Proverbs 28:9 – “If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction, even their prayers are detestable.”
There is nothing quite as frustrating as not being able to hear clearly. For the past few days my hearing has been muffled due to congestion from a sinus infection. My head felt like an echo chamber with sounds reverberating back-and-forth. When I thought I heard someone say one thing I only discovered by reading their lips or asking them to repeat themselves that they had said something totally different. After a while I just stopped ‘really listening’ and turned a semi-deaf ear to the random sounds and retreated into my own world with polite smiles and gentle head nods as if I was an engaged part of the conversation.
Today’s scripture tells us that if we get frustrated or distracted and turn away from God’s laws and instructions that our prayers, desires and interactions can be disturbed. I became frustrated because of illness and turned a deaf ear to what others were saying and possible lost out on some wonderful conversations. Let’s not allow the frustrations of life to cause us to turn a deaf ear toward our wonderful God. Yes, the laws can be muffled at times and even a bit frustrating to follow but they are for our greater good.
When we seek with all of our ability to hear, learn and follow God’s instructions then the evil around us which tries so hard to frustrate us is thwarted in its designs to separate us from the blessings that God has for us.
My hearing is getting better and I am even more resolved to make sure that I ‘hear’ what God is saying. That is my charge to you today. Really listen – God is always speaking – through nature, through his WORD, through songs, through others – listen for him today.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day. Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
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