Thursday, November 12, 2015


Luke 8:16 (LEB):  “And no one, after lighting a lamp, covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a lampstand, so that those who come in can see the light..”
 You are wonderfully and fearfully made and there is divine purpose for your life.  God is so proud of his creation and you are special to him in so many ways.  You are made in his image and therefore reflect his glory.  Don't be ashamed to let the world know that you are a true believer; and since God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him, anticipate special treatment from God. 
     In each of us is a special light that shows our connection to our Creator.  Because a single candle can dispel the darkness it is only fitting that our lights be placed in darkened areas to allow the glow of God from within us to shine forth.  If you wonder why you are stationed at your particular work site under an unnecessarily uncouth boss; or why your spouse’s family might be a little abrasive; or how you still seem to stick out a bit even among your friends; it could be that you are the light stationed there.  God is depending on you to make those opaque areas clearer.  He expects you to not put your light under a basket to be of use just for yourself, but he urges you to place yourself in situations where you will stand out and be luminous.
    Lamps require oil for refilling, wicks to burn cleanly and an ignition source. Keep yourself under the anointing of the Holy Spirit so that your oil never runs dry.  Daily pray in the spirit for renewal and refilling of your strength and courage to complete the task assigned to you.  Seek the refiner’s fire which burns away impurities and assures that your work is pleasing to God.  Do not shun, ignore or complain about areas in your life that are uncomfortable  or unseemly; these very places might be areas where God is using the strength of your resolve and the brightness of your light to chase away uncanny and evil issues that could envelope the lives of those not strong enough to chase away the darkness themselves.  Be that light .You have in you what it takes.  If God did not trust you with the assignment, he never would have placed you there. 
 Every day is a good day, it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day!
Be blessed ! - Dr. JoAnn

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