Tuesday, July 19, 2016

House Divided

Mark 3:25 – “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”
     Last evening I listened to one of my favorite talk radio stations reporting on events of the Republican Convention being held in Cleveland, Ohio. I didn’t really tune into much of the rhetoric until I heard the commentator speak about the protests and dissension that was plaguing the Republican Party. As most of us know the forerunner, Donald Trump has made many inflammatory statements which has caused some Republicans to want to distance themselves from him. This separation has caused the ‘house’ to be divided on many levels.
     We must examine our own ‘houses’ - our relationships. How are they supported? Do we have them on firm foundations where we can build lasting associations? Are we evenly yoked with those we spend quality time with and depend upon? If there are areas of friction we must work steadily and truthfully to get to the core of the matter and allow healing to progress. We must evaluate our households, relationships, friendships, work teams, recreational groups and club memberships. 
      If ungodly, unjust, distasteful or prejudicial actions seem to run through the heart of these relationships or if discussions are few and tempers often flare, it is time to call the ‘house’ back to order. Spend time putting the cards openly on the table and discussing issues that can bring unity and clarity to whatever does cause or has the potential to cause division. We owe it to the longevity of relationships that are important to us to get our ‘house’ in order.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Don’t be distracted; stay focused on your purpose! Have a great weekend. Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

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