Friday, April 28, 2017

Lasts Laugh

Proverb 3:34 – “He will humiliate those who make fun of others, but he is kind to those who are humble.”
       There is a saying – ‘He who laughs last, laughs best’. When gossip or slander or mischief or plain old fashioned bullying produces victims that are the brunt of ridicule the Bible gives concrete advice against making fun of others. Those who might be laughed at in the beginning shall be lifted out of the mire of mockery into a place of rejoicing. We all kid around with our friends and might even share a good, innocent laugh with co-workers or neighbors; but we must be careful that we do not cross the boundary between humor and humiliation. 
        I have a pretty decent sense of humor and can find something funny in just about everything if given enough time; but I would be rich if I had a dollar for every time I did use good judgment and kept my mouth shut even though my funny bone was itching. If we are honest with ourselves we all know of times when we wanted to say something witty but it was inappropriate and the Holy Spirit guided you to keep your mouth closed. What might seem harmlessly funny to us might not be so amusing to the person or persons on the other end of the tease. Let us be mindful this weekend of what we say and how it could impact others. Let all of our words and actions reflect the love that God shows to us        Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a Victoriously GREAT day!  Enjoy your weekend.  See you on Monday!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Seek First

Matthew 6:33 (ESV) “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
     We use our education and our experience and even our hunches to decide the best courses of action… only to discover that no amount of forethought or critical thinking can outweigh the power of seeking God’s guidance in any situation. No matter what the toil, trial or challenge, God’s way is always the best way. No need to try all the other alternatives before we finally give it to God. Our God is a God of FIRSTs. We offer first fruits…. We pass down special blessings to our first born, so why should we bring our concerns to God last? We try to fix things ourselves, over and over again; then finally we ask a close friend for their advice. When that seems like a dead end, we ask other friends and family and eventually we even seek outside advice from self-proclaimed experts, counselors, and even self-help books. Don’t’ let intellect overrun intelligence. Our brains tell us we can figure it out given enough time, but our hearts know that it is best to go to God FIRST and ask for his guidance. We are not to be so concerned about things; but focus on the main thing. . . the progression of God’s Kingdom here on Earth.
       Everything we need God has already provided. Much like how our parents would shop early for our Christmas gifts and hide them in the house until the appropriate time to reveal them; God has great answers to prayers and wonderful gifts to bestow, often right within reach, but out of view. He is more concerned with the proper timing than he is with our impatience. As we continue to seek his righteousness, he moves certain prayer answers or gifts from the attic to the top of a hall closet and eventually when we are ready we will find it sitting right on the kitchen table fully accessible - and we will be able to say that the Lord has prepared a table before us, even in the presence of our enemies, our impatience and our struggling faith.
      Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a Victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

I Am Healed

Exodus 15:26: “He said, ‘If you will carefully obey the LORD your God, do what is right in His eyes, pay attention to His commands, and keep all His statutes, I will not inflict any illnesses on you that I inflicted on the Egyptians. For I am Yahweh who heals you.’” (HCS)
     After the miraculous drowning of the pursuing Egyptian army in the Red Sea, the Israelites were taken into the desert and provided for by the hand of God. They were told that if they kept the statues and commandments that God instituted he would protect them from ailments, diseases, pestilences and similar afflictions that tormented their enemies.
      The covenant keeping God, Jehovah, promised his children health and well-being. God wants us to experience this same existence of obedient living and bountiful health. God’s hedge of protection surrounds his children and when we stay gathered under his protective wings we can see problems all around us but they will not assail us.
       There are some simple things that God tells us to do that if we follow them our way of life is so much better. We are instructed to get adequate rest; to resist temptation; to avoid gossip and to love each other. Avoiding tempting situations would surely lower our stress levels and we probably would be able to rest and sleep better and not be so grouchy; and that might help us treat each other better.
       Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a Victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Great Provider!

Genesis 22:14: “And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen.” (NKJV)
        Abraham had been instructed by God to offer his son Isaac as a burnt sacrifice on the mountain in the land of Moriah. Abraham, though enamored by this first child born of his wife Sarai, was obedient in all the details leading up to the act. Abraham, Isaac and several men started out on the trek to the area where God had instructed Abraham to go. As they approached the end of the journey, Abraham told the other men to wait for their return as they journeyed up the mountain. It is not known what he was thinking, but the fact that he told them to wait for their return showed evidence of Abraham’s faith in God. He was going to be obedient and God would provide. 
        Even if God were to raise Isaac from the butchered dead, Abraham knew that the two of them would return. As he and Isaac journeyed up the mountain Isaac inquired of the whereabouts of the lamb to be used for the sacrifice. Even as he raised his knife-clenched hand, once again Abraham’s faith proved that God would provide. When it was obvious that Abraham would withhold nothing from God, an angel of the Lord stopped the act and as Abraham looked up to heaven he saw a ram caught in a thicket bush. This ram became the sacrifice. Abraham’s faith in God provided a suitable sacrifice and a way for both of them to return from the mountain.
         Do you really trust God? Do you trust God, really? Do you believe that he wants to provide for you? Do you believe that he will provide for you in that situation you are in right now that you have just given up as being- ‘it is what it is’? Abraham surely knew that God had promised to make him a great nation through his son; so in his heart he probably knew that whatever God was having him to do, would be for his greater good and he would show himself to be faithful. When was the last time that you put on the altar something that was truly sacred to you? Not something that you wanted to discard and remove, or so distant from you that its removal really did not impact you; but something that was treasured by you and its loss had the potential to be disheartening? Have you ever had to sacrifice a love? A dream? A desire? Know this!... no matter what you had, have or will have to give up in obedience to the will of God, you will be victorious in the end. The situation will be rectified; you will be justified and God will be glorified. Do not be fearful of what you think you will lose. Trust God – he will provide.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a Victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed –

Dr. JoAnn

Monday, April 24, 2017

Our Source

Exodus 3:14 (NRSV) – “And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.”

The words of a popular gospel song proclaims— “Because of who you are, I give you glory, because of who you are I give you praise. Because of who you are I will lift my voice and say, Lord I worship you because of who you are”  And it goes on the tell the Jehovah names of God as Provider, Healer, Banner and Peace.  It speaks of how God is a way maker and a soul soother.  One who calms our fears and heals our bodies.   God is Omnipresent.  God is all in all.  He is everything to everybody, everywhere, at the same time, all the time.  While you might need him as a defender in a spiritual courtroom while Satan persecutes you and tries to weigh you down with guilt, depression or shame; I might need him in a physical classroom as a peace giver to calm my anxiety as I take a challenging exam. At the same exact moment thousands of miles away a mother appreciates the joy that floods her soul as God nestles her in his arms after she struggles through a difficult pregnancy and gives birth to a healthy bouncing baby.  God is Alpha and Omega therefore he will be with us at the beginning of our situations; through the middle of it and even after all is said and done, God will be there at the victorious end.
God is Omniscient; what do you need insight on – just ask him.  As it states in James 1:5 –  If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” 
God is Omnipotent; what do you need handled?   Psalm 24:6 tells us  - Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. When God is handling the fight, even a major war attack from the enemy is nothing more than a simple scrimmage. 
What do you call God in times of jubilance? Hurt? Harm? Danger? Peace? Joy? Sorry?  Whatever you call Him call Him often and commune with Him earnestly; but most of all listen to him openly and with your undivided attention.  He is our source and the only source we will ever need.  His Word is sure.  HE IS GOD and he cares!

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a Victoriously  GREAT day!  Be blessed!  Dr. JoAnn

Friday, April 21, 2017

The B.I.B.L.E.

Joshua 1:8 (NIV) –“This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to act in accordance with all that is written in it.”
     We have all shunned the need to read the instruction manuals that accompany the newly acquired gadgets we purchase. We figure we are smart enough and astute enough to figure out how to put it together; how it operates; and how to maintain it. But in actuality when reality sets in, we realize there is always an extra bolt or screw left over when we do it our way.
     Often our attempts to do-it-yourself can lead to costly malfunctions. Some things are too complex and intricate to leave up to educated guessing. Such intricacy is seen in life on Planet Earth. God, our Creator, has provided a basic instruction manual with guidelines, case studies, testimonials and even some step-by-step instructions for many daily situations. While everything we encounter in the human experience is not spelled out verbatim in scripture – there are key references, notable parables and plentiful examples to help us live the life of promise God intended.
     Find a version of the Bible that best explains God’s word in a way that is clear to you; join a Bible study and ask God for His enlightenment of the scripture. Read the book. Some like to start with the Gospels, but if you prefer a little more action then read the story of Achan (Joshua 7:1-26) and see how God showed Joshua how to figure out a “Who-Done-It” mystery.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a Victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Enjoy the weekend; see you on Monday. Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Sticks and Stones

Job 5:21(ERV) - 21 People might say bad things about you with their sharp tongues. But God will protect you. You will not be afraid when bad things happen!”
      In elementary school we used a line that seemed to protect our self image and self esteem whenever bullies or hurtful children would speak unkind words to us: “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” We were taught that taunting words from nasty people should not cause us to rise up in anger but to dismiss them as foolishness. On occasion merely saying those quick words would give us enough courage to walk away from our assailant and go on about our business without any further recourse.
       God tells us in our scripture today that there will always be people along our life’s path whose whole ambition is to taunt, discourage, disagree and distract us from our purpose by their words. Some of these words may be hinged in fact, but distorted to cause pain and other words are just plain lies fabricated to destroy our character and confidence. Don’t listen to foolishness; and even if what they say is true who are they to judge or to broadcast? Those who want to help will bring correction in loving and caring ways; those whose hearts are filled with venom will seek to break you down.
     God reminds us that he is constantly protecting us and that the sharpness of their tongues is no match for his terrible swift sword which is steeped in truth and love. He will protect you – let him. Don’t fight unnecessary battles with loud mouths. There are chatterboxes all around us. Their only mission is to use hurtful words to throw us off course – not gonna happen!!!!     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a Victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Extended Blessings

Deuteronomy 29:14-15 “It is not with you alone that I am making this sworn covenant, 15 but with whoever is standing here with us today before the Lord our God, and with whoever is not here with us today.”
     We have all experienced a situation where we happen to be in the right place at just the right time and we reap the benefits of things we often know nothing about. It was not expected or planned but it seems a favor or blessing just dropped into our laps. We are of course happy about the windfall and often we do not take the time to question what we might have done to deserve the grace. One of the benefits of being a child of the King is that he loves to lavish us with unexpected gifts. These gifts can range from great parking spaces; specials on just the item you needed to buy at the store and even the disappearance of a headache. Regardless of what the situation, the outcome is in our favor and we love it.
       Today’s scripture tells us that the covenant promises of God are not just for the few, but that they benefit the many. Even those who were not around at the time of the initial announcement still get to enjoy the benefit of the fallout. As we venture through this life we will all see opportunities to rejoice about the goodness of living in the overflow of God’s blessings. God is so gracious that when he blesses someone else, his bounty is so great that others will also gain from the blessing that was distributed. Oprah’s, Bill Gates’ and J. Paul Getty’s blessings all spilled over to those who had nothing to do with their initial or prolonged success. God used them as a catalyst to spread his goodness. So it shall be with you also. God is so giving and loving that he cannot help but share his love with his children and in doing so that love permeates everything around. Bask in the glow of being under the covenant.
      Take a moment to reflect and think of how God’s blessings have come to you when you least expected it and give him thanks and praise.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a Victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Do Your Part

Mark 12:17 (RSV): “Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they were amazed at him.”
     It’s Tax Day in the U.S. and millions of citizens are scrambling to get their returns completed before the deadline. Many proactively filed their returns as soon as their filing documents were available and probably have spent most of their refunds already. Some others like me might owe taxes so we wait until the last moment before we have to send Uncle Sam even of dime of our hard earned cash. Never the less our scriptures remind us that we live in this world and must obey the laws of the land. For it is God indeed who gives power to those in authority. 

      Good, bad or downright unfair, the tax laws and rules should be followed. The system is flawed and all the bandage remedies and sure-fire revamps shall never fix the issues. The only system of government that shall surely be beneficial to all is the one that Christ shall set up and reign over upon his return. Until that glorious day we need our taxes dollars to fund our municipal services, social programs, mental and physical health facilities, law enforcement and the list goes on. If each of us does our part, we can make a difference. So render unto Caesar that which is his, but remember to give unto God the things which are God’s –obedience, trust, faith, praise, worship, etc. The return you get from God is so much greater than any tax refund. The benefits far outweigh the sacrifices.
     So use this tax day as a reminder to give to God all that he is due. He asks for so little in return for the bounty that he gives us. The fact that you can read or hear this message is testimony that you are blessed. Someone suffered a stroke or had a bad accident last night and right now is fighting for the ability to speak, hear, see and comprehend. The fact that you are reading this message on your computer or cell phone is testimony that you have possession or access to technology. In some places in this world, the blessing of consistent access to electricity or internet service is a treasure. 
     Many of you reading this message are already at work. There are millions of unemployed or underemployed righteous people who would love to make enough money to even have taxes taken out of their paychecks. So don’t worry or hassle about tax time. God will provide everything we need to give Caesar his…as long as we give God the first and the best.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a Victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Resurrection Power

 1 Corinthians 1:18 – (NKJV) –“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”
      Yesterday my son Steven and I attended a vibrant and inspiring Easter service where the hallmark of the message was about our life after the ‘resurrection’.  Pastor Rowena Silvera-Beck reminded the congregation that the true power of God’s plan lies in what we do after we allow Christ to ‘rise’ in our lives.  It is not enough to just go through the hoopla of ‘passion week’ with the ceremony of entering into the newness of a situation like Christ rode into the Jerusalem.  It is not enough to mourn the death of things that need to be sacrificed as Christ proved to be a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable for our livelihood.  It is not enough to just rejoice as we see the new light of day as the stones of captivity are rolled away from imprisoning us.  What is really important is what we do now that we are free to make the most of that for which Christ sacrificed his life. 
     After his resurrection for the forty days before his final ascension, Christ appeared to his disciples and many within the region.  He appeared to mourning women who wanted to prepare this body for proper burial; he appeared and cooked breakfast for his followers who had returned to the sea; he appeared to men on a dusty winding road walking and talking about him.  Christ shows up in our lives daily and the Holy Spirit is with us always. Use the next 40 days of power to garner the best that God has to offer.  Speak with authority to those things that need to manifest themselves in your life and rebuke those issues that need to finally die.  This is the time of power!.  Use it to God’s glory.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a Victoriously GREAT day!  Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Friday, April 14, 2017

How Dare We!

Matthew 20:19 – “And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock, and to scourge, and to crucify him: and the third day he shall rise again.”
      If you haven’t seen the movie “Invictus” which stars Morgan Freeman, portraying the role of South African President Nelson Mandela it is worth the viewing. The plot was of Mandela’s push to resolve political and social issues through his support of South Africa’s lagging rugby team. One scene in particular struck a chord with me and pushed a reactionary button. In order to motivate the players, Mandela had them visit his old prison cell at Robben Island where he spent the majority of his 27 year incarceration. The captain of the team stood in his small cell and with arms extended measured the width and girth of the narrow confinement. He reflected on the enormous measure of a man that was imprisoned in this shallow tomb-like enclosure.
     As I watched the movie, with the strength of a tidal wave, the spirit of the Lord overcame me; I could see Jesus with his arms stretched out wide, standing in the gap between me and God; bringing us back into union. I felt my eyes well-up with tears as my soul shouted to my total existence…’how dare you?’ How dare you complain about anything? How dare you wallow in the shallowness of what you believe you lost? How dare you not trust the God of all creation? How dare you be impatient with God’s timing?
     As we commemorate the death and burial of Jesus Christ this Good Friday I challenge you today…. look at your circumstances – stretch out your arms and measure the breadth and depth of what God has you in to help you trust him more….. How dare we not go, when he is the way? How dare we lie to ourselves and others, when he is the truth? How dare we not see, when he is the light? How dare we?
     Jesus died, was buried and resurrected all in harmony with the salvation plan that God put into place before the foundations of the world were even established. If God had a rescue plan in place for mankind before he even created us; then surely God has a plan for us in the simple circumstances that we face day to day. How dare we? How dare we sit down and become null and void… How dare we waste precious time being afraid, jealous, petty, insecure, anxious . . .? Jesus took care of all of that at the cross. Get up and get about God’s business. Don’t waste another moment. We are new creations in Christ. Get up and make your mark – be about your purpose!
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a Victoriusly GREAT day! Be blessed! Happy Resurrection Weekend.  See you on Monday!  Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Choose Wisely

 Acts 5:3 (NRSV): “Ananias,” Peter asked, “why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back part of the proceeds of the land?”
     This scripture passage refers to the decision that Ananias made when selling his property under the pretense of giving the entire proceeds to the developing ministry. Others before him did the ‘right’ thing and lived up to their promises; however Ananias for whatever reason decided to give just a portion of the available funds but lied about the option. The property and the money were his to do with as he and his wife pleased but they chose to take the low road of deception. Paul acknowledged that Satan was the ultimate culprit in the action, but Ananias had succumbed to the temptation of listening to the deceiver and he and his wife both immediately died in the midst of speaking their lies.
       No matter how important it might seem or how easy it might appear, do not be fooled by the cunning ways of the evil one who uses even schemes cloaked in good deeds to trap God’s children. If the deal seems too good to be true; if there is a pressure tactic that requires you to make a fast or rash decision or if there are more questions than there are answers - stir clear. As in the case with Ananias sometimes we will be presented with options that make us go against what we have promised to God, even if God never asks for anything. But just as with anyone else when a promise is made, we expect the parties involved to be faithful to the commitment. God also expects us to live up to our promises.          Every day we are provided with options, opportunities and choices. These prospects give possibilities for us to leave imprints of ourselves on the lives and livelihoods of others near and far. We know that our actions affect not only ourselves but can impact the lives of others for the better or for the worse. Let your decisions reflect your faithfulness in honoring God
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a Victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Something Borrowed

Good morning! It’s Mid-week and today's power scripture comes from Mark 11:2 (ESV): “Go into the village in front of you, and immediately as you enter it you will find a colt tied, on which no one has ever sat. Untie it and bring it”.
      Jesus was about to start his triumphant ride into Jerusalem when he instructed his disciples to locate and confiscate his mode of transportation. He rode upon a donkey’s colt; being a beast of burden it looked contemptible, not of very good pedigree; and being a colt, never before ridden, was probably rough and untrimmed. Known for their stubborn nature, no doubt this untrained beast was most likely rude and ungovernable and possibly unruly enough to disturb and disgrace the seriousness of the occasion.
      As I read about this part of the Passion Week story I thought about the borrowing of Jesus. I am a firm declarer, as stated in Deuteronomy 15, that I shall be the head and not the tail, the lender and not the borrower. But I had to reconsider some things when I thought about the fact that Jesus was a borrower in a certain sense. Jesus borrowed a child’s lunch to feed a multitude; he went upon the water in a borrowed boat; ate the Passover in a borrowed room; was buried in a borrowed tomb and here we see that he rode on a borrowed colt.
      Some might give a sideways glance when people ask to borrow things. We are so used to our things being mistreated or not returned that we often do not like to lend things out. From the recipient’s point of view, borrowing might be the difference between freedom and captivity. Over the past few years as I have lived and testified about the transformative power of God’s grace on my life, I have been on the receiving end of many things borrowed. Borrowed housing, borrowed technology, borrowed funds and in almost every case, it was God who spoke to the hearts of the givers and did the ‘borrowing’ on my behalf. Whether it was pride or just the fact that I had always been able to take care of myself and my family, I often found it difficult to ask for things; so I truly believed that God allowed or put me into positions of being without until I accepted the reality that my being in the borrower’s seat allowed someone else to be in the giver’s chair. It has been a humbling and soul strengthening experience to be the ‘borrower’. I realized that we are our brother’s keeper and how can we ever experience the joy of giving if there is no one to receive. There can be dignity and humility in being the borrower. Do not be ashamed!
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a Victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Go Boldly!

Mark 11:9 (ESV): “ And those who went before and those who followed were shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
     The scene opens as Jesus enters into Jerusalem riding on the back of a young donkey colt. The crowd is enthusiastic and heralded his arrival and entrance into the city. Jesus was not oblivious to the fact that in the crowd and lurking all around were enemies who constantly plotted his demise. He did not sneak into the city incognito, or attempted to go under cover. There was no need for anyone looking for him to search diligently because he came in, not only openly but with announcement and pageantry. This surely was an encouragement to his followers who were intimidated by their enemies’ power and rage. By seeing how bravely Jesus showed no reaction to their malice was a supportive form of defiance. Jesus was not hiding and in the rejoicing he was not cast down or forlorn by the thoughts of his approaching sufferings. He joyously celebrated with those who cheered him with praise. He came, not only publicly, but cheerfully, and with acclamations of joy.
     As you enter this week, do so with passion, power and courage. Some of you might be returning to the job or school or an assignment after spring break. Others may be transitioning from one assignment to another, experiencing reservations, uncertainties and skepticism about a new venture. Do not be dismayed. Just as Jesus rode into his certain destiny with dignity and grace; go forth into this week with the fire of the Holy Spirit in your bones; the Word of God in your mouth and the Light of the World illuminating your path. There is nothing to fear and no one can shake you from what God has purposed for you. Don’t worry about failing or disappointing anyone; God already knows your end from your beginning and he loves you unconditionally. He will put the right people in your path, the right resources at your disposal and the right timing to make sure everything is in divine order. Do not hesitate to GO BOLDLY!
    Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a Victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Monday, April 10, 2017

Operate in Authority

John 14:10 (NKJV): “10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works.”
     Imagine this... a father has just settled down to watch his favorite sports team play against an old familiar rival. He has his favorite snacks and beverages nearby; the 60 inch flat screen television is hooked up to the Bose™ sound-a-round home theater speaker system; he is nestled in his favorite easy chair with remote control in hand. The game is just about to begin and he is poised to see the opening coin toss when he hears a loud banging on the front door. He hurriedly races to see who is there so he can return for the kick-off. It is his college-aged son who had been practicing soccer maneuvers with his friends at a park a few blocks away; he wants to come inside to get a drink of water. The dad opens the door and asks, “where is your key?” The son responds that he left it in his room. The father shrugs his shoulders and returns to the game. Just as the game approaches the close of the first quarter there is a rattling at the front door then a series of taps. The father, once again disturbed from his viewing pleasure, opens the door. It is his son again. “I thought you got your key last time!” inquired the father. “I grabbed this key off the dresser but it is the wrong one, I guess”, replied the son.
     Back in front of the game once again, the father is enjoying the sportsman’s challenge that the teams are displaying when the doorbell rings. Getting a bit bothered the father goes to the door only to find his son’s friend standing on the porch. “Hello Ryan, what can I do for you?” “Hello Sir, Melvin did not want to disturb you so he sent me to ask if we could borrow the pump to put more air in our ball.” “Sure, hold on, let me get the key to the garage for you.” “If you don’t see the pump out there you guys will have to go to the gas station to use their air pump.” “You know what…Here is my master key ring, when you finish just shut the door and give the keys to Melvin.”

Just as the game was about to end, with the scores tied, the father was on the edge of his seat when he hears a rapid succession of loud car horn beeps coming from the driveway. He goes outside only to discover that Melvin and his three friends are all piled in his sedan and Melvin is leaning on the car horn. “What’s the problem?” shouts the annoyed father. Melvin replies, “we do need to go to the gas station to use the pump; but we are hungry too.” “While we are out, could we swing by the Pizza Palace to get something to eat?” In the background the father could hear cheers from the television as he missed some important play of the game. Frustrated he approaches the car and reminded his son of what it means to operate in authority, for surely his son had forgotten a very important lesson.
    Have you forgotten the authority that God, the Father, has given to you? Do you leave home without the vital keys that will open doors that he has already made available for you? Do you hastily use the wrong keys on the wrong doors when God has clearly given you free access? Out of shame or embarrassment do you send others as intercessors to ask God for your own needs, when you have the authority already in hand to handle your own business? 
     When opportunity arises do you operate in the full authority and power that is given to the one who holds the master keys? On the 7th day God rested after he had provided all that we would ever need. And to really hammer the point home, at the cross Jesus told us that “it is finished”. Salvation is set; authority is sure. Stop bothering God with trivialities when he has given you all the keys, access and authority you need to enjoy life to the fullest. You know that God never slumbers nor sleeps; so at least let him enjoy the game. Be bold; operate in authority; take the keys and handle your God-directed business.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a power-packed GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Friday, April 7, 2017

No Traps!

Psalm 91:2-3 – “This I declare, that he alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I am trusting him. 3 For he rescues you from every trap and protects you from the fatal plague.”(TLB)
    As a part of my good stewardship campaign for 2017, I have been working diligently to pay off outstanding bills, reduce overhead and get as much out of debt as humanly possible in this debt-generating world that we occupy. I prayed about the right moves to make; which bills to establish payment arrangements; which accounts to close and which to just pay off. With the uncertainty of contract work it is difficult to often establish consistent payment plans but God gave me confidence and peace so that I am not in conflict about my debt-to-income ratio.
      God’s promise is that he alone is my refuge; my place of safety. He knows all about the finances, the paperwork, the people involved and every decimal place holding my financial life together. He is my God and I am trusting him in every aspect of this endeavor.
    My most heartfelt prayer was that God would not allow me to fall victim to the schemes, scams, and greed of unscrupulous companies that promise help with debt consolidation or to get credit ratings back on track. I am a true to life biologist and not well-versed in the world of financial planning, so much of the jargon seems light years away from my knowledge base. I decided to ignore the commercial propaganda and follow God’s plan as outlined in Proverbs. In our verse for today He said that he would rescue me from every trap, every snare and every scheme that tries to trap me. I am fully aware that rescue could mean two things. 1). His forewarning could eliminate my ever being ensnared or getting tangled up in treachery or 2)I could be led down a wrong path and he provides a way of escape. Either way it goes, I am fully confident that God is going to make sure that in the long run I will be debt-free and positioned to help others.
     If there a venture you are heading into; a home you wish to purchase; a business you want to start; a legal matter that seems to be going awry or even at your present job if you feel like the flood waters are rising too quickly - get in the life raft of Jesus and know that he is fully capable of calming the sea; and God is able to trip up the fowler’s snare. I don’t know what new setbacks might arise or what new projects might be on the horizon to help stabilize my financial future; but one thing I am certain of as sure as rain is wet and that is God shall be gloried in it because no matter what the outcome I am going to give him praise!
   Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a Victoriously GREAT day! Have a GREAT weekend. See you on Monday! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Make That Call

Genesis 33:4: “4 But Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck and kissed him, and they wept.” (NKJV)
     Today’s scripture text refers to the meeting between two brothers who had been estranged due to deceit, anger and fear. Jacob had stolen the birthright of his older brother through a conniving scheme cooked up by their mother Rebecca. Once the plot was successful, Esau’s anger grew into a pre-meditated murderous fever. Jacob left, fleeing for his life. Now many years later Jacob is returning home and humbly approached his brother hopeful that revenge is still not on the front burner. To his dismay not only is Esau not intent on killing him, but he is eager to greet him and rekindle the brotherly relationship they once enjoyed.
     In spite of his apprehension and even the report that Esau was accompanied by more than 400 men, Jacob pushed forward to make the reunion a reality. He knew that it was important in his destiny to return home and reconcile with his brother, no matter the cost. Consider your own situation. What you are afraid of? What has you acting apprehensively? Do you have someone in your family or a close friend who you have avoided because you just did not want to face the unknown of what would happen if you contacted them? Have you delayed in speaking with people who you were once close to because you have made certain changes in your life of which you believe they would disapprove? Do you stay away from family gatherings or job outings or church fellowship meetings because you want people to love you the way that you want instead of accepting them for loving you the way that they know how?
     Jacob might not have been totally sure of how he would be received, but he prayed about his decision to return home and he knew that God’s hand was upon him. You know that God wants there to be harmony amongst his children; therefore any acts of love, reconciliation and forgiveness are surely under his hand of guidance and protection. You have no need to be afraid. You just might be surprised that the Esau of your situation is eagerly wishing to see you return. And if it so happens that you were the one mistreated then take a lesson from Esau and accept willingly and openly those who come back seeking to reconcile.
     If you read the text of this initial reunion carefully you will notice that nothing is mentioned about the past, the deceit, or even about forgiveness. The brothers focused on family and the concerns of the present. Shallow your pride; kick fear to the curb; pick up the phone and make that call. Don’t text or email or send a message by carrier pigeon… make a call and ask the Holy Spirit to direct your words so that God is glorified, the situation can be rectified and relationships can be fortified.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a Victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed –

Dr. JoAnn

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Laughter - The Best Medicine!

Job 8:20-22: “20 Behold, God will not cast away the blameless, Nor will He uphold the evildoers. 21 He will yet fill your mouth with laughing, And your lips with rejoicing.22 Those who hate you will be clothed with shame, And the dwelling place of the wicked will come to nothing.” (NKJV)
     It is true that he who laughs last, laughs best. We have all experienced some heartache, disappointment or setback which produced a season of discouragement or despair. No matter how strong or focused we are in our Christian walk, each one of us will experience something that by design is capable of shaking our faith. Job’s life was one of great prosperity and purposeful prayer yet he experienced earth-shaking, mind-blowing, hair-pulling, will-bending disasters which would tempt the greatest amongst us to question the motives behind God’s purpose for such anguish.  
     If you have ever felt as if you had hit rock bottom and were hopeful only because you were so low that the only direction to go was up; then you understand how Job must have felt when one calamity followed another. Yet in all of his grieving he knew that trouble does not last always. We might shed a few tears; come upon some stumbling blocks that impede our paths; see some of our plans go up in flames, but in the long run if we wait upon the Lord and keep courageous, we will find joy. Job spoke of this joy in a special way , as unbridled laughter. If we continue to trust God for our turnaround, our new venture, our new position, we will experience, not just a feeling of contentment, but we will see our tears turn to laughter.
     I have always had a great sense of humor and find laughter an easy mechanism to alleviate stress. I know that it is a gift from God and I pleasure in the ability to find something funny in just about any situation. Looking on the brighter side of things helps us to remain grounded when it seems as if our whole world is being tossed and turned. Job had no plausible reason to rejoice, nor did it seem as if there was any great change about to happen for him when he spoke these words. He might not have known why the events had taken place; why the loss of his children; buildings; livestock and servants. But what he did know was that he had a special relationship with the Creator of the universe and that relationship was one of promise. We have that same assurance today. We only have to trust and obey. As the saying goes – “When you can’t see God’s hand, trust his heart”. 
      You know that God loves you and wants only the very best for you. When you have prayed fervently for something and you don’t see any change in your circumstances; continue to stand in the midst of your storm and proclaim the goodness of God. We might not recognize the presence or provision of God but we do know that his nature is one of Holiness and Love. Find peace and joy in knowing that this love surrounds us every day. Laugh at the devil; for he is defeated. Laugh at yourself because God will bring you joy.
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed!

Dr. JoAnn

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Careful Wishes!

 John 15:7 (NRSV):  “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask for whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”
We have heard it under many circumstances; “be careful what you wish for – you might just get it.”  I don’t know too many people who don’t want their wishes to come true. We would like to believe that what we truly desire will manifest itself, just because we believe. The real issue is not in the manifestation of the desire, but in the desire itself.  What is it that you are really wishing for and wanting to have happen?  That is where the ‘care’ must be taken. As believers in Christ we trust his word and know that he is truthful.  Therefore if Christ gives us the parameters around achievable wishes, then it seems plausible that we must exercise caution in what we wish for. 
When Jesus proclaims our liberties to wish and receive those wishes; they are bound up in two parameters.  The Expanded Bible (EXB) relates this way: [If you remain [abide] in me and ·follow my teachings (my words abide/remain in you), you can ask anything you want, and it will be given to (be done for; come to) you]. So I believe that if we remain united (joined) with Jesus and follow his commands, then our wishes will be in alignment with the desires that he has for us and they will come about upon our asking - some instantaneously, some over time.
This means that my asking should therefore be in harmony with what God has purposed for me.  As I ask for revelation, clarity, forgiveness, etc, these things are in alignment with what God wants for me along my life’s journey, so he is apt to bring those desires to fruition.  If my wishes are for things that are detrimental or distractions to my walk with him, he loves me so much, he will not make them a part of my reality or he will withhold them until I mature or progress to a place where I can handle them properly. 
Every parent wants and prepares their child to be independent and able to exercise their freedom, but we would never give car keys to an 10-year old, even if they were tall enough to reach the pedals and see over the steering wheel. No matter how much experience they have driving a go-cart, they are not ready to handle an automobile.  So they can wish all they want but as responsible adults we know what is best.  God hears your wishes and he knows what is best; so make sure you are careful about your wishes.  Wishes show God your maturity level and how many more lessons you might need to repeat before you can move on to a higher level of responsibility.

Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a Victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn 

Monday, April 3, 2017

True Vine

John 15: 1-2 - “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch of mine that bears no fruit, he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more.” (RSV)
      Experiencing some hardships that just keep surmounting? Feel like you have gone from the frying pan directly into the fire? Each new level bringing you yet another new devil? Count it all joy! Yes! Joy! Jesus tells us that as long as we are connected to him we have life- for he is the living true vine and we are his strong branches. Our strength is given to us through the renewal of our faith and our following his commands. Jesus promises that our life will be one of richness and abundance. That might not necessarily translate itself into riches, fame and fortune; but the richness embraces a wealth of peace and joy in knowing that we have our sins forgiven, the surety of salvation and promise of eternal life.
      Just as a gardener cuts the stray and weak branches off of a prize rose bush in order to make it strong and bear heartier blooms; so does God prune us to allow our gifts to manifest more readily and with greater promise. For the best results gardeners often prune bushes down to a very low stump. To the untrained eye it might appear as if the plant has been destroyed, but the skillful gardener not only knows when to prune, but with what instruments and how far to cut to allow the bush to thrive. God is the master vine-dresser and he knows just when your pruning season is most effective. He also knows which tool (trial, tribulation, adjustment, challenge) to use for the best results. Most of all he knows just how much you can bear and he prunes you to the place of your greatest deliverance. Many joke and say – “that which does not kill you - only makes you stronger”. In a way it is true; but God never intends to kill, hurt, harm or even embarrass us. His intention is always for our greater good and his ultimate glory.
     Each time you believe you are just at your ropes’ end. Remember it is just God pruning you for even better, grander and more productive fruit bearing. So tie a knot on the end of your rope and just hang on!
     Every day is a good day; it is up to us to make it a victoriously GREAT day! Be blessed! Dr. JoAnn