Numbers 12:13-14 - 3 So Moses prayed to the Lord, “God, please heal her from this sickness!” 14 The Lord answered Moses, “If her father spit in her face, she would be shamed for seven days. So put her outside the camp for seven days. After that she can come back into the camp.”
Over the weekend I shared the message that sometimes the healing process can be almost as painful as the affliction or hurt. Let me share the Old Testament story of 3 siblings and how God used them to teach us lessons about emotional and physical hurt and the healing that accompanies both.
Miriam and Aaron were whispering about Moses behind his back and thought they had gotten away with their murmuring; but God heard it and brought their indiscretions out into the light. As punishment Miriam was stricken with leprosy. Moses, although the victim of emotional hurt, prayed for her healing and she did receive it but with a banishment. Her physical healing came with a bit of emotional hurt and isolation.
We have all experienced the pain that healing can bring. Whether it is the pesky itch of a healing scab that forms over a scar or the pain that comes later as sore muscles and joints reestablish themselves from a fall or overwork. And who hasn’t fallen asleep in an awkward position and awaken to find that a hand or limb has ‘gone numb’ and the revitalization feels like ‘pins and needles’ as it comes back to life.
When life’s problems arise, and yes they will come, it is not for us to fret or lose hope, but to seek solutions through Christ and then prepare for the healing and restoration. Both of which can be sometimes hurtful. As God heals your physical, emotional or spiritual pain be aware that some healing will be a little uncomfortable but that does not mean that it will not be whole or effective. God does not do anything half-way; his promises are sure, so do not lose heart if the ‘way back’ seems difficult. Sometimes the restoration from a problem may seem like more punishment itself, but rest assured if God sent it, in the long run it will make you better than before. Hang in there.
Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Be blessed! Rev. Dr. JoAnn
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