John 3:17 (NIV) - “For God did not send his Son into the
world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”
Finger pointing seems
to be the new trend in everything from political debates to sporting events to social media.
People want others to be held accountable for their actions; but at the expense
of dragging them through the mud, muck and mire of shame and disgrace.
Our Heavenly Father does not use condemnation as a tool of chastisement.
To get our attention so that we can turn from our foolish ways, the Holy Spirit
does not use shame and humiliation. God gently guides and admonishes us
for improper behavior in a loving way as a caring father. Then he provide
avenues for us to see the error of our ways; make amends for our wrongdoings
and get back on track. We therefore must be careful that as we see faults
or mistakes done by others we do not use condemning tones, attitudes and words
to try to correct them.
The Body of
Christ has often been attacked because non-believers say that many Christians act ‘holier
than thou’ about even the smallest infraction. We must not denounce or
attack others for shortcomings; as we are all on the same walk. In the
same manner, we must not take on a spirit of condemnation when we have not
lived as we ought. Do not let the evil one cast burdens of guilt and
disapproval upon you for Christ died to set you free. Know that Jesus
came into this world that men might be saved. Not by our acts or actions, but
because of the gift of salvation through belief in Christ.
If you have acted
in a certain manner or participated in an activity that is not in line with the
life that God wants you to live, let no man criticize you to the point that you
feel that your walk is weak or that you are unworthy of the call on your
life. The devil is a liar and Jesus is our Savior. There is no
condemnation from Jesus, only love to help you get it right. Repent and
walk in the knowledge that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten
son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make
it a GREAT power-packed day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn
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