Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Leader Care

Proverbs 27:18 (NRSV) – “Anyone who tends a fig tree will eat its fruit,
    and anyone who takes care of a master will be honored.”
         We must remember to honor those who are in leadership positions over us.  We must support our pastors, ministers, managers, supervisors, bosses and leads.  God placed them in positions of authority for reasons we may or may not understand. Some may be fulfilling life-long desires to be in positions of authority; while others, like Moses, accepted positions of leadership reluctantly. Many of us may be blessed to have leaders who take their positions seriously and work diligently to fulfil their responsibilities and work supportively with those under their charge.  While others may be power hungry or so ambitious that they forget about the ‘little people’ who make their jobs effective.
      Whether we work with a silly Yogi Bear, a responsible Smokey the Bear, an adorable Teddy Bear or a grumbly old grizzly bear it is always in our best interest to faithfully protect and take care of our ‘masters’.  It is not for us to undermine even the most disagreeable of supervisors.  Pray for them and do our best, as if we are doing it directly unto the Lord.  When it is all said and done God will not ask you what they did to you but will ask how you responded.  He will deal with them about their behavior and with you - according to yours.  Be sure you can stand before the King of Glory and your report reflect that you acted in a manner befitting of a child of the King.  

     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a GREAT day! Don’t be distracted; stay focused on your purpose.  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

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