John 16:13(ISV) “ Yet when the Spirit of Truth comes, he’ll guide you into all truth. He won’t speak on his own accord, but he’ll speak whatever he hears and will declare to you the things that are to come.”
In these days of GPS, we often do not have a need to actually look at and try to decipher a printed map. One of the main objectives of studying a map is to find locations, estimate distances and to chart routes from point A to point B. The map itself is usually a bird’s eye view to the terrain with different signs and symbols of varying shapes and sizes. Somewhere on every map, usually tucked away in a corner is what is known as the ‘key’. These are the instructions which help us decipher the map and discover its hidden secrets. The maps hold the true data but without the ‘key’ we might not be able to easily unlock the treasures that it holds.
Many of the lessons that Jesus teaches us have hidden meanings that the world can never figure out no matter how hard they try. But Jesus provides assistance to his followers by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Jesus tells us that he is the Way, the Truth and the Life and that through our association with him we are able to have access to the Father. Through the glorification of Jesus by his death, burial and resurrection, we have been granted the presence of the Holy Spirit which lives within us as our present help and comfort.
When you are feeling uncertain and not sure of what your journey will entail; do not stay in confusion- that is not what God wants. Use the resource that is as close as a whisper, a thought or a bent knee. Ask the Holy Spirit to direct you to all truth about your concerns and he will be sure to speak that which comes directly from God on your behalf. He will show you Jesus in all of his glory in whatever situation you are facing. The Holy Spirit is your ‘key’ to using the road map (lessons of the life of Jesus) to have victory in moving from point A to point B.
Unlike GPS units which can malfunction in certain ‘dead zones’ or weather conditions; the map that Jesus provides and the keys that the Holy Spirit gives are sure each and every time. Ask for the guidance you need and faithfully follow the clues you are given to reach your ultimate goal in Jesus.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Don’t be distracted; stay focused on your purpose. Be blessed. Dr. JoAnn
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