.
So when I finally did got a chance to say my prayer last
night ‘Grown-Up-JoAnn’ stayed quiet and ‘Little-Girl-JoAnn’ thanked God for his
reassurance and was strengthened for a wonderful night’s rest and courage to face
the beasts. What we go through really isn't’ about those of us who believe; our walk really helps
those who need to see our invisible God work through us. I implore you faithful
readers to do as Joyce Meyer teaches… “scary things may be there but ...do it
afraid”. It will glorify God!
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make
it a GREAT power-packed day! Dr. JoAnn
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